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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 1000x1000, bitcoin-logo-1000_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
222015 No.222015[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A friend of mine borrowed $5k from me, he has no money but he says he has 50 bags with bitcoins. where can i turn bitcoins into money

>> No.222026

tell him to turn bitcoins into money and than pay you

>> No.222029

Your friend is scamming you. Not all bitcoins are worth the same amount. The old coins (c. 2011) can be really rare and have a lot of value. The newer coins are pretty much junk.

Source: Newsweek

>> No.222035


give me your bitcoins, I'll "exchange" them for you

>> No.222051

This. All the new bitcoins were stored in the mt gox vaults, which caught on fire. Unfortunately the heat from the flames botched most of the serial numbers, rendering them useless. The newer bitcoins are worth merely pennys. You should take all of his bitcoins ad trade them for SPA and maza coins, then you might actually have a chance in getting your money back. Good luck /biz/raelite

>> No.222055

All the old bitcoins (circa 2011) my bad. Sorry for the confusion OP

>> No.222119

This, OP. Send me your bitcoins and I'll check if they are old or new for free. Simply enter the above address in your send bitcoins window, put the number of bitcoins you have in the amount window, and press send.

>> No.222122

Short PRAN

>> No.222141

okay i made a picture of the coins so i hope someone can tell me if these are new or old

>> No.222147
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>where can i turn bitcoins into money


Congrats on your friend though. He turned $5,000 into $32,000.

>> No.222153
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they look like this theres about 100 in each bag

>> No.222160

they are yellow and look like aspirin some have a little white in them aswell

>> No.222266


>> No.222277

are there any strings of numbers and letters on these things?

>> No.222287

I wonder if these can be made with 3-D printers in the future

this feels like 20 years into the future

>> No.222293
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>> No.222300

Lick it. What does it taste like?

>> No.222315
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>> No.222339

I dont see any numbers on it

>> No.222345

I can make some more pictures if neccecary

>> No.222351

I think you just bought ecstasy.

>> No.222353

please do
honestly thats the only thing that could possibly make this thread any better

>> No.222354

break some

if there is no string like
or a qr code
on it, it isn't a bitcoin

>> No.222370
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When i break it it leaves behind a powdery residue. Theres alot of white greenish dots on the bitcoins

>> No.222376

Sir, I think you have drugs.

>> No.222383

So i have 5000 drugs? Not bitcoin?

>> No.222385

Is this really happening right now?

>> No.222386


>> No.222387

Yes. Go down to your nearest melanin enriched high school and make some major money.

>> No.222410

If I had to guess I'd say they're probably some bunk Molly.

>> No.222414

Looks like bitcoin to me. Why don't you call the National Bitcoin Appraisal Service, and get the government to appraise it for free? Dial 911 and tell the operator you have 50 bags of Ex (short for bitcoin EXchange request) that you want to turn in. Appraisal agents will come by your house and take it from there.

If you are lucky, once the appraisal is done, the agents might even escort you to the government exchange office to cash in your bitcoins right away. Cross your fingers!

>> No.222422

How i know if its bunk

>> No.222423

Take some yourself.

>> No.222428




>> No.222432

http://www.pillreports.com/index.php?page=display_pill&id=32890 i found this link im still not sure what the fuck just happend

>> No.222445
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I fucking love this board

>> No.222448
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>> No.222451

>50 bags with bitcoins

Nigga, what

>> No.222454

how can i get rich from bit coins.

>> No.222467
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Just do what OP did. Then you'll be rich in no time.

>> No.222473

can someone explain to me how bit coins are worth money. since someone just made them up on a computer. like if i start my own coin why would it be worth anything.

>> No.222476


Sent ;)

>> No.222479
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Bitcoins are drugs thats why they're worth money man.

>> No.222491

seriously i just dont fucking getting it. i know you are joking because i know nothing about bitcoins and other coins. but it blows my mind how this stuff is worth money. there has to be some kind of conspiracy behind this. how does someone just make up there own money and its worth real money.

>> No.222497

They are worth money because a bunch of people managed to convince each other that they will be worth more money in the future.

Just like with stocks of companies that don't pay dividends.

>> No.222496
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People give it a value for what they feel its worth, and that value is used to trade for other things. Theres hundreds of shitty altcoins which are clones of Litecoin, some of merit, most don't. Its just speculation m8.

>> No.222509

You clearly don't understand how "real money" works or has value, so it's pointless to explain how other mediums of exchange come to have value.

Simply put, a currency is as valuable as the products and services it can buy. The reason why many products and services are purchasable by bitcoin is because:

1. It avoids the established State-banking infrastructure and all of its disadvantages.
2. It's anonymous.
3. It will never be prone to inflation, only deflation a few decades or centuries from now.
4. Some enterprising companies (Overstock.com) have taken to accepting it because it is a volatile and potentially lucrative investment.

>> No.222512

so if you are just trading stuff how could you ever gain a profit.

>> No.222515

Are you asking us how stores work now?

>> No.222517

Buy selling for more than you buy for what a dumb question

>> No.222521

ok smart ass.
thats why the world is so fucked up. you are saying i dont know how money works. if i ran the world everything would be fair because the money would be worth a certain amount and it could never be changed. thats how everything would always be fair for everyone.

>> No.222520
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>> No.222523

no idiot the coins are only worth certain amounts of money. and from what i heard the coins are always there they cant be destroyed so you would only be trading for things of equal value of the coins there for you would never make any money.

>> No.222528
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>this thread

>> No.222526
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>> No.222531

>Doesn't understand basic economics and clearly has a sub-80 IQ
>Calls either people idiots

>> No.222544

Wow this derailed. Anyone knows for howmuch this molly goes in new york?

>> No.222556
File: 26 KB, 230x250, 1395117229288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is the /biz/ kniz

[spoiler] note: those last two i's should be pronounced like the i in unique because that's how i typed them [/end of spoiler]

>> No.222717


Fuck, I was like "what the hell is he talking about with bags"

Those are MDMA pressed pills, like 180mg-200mg of MDMA in each iiirc

You could sell them easily for ~$10 each in the states, so that'd work out to $50,000

>> No.222718


They'd go quick at ~$10, they're a decent press (not white dominoes or red supermans, but okay)

>> No.223018

The real question is how does your buddy not have money if he's just sitting on 5000 tabs of ex.

>> No.223026

And just like that /biz/ has it's first thread worth archiving, thank you OP.

>> No.223053
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>I just spent $5,000 on a bunch of ecstasy

>> No.223164

he has a phd in chemestry he might know how to synthesise it?
dont know.
holy fuck

>> No.223172
File: 39 KB, 267x200, welldone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sir are a genius.

This Thread.

My [ ] Sides
[ ]
[ ]

>> No.223221

This thread can't be legit, can it? Also are pressed pills still common? Where I live (australia) I haven't seen pills in a couple of years. MDMA gets around pretty much exclusively in powder/capsules. Usually about $30/100mg too.

OP you should ship your bitcoins to australia and sell them here :)

>> No.223239

at last someone made bitcoins wich are worth something

>> No.223250

hey im back dumbasses so you idiots are saying the only way to make money is to rip people off. i guess thats what basic economics are it feels great to be a human we are so smart. my iq is over 100 you nigger you just cant think outside the box like me you are just programed to do what is there now.

>> No.223262

You're an idiot then, I'm not even a native and I've seen heap of pills in Perth.

>> No.223277

West coast is completely different. Back when pills used to get around on the east coast there would always be dodgy shit, but the stuff these days generally tests free of adulterants.

>> No.223294
File: 223 KB, 640x272, ludes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.223299

Seriously though, where can I get some ludes. In that movie they say you can't get them anymore, but every year or so I see in the news "million dollar quaalude lab bust in New York" or whatever.

>> No.223515


Pressed pills are still popular in much of EU, and they're making a comeback in the US due to the rise of "molly" culture


They don't make it in most places anymore, you can get it from South Africa and a few other places but there's no real point because modern-day benzos (xanax, valium, etc.) have a similar effect but are better in most ways

>> No.223580

Make a silkroad 2.0 account or something.

Where the fuck did he get 50 bags of E anyways? No one does E anymore.

>> No.223594


It never left in the EU, and it's coming back strong in the US due to the rap culture around "molly".

I have some pressed pills right now, and did a few with some friends this past friday.

>> No.223613


Yeah that's Molly, not E.

No one wants other drugs cut up into their molly.

I'm not saying that doesn't happen, it so clearly does, but people think what they want to think.

>> No.223615

ohhhhhh myyyy goodddddd

Thread of the year!

>> No.223618

Hopefully OP isn't a dumbass and just didn't post from his home computer.

>> No.223628

Timestamp that shit, OP.

>> No.223630


Almost all MDMA you find on the streets is cut with something unless you know exactly what to look for or have a test kit

I don't think that most people who use MDMA now really know what they're looking for or what to expect, so I don't think that pressed pills/"E" vs. crystals affect their decision much

>> No.223647


It does though. People think they know what good pure molly is, 90% of the time they don't and have a lot of misinfo so they have the illusion of checking the color, taste, consistency, etc but with E you don't get that at all. You just hope to god it isn't cut with meth.

>> No.223654

This has to be a joke though, like no one is naive enough to just accidentally stumble upon $50,000 worth of ecstasy.

OP if it's real it'd just unload it onto one person ASAP and cash out for a lower lump sum amount so you don't have that problem on your hands.

>> No.223657


Fair enough, I don't know enough about the culture around the drug to argue either way, I'm just familiar with it through reading about it/buying over the darknet.

>> No.223659

>Yeah that's Molly, not E.

Yeah it's yayo, not cocaine
Yeah it's weed, not marijuana
Yeah it's vitamin K, not ketamine

Molly = MDMA = Ecstasy

>> No.223664


>> No.223667


E is used by a some people to refer specifically to pressed pills of MDMA, kind of like "rolls".

>> No.223672


by some people*

>> No.223675


E is the pressed pills which contain MDMA
Molly is just powered MDMA.

There is a different

>> No.223676



>> No.223758
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>> No.223879

Digital currency is reaching a point where we may not be able to contain it.

>> No.223901

Thread of all years.

>> No.223924

Top lel
Have fun getting v& OP
I'm hoping your posting over a proxy

>> No.223936

>Hope to god it isn't cut with meth

Speedy pills are more fun imo

>> No.223943

Or you know, ban evading.

>> No.223949

I said vanned, not banned
it isn't out of reason for the cops to hunt down a dude with 50 bags of ecstasy on him

>> No.223952

I hope OP knows how to van evade then.

>> No.224004

I can tell you now that xanax is shit and valium is quite good, but I still want ludes

>> No.224008

hopefully you're posting from a computer you have no association with

>> No.224213


Well then go to south africa and ask for some mandrax then

>> No.224231

Looks like it's time to start your career as a drug dealer!

>> No.224243

all benzodiazepines are absolute bullshit

Klonazepam being the worst I have experienced.

The withdrawals after you have taken a small amount for a month or so are so severe it turns your sensation of your skin inside out, your perception of feeling things is all fucked up among other things.

The "high" from benzos sucks too.

>> No.224249


That's why no one would prescribe you benzos for daily use for any long amount of time

Benzos and Quaaludes both have similar effects on the GABA receptors, both highs are very similar

They aren't recreational for people who don't have anxiety or people who aren't using them purposefully to black out.

Benzos are a shitty high on their own, and so is Methaqualone. If you don't like Benzos, you won't like Quaaludes, because they have very similar highs.

>> No.224288
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>The entire thread

This board is going to do just fine.

>> No.224354

ultra lols

>> No.224362
File: 23 KB, 398x500, 1393033346351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw his friend kickstarted OP on the drug dealing business and we helped him.