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22231182 No.22231182 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people believe that dollars actually have any value?

>> No.22231198

Starts with a J and rhymes with News

>> No.22231409
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They're descended from metal, silver, that did have value. They believe it still has value to avoid disruption to their lives.

In 1792, the U.S. Congress passed the Coinage Act, of which Section 9 authorized the production of various coins, including:[25]:248

Dollars or Units—each to be of the value of a Spanish milled dollar as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred and seventy-one grains and four sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver.

Section 20 of the Act designates the United States dollar as the unit of currency of the United States:[25]:250–1

[T]he money of account of the United States shall be expressed in dollars, or units…and that all accounts in the public offices and all proceedings in the courts of the United States shall be kept and had in conformity to this regulation.

>> No.22231421

The public has accepted them as a medium of exchange and this is backed up by law

>> No.22231449

Because it is backed by the world’s largest military and has become the de facto currency of world commerce.

>> No.22231511
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The dollar looks like shit now, like its appearance matches how much it's worth.

>> No.22231576

Because of a occult concept call a egregore. It's basic meme magic where enough people believe in something that something becomes real.

>> No.22231625

I never knew about the mill, 1/1000 of a dollar. It still has value too, but most people call it 1/10 of a cent and they stopped minting them.

>> No.22231644

It can buy me linkies

>> No.22231654

It has value this is not refutable. If you disagree you don't know what value means. Have a good day.

>> No.22231889

Because we are retarded slaves. Jews easily rule over us with a printing press. I hate everyone else much more then the jews for being such retarded slave cattle that fall for such stupid tricks, extremely pathetic we are.

>> No.22231912

It has tremendous value because it can be exchanged for QNT, RSR, LINK, DOT, chocolate and cigarettes.

>> No.22231935

I just exchanged some for a laptop, how would that be possible if they didn’t have value?

>> No.22232010
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>> No.22232163

Half of my savings are in usd
Feels unstable man

>> No.22232173


>> No.22232379
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Unironically discovering crypto in 2015 has made me question what has actual value.

>> No.22232425


the gov demands a percentage back so you're forced to do business in dollars and there's the illusion that government somehow NEEDS to get some of the money it printed back from you.

>> No.22232428

Because when someone with 11 carriers and several thousand nuclear ICBMs says they'll trade with you for their green bits of paper, you get onboard.
So, this >>22231449

>> No.22233291

brainy post

>> No.22233333

I can trade them for goods and services.

I have to trade BTC for USD to buy goods and services

>> No.22233427

checked. BTC is finished.

>> No.22233430

I mean that's nice, but it doesn't stop the fact that and $ you save saved is increasingly worth less and less, especially now. I plan on buying precious metals and crypto, only cashing out a little at a time when I need it.

>> No.22233530

$1 will always be $1

1 BTC will be 9000, 10000, 8000, 3000, 14000

>> No.22233746

What did kek mean?

>> No.22233933


>> No.22234472

>What did kek mean?
>8ZsZ8 Is a monero subaddress
BTC flows into Monero.