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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 850x400, quote-capitalism-is-the-extraordinary-belief-that-the-nastiest-of-men-for-the-nastiest-of-john-maynard-keynes-52-88-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22196778 No.22196778 [Reply] [Original]

prove him wrong

>> No.22196822
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I hate feminism though. Prove me wrong.

>> No.22196881

False dichotomy. Anglo-Saxon men and gooky chink asians are strictly the ones responsible for anything good in society. Prove me wrong.

>> No.22196893
File: 57 KB, 471x687, 8ACC76A2-0649-47B7-AD50-23C47A1D6F9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what about the joos?

>> No.22196930

No I don’t think trying to normalize pedophilia is good for society

>> No.22197086

Einstein was a pedo?

>> No.22197449

Isn't that Epstein?

>> No.22197626

We'd be digging ditches for 16 hours a day if it wasn't for capitalism.

>> No.22197968

road to hell is paved with good intentions. i don't give a fuck about their "nastiest of reasons" as long as it works and i'm weary of people who say they have good intentions

>> No.22198040

Normalizing women being whores and expiring their eggs at 30 isn’t good either.

>> No.22198567

>normalize pedophilia is good for society
if you are talking post puberty girls, fucking them was considered normal throughout history until 50 years, maybe 70 years ago and society was a lot better than it is now

>> No.22198582

>“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. We address ourselves not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities, but of their advantages”

>― Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature & Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Vol 1

>> No.22198601

Didn't he fuck his cousin?

>> No.22198605

Yea economic incentives in pure capitalism makes greed work for the betterment of society instead of relying on “goodness”

>> No.22198624

Benefit of themselves. People are decent when all is said and done because we all have emotions to exploit and social pressure to adhere to to maintain good standing with your buyers. Taxes are far more dangerous.

>> No.22198647

Exactly this, along with humans being a social animal. Harmonious self interest is the best method. The problem is fiat and taxes.

>> No.22198703

Socialism lack economic calculous. First was the State (tribes) then the market was spontaneously developed as society became complex. With economic calculous (i.e.prices) any society with more than 100 people would collapse. State interventionism and structure's capital distortion are directly correlated. Capitalism is the system where smart people thrive and stupid people perish. State interventionism is the tool of the stupid to keep being relevant and have a chance at reproduction.

>> No.22198730

Liberalism in a nutshell.

>> No.22198759

Egoism is the foundation of capitalism and nothing wrong with it. Keynes was a moron. Neo-Keynesism is worse scam than jewish usury.

>> No.22198774

Yep. Traveling salesman problem

>> No.22198781

fpbp. Few understand kek

>> No.22198790

Decentralization of power, in a true capitalist society even the richest man can't do anything about the consent of his fellow man. If a boss fucks over his employees, they can go to another boss who offer better conditions. If no boss offers good conditions, then it's easy to create a business because you only have to create decent work conditions to have good employees working for you.

At the over side, the statist solution is centralisation of power. You give one entity all the money, and also the power to use force without restriction, and on top on that the people at the top of the entity don't even have incentives to do a good job because they don't reap any benefits from being good at their job.
If the government is unjust the people are out of luck, they can go to another country but it's much harder than to just find another job.

So that's why capitalism is superior, because it's alternative, centralisation of power, is worse.

>> No.22198808

State intervention is to keep "Smart" people(People who use dishonest business practices, and sociopath tendencies to rise in the financial world) in check from exploiting and harming normal people. Slumlords, people allowing animal feces to get in food supply, selling spoiled meats, selling poorly maintained homes for exorbitant rates. The state also can(Isn't now, but could) be used to force capitalists to keep industry in America and to not import cheap serf labor from the 3rd world. I agree with many aspects of capitalism, but I believe a state should be used a vehicle for securing a peoples comfortable existence and giving them standards. Otherwise, there are people who would actually want to live in skyscrapers lording over 3rd world style favelas. You can have a fair and free economic market, you just can't let rich people have influence over politics or use their wealth to harm the standards of a society.

>> No.22198826
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>will somehow work for the benefit of us all

Nobody ever said that retard

>> No.22198838

better try communism again, i'm sure it will work this time.

>> No.22198866

state of biz pretending to be highbrow instead of just buying dexg and becoming rich.

>> No.22198897

Uh uh, not letting that Milton Friedman stuff slide. You simply cannot just "create your own business". Capital has to come from somewhere, and most normal people do not have the wherewithall or the intuition to pull something like that off.

>> No.22199022

Holy shit you're naive. Government eventually turns to keeping the sheep happy for the fleecing. It's human nature and always will be. Remember, the truly bad people will use that power to keep out anybody not part of the club. Because they're psychopaths.

>> No.22199081

The only reason there's any "goodness" in some societies is laws and their enforcement. Capitalism has nothing to do with it.

>> No.22199103

Unregulated capitalism just does the same. That's why you need a mixed system. I have no qualms with charging an excessive tax or asset seizure for someone trying to take a business out of America, or for someone using their capital to attempt to influence politics in a negative way having their assets seized.

>> No.22199129

i'm sorry mods if i'm going into /pol/ish territory. it's hard to not reference politics when it comes to market systems like capitalism. not trying to get a ban, and I won't use racial slurs. pls no ban

>> No.22199136

>Capitalism is the system where smart people thrive and stupid people perish
Define "smart." Theres a fuck ton of people that don't have skills that build, produce, create, or fix anything yet they are making a lot of money.

>> No.22199157

It doesn't matter that most normal people can't create a business (they actually can if they keep the scale small at first but whatever), what matter is that the businessmen needs employees, they compete between themselves to have quality employees and because of that can't fuck over their employees in the way a government can fuck over it's citizens.
The only mean for them to have enough power to fuck over their employees and customers is if they don't have competition, or potential competition.
Which is why some level of governement intervention to prevent cartels and monopolies are ok, but today lack of competitions mostly comes from the artificial difficulty there is to create a company, and the artificial glass celling that shows itself when you want to scale your small business into a big business.

>> No.22199209
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Nice NAP id btw

>> No.22199211

>Capitalism is the system where smart people thrive and stupid people perish.

16 year old's naive view of the world. In reality capitalism is about being the best salesman. As long as you can sell the product or service the money is being made, the rest is practically irrelevant.

>> No.22199230

It's the general tendency, smart people don't always make more money, butt they tend to

>> No.22199249

Try doing that with an iq of 55

>> No.22199266

The thing is they now have to compete with a labor force of people who are used to brutal conditions and won't argue for higher wages. It's unfair and uncivilized, in days long gone they rightly called it "scab labor". Not to mention, there's a severe decline in basic mom and pop shops and individual own businesses. Everything is becoming more and more corporatized, especially with cov-19 lockdowns basically ruining multiple community diners/bars. You also have regulations that should be meant souly for large businesses being applied to small/medium tier businesses.

>> No.22199276

Good posts. The decentralization is a big advantage.

>> No.22199287

this but unironically

>> No.22199294
File: 33 KB, 511x671, 79A190E6-A8A6-4824-926C-5D24BEF77A9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder only white men pay net taxes (sry, I can’t find that info graphic)

>> No.22199305

>You also have regulations that should be meant souly for large businesses being applied to small/medium tier businesses.
Yeah this is bullshit and screws a lot of people over. The Covid-19 response is completely fucking over small businesses too, when they were already hurting.

>> No.22199320

Good point. the government should deregulate and remove the Covid sanctions on small businesses

>> No.22199341

I don't disagree with most of that but that's mostly coming from government regulation, by regulating all business under the pretext of protecting the low classes from big business you actually make running a business so complex that only big corporations can do it.

>> No.22199376

That's because they're gaming the system, just many rich people. Easy to make money when you have no morals.

>> No.22199411

The strong should fear the weak because without the weak, the strong wouldn't be able to buy anything.

>> No.22199472

Of course nationalism is important. A global government can afford to neglect its citizens by sheer size.

>> No.22199475

>A writer
>Not an economist
Who cares?

>> No.22199500

This is lobbied for by businesses seeking monopolies. The politicians get kickbacks. The problem is government.

>> No.22199549

Kikes using his theories to control the market is why no one can truly get ahead anymore unless they are already part of (((them))). Ergo, Keynes is a crypto-kike by default.

>> No.22199551

In the real world literally no one gives a fuck about your IQ. Take an IQ test and show your result to your employer/customer and see how much they're going to give you for it lol.

>> No.22199564

Nigga, that guy is literally the reason the fed is pumping trillions into every market.

>> No.22199574

>chink Asians

I hope you mean Gooks and Nips because the only thing the Chinese have improved upon in 300+ years is mass surveillance.

>> No.22199604

As usual, the Scotsman dabs on the pseudo-kike Keynes.

>> No.22199620

What do you think is the end game? Replace the dollar with gov issued USDC?

>> No.22199649

How was society better than?

>> No.22199681

Laws don’t enforce goodness idiot. They punish malevolence. Laws and governments have nothing to do with goodness, they perpetuate hypocritical malevolence.

>> No.22199706

When we're talking about iq that's just a mean of talking about intelligence, iq tests are far from perfect but intelligence is a thing that exists

>> No.22199716

Tell me why Hayek was wrong again?

>> No.22199745

lmao, what would you do otherwise with "the nastiest of men"?

>> No.22199785

Start his own business and then the guy across the street would be "the nastiest of men"

>> No.22199806

Not sure what you mean.

>> No.22199824

A lot of that is deliberately lobbied by the wealthy purposefully to sabotage the lower/middle class.

There needs to be far more nuance for regulating businesses then there is today. Not one size fits all, different things need different regulations. Child labor laws make sense for factory work, but does it really make sense for a local paper route? I'm mixed on the lockdowns. On one hand, this is all overblown and they handled it terribly. On the other, there's always that "What if" scenario. We honestly don't know what would of happened without it.

exactly, my main thing with state intervention would mostly be just protecting American workers and making sure they have some dignity/standards.

>> No.22199832

Seems like an excuse to call whoever's in competition with you A Nasty Man

>> No.22199844

Are you genuinely retarded? What in the world made you think anyone was talking about showing people your IQ test results?

>> No.22199868

He filed a trademark patent and sued you for copying his company logo/brand name.

>> No.22199884

Subjectively, yeah.

But even if you accept Keynes' premise that some men are inherently and objectively "nasty", that would be true and problematic under any political or economic system.

>> No.22199950

And under socialism, you run the risk of those nasty men getting their hands on a lot of centralized economic and political control, so it's objectively worse than under capitalism.

>> No.22199982

Then he pointed out a flaw in the system which should be corrected if enough attention comes to it
>But even if you accept Keynes' premise that some men are inherently and objectively "nasty", that would be true and problematic under any political or economic system.
I never said I accepted any of Keynes' premises. But if I did, that would be a contradiction.

>> No.22200015
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>this thread

>> No.22200035

In capitalism, men can propagandize via entertainment and news media. In leftist socialism, you run the risk of a government becoming corrupt and sadistically controlling the wheels of power. There needs to be a healthy medium with a corpatized structure. Publicly elected labor councils who talk to state run unions and negotiate about what they can and cannot do for workers and benefits. If the people are unhappy, and the state starts oppressing them, there could be levers of power designed to kick those officials out.

>> No.22200046

>There needs to be a healthy medium
The modern West is that "medium" between capitalism and socialism.
And it's anything but healthy.

>> No.22200081

I'm happy with making money. Call me a pragmatist.

>> No.22200137

You can't have stupid people reproducing in a country without collapsing it in three gens. That's what happened to the west. Let high IQ individuals decimate the stupid and you will have empires again

>> No.22200164

>Anglo-Saxon men
Directly the spawn of Satan

>> No.22200186

Not particularly, it's chaotic. The state basically is lobbied/bribed by wealthy capitalists and the "socialism" we have just drains worker capital into non-worker and serf capital. It also lacks the will/authority to seize the assets of people purposefully harming and politically lobbying for chaos unless they're open criminals subject to criminal trial. Lobbying for harmful policies and exploiting workers on the thin line is perfectly legal, and encouraged practically to be successful. The healthy alternative would be to offer socialist policies to those who worked and contributed to society, offering government funded job programs and building public works like culture heritage sites, public musuems, parks, and recreation area's(contract bidding, not state giving people jobs just resources to find jobs).

>> No.22200215

>a REAL mix between capitalism and socialism hasn't been tried yet!

>> No.22200224

America subsidizes the poor and low skilled/IQ'd into having litters of children, while smart people who should be reproducing choose leisure and contraception/abortion. If we had programs that offered newly wedded couples(how standards would be applied idk) loans of 20,000$ and for every kid they had the loan was forgiven by 5,000$ you'd have more intelligent people being born; and you'd have more economic prosperity among the lower/middle class and it not having to be some trickle down economics bit

>> No.22200243

Stop feeding the parasite. The smart don't need help just don't fuck them and they will thrive

>> No.22200278
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It's 3rd positionism (Fascism, National Socialism, Baathism, Juche). I didn't want to openly call it that, i'm not trying to go political but it's hard not bringing politics into how markets operate and how the financial sphere swings. I rlly hope I don't get banned. Just saying, they have merits and if modernized and tweaked for America it could have application to create booming markets and economic prosperity. for lower/middle class people and not just making Benzos and his weird wife billionaires.

>> No.22200301

Do people purposefully forget Stalin-era Communist Russia?

>> No.22200313

You'll end up in a situation like this with that attitude https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peasants%27_Revolt

>> No.22200316


That's why socialist and even communist parties are perfectly OK, but far-right parties are illegal or at least ostracized.

>> No.22200354

True patricians tend to fuck their cousins.

>> No.22200445

>Capitalism is the system where smart people thrive and stupid people perish
Capitalism is the system where those with the means to acquire capital for production supercede those without it.

>> No.22200462

Gates, Jobs, the Google guys, Zuckerberg, ... all started from nothing.

>> No.22200495

I suppose that’s why majority of rich and successful people are self made

>> No.22200498

capitalism is a system that eliminates inefficiencies. the only reason for this not to work would be legal intervention that distorts the markets.

>> No.22200512

Zuckerberg stole from the Winklevoss twins, Jobs was a descendant of aristocrats and went to a nice college, Gates was from a decent middle class background and had the ability/comfort to fool around in his parents garage with computers. To say "nothing" is a bit of a leap, had they not done what they did they'd of ended up in the middle class bracket. They weren't living in poverty and grinded themselves to fortune

>> No.22200518


>> No.22200523

Thanks for agreeing with what I said.

>To say "nothing" is a bit of a leap
They were all middle class at best.
That's baseline.

>> No.22200581

Some of our best geniuses for this decade are living in abject poverty, suffering heroin addiction, or debating suicide. Had there been a system that gave opportunity to these people to live up to their full potential, there could of been thousands of successful people who revolutionized the world for the better. Middle class is not baseline, it's the medium. And that medium has drastically decreased over the years, all of the people you listed lived in a more prosperous era.

>> No.22200611

>To say "nothing" is a bit of a leap
>They weren't living in poverty

To start “from nothing” doesn’t mean they literally owned nothing, you autist.

>> No.22200618

>Some of our best geniuses for this decade are living in abject poverty, suffering heroin addiction, or debating suicide.
It's likely an indication that their genius is overshadowed by self-destructive tendencies.

>> No.22200641

>could of
opinion disregarded

>> No.22200653


>> No.22200711

Put them in the government and give them unlimited funding and military power.

>> No.22200723

kek im pretty sure capitalism started with 16 hour ditch digging. in America they were called "indentured servants"

>> No.22200724

>every other arab
>true patrician

>> No.22200729

>A lot of that is deliberately lobbied by the wealthy purposefully to sabotage the lower/middle class

>> No.22200751

most rich people marry their cousins. it keeps the wealth in the family. also look up the definition of "pedophilia"

>> No.22200767

>. I rlly hope I don't get banned
Why? That's free vacation, it's always a relief when they ban me from this addictive shithole of a site

>> No.22200769
File: 38 KB, 500x512, communism is great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capitalism can handle nasty men that do nasty reasons, as long as it doesn't harm anyone.
communism is the belief that if they do nasty things there won't be any nasty men.

>> No.22200771
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>if your background is not that you're a sub 80 IQ quadriplegic fatherless nigger born in the shithole of the shithole of this fucking earth then you don't deserve anything
this retard

>> No.22200783

it makes me feel good to help others. so am i being selfish when i do?

>> No.22200795

>Some of our best geniuses for this decade are living in abject poverty, suffering heroin addiction, or debating suicide

>> No.22200805

it’s wrong when poor people do it

t. rich person

>> No.22200811

Since this thread devolved into name calling, enjoy this song by Genesis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQIO3pBFfXI

>> No.22200834

has this "true capitalism" ever existed in reality? it seems to me that wealth always concentrates to the best liars, as long as people let it go on. which is always since people are generally pussies.

>> No.22200837

You forget the most important, they were born with genes that made them able to do what they did.

What do you think of the fact some people are genetically predisposed toward happiness, while others are toward depression? Do you think that it's an unfair inequality that needs remedy?

>> No.22200863

or the money. or the lobbyists. or the family connections. or the undeserved government support.

>> No.22200889

you call them psychopaths, i call them losers. people who think money is the most important thing in life will always have more money than everyone else. but that’s all they’ll have.

>> No.22200891

This is an important fact.

>> No.22200907

so people are only good when other people force them to be good? that seems a bit circular wouldn’t you say? the authorities are just people too. there’s no benevolence test to be in power.

>> No.22200930

I feel like Socrates figured this out a long time ago...

>> No.22200962

More or less depending on time and place. From the top of my mind I would argue that the America of the founding fathers, early roman republic, and early post islamic Arabia were all both very capitalistic with very little government intervention and very little place for crony corporatism and corruption.

What we are looking at today is the degeneration of an old system, we might need to enter a new paradigm with fresh basis. Note all the exemple I came up with were early civilizations, maybe it's natural for any policlaa system to tend toward corruption in the long run.

>> No.22200970

what if all the businesses in an industry merge into a single cartel? then they certainly can fuck over their employees because there’s nowhere else the employees can go.

do you really believe the government breaks up monopolies? rockefeller once said "own nothing, control everything" meaning even when he "loses" an asset, it goes to a place where he can still control it. so for all purposes it’s still his, just not on paper.

>> No.22201002

Nothing, means nothing. They came from something, they weren't the down trodden forgetten men most of you are bashing so cavalierly
People are only as good as the information they have, if people are given bad information even the brightest minds will be damned towards self destruction. Peoples minds are like computers, no matter how great the hardware if they're given bad data and poor energy to sufficiently power the machine; then it becomes wasted.

It's easy bashing people, it's harder to understand where people come from and the scenarios forced on people who should be afforded more dignity and human decency.

Your the image your presenting. I never said that, I said they weren't some savant living in poverty. They were middle class people with capital to afford education and quality home lives. That's not "nothing"

>> No.22201011

there are a lot of smart people who don’t think making a lot of money is important, so they focus other things in life. would you really want to end up like george soros?

>> No.22201013
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well true capitalism is simply the free exchange of goods and services between individuals so it has certainly existed at least on a small scale and still does today on a small scale.

The real problem people have when trying to pin evil on capitalism is that capitalism is inherently individually-based and when an evil is commited in a so called capitalist transaction, like some form of scam or swindle, ALL of capitalism is blamed instead of simply one guy being a piece of shit scammer.

True capitalism is also pretty hard to find in America because literally everything is regulated. The United States Code of Federal Regulations has grown from 22,877 pages in 1960 to 175,268 in 2014. That's fucking insane. I'd be surprised if BREATHING wasn't federally regulated somewhere in that 175,000+ pages and all of this distorts the simple interaction between individuals until it's unrecognizably compromised.

>> No.22201045

>Nothing, means nothing.
Then literally nobody ever came “from nothing”.

You absolute turbo-autist.

>> No.22201082

That's not true whatsoever. Many great men and political reformers came from abject poverty. Don't get butthurt, i'm not denigrating the achievements of Bill Gates i'm just saying he had a leg up over most people, even with minds on his level.

>> No.22201096

>abject poverty
Wanna bet they still had clothes?

>> No.22201116

Ok, didn't mean to be like that.

So, are we going to figure out how to fix the world's problems in this thread or...

>> No.22201121
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Why wouldn't they work for our benefit if it is in their interest to do so?

>> No.22201124

Alright bub, be a smart ass about it.

>> No.22201134

>People are only as good as the information they have, if people are given bad information even the brightest minds will be damned towards self destruction. Peoples minds are like computers, no matter how great the hardware if they're given bad data and poor energy to sufficiently power the machine; then it becomes wasted.

What the fuck does this have to do with the fact that some of the absolute richest people on earth started from nothing?

>> No.22201154

Capitalism means that a trade happens between two parties. One party usually has the upper hand. You do that a couple million million times, eventually you have a few people that have everything and then you have everyone else. Communism is the same, just faster.

>> No.22201155

Says the guy insisting that “nothing means nothing”.

>> No.22201156

>Middle class comfortable upbringing
>Parents able to afford their education
>Ability to live with parents in general while working on tech start-ups in a garage
>This is "coming from nothing"

>> No.22201168

>This is "coming from nothing"
Pretty much.

You have a real problem with colloquial speech, don't you?

>> No.22201214

You're the one being a smartass about it.
If they had clothes, then they had more than "nothing".
And according to your logic that means you can't say they came from "nothing".

>> No.22201231

I have a feeling you haven't experienced a hard day in your life, and that you've never known or experienced poverty. Bill Gates is a self starter and accomplished a hell of a lot, i'm agreeing with you there. To say he came from nothing is just a joke, you've never known or seen "nothing" you'd probably dismiss it and the people suffering in actual poverty as some abrasive racial slur you more than likely wouldn't even have the balls to say IRL

>> No.22201244

Free Speech and Capitalsm let do this song
Are you trying to tell me you don't like this song??

>> No.22201265

>I have a feeling you haven't experienced a hard day in your life, and that you've never known or experienced poverty. Bill Gates is a self starter

>> No.22201269

None of this babbling has anything to do with the fact that some of the absolute richest people on earth started from nothing.

And btw, this isn't even about starting "from poverty", but it's also a reference to the fact that they pretty much created their industries out of a relative nothing.

>> No.22201292

Fair enough, he made a computer company in the comfort of his parents garage. You win, he started from the bottom now he's here.

>> No.22201311

Right, "the bottom" in USA is way above most people.

>> No.22201330

Donald Trump also started from nothing in his fathers shadow and was only given a small loan of 1,000,000 dollars in 1970 to eventually develop his own real estate empire and making his lastname a household brand

>> No.22201354

That's not to say he worked to get where he was.

>> No.22201378

And the same is true for the Clinton family. That's the dream, man. But I'm not political.

>> No.22201385

>Serial killers are mostly Anglo-Saxon
>Deadliest wars occurred in Anglo-saxon nations
>Anglo-Saxon executives caused the greatest financial crises since 1929
> Chinese massacre of 1871
>Who is Mao Zedong
>Covid-19/SARs came from where?

>> No.22201396

And the Bush family

>> No.22201408

"Merit" a semantical vortex concept that ultimately destroy itself:
On time, everything is jointed to a parent that made it happen, everything is a result of something else, until the point where you rewind to the birth of the universe.
Therefore there is no "from nothing", that's impossible, unless you are at the very first node of the simulation.
That does not mean that nobody has merit or that everyone has merit, that just mean that the concept crumble into dust by itself, it's irrelevant.

Does Usain Bolt merit to be world champion in his category ? Because after all he didn't started from nothing, he had his godly genetic with him, at minimum. Oh but he still has merit because he trained hard for it ? Well that's his genetic that provide him this will to train everyday after all.

Did Bill Gates merit to be ...
[Insert another 300 example of the same shit here]

>> No.22201411

Bill Gates had extremely rich parents with important connections in both the government and big business. That's not the bottom.

>> No.22201424

Don't forget the Rothchilds

>> No.22201430

Ok, but what about Elon?

>> No.22201454

I know ;)

>> No.22201476

Basically you are just rationalizing a Win-Lose behavior (Theft) that, if repeated enough times, lead to complete destruction of society, that's also why almost everyone with a brain recognize that theft is a "wrong" behavior, because everyone has the game theory in their head.

>> No.22201477

I'm not going into this talmudic pilpul with you dude, you're full of shit and you know it. You're arguing semantics, and now you're defending your absurd semantics. Gates family was privledged, had he not had that privledge he would of never had the time to fiddle with his little computers in daddys garage; he'd of been working at the price club.

>> No.22201484

You're right, that's why GitHub took the meritocracy rug off their lobby.

>> No.22201514

The one dude used Zuckerberg as some example of a self starter despite the fact he literally just stole the Winklevoss twins invention and eventually had to pay a massive settlement.

>> No.22201527

Elon musk walked around with gem stones in his pocket when he was a kid...he was rich before Tesla and PayPal.
Bill gates was born to rich parents, first mentor was warren buffet
....few people are actual true “ horatio alger” stories

>> No.22201545

So what are you bitching about then ?

>> No.22201558

Albert (((w)))einstein was a hack, a fraud. He stole nearly all of his ‘inventions’ from other people.

>> No.22201564

I suggest you all read some stoicism.... Money isn't everything... Right?

>> No.22201566

If you can't even understand why my argument destroy your point of view well too bad.

>> No.22201596

Also bill gates's mother had direct connections to the chairman of IBM. That is the reason why he got a contract with them. This contract is why microsoft why a success.

>> No.22201600

Or go start a company and stop bitching

>> No.22201657

No I see full well what you're attempting to do. You're dealing in pure deconstructionism "OH HIS PRIVLEGED WEALTHY FAMILY ISN'T NOTHING HUH? WELL I GUESS NO ONES NOTHING THEN, THEY HAD CLOTHES RIGHT?" It's absurd, I can almost feel your nose poking me from the screen reading your infantile garbage.

>> No.22201678

I'm not trying to be an asshole. We live in an age when any person can get a few people together and make something.

>> No.22201715

Maybe that's trite.

>> No.22201746

Jeez Louis, good thing I have tomorrow off!
This is one of my favorites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3Q8KOkimE0

>> No.22201774

Theoretically yes, but realistically no. Most people don't have the agency or expendable capital. Even wealthy middle to older people who made stock gains aren't fooling around with crypto, they'd be the ones you'd think would enter the market the hardest to make the biggest amount of money. Also, what's Billy with a wife and kids gonna do? could he crowd-source with his friends to buy some chainlink? Does he really have time to even read a whitepaper or know what that even is?

>> No.22201814

True enough

>> No.22201878

A side gig of a company providing smart contracts for X would be my first idea. But I would need business knowledge.

>> No.22201890

So did I pass the final interview?

>> No.22201975

>Donald Trump also started from nothing
Well no, because he inherited a semi-large real-estate business in Queens and made it into a huge real-estate business in Manhattan.
That's continuation.

>> No.22202012

I hope my being here in the first place didn't disqualify me. I only ever came here because it was the fastest closest place for knowledge.

>> No.22202042

wtf are you talking about bro

>> No.22202042,1 [INTERNAL] 

And didn't he think about getting funding? I think that's a good plan. He has an idea - others have money, why not take advantage of this?