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2226124 No.2226124 [Reply] [Original]

As someone who is deeply involved in th cypto community and has taken part in a dozen ICO I am warning all newcomers to not perticipate in BAT ICO.
Their statments are either blatant lies or exagerated to the extreme.
They raised the ICO cap from 15 to 24 million just a few days before the ICO.
They have not announced the ETH price depsite the fact they already should have if one beleives their official statments. Why? Because they are waiting for ETH to crash.
This ICO has such a strong Scam smell to it..Stay away form it.
Just hold ETH and BTC and get rich.

I wont even get into the nonesense they say about their project.
Literalyl nobody can answer why any user would ever turn advertisments on.
the bats you recieve whil looking at adds cannot be sold..
Its just dumb and overly optimistic.

Dont say you were not warned.

>> No.2226138

yes because brenden eich of javascript, netscape, and mozilla is going to pull a scam on everyone and ruin his reputation forever

how stupid are you and how bad is your fud attempt

>> No.2226174

>look we got a celebrity.
Dman you are a moron. They dont ive a shit about investors in the token..
They dot care about BAt price. They simply get their eth and do whatever they want.
All the yare doing is trying to suck the blood out of their earliest adopters..because why not.

>> No.2226220

They actually have a browser that has been out and i have been using as my default for over a few months now. So they know how to ship a product at least. co creator of SNMP is on board and as a network engineer, thats pretty cool. So, I think im going balls deep

>> No.2226274

lol they just announced a price of eth that is way below the price of eth on the exchanges. this shit is a scam already. have fun losing money by simply investing.

>> No.2226309

sauce faggot.

>> No.2226323
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He's hardly a celebrity, he's just a previous developer of Mozilla, which is now coincidentally a largely dead browser ( even though I use it )

I just really don't see this going anywhere, perhaps if it was actually encorporated into Mozilla's actual browser I'd be going balls deep

I wouldn't use it, and I can't see other people genuinely queuing to use it,

Where is the profitability of the Tokens meant to come from ? Do you really expect to see millions of companies queuing to advertise with BAT

Kik Messenger are releasing a crypto, with a reward system for it's users. It already has 15 Million monthly users

They are planning on having a 10 TRILLION market cap though, with only 1 TRIL tokens on presale

Which is why I'll likely avoid Kiks crypto aswell, majority of ICOs are complete trash now

The devs of these coins are taking public funding from 100k-20million and over charging the shit out of the coins on presales

It will turn into a dying trend, with that kind of behaviour permanently reflecting on the company and leaving a permanent stigma

>> No.2226325

just wathc the token section on their website they will update the price shortly. its been set to a much lower price of eth then the price of eth is now. you invest and already lose money.

>> No.2226334

Like it has done with
Cripple Ripple (XRP) and loads of other ICOs in the last year

It's sad really

The ZrCoin ICO looks like something new though, different anyway. I'm not invested but will be watching it play out

>> No.2226336

Listen to these guys.

>> No.2226338

he fucking founded mozilla, was CEO, and created javascript. the guys only bad shit on paper is the prop 8 crap.

>> No.2226369
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Invest in it then, just saying the ICO is probably so overpriced that you'll get shegged in the ass

Like majority of ICO in last year

Aeternity, wanted 1BTC for 5000,

Under what planet is aeternity already worth hundreds of millions, why the fuck would you pay that much for the tokens just because (((ICO)))


>> No.2226397

I'm more excited for Bancor, dunno what I'll do. Like another anon, I used Brave... so I really should have faith. I'm still worried about the hype, but I'm not as experienced as some investors/traders here.

>> No.2226413

aeternity is a scam though. like confirmeda scam by several people. BAT is unique and the team isn't randoms. i am OG BAT and will be putting in like 1-5K.
idk where everyone is seeing the hype. i am the only person on 4chan and reddit and ycombinator that thinks its a good idea. ridiculous.

>> No.2226458
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Sorry, I should reiterate how inexperienced I am. You're right that compared to many coins, the amount of media attention seems much smaller now that I look. I'll keep researching today, but I've always had faith in Eich, just not in advertisements or his browser gaining significant market share. But again, this is a newfag looking in. Maybe my hesitation will encourage the bulls to go in hard because they know people like me might buy FOMO once it hits an exchange. I certainly don't think this should be blown off as an e-celeb coin or something, lol. The concept is there... just scared it won't scale. With jewgle being shit, I should have more faith.

>> No.2226549

What did you think of Adel or the ADL ICO ?

Looked different, and the price wasn't outrageous like aeternity

>> No.2226640

They are valuating 1 ETH at $155 when ETH is a lot more than that. That is such bullshit. You guys can go to the slack to see the shit they're pulling.

>> No.2227078

wow that's such an obvious fucking scam

>> No.2227109


I've read up on BAT a lot.

You know what really bothers me? There's no mention of it anywhere on this Brenden Eich's personal website. It really seems like an insignificant thing in his life he's lending his name to. From everything I've read it feels like a scam but I'm going to wait to see how the market reacts to it when it hits the exchanges.

>> No.2227121

good point

i'm gonna sit this one out, seems really overpriced

>> No.2227144
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That detail and the fact that they were almost a hour late supply the address info today on their website really makes me think these faggots give no fucks and this purely cashing in on the crypto hysteria right now.

I've read everything I can about it and the info for this project is contradictory and doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Also this Brandon Eich faggot had his career destroyed when he donated to anti-Gay causes back in the late aughts. He's probably totally fucked on money right now. Just putting that out there.

This project has tons of red flags for me.