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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22210424 No.22210424 [Reply] [Original]

fuck you janny

>cashed out LINK
>they laughed
>"we are building generational wealth"
>1000$ EOY
>called pajeet,fudder, dtranny

LINK did 50% backwards already, 160K anon lost 1 500 000 USD with holding with unrealized profits.

sergey dumping weekly on all levels.

satoshiflipper literally went missing after BTC dipped, twitter shills are in disbelief.

BTC is on it's way to a cliff and crypto needs a final purge.

feels good, 3 weeks passed,been off this board, and im refreshed.

praying for all you retards who held from 20$ down, months of pain coming your way.

from the bottom of my heart, next time listen to a voice of reason in this fuckin schizo deluded board.


>> No.22210504
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>sergey dumping weekly on all levels.


>> No.22210522

The bull runs NOW

>> No.22210558

Epic cope.

>> No.22210655

you said the same thing at $4. thanks but ill keep holding. already took out my initial so everything else is free money and could care less what happens to it. matbe learn a real life skill so crypto isnt your only income OP. good luck!

>> No.22211327

We are the LINK Marines and we are NEVER SELLING

>> No.22211448

i dont follow twitter fags but i was bored for a minute so I decided to go and check to see the intensity of your fud. Seems like dudes going through some shit and it all happened a week before the dump.
>Satoshi Flipper @SatoshiFlipper Aug 26
>I'm around, gang.
>Both parents contracted Covid and were hospitalized. Mom's case was mild and she's back home but dad has it worse. He's on a ventilator and was given a plasma treatment today. Now in stable condition.
>Please say a prayer, amigos, I know god will hear us.

>> No.22211547
File: 45 KB, 444x580, Nooooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
