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22239049 No.22239049 [Reply] [Original]

Minimum wage in the 1960s is the equivalent of 60 dollars an hour in today's money.

>> No.22239104
File: 292 KB, 828x759, 3E24AB63-8E1E-43AD-81ED-6617685AF941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with your $15/hr

>> No.22239131
File: 281 KB, 828x826, CF52E64C-5C1F-434E-AB00-93D1EFDD5CAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why the fuck are houses so expensive though?

>> No.22239147


>> No.22239189

Immigration and career-oriented women not moving in with a husband

Yeah, retard. Fuck, imagine defending Jews online - you're a sadcunt.

>> No.22239248

I’m 27 and never had a job that wasn’t minimum wage. I done well in school, but I have an autistic personality, I once had an interviewer ask why I was ‘standing weird’. I lost my job due to covid despite working hard for years, so neet now but hoping to get a job being a guy that fills up vans with online orders for minimum wage. Hopefully if I work hard at that job I might earn £9.50 one day.

>> No.22239256
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Its not just inflation you niggers. Its also Purchasing Power Parity and Real Dollar Value.

Adjusted for inflation 1$ is **ONLY** 8.75 in 2020. Adjusted for PPP and RDV minimum wage in 1960 is equals to 35$ today


>> No.22239274

minimum wage was 1 dollar an hour in 1960. So a minimum wage worker would have to work 11,900 hours to buy a median value house.

Median House price today is 320,000. a minimum wage worker would have to work 44,137 hours to buy it.

real wages are a quarter of what they were.

>> No.22239278

Sounds like an alright job if you're allowed to wear headphones on your boss' time.

Couldn't be me though, I'll be a NEET forever.

>> No.22239307

So does this mean that middle aged immigrants should be paid $15 an hour for flipping burgers?

>> No.22239308

The kikes and boomers really fucked us didn't they

>> No.22239332

You only think they shouldnt because you've been lead to believe that crumbs you get paid in is 'valuable' and right. When in reality everyone should be getting more.

If Minimum wage is adjusted to 35$ an hour should immigrants be paid 15$? Why the fuck not?

>> No.22239352


>> No.22239393

Low interest rates making the cost of borrowing cheaper.

Either that or MUH JOOS

>> No.22239413

The immigration meme is a lie, they’ll always be poor no matter the civilisation due to lack of generational wealth and unstable home life, nothing to do with a wage gap. The majority of minimum wage workers of any country will always be its own citizens. You’re being tricked into thinking the proletariat are an invader, instead of the very people that keep your country running.

>> No.22239419

Shut up and work millenial HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.22239447
File: 68 KB, 742x745, 1593266758480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>minimum wage workers buy homes in cash
>home values are a measure of inflation

>> No.22239452

>I done well in school
I dont think you did well in English

>> No.22239458


>> No.22239467


>> No.22239483

Either all wages should increase 40% minimum or cost of living should decrease 40% simple as

>> No.22239489


>just flipping burgers meme

Have you ever worked fast food or retail? It's a constant pain in the ass. I guarantee a lot of those "burger flippers" work harder than sizable portion of the white collar crowd.

To say nothing about the people working in fields.

>> No.22239512

Immigrants of any kind ruin the cohesion of the working class of society. Both the BOURGOISE and immigrants are the enemy. (This included German, Italian, Irish ect immigrants to the USA back in the day)

>> No.22239586


You gotta understand the debt pyramid, anon. For buying and holding a house to be ALWAYS a good investment that only goes up, which is the first thing boomers learned in boomer school, it means everyone who buys after you did has to pay way more. Its actually kind of ridiculous when you think about it and thats why capitalism is not just immoral but actually insane and unable to confront its own insanity

The stock market is the same way

>> No.22239604
File: 6 KB, 205x246, npc wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i need an expert to tell me. I cant use my own brain.
look up the price of housing, the price of gold. real assets and what they were priced relative to what people earned in their time.


>> No.22239607


Yeah, it does

>> No.22239638
File: 8 KB, 182x277, 103A6501-5747-4F22-B5A4-9A012A4902EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can work indefinitely if the population increases indefinitely. But birth rates bad because global warming.

>> No.22239687
File: 13 KB, 236x330, D5EF225F-1B02-46CE-9DB3-209C168EDE3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On sure buddy. I busted my ass 12 hrs in college to learn stem, and then another 10 hrs day once I got a stem job. You don’t know the value of hard work my ass.

>> No.22239693

How about both the clinically retarded third worlders *and* the Jews and complicit race traitors at the top are enemies, you fucking fag?

I don't give a shit how hard you find the job, it can be done by literally anyone. Digging a ditch is hard work but who cares? Nobody's going to pay you a doctor's salary for picking fruit because you physically exert yourself more than an office worker.

>> No.22239772


Dude do you hear yourself? This is the same insanity speaking through you like a puppet. Imagine thinking this is sustainable as long as we head unceasingly toward infinite population on a planet with already limited resources. We are already beyond peak sustainable population which is ~2B. This isnt even an environmentalist appeal, it’s an economic one. There are parts of the world that are already at war over limited local resources— and yes global warming contributes because its creating desert zones put of previously arable. land. The reason it doesnt seem like theres a problem yet is because the YS has the resources and power to further secure its resources. What do you think 100 years of meddling and 20 years of war in the middle east has been about

>> No.22239778

They shouldnt be here in the first place. Third world immigrants undercutting natives is part of why wages are so low.

>> No.22239801

My bad, phoneposting. Thats the US*

>> No.22239808

>The immigration meme is a lie, they’ll always be poor no matter the civilisation due to lack of generational wealth and unstable home life.
Relying on this is a huge gamble.

>> No.22239829


Wath Adam Curtis’ “bitter lake” which an incredible sweeping history of americas involvement in the rise of the saudis in the early 1900’s and how its shaped all our conflicts in the middle east since then

>> No.22239857
File: 616 KB, 1920x934, E4329926-9962-49F6-B52D-2D8B477440C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we don’t give out free gibs. The problem isn’t sustainable because we have our free gibs the last century.
Also, solar energy blocks your path. Also, deregulate, we have the tightest restrictions on nuclear energy. We literally could have free energy if government got out of the way, think about that.

>> No.22239879

>Bro the middle east wars were about oil despite the fact that occupation has cost way more than the discount on oil we receive from the Saudis
>Bro it's definitely not Israel using the US to expand its regional power

>> No.22239934


>> No.22240065

with all the advances in technology you would think everything would have become cheaper over the last 50 years, not more expensive. definitely government doing something to keep price high

>> No.22240119

Yeah. What happened in 1971?

>> No.22240122

Yup. But at least they will have a great retirement because they propped up the stock market!

>> No.22240190

sucks to be a wagie

>> No.22240198


>> No.22240209

get rid of 40% of the population and those numbers might sound fair. Or. Don't print another dollar and just burn all tax money.

>> No.22240392

Dumb people have to work twice as “hard”

>> No.22240573

That's propaganda by the upper class to turn the lower class against each other. You know who really has the power to affect economic policy and it's not fast food workers.

>> No.22240726

Work smarter not harder...Make sure your money is put to work for you and not being spent on dumb shit.

>> No.22240758

legit. it's all central bank policy and government screwing over the working man.

dude just gamble on crypto lmao

>> No.22241003

Immigration *is* the policy of big business, you fucking retards. Some retarded curry is not my comrade simply because we are competing for the same jobs (hypothetically, I would never actually degrade myself by being a wagie). There is more to life than material working conditions, you fucking bugmen - there's even more to life than IQ but if we were to take a hedonistic materialist approach (gay), brown people ruin the countries that they move into.

Now shoo, SHOO! Fucking fags.

>> No.22241083

>dah immigrunts bad
The most brainlet argument anyone can ever make. The elites have no country, no patriotism and they all stand shoulder to shoulder playing chess games with little insignficant ants like us.

Cultural marxism is a distraction for both sides for and against. Notice that all the billionaires got richer during the economic collapse, meanwhile everyone is distracted by dead niggers.

>> No.22241156

>Immigration and career-oriented women not moving in with a husband

>> No.22241163

I want this guy on my dodgeball team.

>> No.22241182

>infinite population on a planet with already limited resources.
this is why we need to conquer other planets, so we can keep expanding infinitely conquering every fucking galaxy, I don't see the problem.

>> No.22241185
File: 170 KB, 666x1299, 60s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The concept of flooding a country with people to supplant native workers and depress wages isn't new or hard to understand at all. With that said outsourcing has had a great impact

>> No.22241237

It's actually a real travesty and ABLEIST AND DISCRIMINATORY that I do not receive disability, anon.
You see, I apparently have ADHD which is apparently a disorder even though for people with my IQ there's a valid argument it's just what you'd call "My brain works too fast for this shit, retard." But I accept it as a personal deficiency, of course!
The thing is just, no matter how hard I try...
I force myself to behave, and get a job. I TRY, anon.
But then the first time a small-dicked, divorced, visibly miserable middle-aged man speaks to me in any manner other than with perfect respect, the old brainy-doo kicks in like,
"LOL! Haha, oh boy." And the jig is up; and I'm walking away, mirth mirth mirth, before any other part of my brain has a chance to kick in.
It's not that I think I'm better than anyone, anon. It's not that I'm not WILLING to wageslave! By gosh. It's just...I don't know...if I could put a cap on this dignity, by golly I would! Just, try as I might - and they say my disorder is incurable, so that backs me up - the second I am treated with disrespect...I'm just like "Hahaha, as if!" Against all my higher-level impulses. What can I do?
It's been such a blessing since I've received this diagnosis, though. It's such a weight off! Because now when I am forced to start interviewing for jobs, and take any I am offered, to receive my NEETbucks...this time I can be honest. In the past, unaware that I had a legitimate condition, rather ascribing all my conflicts with society to a personality flaw, I felt compelled to play along and hide all of this - can you imagine?
I look forward to my government-mandated job interviews where I explain my incurable medical condition that means I am fundamentally, medically incapable of not laughing in someone's face and walking off the job right there and then the second they talk to me with anything other than the utmost respect.
God bless meritocracy, the welfare state, and - most of all - psychiatrists
o7 o7 o7

>> No.22241269

If the fed can dump trillions into corporations then the minimum wage can get jacked way up

>> No.22241286

Support your local RWDS.

>> No.22241320

>But why the fuck are houses so expensive though?
bc of the inflation brought about by Nixon taking us off of the gold standard

>> No.22241422

>For buying and holding a house to be ALWAYS a good investment that only goes up
that's only true in places where the population is growing

otherwise housing barely keeps up with inflation

>> No.22241519

So how many silver dollars will buy me a house in the near future?

>> No.22241575

Theres zero relationship to our housing market and capitalism. Government Management of the money supply is the opposite of capitalism and is the major reason for house prices being as high as they are today,

>> No.22241737

>workers in 1960 had to work 25% as much as workers now to live the same.
>workers create 300% as much productivity than they did in 1960
look at your wages. Look at how much you made last year. If we lived in a just society that number should be 12 times as much.


>> No.22241750

Finally a person with a brain shows up to put this into words. Thank you anon.

>> No.22241938
File: 43 KB, 750x717, 1596871635715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because of credit, if regular people didn't have access to such easy credit, housing price COULD HAVE followed the same level of inflation as regular wages (ex nyc,la,sf,mia)
I wonder WHO could be behind all these loose credit policies.

>> No.22241979

Well, it IS entertaining, the dead niggers I mean.