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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2219444 No.2219444 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: share your business ideas.

>> No.2219466

It's called Mylist. It's essentially a social Drudge Report that allows users to collect a daily journal of links they find interesting and organize them into categories. Intended to be used by journalists, fandoms, any groups that experience a robust daily news cycle and want to catalog all the relevant interesting stuff they see without all the clutter of a Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr.

>> No.2219503

Are you the owner of it?

>> No.2219517

You said share your ideas. It's just an idea. I don't know shit about programming or website design

>> No.2219746

That seems like a goog idea, maybe I can help you?

>> No.2219756

Sure, email me at throaway8978@gmail if you want to talk further.

>> No.2219762

sorry ID keeps changing, i promise that's me

>> No.2219776

I want to create threads on obscure websites asking people to give me ideas for business. Then take all the best ideas and make money.

>> No.2219789

Build outdoor weatherproof public spring floors near parks and shit (covered in a layer of turf or grass) and then connected the springs to a generator of some sorts.

Collect the energy and sell it back to the power companies.

Create campaigns to make exercise and shit fun again

>> No.2219946

Sounds more like an idea for an episode of Dexter's Laboratory than anything realistic.

>> No.2219954

me by the way

>> No.2220315


>> No.2220715


An app like Tinder that lets you find other people in your area who wanna fight

>> No.2220820

Drive through Walgreens/CVS.

I can buy condoms in convenience.

>> No.2220836

>get into commercial renovating
Seems easy as fuck and the people who make the decisions won't realize I'm ripping them off.

>> No.2220849

Fidget spinner dildos, it's like a fidget sinner, but it's also a dildo.

>> No.2220860

steal good business ideas from business idea threads and they pay immigrants and Chinese to execute them

>> No.2220867
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Peer to peer services network where you can request or hire anyone for anything at any price.

Unlike Craigslist, the platform actively tries to match a buyer with a seller and all payments are done through the application.

Hire a maid, or get help moving, maybe get someone to paint your house, or find some bitch to give you the succ. Whatever service you need, on demand with secure transactions.

>> No.2220877

There's already a website like this but if I say the name my post will probably be filtered by half of the users here :^)

>> No.2221182

Reddit is nowhere near the same thing you idiot

>> No.2221199

You would be better served through ledgers based on blockchains. Ironically, no one wants to share their accounting information with the swarm so it'll never take off.
I also see absolutely no reason to decentralize Craigslist, and the notion of automatically matching a buyer and seller is a terrible idea that forgoes quality of service.

>> No.2221208

Maybe you should go back there fag

>> No.2221264

Maybe you should bite my shiny metal ass

>> No.2221303

Sell hot dogs for $1 or something really cheap. Customers can only pay with credit or debit though. Sneakily hint (enough that you don't get sued) that with every transaction you sign them up for your free hotdogs trial that bills them $100 later if they yet don't cancel it.

Get rich.

>> No.2221305

This would be in public places and have to be agreed upon by the government who would probably rather just do it themselves. Great idea but wouldn't become an actual business.

>> No.2221317

this is pretty good

>> No.2221358

I think you might unto something, paying people to stop being fat asses.

>> No.2221398


Specialized niche services are way better for that thing.

> Hire a maid

Good luck not getting a meth addict that will steal your shit.

> get help moving

Good luck not getting a crack addict that will steal your shit.

> find some bitch to give you the succ

Good luck with the herpes you'll get from a tranny

Niche marketplaces and company services allow for vetting, escrow transactions and a higher degree of trust.

>> No.2221399


>> No.2221404


I'm 98% sure that already exists but I can't bother to find a link.

>> No.2221424

It's like Uber for butt plugs

>> No.2221448

So you want to create Reddit

>> No.2221525

Nope, it's specifically meant as a link diary for a variety of uses that would be far too specific for a subreddit. They are curated by individuals (or organizations) but for example, let's say you are a journalist. You read so many articles and see so many videos every day, and you want a way for other people to keep up with what you are reading online, without posting every time you read something. So people who follow you can go to your "list" and see everything you read, watched, or whatever that day.

The idea is that it would be tied to a Chrome/Firefox/whatever app that would put a little button in the corner of every page to catalog it.

>> No.2222092

A literal ShitCoin. (SHT)

Universal virtual token for quickly unlocking all portaloos and paid toilets, worldwide.

Visitor in another country without the right peso/pence/cent, or just need a quick shit and can't fumble with change? Scan your phone, deduct a shitcoin, and spend a penny, or a shite.

Economics still need to be worked out, how are they generated? Could do something with fining Indians every time they take a shit in public somehow.

Shit in, shit out. Cleaning up Indian streets, and helping westerners in need.

>> No.2222099

Yeah it exists. Rumblr

>> No.2222107

American Anime Studio with video games.

>> No.2222110

I always thought having a service that syncs with your car and automatically comes to your location and fills your tank when it hits a quarter tank would be cool. Like mobile gas trucks.

Launch it in some faggy city like San Francisco and watch the numale scum lap that shit up like mother's milk.

Would require hundreds of millions in startup though and probably die out when Tesla takes over the world. Meh

>> No.2222128

oh and the catch.....

since this is a luxury service say gas is $3/gallon you pay my company $4/gallon for the refuel. Genius really. Someone with money steal this idea I want to see it happen /biz/

>> No.2222153

>not a single viable idea in the thread
it's /biz/ alright

>> No.2222378

>free hotdog trial
>bills them

>> No.2222402

Twitter also exists.

>> No.2222413

>Change the name
>Put a shitty SJW tag on top of it like funding toilets and plumbing in India for world health (and Africa too because why the fuck not)
>Pretend le evil hacker and hate alt right hacker 4chan /pol/ attacked you for trying such a noble cause for the sake of diversity and humanity
>Watch numales around the world and foundations laundering money flow money into you nonstop
The idea is free my dude, now go get rich

>> No.2222416

dick paper
sells printer paper with dicks drawn on it

>> No.2222458

What electronical device would you fit on those toilets to open them? There should be at least 1 for proof.

>> No.2222551
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create a drug dealing business called cartel

the objective of the cartel is to have 3 working parts of the business. The investors, sellers, and dealers
this would have to all be integrated into a blockchain with enforceable contracts
the investors would have to put up the starting money and create the contract that the dealers would have to follow
dealers would start at the bottom and work their way up the ladder for bigger purchases and profits.
the seller would need a verified relationship with the investors.
If the dealer decides to beat the investor, the seller would rat out the dealer, and consequences could be figured out.
the investors earn returns when a dealer completes the contract.
with some fine tuning and adjustments I can see this working.

>> No.2222662

Here is a crazy idea:

Buy something for a low price and sell it for a high price

>> No.2222758
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Electrical Engineering cuck here. I would buy broken appliances (Washers and Dryers) from Craigslist for $30-$100 and then sell them for a 300%-700% mark up. I would sell 2-3 a month while going to school full time and made an average profit of $500 a month doing this. I spent maybe 8 hours at most a week combined with picking the appliances up and working on them (so about $15 an hour equivalent job)
Not a easy get rich idea but I learned how to work for myself and used this experience to land a comfy job in my field.

>> No.2222803
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Go to beach and sell water bottles and ice cream for like two bucks a piece... start up a restaurant in my shitty obese as fuck city that caters to carnival food and everything is deep fried....buy like 200 items for a dollar or less online and sell them for like 3 bucks in person or more locally like Craigslist something like "selling all these little toys never have Ben opened I got them from my manager blah blah"....a alcohol delivery service we deliver all kinds of alcohol at a increased price and for security reasons I'll only hire guys over 6 2" and there will be two of them to make the delivery kind of like how hooters only hires hot chick's I will only hire intimidating guys so no one gets any ideas. All these are available, I would except I'm a poor fag. What you guys think?

>> No.2223548
File: 422 KB, 887x671, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you are going to be interested in this.

>> No.2223590

A Canadian-based freelancing web platform to make it easier to market oneself as a sole practitioner in the nascent 'gig economy'. Basically, a web service where you can seek out freelance work as well as host your own profile, with in-site purchase capability like a regular e-commerce website. As a freelancer myself, I found it very hard to market myself as such aside from conventional social media like Facebook which isn't exactly the first place people go for business oriented networking, and LinkedIn and Kijiji don't exactly offer what I'm trying to provide either.
Considering making use of the Ethereum blockchain for finalizing smart contracts within the platform itself in order to expedite transactions between freelancer and client. However, this would of course require some kind of built-in dispute resolution mechanism I just don't have time or expertise to tackle on my own. My worth considering as a proof of concept.

>> No.2223732

>what is a gooblebox

>> No.2223757

where are you from, mate ?

>> No.2224003

What are you up to man? Looks intruiging.

>> No.2224922

Sent you an email. Check it out asap, thnx