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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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220855 No.220855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the easiest and best paid job? (what to study)

>> No.220868

Dogecoin trader.

>> No.220867

women's studies

>> No.220882

Professional e-athlete.

>> No.220881

wow, she's beautiful.

>> No.220885

OP, come back when you're not underage.

>> No.220972

And you will never get her to matter how hard you work at anything because you need a good face to get such girls.

>> No.220974

Im 24.

>> No.220975

>implying girls like this wouldn't gladly bend over for rich 80 year olds

>> No.220987

Being an attractive white female who isn't a complete moron (what to study: cocksuckology, personal fitness, fashion, how to seduce and enslave males)

>> No.221597
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petroleum engineering, obviously

>> No.221606


Shes already got the best suggestions to pull that off.


Exploit nerds, get money

>> No.221612

Business, economics, business economics, finance, or accounting.

>> No.221626

Anyone have the link or example for the "new age" resume format? there's a site that I remember seeing from here within /biz/ and one of the examples was remove the mission/position statement and some other things. Haven't seen a resume thread in a while.

>> No.221636

I too am interested.

>> No.221654

Depends OP
I have a well paying job with massive benefits, and I almost literally sit around doing jack shit all day.

That's all well and good. Bit I'm not rich either, just sort of middle class.
I enjoy it, but if you want a shot at becoming rich, you need something a lot more high-risk these days, preferably from the ivy league

>> No.222056


Not how jobs work, anon.

>> No.222058

I found it eventually, its the one on careercup.com

>> No.222064

>I have a well paying job with massive benefits, and I almost literally sit around doing jack shit all day
What job is that, may I ask?

>> No.222089

>pays well
Pick one.

>> No.222238

I was the only guy at Cosmetology school when I studied back in the 90's and now I am the head bikini waxer for Victoria's Secret

>> No.222279

Actuary for an insurance company.

Wouldn't say my job is easy but it's 40 hours a week plus several more of studying (which isn't so bad and each exam I pass is an instant raise plus better long term prospects as well... it doesn't feel as tedious as studying for school exams when there is a real incentive). I don't make IB money but I do pretty well for my age and get to have a life also. I spend all day in excel but the work is fairly stimulating most of the time. Typically not much rushing, crazy deadlines.

>> No.222288

what finance or accounting related jobs can i do from home?

>> No.222292

what about quants?

you sit in front of a computer all day anyway, might as well get paid to do so. take your paycheck and invest in the derivatives you're already predicting.

>> No.222301

Research the highest paying BS jobs within the federal government.
You'll always have a fat pension, great benefits, early retirement and absolute job security (especially if you're a woman or minority).

>> No.222307

>implying you actually know the looks of the poster you replied to
Way to fail @ making >assumptions

OP there isn't such a thing or else everyone would jump on the bandwagon before you. Some jobs offer a better pay rate per year of college attended such as RN (which you bust your ass off in) while in others you can mostly sit on your ass while talking but it takes too much of your own time to gain the ability to do (psychiatrist). Maybe you would prefer something more lucrative like a CPA? Doesn't earn you e-penis like a doctorate would but it's something. Or own a bunch of liquor stores at ghetto communities and being bitched at for continuing the cycle of the poor community amounting to nothing due to rampant alcoholism.

>> No.222311

>because you need a good face to get such girls.
You are a virgin. Of this I'm sure.

A good face is like... 10% of what women look for. Another ~15-20% is his physicality (do you even lift?) even more so are his clothes, sociability, confidence and career.

Signed, a guy with an 8/10 face, 4/10 body and 0/10 career. Girls only go after me if they're a bit immature and really horny.

>> No.222380

drink non-domestic beer

instant turn on for girls

>> No.222390

Honestly I think the easiest career path with decent job prospects is accounting.

>> No.222948


this actually involves work and some intelligence.

you are either monitoring or fixing thousands of lines of code, modeling and testing trade scenarios, and performing data analytics.
Plus if quant was easy then everybody would be doing it.

>> No.223088

>implying girls like this can't find young 20 year old millonaires
Sorry to burst your bubble there buddy boy.

>> No.223091

> ivy league
So you need to be rich first to become rich, just like always.

>> No.223119
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>A good face is like... 10% of what women look for.

>> No.223160

what did you study?

>> No.223189

Econ and stat. They like actuarial science, math, stat, econ, finance. Generally a good idea to pass a couple of exams in college as you pretty much can't apply for jobs without at least one.

>> No.223224

this,8/10 face, 8(9 by society standards)/10 body, and 3/10 career
>well I'm still a college student aiming for finance degree but academically no doing so well GPA wise and experience wise...hopefully scratch that by this summer I'll have improved on both

>> No.223227

I could find pictures of several old rich men with women decades younger but I don't feel like it. Hopefully someone else has the energy to.

>> No.223517
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I'm pretty sure none of them would look anything like OP's pic.

But you can get a trashy blonde. Pic related: Anna Nicole Smith with the love of her life.

>> No.224262

You dont have an 8 face.

>> No.224292

>implying girls matter
it's like you guys don't want to transcend humanity.

look at all the richest people in the world. they all have average-looking wives. why? because they know pretty girls don't make for good wives or mothers.

>> No.225235

>what finance or accounting related jobs can i do from home?
