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22260866 No.22260866 [Reply] [Original]

why is crypto always fucking over smart people? real bad times are on the horizon, and these fucking morons propped up a number of obvious pyramid schemes to then rug-pull the entire space. fuck this is some bullshit

>> No.22260900

>why is crypto always fucking over smart people?
Literally what the fuck did he mean by this? Crypto only “fucks over” mid-wits and retarded pajeets like (You)

>> No.22260909

the greater fool theory applies when many investors make a questionable investment, with the assumption that they will be able to sell it later to "a greater fool". In other words, they buy something not because they believe that it is worth the price, but rather because they believe that they will be able to sell it to someone else at an even higher price.

>> No.22260930


smart people don't by rat poison squared, they make real investments

>> No.22260945

Everything is fucked. Bonds, precious metals, equities, options, crypto. Just waiting for the next event to make it worse. Nothing ever gets better

>> No.22260949


>> No.22260971

I've been invested since 2015. I will never get over having 50% of my crypto net worth evaporate in three days, especilly when more progress is being made than ever before.

>> No.22260983


Smart people are the ones actually creating pajeet tier scam projects then rug pull like that Band officer chink. Look at Sirgay and his Json parser project or CZ and his centralized exchange. They’re the ones getting richer fucking brainlet because they’re smart and not feeding on scraps of food token scams like a fucking brainlet.

>> No.22261048

Yes, the smartest people are the ones giving themselves the supply.

>> No.22261052
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What do you mean fucking over smart people? Smart people are only holding BTC & ETH and real stocks. Retards hold shitcoins

>> No.22261053

That Yield farming stuff Sushi etc. were warning signs. We should have all sold as soon as they started popping up

>> No.22261067

There is weather in crypto. Right now a ill wind is blowing through the space caused by all the shitcoins with inflated values. While it is looking like crypto winter for shitcoins, Grandpa coin will be fine because he wears a sweater and goes to bed at a reasonable hour.

>> No.22261070

ETH and BTC took a fat shit today

>> No.22261084

Smart people know when they are coming up short. Only people making dough are the grug tier brainlets and >130iq

>> No.22261113

Still up from buying at $6000 BTC and $160 ETH. It sucks you didn’t have money to invest in March, when smart money was buying.

>> No.22261256

Retards will continue to buy shitcoins and bitch and moan here about the latest scam they were roped into. Just buy BTC and a little ETH and wait 3 years. You dumb faggots.

>> No.22261325

What’s your next buy in/bottom price?

>> No.22261382

the worst economic contraction in human history has started and both you faggots think crypto will behave normally? we could easily correct another 40% from here

>> No.22261387

Literally everything except shitcoins is not fucked.

>> No.22261421

People treat crypto as a ponzi, nothing else. Smart people will usually try to be cautious and a lot more patient, which pays off for most of them.

>> No.22261430

>smart people
>losing 15% in 24 hrs

>> No.22261450

I bought LINK at 30c kid calm down

>> No.22261557

>Its not the money its the dreams that vanished
Down 70% in 3 days. Thanks based kyle from bzx.network

>> No.22261588

“...and wait 3 years”

>> No.22261605

This was the worst investment out of all for me. I didn't put most of my ETH in it, but still. It seemed really surprising to see fuckups like that happening, I sold after the second one at 1.13 cents.

>> No.22261632


>> No.22261706

>3 years
fucking lol

>> No.22262032

Good on you i just was too busy with rl shit and couldnt really sell into a bloodbath. Would have been a good decission though. Will sell the recovery and look out for the next gamble i guess... Down 300k in usd :')

>> No.22262387


The contraction is already over you idiot, the entire devoloped world is back to growth.

>> No.22262417

>no vaccine
>growth back to normal
dumb fuck

>> No.22262525

I think I tend to underestimate just how stupid most people are. I didn't think so many people would fall for the yield farming scams.
Too many retards got fucked over when the rug got pulled so in hindsight yes, the yield farming scams were a huge sell signal.

>> No.22262554

holy shit never put serious money into crypto

>> No.22262742

poorfag ledditor fuck off

>> No.22262807

>Is waiting for a vaccine
>Calls anyone but himself a dumb fuck
Hope the shot serves you well midwit

>> No.22262839

The global economy is waiting for a vaccine, production is way down. Go back to /pol/

>> No.22263301

smart people are market makers they either have huge %'s of liquidity pools or they bought 1-5% of the supply to dump on retail dumbasses like you OP youre not smart

defi is amazing though cuz its one of the few places you can make a safe 1% a week in any market

>> No.22263329

I'm up like 20,000% over 5 years. kys

>> No.22263344

im a 2015er i literally owned 2% of xvg's supply bitch

>> No.22263375

Get comfortable with losing even 100k

>> No.22263422

Don't expect to get rich overnight. Thats the biggest mistake investors make - pure greed.

Always take profits as you go along and rebuy during the dips. Its a cycle and you have to patient.

>> No.22263478

anyone who gets that is a fucking retard btw
already have my exemption
read bertrand russels book "impact of science on society" pg.50 literally talks about creating a slave class of people using vaccines and diet who wont be able to psychologically be able to resist authority/dictatorship

>> No.22263497

wont be able to psychologically resist authority*
alex jones tier but actually real lmao

>> No.22263552


>> No.22263677


And the sky is blue fuck up cunt.