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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 16 KB, 834x141, FUCVPlk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22197737 No.22197737 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck?

>> No.22197743

They rebranded it to defi kek

>> No.22197752


>> No.22197762

>tron is now a defi ETH killer

2020 truly is special

>> No.22197782

scam defi pump. avoid all defi

>> No.22198138
File: 176 KB, 640x365, 67F4527E-E2C6-4007-8662-B4E5A8F01197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are idiots
The people who use these actually use TRX
They have on chain DEX’s dapps and defi.
Everyone called tron a scam for copypasta all the best from crypto’s. Staking way before eth 2.0 came out.
Now ETH fees are $50 on Uniswap
And these idiots can’t figure out why TRX is up over $0.04
Do you idiots even crypto?

>> No.22198205
File: 157 KB, 554x524, Screen Shot 2020-09-04 at 1.57.19 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Download tronlink
>Send tron to tronlink
>Go to just swap
>Put half of your tron into Salmon token
Token Contract: TXyrq6xE49dJhBGBYRH4pZzq9QdXNKWUQa
>Pool 50% Salmon 50% tron on justswap
>Go to salmonswap website and stake your Liquidity provider tokens

It works exactly the same way as sushi

>> No.22198233

TRX is up due a new yield farming token by the eternal chink scammer Justin.

>> No.22198255

How do people still fall for this?

>> No.22198310

You dumbasses think white papers make an investment

>> No.22198328
File: 2.57 MB, 4096x2730, 1522392063521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I back in 2018?

>> No.22198364

i don't want their wallet software touching my pc, a shame, could be fun

>> No.22198383

Wait what was it before that?

>> No.22198993

proof the chinese will win in the end.

>> No.22199048

Anyone who has used the tron network will know how good it is. Suggest you actually do some research into its projects instead of starting a thread knowing nothing

>> No.22199331

Bought a bag just for the name. Have no idea what it does. Hope it rockets to the moon.

>> No.22200078

tron isn't actually scalable
eos also had the same narrative, muh super scalability, then an airdrop congested it to death

As tron is a fork of an old version of geth it can maybe get to 500 tps (~20x ethereum) for heavy smart contracts. Knowing tron they are going to remove limits, risking the collapse of the network as nodes become unable to validate blocks from other nodes in time (iota tier network collapse).
Sharding is needed for scaling, centralization or not, but that's outside of tron's competence.

Both eos and tron also share the problem of incompetent devs, 'dapps' are written in the most inefficient way possible because devs are told they don't have to care about resource consumption.

>> No.22200106

everything is fast when nobody uses it

>> No.22200109


>> No.22200454
File: 233 KB, 509x528, 02B82BE8-5617-422A-A29B-836210B6DA67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retards don’t use crypto you just browse Reddit and vomit what they think
I’m an American white guy & I’ve used 3 different tron DEX’s tons of gambling and shitty gaming junk, they have a deflationary token or 2 in my wallet and dapp based shit
It’s not worth a decent % but it doesn’t hurt to go 2% of portfolio in it.

>> No.22200463
File: 69 KB, 1338x420, 1594374867300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You retards don’t use crypto you just browse Reddit and vomit what they think

>> No.22200492

Pretty much this, justswap was bricked for pretty much the whole day today because people were using it. Block chain for cryptographic computing is absolute dogshit, its gonna fail.

>> No.22200516
File: 30 KB, 567x324, 66C987C7-633C-466E-B935-F643BAF3BDBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re using high gas fees as a sign a crypto is doing something right?

What the fuck is wrong with you idiots?

>> No.22200521

solutions are coming
no, I proved your claim that I'm not using crypto wrong.
now fuck off

>> No.22200544
File: 203 KB, 1200x800, 919BC382-7FEC-40CA-B705-DABEA85DA94D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No that’s good for crypto according to these backwards ass motherfuckers

>> No.22200555

>no, I proved your claim that I'm not using crypto wrong
You’re fucking hilarious
You need a crypto YouTube channel I’ll watch your dumbass everyday

>> No.22200576

TRX is down like 98% from ATH. What we have is a bunch of middle level twitter pump gods getting their followers to buy their bags.

>> No.22200624

It’s one of the only smart contract platforms with ecosystem infrastructure and participation
I bought under a penny and make any TRX investments from my staking rewards
Idiots will say crypto is hard

>> No.22200639


>> No.22200659
File: 16 KB, 300x300, snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if the idiots buying Tron knew about Fantom

>> No.22200683

Wait so the guy who predicted $1000 was right all along???

>> No.22200706

The profits far outweighed the gas fees.

>> No.22200847

Because salmon swap is taking off and you fucking idiots are going to miss out AGAIN as per usual.

>> No.22200917

Exit scam pump (I mean, it's been exposed as a scam for ages)

>> No.22201017

Fuck off to Reddit

>> No.22201047

Reddit loves TRX and other chink shitcoins, you huge retard. You are the only one sucking Justin's dick in this thread, faggot.

>> No.22201221

I’m the only one making money and using these things
Reddit hates anything outside Ethereum in smart contracts just like this place
Stay poor fag

>> No.22201283

i'm guessing Chinese capital flight/CCP cash

>> No.22201363
