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22229937 No.22229937[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have never fucked a woman younger than 24. Am I missing out on anything?

>> No.22229948


>> No.22229949

I have never fucked. Am I missing out on anything?

>> No.22229954
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>> No.22229964

I would always be intersected in the answer to this

>> No.22229971

I have never fucked a woman. But I'd say you're definitely missing out. Most women are busted and used up by that age. 18 year olds are at least only just getting started slutting it up so they're still ripe for the picking.

>> No.22229976

yeah youre missing out on girls younger than 24 dumbass

>> No.22229983

these "men" hold chainlink

>> No.22229998

No. Pussy is pussy.
Sex is the best when you have emotions for the girl.

>> No.22230006

More of a man than you faggot.

>> No.22230012

I took 3 girls virginities in 2019
I havent had sex in 6 months now

>> No.22230027

you're not wrong. It'd just be best if such a girl was younger than 24

>> No.22230026

how explain.

paid sex, if so which country

>> No.22230052

While pussy is pussy, a young girl is so eager to please and the sex is wilder, passionate kinda.

>> No.22230060

haha noob. Clearly never had sex before.

Older women are better in bed than young girls

>> No.22230067
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>Most advanced species in the known universe
>Denied any and all affection because my legs aren't long enough and/or the bones in my face are a couple of millimetres away from whats considered ideal

I still find it hard to believe this reality is anything more than a joke

>> No.22230084
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>> No.22230086

haha my peepee feel good and i wnt feel good
ned bobs and vagene
thank u sirs

>> No.22230093


>> No.22230113

Definitive thruth.
t. Fucked a bunch of sluts

>> No.22230131

I fucked a 18 year old and she was loose as fuck.

>> No.22230145

I fucked 3 escorts in the ass.
It's not as good as porn pretends.
Pussy is better.
I still watch anal porn. It fried my brain

>> No.22230148

Being a degenerate college freshmen and using tinder
They were cuties too like skinny shy academic types, Im mildly autistic but I kinda look Chad plus I had drug addict confidence
Now im sober and stuck at home for lockdown and shit sucks bro

>> No.22230170

fpbp, clear, concise, and to the point. and yes OP, you are missing out. try upping your game, being a sociopath, or selling drugs.

>> No.22230172

Fucking is over rated. It may sound gay but honestly the only thing we are all missing out on is raising a family. Shit’s depressing how the nuclear family got so fucked and started declining after the 1960s cultural revolution. 1950s were the peak, we’ll never experience what the boomers had. Growing up as a teen in a pure white community, marrying your teen crush you met at Church and getting a good job and buying a house, starting a family all before your mid 20s.

>> No.22230198

stopped reading after 7 words since this smells like b8, autism, or some form of mental retardation. if your dick is better than pussy, you've had some terrible pussy, faggot.

>> No.22230204

Nah dude, women stay fucking hot even into their 40s.

>> No.22230236

Anal is a mental game. It's all dominance. Fucking a chick in the ass can be super hot sometimes.

>> No.22230251

hand* but point still stands, anyone saying that their lube and porn is better than a tight, wet pussy on a fit 20 year old is the most retarded fucking thing I've heard in my entire life and proof that most of this board were never really socialized, hence why you call people who live a normal life "normies", even if they're bringing in 100k a year in a low cost-of-living area (aka not the cities)

>> No.22230263

Basing your manliness off of women doesn't sound very manly to me, faggot.

>> No.22230283

Was talking more about their vaginas. I'm currently talking to two girls that regularly give me nudes, one's 22 the other's 18 and the difference is night and day man. The 22 year old's looks like a roast beef sandwich.

>> No.22230287

yeah, you're missing out on them being exponentially more annoying than women over 25

>> No.22230295

yeah. 18 year old virgin pussy is the raw caviar and 24 year old roastie is roasted catfish

>> No.22230306

has nothing to do with sex lmao
some women have huge labia some dont

>> No.22230307

was fucking an 18 year old when i was 29, god that pussy was tight

>> No.22230314

but you are a normie

at the very least a neurotypical

my ex's shit looked like a roast beef sandwich and she was 17-18

>> No.22230326

virgin detected

>> No.22230348

Your age/height?

>> No.22230349

>raising a family
Can confirm
I've fucked
But my little kid brought me the greatest happiness. My wife is a bitch that thinks she's better than anyone, including me. I put up with her. She's taking care of the kid and he needs both of us. I regret only not having at least two kids. Don't put it off, don't wait for whatever reason.

>> No.22230352

holy cope bro

>> No.22230370
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bro this is genetic, my gf's friends get jealous about her having a "pretty pussy", meaning the labia is an innie and doesnt poke out, giving it the roast beef resemblance. most labias are hot as fuck and unless they're droopy as a motherfucker suck on that shit faggot
you sound like a fucking virgin, get out more. most pussies arent pornstar innies, its the same concept as belly buttons you FUCKING MORONS

>> No.22230389

Lol wow, dude you sounds like such a thirsty bitch. Are these the first two vageeeens you've seen?

>> No.22230402

Nico smells like fish, FISH!

>> No.22230407

My wife was 19 year old virgin when i took her virginity. We have two boys in the 95th percentile for height at their ages. Financially I'm taking a loss on this relationship, but i own a house, have sons and live in a 95% white town in the midwest.

>> No.22230415

ok normie

go die please

>> No.22230418

not everyone is meant to feel affection anon

>> No.22230452

Yep. Pussy is tighter. More flexible. She’s also generally more attached to you after sex, which makes it hotter.

>> No.22230480

Yes. You're missing out on a woman leaking her pussy mucus all over your face, bed, and crotch, getting her butt stank all over your balls, all while breathing her garlic breath in your face the entire time.

>> No.22230484

nigger Ive been in btc since 2011, I was literally raised by /b/ at 11 or 12. later in high school I fixed my social maladjustment and managed to figure out how to act like a normal human being, something most of you havent done yet and never will. I can still act like I act here but have friends and a social life. your perspectives are shit and childish, neck yourself.

>> No.22230486

These chicks are losing their virginities to tinder ONS?


>> No.22230496

Girls under 21 tend to have some stank to their pussy, tighter and wetter, but usually don’t clean as well as 21+ girls.

>> No.22230500

15 year old girls are god’s gift to man, don’t let anyone tell you different.

>> No.22230521

Dangerously based.

>> No.22230548

Fuck no, women are cancer and their arrogance to not fuck and have kids is what will kill the human race.

>> No.22230558

Couldn’t agree more. Drives me nuts when so many of my peers think they don’t want kids when clearly they simply don’t have the time or resources to raise them properly

>> No.22230560

No i unironically dated 2 of them for a couple months each
One of them was a tinder ONS tho

>> No.22230564

>Girls under 21 tend to have some stank to their pussy
I always thought it was because their hormones are raging out of control, not necessarily because they don't know how to wash down there oroperly.

>> No.22230573


>> No.22230587

sounds hot

>> No.22230600

God why do you fucking torture me like this
Its as good as it sounds bros

>> No.22230617

Nah I dated a 19 year old, she’d go 3-4 days without showering if she wasn’t getting laid. I just put 2 and 2 together and realized young girls are still young and don’t know how to wipe their ass.

Never stopped me from fuckin tiny Latin whores though

>> No.22230634

there are so many hormonal/internal factors (ovulations etc) that contribute to that it’s not even funny, not to mention if your girl has cysts (which are fairly common and cause all sorts of issues, including physical body pain). being a woman truly is a shit roll of the dice unless you’re hot as fuck and take care of yourself, in which case you’d be just as successful as a man that groomed and kept in shape.

>> No.22230675

I work in an OR so I see 2-3 pussies a day.
There are fat 40 yo women with cute pussies and young qt with a disgusting brown roast.

>> No.22230735

>peers think they don’t want kids
jewmedia convinced them they should ((live their lives)) through bars, trips and tinder
My own wife used to say she doesn't want kids and she thought she was so smart for that.
She switched to her natural mother instinct when we had a kid.

Same jewmedia that says we ((need)) immigration or else

>> No.22231023


>> No.22231191
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>> No.22231345

>There are fat 40 yo women with cute pussies and young qt with a disgusting brown roast.

>> No.22231366

True and not true, some women just have huge pussies. I didn't even know this was possible until I fucked one that had it, it was like I couldn't feel anything

>> No.22231412

Imagine you're at an all you can eat buffet with every single food imaginable in the world, the server then tells you "alright, pick one dish and that's all you're eating for the rest of your life.". How do you choose?

>> No.22231444

I think I just tasted your witing. Bravo.

>> No.22231472

Grilled salmon with lots of butter, yellow rice mixed with corn, coleslaw.

I’ll be ok forever with that.

>> No.22231475

>a kid
Jamal and Machmut have 4. Try to convince her to have more if possible, otherwise we'll be irreversibly fucked 2-3 generations down the line.

>> No.22231483
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>18 year olds are at least only just getting started slutting it up

>> No.22231489

Yes. Couple years ago I had sex with a 50 year old and a 20 year old within a 2 day period. The difference between old and young pussy was so astoundingly huge that I can’t even describe it. The 50 year old was also debatably hotter than the 20 year old if we’re comparing how they stack up to their peers