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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22193673 No.22193673 [Reply] [Original]

Sure... we are down... but at least we aren’t down a 500k-1million dollars like The OG marines with 50k-100k stacks.

>> No.22193701

never selling

>> No.22193731

Spam on >>>/t/witter loser

>> No.22193761

I'm only selling when I hit life changing money and for me that's at 1000 USD per LINK since I only have 10k. I have a well paying job so cashing out at 19 for 190k wouldn't have afforded me anything I couldn't do right now with my current income and savings.

If it goes to 0 oh well, I only invested what I could afford to lose. With that said, I don't expect it to hit 1K for at least another 5 years and that's only if the project succeeds. It's not going to 1k from speculation.

>> No.22193777

what qualifies as a linklet

>> No.22193795


How much are you down? A mansion in Arkansas on a lake?

>> No.22193807

5k-ish. Give or take 2,500

>> No.22193823
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Checked. Dude we're all Linklets when markets move like this lmao

>> No.22193831

i only have 1k fuck this shit

>> No.22193868

You are even comfier then us then. Your still going to make it but it could go to 5$ right now and you wouldn’t really give a shit

>> No.22193898

I really think we are going to get mouthraped with the coming election and political instability.

>> No.22193909
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comfy as fuck. my little brothers exited their positions at around 18 dollars so that stress is completely off my back. they put it into bitcoin, so lets see where all of this is going. as for me?
>ill never sell

>> No.22193940

im down a 6 month tour of europe

>> No.22193941
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It wasn't supposed to end like this!

>> No.22193950
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tanks fren

>> No.22193975

I sold my stack, bought the short and plan on rebuying at $8 before it bounces back.

>> No.22194012

Good job. But we all know a lot of marines have their shit locked away. I’ll allow you to be an honorary linklet

>> No.22194037

pretty good just put my whole stack on yearn yaLink vault

>> No.22194064

Down 20% is down 20%. Doesnt matter if you hold 1k, 10k, or 100k.
You're that moron that posted this same thread yesterday, arent you.

>> No.22194092

I was doing fine. DCAing from $6.70 up. Then things went parabolic and I FOMO'd in hard. Bought $5k at $17. It would have been better spent if I kept DCAing, or waited until $11, but oh well. We will do another Ethereum so I'm comfy.

>> No.22194177

We have only just begun. Those who survive will be rich.

>> No.22194232

Is it wrong to say I kinda do not care?
I have $1.5M in crypto assets and I live pretty comfy even without crypto.
If it goes to $0 I do not care, until that amount reaches the /makeit/ amount that can have a significant impact on my life, I kinda do not care desu.
I assume most marines who held think the same hence they held for so long.

>> No.22194237

>green id
>trip holy sevens
>jooz ID
I think you get to decide. Kek has chosen you

>> No.22194253

Crazy gap on coinbase pro

>> No.22194272

micro-linklet here, pretty comfy lads
t. 230 link holder

>> No.22194335

Literally me

>> No.22194606
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I’m ok as long as I know my frens are here too. We are all in this together :^)

>> No.22194687
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not a larp and not looking for meme response but unironically would it be wise to market buy 100k worth of LINK right now...

>> No.22194697

Everything is down, what can you do

>> No.22194699

Spoiled fuck. I turned your age In jail. 30grand would be life changing

>> No.22194719

I'm not that worried about Link dumping. It will get back up again. I'm more concerned about other coins I'm holding like Ocean and PNK. The meme was right, diversifying your portfolio is for faggots.

>> No.22194738

exactly my situation

>> No.22194774

IDK didn't check but I think I'm down about $400k since top. If we hit $7 I'm buying more but we're probably headed up at anywhere between $8 and current price. Like my old tax law professor used to say... easy peasy. Another told me it takes about $250k to buy a new state income tax law in your favor aka lobbying... How many state laws can you buy anon?

>> No.22194781

this, its like betting on every tile in roullete. its a pointless waste of potential since they all serve a similar function and are in competition with each other

>> No.22194800


You fucked yourself by going to jail. Hope you learned your lesson, dipshit.

>> No.22194801

it is not going down to 8

link crashed 50% already, great time to buy more. You think a top crypto will crash75% for no reason?

>> No.22194806

Yah, I mean if a 2 bedroom jr condo didn't cost 700000 because of chink speculation, things might be different. This is the world I live in though. The bar for life changing is quite high.

>> No.22194824

Short run, idk. Long run, I wouldn’t be holding if I didn’t think so

>> No.22194854

It has been written. Just hold. >>22188888

>> No.22194878

>Another told me it takes about $250k to buy a new state income tax law in your favor aka lobbying

Explain. Not that you have to the irs will be dissolved when the EMP hits America

>> No.22194887

>down over six figures
>feel nothing
I felt worse when I would watched my portfolio drop from $10k to like $6k, I felt worse when I lost 4k link to a hack when that stack only costed me like $1k at the time it happened. This crash though, I feel nothing....

>> No.22195000

im in the same boat...get ready to buy the dip fren

>> No.22195041

what does that mean?

>> No.22195160

It's not gonna break away to 1k overnight. You might as well DCA as this dip could go further, and if it doesn't I doubt it would move so much that it would be much worse than market buying

>> No.22195210

Ugh, I wouldn't mind being like one of those OG marines. Being down millions from this crash is a good problem

>> No.22195229

I've held my ICO stack for 3 yrs....but sold last week @17$....sorry my fellow Linkfags...

>> No.22195243

Sold all?

>> No.22195287

This dump cost me a paper loss of about $60k. I don't care though, I know what we have.

>> No.22195321

Can confirm, am down approx 500k from peak. Another 5 years until my real life begins.

>> No.22195325

What would you do with 30k?

>> No.22195344

What happens when the election is contested and the radical left essentially holds the economy and stock market hostage. We may see another covid-style crash that could potentially be far worse. Emergency Broadcast System goes live as The Insurrection Act is invoked. This is not a drill.
I’m scared, fren

>> No.22195349

Absolutley this.

>> No.22195370

The left is going to be violent and raise hell. We put them down.

>> No.22195381

the entire markets down.

Why do you faggots feel the need to single out link? Lmao. mad you missed out on every link opp.

>> No.22195398
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I just sold one of my trucks, 40k, what do what do

>> No.22195404

I bought 14 of these at two dollars
Then I bought four of them at 4 and 8 dollars
Last trade I did was 2 at 12 dollars

>> No.22195433

link is down from its ATH by a lot. Other coins aren’t as bad by comparison.

I’m hurting but I didn’t gamble more than I can afford to lose so I’ll be okay as long as I don’t sell.

>> No.22195454

Buy? I kinda always want to buy a 20% dump

>> No.22195474

im so FUCKED im that guy who opened a long at 19.35 no stop loss thinking it was going to pump past $20 then correct. its still open. the price action is pushing my a little above and below the 80% margin level for kraken so i closed out a small part of it to get above 90%. if this shit doesnt turn around by sept 12 it gets force closed kek. if it turns around and we somehow get above 20 by then i feel like i deserve some honorary title above marine

>> No.22195483

im doing pretty good marine. still a ways from liquidation on assets borrowed against my link

>> No.22195618

I bought in at 10 and im an options trader by heart no fucking flinching on a down turn

>> No.22195737

Same here anon, but I only have 16k LINK. I dropped $10k on it and I've treated it as a complete loss the whole time. I never invested more than I was willing to completely lose, and I don't have any liabilities based on it. Price movement means nothing to me, either I make it or I don't.

>> No.22195756
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My doctorae says Mylanta.

>> No.22195759

No plans for steaking, token not needed.
More value in a zero dollar stablecoin.

>> No.22195813

I bought 100 more on the dip at 11 bucks, now I'm at 200. Feels linklet as fuck but I've been slowly accumulating my poorfag portfolio over the last few weeks.

>> No.22195863
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Inverse head and shoulders on the 24hr? Is this the bottom? Not yet confirmed...

>> No.22195903

Hasn’t been confirmed, nor does that small of a timeframe matter
t. LINK permabull