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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22262522 No.22262522 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you learn something with this. There's a reason there's regulation; there's a reason why there is redtape on relentless speculation. It's to avoid massive unemployment and huge economic downturns that hurt the little guys, including yourselves. Now we're having another huge financial crisis. Congratulations.

>> No.22262546

It doesn't help that the government isn't punishing "them"

>> No.22262572

The dollar is down 20% in six months. Stop pretending being out of the market would have been a good thing. Not being braindead means you are still up 5-10x. Seriously. Stop.

>> No.22262608

>BIS regulation (basel II) makes it illegal for investment banks to sell or reduce exposure to us mortgages. Housing bubble happens people lose wealth and have to work more exactly what the keynesian regulators wanted.

kys you fucking communist shill

>> No.22262611
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This nigger watched a hollywood movie and he is now an expert on financial crises. Get a grip kiddo.
The 2008 housing crisis happened BECAUSE of regulations. The government (Freddie Mac & Frannie Mae) guaranteed housing loans for EVERYONE. So every min wage nigger like you got a loan from the bank to buy a house he can't realistically afford. Bubble happens, bubble pops, everything goes to shit.
Remember this kids, EVERYTIME thr government puts it's hand into market it creates a distortion. For every action there is a reaction, ALWAYS.

>> No.22262613

>Be me
>Be long on property, gold, silver and online retail
>Literally up 500% in 6 months
Based corona chan

>> No.22262712

I couldn’t finish this movie
Steve Carell is Michael Scott, I cant watch him as some other character

>> No.22262755

found the kikejew64

>> No.22262758

>The dollar is down 20% in six months.
Relative to what? Down about 7% relative to the euro.

>> No.22262782

>There's a reason there's regulation; there's a reason why there is redtape on relentless speculation.
how’s that regulation working out for you now cuck?

>> No.22262797

No dumbass its the opposite

>> No.22262918

Found the austrian.

>> No.22263102
File: 45 KB, 645x773, TtsaWgKzg1Ucl29D8ucslGTMlO6Tbumqqgb7ZbCclk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Found the austrian.

>> No.22263139
File: 464 KB, 822x851, convexity squeeze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know why you did it.
for the STONKS!

>> No.22263204
File: 10 KB, 255x198, b0a2649e6ad88e54eff7b808e7373d41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wealthy bank owners speculated with help from the government so all regulation that avoids speculation to keep is safe is bad

>> No.22263250

They speculated because government guaranteed every loan with tax payer money. No government guarantee and no one would hand out speculative loans for fear of losing money. Simple as.
Get back to me after you advance further from econ101 buddy.