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File: 127 KB, 500x640, ip.bitcointalk.org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2220729 No.2220729 [Reply] [Original]

is digibyte a meme ? look at that fucking thing

why are you guys into this, sell it to me dont meme it to me

>> No.2220738

I've asked about this but the only answer I ever get is "muh minecraft server" and "muh citibank contest". Never heard a solid reason why DigiByte has a chance at success

>> No.2220745


why the fuck do we have to sell it to you. if you are truly interested do your own DD. stop asking to be spoon fed, you are a grown man.

>> No.2220747

I quadrupled my investment on DGB this last moon, and then I pulled out when shit started to crash.

Protip - everything is tied to BTC. As soon as BTC starts to fall, I abandoned fucking ship, and I'm 2000 dollars richer because of it.

>> No.2220749

>implying 4chan isn't infested with 14 year olds.

>> No.2220768

If you bought DGB above 400 satoshi and you're still holding, you're being taken for a ride. A ride directly into the ground.

They're inciting a "meme contest" on reddit right now. Not approved by the subreddit moderators. The shillers are literally automating the process of taking these poor fuckers money. These shills are an attempt to soften the effects of the dumps. RIP DGB.

>> No.2220783

easiest way to find all the news is add them on twitter. twitter is made for this, they just didn't know it at the time.

>> No.2220785


>> No.2220798

There's just as many FUD posts about dgb as there are pro-dgb posts. You're either in it or not at this point in time.
I'm hodling 43k and waiting for good news to come out of the citi competion. If they don't win hopefully they make some serious contacts in the finance sector and get funding to get their other projects fast-tracked. Either way it's a longer term hodl on dgb. I got in around 600sats so not really worried at this point.

>> No.2220830
File: 62 KB, 1191x443, dgb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey sorry to rain on your parade. You were either tricked, or you're a rotten piece of shit.

>> No.2220843

Everyone says this, but no one can say why.

>> No.2220851

Even if it is, won't the citi bank shit in Singapore cause a pump?

>> No.2220865

It's in black and white right in front of you. Are you this dense?

You want to see intense shilling? go to the digibyte subreddit. shills are scrambling to sell the heavy duty bags. they're going to have to start canceling the buy pressure and dump on the leftover buy orders. Literally look at the chart. Dead obvious indication of what's going on right now.

>> No.2220872
File: 29 KB, 480x202, 634d442facebc75116f03c1a88b04fecf563e74ca966a37fb999b20055586135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's odd, FUDDING I mean. Why would some people spend time and energy negging something that they have absolutely no involvement, interest or money in?

hmmm really makes you think...

>> No.2220875

Then why dont whales move the buy pressure up as the price goes up?

>> No.2220876

This pasta had it right from day 1:

I have lots of BTC! Now how do I maintain complete control over a cheap shitcoin's market?! I WANT MONEY! (PUMP... AND... DUMP!!)

Find a relatively new useless low volume clone coin that has a flashy and obscure platform with no direct influence on market price, and a short history of only maintaining a low price. (there are a lot of them. it shouldn't be too hard!)

Ramp up a shilling campaign saying "look how cheap this is! can only go up from here!" etc, etc "the tech is good, the developer has confirmed a major announcement, blah blah blah, platform is new and innovative! HODL THIS COIN IF YOU WANT LAMBOS!"

Maintain heavy buying pressure up to a given point on the chart!

Very gradually ease into your sell orders to create a soft envelope allowing the price to rise from the shilled buyers.

Shill out some "I told you to listen" threads, realistic blockfolio gain screenshots with the shitcoin tucked in there.

The coin will shill itself if you give enough of an illusion of potential success to these retards (they will buy it, and most of them will hold it! they wouldn't want to MISS OUT ON THOSE LAMBOS!!).

Eventually you may lose a degree of control over the market once it reaches a certain volume. In that event, just cancel your buy pressure and immediately DUMP on the remaining orders until the price at above your initial buy. Then watch another pump and dump occur naturally. Shills will automatically continue regardless of how much money the HODLers lost. If you want to continue on that coin, you'll have to put in a lot more effort and closely monitor the chart. Best to just move on to another coin! Leave that slut ravaged and gaping!

>> No.2220879


Ok, Let me take a shot at it;

Fundamental Analysis;

-Patient and experienced team; 2 year old coin
-Real Market in vidya; Maybe not in the immediate future but Digibyte is well placed to fill that niche
-Segwit activated, Digicoins block chain works quickly and effectively.
-Focused on Micro Transactions, something normies can adopt
-Austistic looking Ceo

Technical Analysis

- Look at the charts, It stabilized and seems to
be holding. It's been doing well consistently with minor hiccups.

-Other people trust it as well, Look the blockfolio threads

-It's got volume behind it, was the most highly traded coin for a few days, last week.

That is my authentic while somewhat noobish analysis for the moment.

>> No.2220899

It's not exactly easy when bitcoin is about to crash. That's why they're so desperate to get their bags sold. BTC crashing is threatening their whole operation.

>> No.2220904

please see the pasta. it fits like a fucking glove.


>> No.2220905

How is it crashing? It Suddenly gained ~500 $ in price over the course of ~3 days, of course a price correction was going to happen?

>> No.2220977
File: 101 KB, 533x492, The truth about DGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here. Sold and meme'd to you at the same time.

>> No.2221010

See you at 100 sat. Don't say we didn't warn you.

>> No.2221016

Still want an answer.

>> No.2221022

dead tech = dead coin

sell before it reaches the <200 grave.

>> No.2221069

with the amount of posts youve made you seem desperate to kick this thing down.
Whats wrong? bought in at the peak?

>> No.2221080

I think he just wants cheaper DGB.

>> No.2221097

I've got no interest in buying DGB whatsoever. I'm just getting sick of people blatantly taking advantage of new traders. It's not ethical. If you don't want to hear it I'll leave you to it.

>> No.2221109

My question, I'd like to receive an answer from you, to prove you actually know what you're talking about.

>> No.2221112
File: 71 KB, 960x958, IMG_20170528_123107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digibyte is going to be adopted by Citi

>> No.2221115

I wish there were more people like you to prevent poor /biz/nessmen from being shilled into buying at 900, rather than namecalling shills.

>> No.2221120


yup he just showed his hand

>> No.2221128

THERES been several reasons except you're too much of an idiot that you haven't read through it hurrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.2221172

Bitcoin dominance fell below 50% for the first time in history just 2 weeks ago. Has stayed below 50% for that entire time. Unless bitcoin is fixed, we're going to see a shift into ETH and fiat based markets dominating alts. Bitcoin needs alt markets or it simply dies.

>> No.2221180

>fastest coin on the market
>5 mining algos
>decentralised as fuck
>high market cap (21b) so low transfer costs

>> No.2221218

Those are all great things, and I want to like digibyte. But the shills and market manipulation are simply ruining this coin and not making it a viable investment for me. The focus is clearly on the coin itself. There won't be stability until there's a platform that can directly influence market prices. Time is a factor in the success of this coin. It's going to get stuck in a pump and dump cycle unless the big holders take responsible action. I can't count on that, based solely on the behavior I'm seeing right now with these shills. This coin still has a lot of downrounds to get through to gain strength. Not for me.

>> No.2221313

Straight facts. I'm worried for anyone invested in coins that are tied to BTCs value. Is there a good chance segwit could pass?

>> No.2221351

Like I said we'll naturally see a shift in volume towards ETH based markets if BTC takes time to recover. I'm not so sure about the technical specifics on the effect of segwit adoption. I hear that it will marginally improve transaction speed. Correct me if I'm wrong on that.

>> No.2221439

Listen, The only reason I'm messing with DGB right now is it has been going up and down since I started looking. I have been riding these pump and dumps that just don't quit. Who the fuck knows what the next big coin will be. I t won't be some coin with a stupid ass name like Doge or mooncoin. It'll be something with a catchy but professional name. No matter the technology behind it, if you name your coin something stupid it's not going to reach mainstream rich normies.

>> No.2221520

That's what they said about the last president
>What the fuck is a Barack Obama? No one will vote for a president with a name like that no matter what, it's too ridiculous!

>> No.2221536

While I dont think Barack Obama is a ridiculous name, you do admit that the only reason he won the 2012 election is due to him being black right?

>> No.2221759

Like you?

>> No.2221812

Because DGB does not have fucking scaling issues for one. Solid tech, solid audience = solid coin.

>> No.2221834
File: 27 KB, 223x223, memeboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I day trade DGB when it barely moves? what's the best buy/sell price right now?

>> No.2221843


Prices will go up the more hype builds for the Citibank competition and the Minecraft server. best get in early.

>> No.2221845


Is 600 early?

>> No.2221855

>Citibank competition
aka science fair
goodluck digicucks

>> No.2221857


No. Not at all. But other than the market completely crashing 2015-style, I don't see it going less than 550.

>> No.2221861

Haahhaha >citibank competition
And oh boy a minecraft server inb4 DDOS

>> No.2221870


t. butthurt cuck who desperately wants people to dump their DGB for no reason so he can get in cheaply

Never change, /biz/.

>> No.2221877

when will you realize that no one wants it no matter what the price is?

>> No.2221883


Volume doesn't lie. But hey, keep on shilling. Atleast that way I stay entertained while watching charts.

>> No.2221895

thats cool. let me know when gamers get stoked and line up for more micro transactions to be introduced to their games. surely they'll get behind this.

>> No.2221910


You do realize games actually make more money due to microtransactions than from the actual games sales, right?

Valve alone makes well over 400 million dollars alone each year by selling Dota2 and TF2 hats.

Either you're really dumb or a poor shill.

>> No.2221923


Add to that the multi-billion market created by streamers (which is also covered by DGB). Now imagine be able to do all of that with a single virtual currency, instead of uploading money to 20 different accounts for all your games and streaming websites.

>> No.2221937


You probably just came from a moon shill thread lmao. Get ouit of here you stupid faggot. DGB is a great coin, a great project, and has huge fucking HUGE potential, if you disagree you're an imebclie lol tell ur mum i'll be there at 3pm tmrw. thnx

>> No.2221953

That's not real growth you fucking dipshit. That just means it'll spike too fast and drop, causing a mass panic sell.. The only reason that didn't already happen is because of the artificial buy pressure. Do you know how long this coin has been cheap? There are a LOT of big bags to sell. That's the only explanation for these outrageous shills.

>> No.2221963


Not if they win the thing, dipshit. Not every hype is an automatic setup for failure. You played too much No Mans Sky, kid.

>> No.2221970

it's a $100,000 prize. that's it. there's no guarantee that citi bank is going to start doing transactions on digibyte even if they win the science fair.

>> No.2221986

>if they win the thing
So you're gambling now? That's not even a good bet. There are a handful of other platforms that share the same feature and more.. And they're business facing. Digusign has a very fickle model that doesn't even appear to have a direct market influence on DGB at all. You're literally betting on pure hype to temporarily take DGB above 1k sat. It makes ZERO sense to me. You should not be trading crypto.

>> No.2221995
File: 37 KB, 564x564, 1474768244522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>DGB is a great coin, a great project, and has huge fucking HUGE potential

That's right I'm sure Citi will be blown away by their baking soda volcano at the science fair.

>> No.2222014

All it does is adding a 21nd account...

>> No.2222018


>> No.2222023

>>2222222 fucking when REEEEEEEEE

>> No.2222036


>> No.2222042

I urge you to look at the memes pump groups have raided reddit with to spread all over twitter. This coin is fucking done my man. The shills are there merely to soften the effects of the dumps.. Not only that, but they make the community look like a bunch of scamming zealot meming retards. I'm actually inclined to believe it at this point, because nobody listens to reason. Probably because a good deal of you threw $200 into this and think that's a lot of money. Not a good look.

>> No.2222064

>11 posts by this ID
If DGB is simply not for you, which is reasonable, why do you seem so intent on talking it down? Why are you so invested in not investing? Why not simply go to another coin?

>> No.2222074

If the alt coins can handle segwit then bitcoin can. Have faith.

>> No.2222077

Do not underestimate doges staying power.

>> No.2222088

I don't know if that's taking it down.. Looks like he's just concerned about new investors being taken advantage of..

>> No.2223155
File: 799 KB, 1024x768, mmmmmm those digibytes.....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n-no, but I made some memes

>> No.2223161
File: 225 KB, 398x397, digybyte pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original meme contest thread is down so i guess i will post here

>> No.2223164
File: 596 KB, 800x800, 1495278435116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked them serial dubs

>> No.2223165
File: 212 KB, 1600x1200, just buy it, make your dreams come true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2223178
File: 130 KB, 717x717, drake digybite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably won't win shiet, like allways

>> No.2223182
File: 136 KB, 901x800, mmmmm, those profits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but fuck, I tried

>> No.2223185
File: 246 KB, 1379x2031, breaking ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never used photoshop or gimp before, rate me /biz/

>> No.2223192

what the fuck.. this meme shit has to stop. im about to abandon the ship you fuctards

>> No.2223193

dgb holder but i don't believe this at all, think it's dangerous to hype these things as they will more likely than not disappoint. dgb is up there with the fastest and most user friendly decentralized coins going, that is enough for me

>> No.2223202

LOOOL no stop anon you're making sense and showcasing facts the FUDs dont like that.

>> No.2223210

it's a 3-4 year old coin :-)

>> No.2223916

This pasta can be applied to literally any other coin on here that has a spike and consolidates afterwards.