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22253818 No.22253818 [Reply] [Original]

reminder that it doesn't matter how much your internet meme coins are worth, because nothing matters and never will.
everything is going toward heat death. all paths lead to the same nothingness.

>> No.22253832

link will solve the entropy problem for just 32 million

>> No.22253849
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>> No.22253877
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Cringe and not comfy-pilled

>> No.22253922
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>> No.22254359
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you will die sooner or later. the memories of everyone you loved will be erased forever like they never existed.

>> No.22254724

unfalsifiable model based on presuppositions and conjecture
atheism is gay and space might not even exist phaggot

>> No.22254835
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>> No.22255309

youre gonna burn in hell for not believing sinner

>> No.22255636 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 360x640, 1562429008902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you on the other hand, IF RIGHT, will get to spend eternity with an insecure faggot who condemns people to an eternity of suffering for not believing in him while living in a world he created that he planted full of evidences against his own existence

>> No.22255672

>nothing matters
nothing matters to what/whom?
I’m getting mixed messages here op

>> No.22255676 [DELETED] 

you on the other hand, IF RIGHT, will get to spend eternity with an insecure faggot who condemns people to eternal suffering for not believing in him while living in a world he created that he planted full of evidence against his own existence

>> No.22255697

Ok and?

>> No.22255718
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you on the other hand, IF RIGHT, will get to spend eternity with an insecure faggot who condemns people to eternal suffering for not believing in him while living in a world he created that he planted full of evidence against his own existence

>> No.22255768

That’s actually kind of comforting

>> No.22255855

>I’m getting mixed messages here op
then ur low iq

>> No.22256028

preach nigga, preach
so why are you still alive?

>> No.22256077

because suicide doesn't matter duh

>> No.22256090

can you answer the question

>> No.22256119

very low iq

>> No.22256133

OP is just a doomer who doesn't want to go through with what he preaches, clutching onto hope, wishing for it to deliver him from his existential dread.
No mixed messages here, just OP being a pussy
kek, larp

>> No.22256170

so no I guess
no he just doesn’t know what he’s talking about

>> No.22256332

OP is an unironic atheist in 2020 that is so cringe and low iq
he literally wants people to install nofreewillnoagency.exe, nothingmattermeloncholy.exe and clinicaldepression.exe even though subscribing to a worldview would be based on an arbitrary configuration of neurons that people wouldnt have any control over anyway
literal believes hes an NPC and wants to share his mind virus with other NPCS subscribe to his grand narrative so theyre miserable too lmao pathetic

>> No.22256456

If nothing matters, post your address here. Somebody might pay a visit to you, friend.

>> No.22256668

the only person here coping is i bet you dont even have six figures in meaningless internet points lmao

>> No.22256693

is u*

>> No.22256948

we do have souls btw and the thread was semi bait wanted to see arguments against me but u guys weren't very convincing 3/10
god clearly doesn't exist tho, our souls are coded in the physics of the universe we just don't understand that part of physics yet

>> No.22257007

disappointed you didn’t try to answer my question 2bh

>> No.22257016

extremely low iq

>> No.22257078

it’s a really simple question, do you care about inquiry or not

>> No.22257117



n-nothing matters to anyone?

what's wrong with that statement?

>> No.22257161

“it” matters to a lot of people though, so the evidence seems to contravene that statement

>> No.22257326

ok so you're indecisive going all in between 2 promising cryptcurrencies. you feel like whether to pick A or B matters a lot. you go all in B. soon afterwards they both proven to be scams, go to 0, exchanges delist them and all bagholders lose everything. did it actually matter whether you picked A or B? no the outcome woulda been the exact same. that particular question mattering was an illusion you had due to low iq

>> No.22257400

>no the outcome woulda been the exact same
why do dying and oblivion “matter“ so much in your metric? it seems extremely arbitrary

>> No.22257425

why do you think they matter so much

>> No.22257449

but yeah let's say there are things that matter and things that don't.
in that case where you're spending the next of eternity is probably amongst the set of things that do matter.

>> No.22257534

> everything is going toward heat death. all paths lead to the same nothingness.

these are your words, not mine, and apparently the rationale behind your declaration that “nothing matters”. Are you now retracting this logical assertion?

>> No.22257551

>let's say there are things that matter and things that don't.
fair enough

> in that case where you're spending the next of eternity is probably amongst the set of things that do matter.

yes I suppose that’s your choice to believe that

>> No.22257556

>its unpleasant and I dont want it to be true, therefore it cant be true

>> No.22257623

i don't think we're actually going toward heat deaht.
but if we are, then yeah, if an action stops having any kind of effect at some point, the action stops mattering at that point in time. if an action you commit now does stop having any kind of effect on the universe, it only had an effect for a finite amount of time. if time is not finite, it will have absolutely no effect for an infinite amount of time. therefore, to me, if an action stops having any sort of effect at some point that action doesn't matter.
if it's all going to heat death, then nothing matters.

>> No.22257651

> if an action stops having any kind of effect at some point, the action stops mattering at that point in time.
“mattering“ to who or what?

>> No.22257659

to anyone or anything

>> No.22257714

it “matters” to many people though

>> No.22257742


many people have the illusion that it matters (... due to low iq)

>> No.22257771

now you’re arbitrarily deciding what matters and what doesn’t, based solely on your feelings... how are you any more rational than they are?

>> No.22257813

well, according to my feelings, if i'm given 2 options, and my choice changes nothing, they both have the exact same outcome, what i pick of the 2 does not matter.

you feel like it does?

>> No.22257864

>they both have the exact same outcome
I feel like you’re fixating on an extremely arbitrary metric and giving inordinate weight to the fact that death exists, leading you to make blanket claims about reality that are not wholly rational

>> No.22257884

well then you're feeling wrong, due to low iq

>> No.22257940


Yeah, this is a good thing. Everyone deserves entropy, for different reasons. Every arrogant asshole will see their strength and accomplishments crumble into nothing. Everything that suffers will find peace.

>> No.22257944

you know the butterfly effect. the lives of literally every human being ever existed almost certainly still matters today in some ways. if all matter on earth was turned into hydrogen tomorrow, then the actions that didn't alter the amount of hydrogen gained out of earth would stop mattering from tomorrow.

>> No.22257966

>well then you're feeling wrong
I mean it’s been clear from the start that you don’t really care about understanding reality, you simply want to declare that things are such-and-such and are increasingly forced to contend with the fact that you do not have that power and do not create truth by fiat

it can be difficult to cope with, I know

>> No.22257997

>stop mattering from tomorrow.
I would ask again, matter to who? But as I already knew from the beginning, the the answer is you

>> No.22258005

*and the belief that they ever really mattered would turn out to have been just an illusion

>> No.22258023

but you're doing the same thing. only difference is that
my truth >>> your truth

>> No.22258050

>we do have souls
>god clearly doesn't exist tho

reminder that whatever cafeteria worldview/spiritual framework you personally find convincing isnt objective truth™

>> No.22258065

I haven’t taken a position at all, other than to point out that you make declarative statements based on feelings, not logic. What you’re saying isn’t even particularly interesting or new, it’s an irrationality as old as the human race

>> No.22258111

yeah and all people who said it were basing it on feelings, not logic. only YOU base your beliefs on logic, not feelings, certainly not just live in the illusion that you're the one doing so, due to your low iq.

>> No.22258164

my feelings about reality were never articulated here nor debated, yours were, and yes yours are indeed founded on a faulty and illusory premise with a subsequently faulty and illusory conclusion

>> No.22258196

bro just go back to /lit/

>> No.22258235

everything would have been determined by the initial conditions of the system in that framework
anyway prove space isnt fake and youre just a boltzmann brain like entity with inbuilt memories

>> No.22258263

>everything would have been determined by the initial conditions of the system in that framework
no not determined, just influenced. it doesn't need to rule out causations beside past events.

>> No.22258283
File: 181 KB, 383x396, 1597285826246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to be 18 years old to post here

>> No.22258290
File: 134 KB, 670x670, themachine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is going toward heat death
What a lack of imagination.
What is our purpose ?
Well, our purpose IS to defeat the universe heat death itself.
We will ultimately become an enormous inter-galactic gigantic hive-mind machine that expand faster than the speed of light (Yes.) in all direction, devouring all the matter and re-arranging it to serve our own self-preserving purpose.

>> No.22258324

>its unpleasant and I dont want it to be true, therefore it cant be true
retarded reasoning i could say to you since most spiritual systems have a concept of eternal judgement or at least some severe punishment so how is that not more unpleasant or horrifying

>> No.22258340

kek and now youre just making up your own system of physics to allow for free will and souls lmfao

>> No.22258363

arbitrarily defining things is his shtick

>> No.22258410

>prove space isnt fake
there are clearly physical phenomenons that don't have locality (~~~space doesn't exist for them) e.g. quantum entanglement
but for ordinary matter... i don't want to go into that pseudointellectual debate with someone low iq like you or the other purple id guy

>> No.22258440

Who hurt you anon. You can tell us. it's ok.

>> No.22258447

a retard who doesn’t think space exists has a more nuanced understanding of reality than you do, it’s time to go back to the drawing board with this one instead of boring us with pseud drivel

>> No.22258459

sorry i was still in bait mode i have no problems with chrstians fren tho i like giving shit to them and also don't care about being actually sentenced to eternal damnation

>> No.22258529

i bleived in god until my late teens tho. a roastie hurt me, ofc.

>> No.22258574

phaggot guaranteed you couldnt even pass undergrad math courses like real analysis 1, 2
why are you even assuming you have the faculties to assess reality?
youre basing everything on unfalsifiable models and conjecture and probably some reliabilist epistemology im just as justified to believe that outer space doesnt even exist and that we cant even go to mars all i have to go off its existence is that i can see some object referred to mars in a rudimentary telescope

>> No.22258609

w-wait you meant OUTER space does not exist. jesus christ kys retard

>> No.22258651

what is underdetermination the thread
what is epistemology the thread

>> No.22258686

Roasties have hurt us all at one point. What we choose to take away from that experience is what will mold is into who we must become.

You should care about your soul anon it is the only part of you that will continue after this mortal realm.

>> No.22258746

>space might not even exist
Why are sky daddy invalids so eager to discredit themselves

>> No.22258779

human beings are vulnerable to all kinds of psyops, it’s kind of our thing

>> No.22258796

but that's the thing anon. we don't know what makes for a better or a worse life, we only know what makes for a happier / less happy life.
i don't care about happiness so i don't care about spending an eternity in hell. even if i was literally given the choice, i'd go by gut. but there are a million ways a soul (~some form of information that isn't destroyed when your brain is) can carry on, and, come on, the bible is SO full of shit like everyone agrees like do you seriously believe the earth is 6,000 yrs old? so even if there's an "infinitely intelligent" being behind all this (the soul can still exist without there being one) it's entirely different than the bible would make us believe.

anyho i'm just saying i'm fine with going to hell, and would 100% rather go to hell than go to heaven but be forbidden to question some things (e.g. the existence of god) but i don't go against the teachings of jesus for the most part, and also really respect the character itself, like one of the greatest characters in human history regardless of how much of the gospels is actually true.

>> No.22258799

im not even saying it is its just a stupid thing to worry about or to let affect your worldview/day to day life OP is a great example of how people can be pathologized by weaponized grand narratives, worldviews based on what some model a gay nerd made

>> No.22258831

wait is this really just about post-christian angst? wtf

>> No.22258839

no im thru that anon. i just like arguing with christians gained a lot of value out of it.

>> No.22258857

are u fucking stupid? what does that matter now? there are tons of experiences to be had, why the fuck would I care what happens when im not here anymore.

>> No.22258862

bruh I’m sure it’s been fun but you synthesized a bunch of spooks

>> No.22258869

>everyone agrees
bro Dr. John C Sanford literally pioneered the first genetic modification techniques at cornell and his research turned him into a young earth creationist from an atheist thats just one example he's not the only high calibre ivy/oxbridge contrarian

>> No.22258894

ok i used wrong wording. what about the universe. i know space doesn't to you so just gtfo and kys

>> No.22258935

I'm not gonna live long enough to see the heat death of the universe. Why wouldn't I try to make the limited and precious time I have on this earth as enjoyable as possible instead of whining like a faggot? It mattering or not is irrelevant.

>> No.22258946

Sanford isn’t being rational either though, as he’s completely wrong about deevolution, I don’t know why he would advocate YEC but even smart people can believe really stupid things... see this thread, for example

>> No.22258994

more and more researchers are coming out against these monolithic grand narratives that really arent based on anything other than a narrative and presuppositions you might like reddit more

what about the universe? how do youre not a boltzmann brain

>> No.22259004

you don’t even have a definition lol

>> No.22259043

>Not everything I do has meaning. The universe is so big yet we are so small. Nothing we do matters. We are all dust in the wind. Therefore, I will whine and complain. Nothing matters but my whining definitely does. I am so deep btw.
What a faggot.

>> No.22259046
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It's not a very good argument to say that because something will eventually end that this means it doesn't matter. If anything for that very reason, it matters even more. And just because something doesn't matter to the universe doesn't mean that it doesn't or shouldn't matter to me.

>> No.22259049
File: 122 KB, 750x750, tEJLz7V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'human' makes no sense you fucking retard to boot our physical bodies are so obviously just a matter of blind evolution jesus christ its so ineffective and so shitty for conciousness and god made us to his own image just kys like seriously or at least don't reproduce

>> No.22259050

would it “matter” if he was a Boltzmann brain just experiencing a memory? from his perspective he would have will and functionally that is identical to what we’re experiencing now

>> No.22259069

You're going to burn in hell for doing a shit job of convincing me.

>> No.22259089

normally it does matter, because normally it has a lasting effect still. e.g. on you, then you actions will have effects lasting indefinitely long.
but if it actually has no lasting effect, it doesn't matter. you know, a tree falling in the forrest. ofc it matters in practice, but in the thought experiment it clearly doesn't.

>> No.22259110

>but if it actually has no lasting effect, it doesn't matter
it’s such a weird declarative to make

>> No.22259121

i already explained to you 5 times come bakc when you gained 80 iq points

>> No.22259127

>we do have souls
What do you mean by soul if you aren't religious?

>> No.22259144

something that's affected by your human life beside the classical physical space and via classical physical phenomenons

>> No.22259160

your explanation is that you personally feel it “does not matter”, by that I suppose you mean that because something lacks an eternal quality it doesn’t actually exist or something? it’s extremely unclear what you’re trying to communicate

>> No.22259173

ok. my definiton of matter is having an eternal quality. there.

>> No.22259216
File: 38 KB, 460x353, efe943ba3f92dcb44c2f2c330b7e4dd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just making that claim. Why does something matter only when it lasts indefinitely? There doesn't seem to be any basis for that. But you also didn't address my other point "just because something doesn't matter to the universe doesn't mean that it doesn't or shouldn't matter to me".

>> No.22259221

ok but why would that be important in any way?

>> No.22259228

At least I won't have to wagecuck in this meaningless universe

Any other religious claim is unfalsifiable.

>> No.22259260


>if i'm given 2 options, and my choice changes nothing, they both have the exact same outcome, what i pick of the 2 does not matter.

'why' is a dumb question btw. you can go on arbitrarily long and no matter in the end be unable to answer it. and even during the way you're destined to give wrong answers. asking why is a sign of stupidity desu

>> No.22259273

Okay, with this answer now I am 100% sure you are a midwit. This could possibly be the most retarded train of thought I've ever seen. Please go back to plebbit. They would love you in r/atheist.

>> No.22259275
File: 810 KB, 1061x1058, brave_VLEcxAYAyQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is this thing that's affected by my life that isn't physical space? How do we know it exists? How do we know it's a soul?

>> No.22259307
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because we need some fundamentally new physical phenomenon for anything to actually matter, and i believe the universe actually matters.

>> No.22259318

why would you believe its a trancendental thing and not just an illusory abstract concept thats blindly produced by evolution to encourage self-preservation you could even argue (im not btw) that religiosity has the same function since it encourages people to endure hardship instead of just killing themselves at any threshold of discomfort

>> No.22259325

>you're destined to give wrong answers
well yes thats imminently obvious from your responses, calling it destiny is bit of a cope fren

>> No.22259344

Wut is heat death

>> No.22259365

fuck the physical space part btw im just incredibly sleepy. i just meant on effect of your life outside the physical phenomenons we can currently observe.

>> No.22259371
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Did you link me to the wrong post? They seem to be agreeing with me here. But anyway by your definition of matter (>>22259173) you are just simply changing the definition instead of using it how most people use it.

This is also the third time that I'm saying this. But you also didn't address my other point "just because something doesn't matter to the universe doesn't mean that it doesn't or shouldn't matter to me".

I asked two other questions:
1) So what is this thing that's affected by my life that isn't physical space?
2) How do we know it's a soul?
>because we need some fundamentally new physical phenomenon for anything to actually matter
Why? You just continue to make claims without doing any explanation as to why that is the case.

>> No.22259393

>"just because something doesn't matter to the universe doesn't mean that it doesn't or shouldn't matter to me".
if you don't matter then things that only matter to you also don't matter

>> No.22259408

>2) How do we know it's a soul?
it'd take too long to exlain and im too sleepy so soz ill think about it maybe but i think ill just go to bed and ull have to wait with ur enligetment till i founded my religion

>> No.22259464

>literally makes up his own religion with the unjustified existence of souls to cope and says other people who dont subscribe to his beliefs that hes personally convinced of are coping
go back to lit

>> No.22259477

from his frame of reference they do matter, so your point is moot
sounds boring 2bh, nighty night

>> No.22259479
File: 20 KB, 540x397, 94cfc1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't matter then things that only matter to you also don't matter
Yes if I don't matter to the universe then what I doesn't matter to the universe. But that's irrelevant to me and most other people. No one needs to be validated by the universe. My life matters in my subjective experience. It doesn't need to be objective.

Why do you keep on responding to a single sentence that I make? You literally just ignore the vast majority of my questions and arguments.

>> No.22259500

it’s not about debate dude he’s just up his own ass at the moment
take it as a lesson in interacting with this sort of person

>> No.22259519

then anything mattering is just an illusion



>> No.22259534

Understanding that: nothing will matter after space and time change a certain amount

And confusing that with: current space and time having no repercussions

Is retarded..

>> No.22259569

you’re essentially saying that inquiry is unnecessary and we should just make up facts about reality, which is pretty much mega cope from a philosophical point of view

go to bed!

>> No.22259585

night king sorry being rude

God bless everyone in this thread I hope you guys find Christ.

>> No.22259668

oops nah it wouldnt its just a matter of epistomology

>> No.22259715

fair enough, I think we’re more or less on the same page. this thread makes me nostalgic. good night to you anon

>> No.22259801

same bro was an enjoyable thread

>> No.22259861

Find one. One photo. One photograph of the entire ‘continent’ of Antarctica from ‘space’
Go ahead, I’ll wait. One photo.

>> No.22259892

you are a fucking weeb and probably a tranny as well so death is favorable in comparison

>> No.22259975
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>> No.22259997

so they have faked pictures from all parts of earth from million of different angles, but they cannot fake antractica? it's beyond their abilities, it's unfakeable?

>> No.22260025

>Condemns people for not believing in him
Lol? At least get it right retard, you're condemned for the retarded shit you do on earth, like being a huge faggot for one.

>> No.22260026

Did you not just read me? You dumb fuck. Find one. And post it.

>> No.22260041

the post i replied to specifically said "youre gonna burn in hell for not believing"

>> No.22260067

have you guys taken the schizo pill yet

>> No.22260069

and a lot of christiants actually beleive that non believers go to hell no matter what. they just don't voice it on imageboards, keep it for their church communities

>> No.22260097

that guy is actually a pilot and a legit schizo but now im just like why not i guess the land could be level or something

>> No.22260122

>asking why is a sign of stupidity

>> No.22260139

No, the universe is made up of matter.

>> No.22260378

Interesting responses from those pilots. But seriously. Very seriously. There does not exist one photo or real image of Antarctica. My point... Everything is not as it seems.