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File: 70 KB, 1486x835, Tesla logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22224031 No.22224031 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think? Will it 10x or get dumped hard?

>> No.22224054

>strike dec 18 for 97 bucks. 45,000% turn up

>> No.22224074

for it to 10x it would have to have 100% of the market 5 times over

>> No.22224205

Shorting Tesla has been a widowmaker trade. It’ll have to correct eventually but when is anybody’s guess

>> No.22224271

>>>/smg/ spammer
or did they told you to fuck off as well

>> No.22224297

They have been saying that for over a year now. In saying that, it might correct next week due to the tech stocks crashing.

>> No.22224331


>> No.22224361

It's going to die so fucking hard your head will spin pal

>> No.22224366

It could be or it could be a year from now or it could crab at some level for an indeterminate period. The run up hasn’t been rational and the correction isn’t likely to be either.

>> No.22224411


>> No.22224413

I just want it to crash as soon as possible. After the crash, we will get an idea of how much it's worth. It will also shake out the weak.

>> No.22224460
File: 53 KB, 225x534, 5B3DF6FD-7CAE-4A95-AA91-1036AEC370E1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn’t mind that either but it’s hardly up to us. If only meme magic was real

>> No.22224674

how much would it get to?

>> No.22225044

Telsa is literally going to be in control of the entire battery, automotive and transportation industries within the decade. Some smart people saw this coming years ago and kept the money taps open, that's why tesla never went bankcrupt. Why the fuck would they give this 1200 P/E ratio pipedream company any money otherwise? I mean Elon alone would be crazy enough to scare off every big investor if he didn't have a perfect roadmap to a 100 trillion mcap and hundreds of billions in profit within the decade. Get in now or regret it.

>> No.22225168

If it crashes, it could go down to below $100. It is at $380. That is only if it crashes or if they massively screw up. It is more likely a bubble will burst, if it is a bubble.

>> No.22225292

Do you think a bubble exists, though. It is great that Tesla will be successful, but if the share price crashes then what is the point of investing?

>> No.22225522

10x in reverse
fucking fraud

>> No.22225555

What if the bubble is just getting started and the crash will be from $2,000 to $600? Just throw your money in and leave it.

>> No.22225559

Elon is going to jail

>> No.22225607

Damn, those digits.

Anyway, maybe you are right. I think the future looks good for Tesla, but I am worried about a crash and losing all of my money. I want to invest $10,000.

I need to think about it.

>> No.22225630


Its really not that much money given to tesla compared to its valuation. A few billion. Stock market valuation is more like a crypto coin getting pumped because every normie wants to own it. A 90% crash in inevitable when they move on the next shiny thing or just lose their money and swear off stocks for another 10 years until they forget the pain again and buy up retarded shit again.

>> No.22225715

it's the reddit version of chainlink. not many reach meme status. hold it.

>> No.22225757

(((They))) need him for Spacex so he's not going to jail.
Will (((they))) allow Tesla to fail?

>> No.22225771

Too volatile, not worth P/E Ratio.
Sorry but TSLA isn't a chainlink meme. People don't marry stocks, we only marry funds or a collection of solid stocks (TSLA not a solid stock normie)

Stinks of normie/heavy bag holder.

>> No.22225845
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This type of faith is what causes people to lose life savings.

This is not a sure thing, diversify. You might be 100% right, but don't underestimate comp to simply counter this haha.

Do you think other companies will just allow a monopoly on this, no. TSLA has been first into many things, and then undercut by comp.

Learn a thing or two about investing, then come back and shill. We aren't religious followers, only care about reaility.

>> No.22225891
File: 38 KB, 640x640, f57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and turboboomerpilled. Get with the times, grampy

>> No.22225926
File: 400 KB, 2560x1276, Screen Shot 2020-09-04 at 9.19.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always leave room for one year of projected growth.

$131.12 x 1.412 = $183.56

Since it's tech with hype lets do two years out

Two years of growth = 131.12 x 1.824 = $239.16

This is using FCF with data from last quarter Jun 29,2020

So it's a little behind but not enough for justification of the current price

>> No.22225927

buy NIO

>> No.22226118

Cheap Chinese crap? No.

>> No.22226153

other car companies' EV designers still haven't figured out that drivers don't want to drive something that looks like a homosexual golf cart

>> No.22226177

That's funny is that Tesla loses less money the less cars the sell, because they lose money on each car. Sales are down YoY, the business is shrinking, yet they are priced like investors are expecting 1000x growth. Despite the company already being in the top 10 largest market caps. But sales are down YoY, meaning less money lost running the money losing business, so an operational "profit" possible with the latest big tech accounting methods. EV credits are ending, and other companies are making their own EVs now too. They don't have to compete with Telsa, they just pump out some PoS EV and don't have to pay Tesla EV credits anymore (thx government). 80% of Tesla's revenue is EV credits, so when that ends they'll have to issue more and more shares to stay afloat. I wonder how many retards there are in the world to keep sinking money into this black hole money scheme of a company.

>> No.22226194

15 years from now Tesla will be to the 2020s what pets.com and Worldcom were to the late 90s

>> No.22226241


Other companies just make EVs to satisfy government mandates. They could give a shit if you buy one, in fact, they probably make them ugly so people don't buy them. They make no money on those things without government subsidies and the last thing they want is more big government fucking with their business.

>> No.22226273

Tesla is worth about as much as the top 5 car producers in the world, who account for half (40million) of the cars sold on the planet per year, combined. Tesla sold 370 000 cars last year, accounting for less than .5% of the cars sold last year, and the vast majority of their profits are from selling carbon credits.

Do you think it is worth its valuation?

>> No.22226284

Tesla are undeniably the best EV car manufacturer. This year is terrible for everyone due to the pandemic, not just Tesla.

They are working on superior batteries that will eventually drive down the prices of their vehicles. They will become cheaper for normies to buy.

Just about every company is losing money due to the pandemic. Regardless of that, Tesla posted their 4th quarterly profit too. They could get into the S&P 500.

>> No.22226316

>government mandates

>> No.22226321

You also have to consider their potential and other sides of their business. They have enormous potential; more than any other company.

>> No.22226471
File: 205 KB, 720x952, tumblr_p1l8po2rxh1ujxx66o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as they keep laundering money for the sinaloa cartel and quietly providing meth precursors, I give it another year tops.

Also, def won't happen before the election. Political protections will expire after.

Also the buy volume is still surprisingly strong. So will take a while

>> No.22226479

Can't afford all but the most OTM calls or puts so I'm sidelined either way.

>> No.22226514 [DELETED] 

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>> No.22226518

Yeah, but their entire valuation is based on potential. They are basically a 400b company that doesnt make money.

>> No.22226521

We saw that millions of people were buying it when it was above $2000. Now that it is $400, there will be plenty of room for it to hit 4 figures again.

>> No.22226546
File: 67 KB, 1000x621, if-only-you-knew-how-bad-things-really-are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna get dumped hard. Jesus. It's the definition of a meme stock that went euphoric.

>> No.22226564

They are getting close for a company that spends nothing on advertising. If they pump out a few advertisements and wait a few months, it could take off.

>> No.22226595

Oh look, the same graph that gets posted here 1 million times a day that is relevant to any stock. Nice.

Use some critical thinking.

>> No.22226605

Mate, Tesla is a small fry in an ocean of sharks. It's not going to have a monopoly. You know that saying "Pioneers get the arrow, settlers get the land"?... well. it's completely applicable to Tesla. Your posts reeks of cope, sadly.

>> No.22226656


Watch this. This guy has been right on Tesla for years. He still holds Tesla and has bought more recently.

>> No.22226662

>Anyway, maybe you are right. I think the future looks good for Tesla, but I am worried about a crash and losing all of my money. I want to invest $10,000.
>I need to think about it.
Are you shaking in your boots anon?
>Use some critical thinking
I did. The conclusion: This time isn't different than any other time. Fuck off zoomer.

>> No.22226675
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x1200, 12_80060030_p10_YCIR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back from a ~2 hour night walk. I feel so calm. This dip no longer bothers me

>> No.22226710

He has a conflict of interest. He owns shares and therefore wants them to go up and is hinting at retard normie boomer retail investors to hop on the bandwagon so he can get his bags pumped and then sell to a greater fool. If you want to go in on Tesla, fine. Just don't do it this year or in the next 6-12 months, really. Just my 2 cents.

>> No.22226724

S&P500 inclusion, REJECTED


This shit is going to be blood red Monday. Even Standard & Poor's knows this shit is a bubble scam.

>> No.22226730

You can't stop progress. Eventually, we will drag you into the future. You will be kicking and screaming, but we will move into the future.

>> No.22226754

They can apply for the S&P 500 in the next quarterly.

>> No.22226788

I'm sure you said the same thing 12 months ago.

>> No.22226830

>This shit is going to be blood red Monday.

>> No.22227181

It will probably dump in the short term but I don't see Tesla going away. They have an evangelical fanbase. Electric cars clearly are the future and every normie thinks elon will change the world so they'll never have a shortage of people wanting to invest. If they execute their business strategy well there's no reason the stock won't rise from here long term.

>> No.22227805


If its so terrible then why price in 1000x growth? Eventually they'll make affordable EVs? Heard that before. Just about every company is losing money? Why is 1000x growth priced in? Tesla has never made a real profit. Just an operational profit using the new big tech accounting methods that considers almost everything a capital expenditure. They were just denied inclusion into the S&P500.

>> No.22228633


>> No.22228644

I've literally never seen a company valued like this, it's insane.

They are less than 1% of the market. Their last 4 quarters of profit is basically an accounting trick if you really look at the books.

Here are the 7 most valuable companies in the U.S. right now. What's wrong with this picture?

Apple $2.21 trillion
Amazon: $1.73 trillion
Microsoft: $$1.71 trillion
Google: $1.11 trillion
Facebook: $835 billion
Berkshire Hathaway: $521 billion
Tesla: $476 billion

3 days ago, Tesla’s market cap soared by $64 billion in eight hours, including after hours. That’s $8 billion in “value created” per hour!

>> No.22228770

And which one has the ability to fundamentally change our future for the better?

>> No.22228860

Doesn't matter nog, do you have an investment or a charity?

>> No.22229022


>> No.22229323

They are already priced to reflect that they are going to change the world. What makes you think a company with their financials would be worth 400 billion dollars?

>> No.22229396

I still don't understand why it went up so high in the first place. It's not like Tesla is moving that many cars, they're still a smaller sized auto maker and they don't have a diverse lineup of vehicles, and most of their expanded projects are a long way away.

I actually think however if Biden wins the presidency, Tesla stock will actually start to go up again if they become one of the leaders in producing renewable energy tech. It's actually that, not their automotive division, that would lead them to really accelerating their growth. If there's renewed interest in subsidies for solar and battery tech, it would really help their stock price.

>> No.22229471

>100t marketcap for a fucking battery
if you know anything about engineering you will know that batteries are shit. and even if they are good it still doesnt change the fact the power needs to come from somewhere (coal or wind whatever) which are all shit compared to what we need in the future im sick of this green energy bullshit, automation, all this fucking stuff is just normie thinking patterns we are in 1878 right now thinking steam engines are going to power robots to take over jobs for humans. or thinking that in 100 years we will all be so advanced using a fucking radio. shit changes, there is technology that we havnet even invented yet that is better than tesla which will take over the energy industry but everyone is a fucking nigger and has a nigger mind with investing. i seriously wish i was a fucking dumb nigger that liked basketball and traded stocks instead of being a shit 130+ average iq loser that overthinks things FUCK TESLA AND FUCK YOU

>> No.22229665
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 1599125767003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is gonna be worth a trillion by end of the year
because of financials? nah just zoomers and zoomer money

>> No.22229708

>I want to invest $10,000.
>buyibg tesla hoping to do a x2 and not Chainlink (making a x100)
This is why you mongoloids should never had Robinhood app for insta-trading
Yo' mongoloids

>> No.22229824

I don't use Robinhood.

>> No.22229908

Except tesla bought a company that has a patent on a method of making batteries that cuts time, labor, material. Also tesla is at least a decade ahead of its competitors as far as development.

>> No.22230102

tesla has raised more in equity than all of its revenue added up in the entire company history

>> No.22230151

if you believe in "the mission" remember that while tesla sells regulatory credits each tesla sold is a promise to put another corvette on the road

>> No.22230244

Anon, I have bad news for you.


>> No.22230414

who the hell is going to give tesla its margin if other automakers are able to generate their own carbon credits?

>> No.22230434

Consumers. You know, people who buy stuff.

>> No.22230928

the only people buying them now is other automakers. GM stockpiled like 3 years worth

>> No.22231615

but yo'ramongoloid