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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22217134 No.22217134 [Reply] [Original]

what does making it mean to you?

>> No.22217160

Saving the White race.

>> No.22217219

never sell my time to another man if i don't want
create a free space for people to heal, relax, and be creative
create children

>> No.22217261

Then your race dies. Good job, your children have inherited a hellscape.

>> No.22217293

would you give it a rest zoomer?

>> No.22217452

putting my effort only in things that i want to, things that make me and others grow as a person, not wasting my time 8-16 hours a day for a miserable paycheck and a horrible life, being able to sustain my family and the ones who I love and having time for myself at the same time

>> No.22217517
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Doing pic related

>> No.22217544

cashing out big digits so i can flex

>> No.22217570

tier 1: a respectable estate by the sea in a climate that rarely exceeds 80 F, that i own in its entirety with no qualifications, containing a library, a gym, and a nice kitchen

tier 2: enough wealth to finance my own Mother Base and private military

>> No.22217573

This lol
Having 4 kids at least
And getting $2.5 million after taxes

>> No.22217619

what? i want to create conditions to foster the freedom and health of my people. whst the fuck do you think saving thw white race is?

>> No.22217677
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Being a billionaire

>> No.22217682

Having enough money in assets with high enough interest so that I don't need to work for a living.

>> No.22217755
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Means never working again, and the complete destruction of israel and judaisim.

>> No.22217762

Having enough money to do these two very important things:

1. Travel around the world for a few years, find a cool gf and try everything I can.

2. Donate a shit-ton of money to charities and NGO's that help with reducing poverty, world hunger, stopping pollution and so on.

Basically I wanna do what this guy did: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/dec/24/pineapple-fund-anonymous-bitcoin-millionaire-giving-away-86m-dollars

He made it and he definitely used his money well.

>> No.22217769


>> No.22217871
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fuKKKen check'd

>> No.22217916

Why are you so insecure about not being White?

>> No.22217934


>> No.22217975
File: 106 KB, 1745x553, unnamed (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol eat shit zoomer I'm just tired of you faggot agenda posters

>> No.22218011
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Uh, I wasn't replying to you. Good to know that you felt it was an attack on you though, kind of proves my point that you're driven by insecurity about not being White.

>> No.22218031

post your jaw

>> No.22218073

Don't need to, I'm not insecure about myself. I'm White :).

>> No.22218111

post dicc

>> No.22218115
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>Don't need to, I'm not insecure about myself. I'm White :).

>> No.22218150

Dude, you are a brown person and you're trying to insult me by saying that I'm brown just like you. Thanks for proving my point, lol!

>> No.22218179

It means having enough money to build community gardens, and collective housing, and help start co-op food stores. To create a better space for the community I grew up in so they can start doing for themselves and not be a literal waste of space

>> No.22218188

nice projection mutt boy

>> No.22218204

Not going to work, there's a reason that they're in that situation in the first place. Look at what happens when volunteers go and start farms for Haitians.

>> No.22218209

No financial worries.

>> No.22218292

Finding lasting love

>> No.22219041

>Making it
Owning enough Internet money to purchase a small plot of fertile ground in my dear homeland, northern Germany.
Enough land to feed a wife and >6 children, and enough extra money to pay (((property taxes)))

>> No.22219078
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>> No.22219083
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> t.