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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 305 KB, 600x498, chainlink-is-a-scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22191363 No.22191363 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink creators already cashed out their money .... Once again, the people that are selling you the dream, are living the dream after they steal your money

>> No.22191411

Sergey was an ETH fanatic at $1 he didn't need your money.

>> No.22191443

Why do the coins with actual use cases get FUD constantly, but the pajeet scam tokens get bumped?

>> No.22191463

I'm 100% sure Sergey is dumping.
Linkies could find a live wallet of his to prove me wrong or fuck off.

>> No.22191481

Pathetic cope. Wow

>> No.22191483

Incredibly based. Buying more so sergey has cheeseburgers to go with his nice condo meal.

>> No.22191512

He dumps 500k weekly now since the pump.

>> No.22191542

The more money you have the more you wanna make, and that's one way for them to launder the money

>> No.22191561

I thought Zeus already got liquidated. Why are they still FUDing

>> No.22191569

they dox'd our lord and saviour and they're still breathing?

>> No.22191577

I'm losing hope

>> No.22191610

>he hopes he will make it

>> No.22191621

>Why do the coins with actual use cases get FUD constantly, but the pajeet scam tokens get bumped?
Name one. Name 1 case where it's made ANYONE a dollar outside of trading it.

>> No.22191623

So true and I have no answer

>> No.22191655

July called, they want their fud back.

>> No.22191712

If enough people come forward they might end up being investigated for fraud that is your only hope

>> No.22191713

Because whales of pajeet coins need people to buy in, so they can dump on them.
Whales of real coins need the price to not pump too much so they can acquire as long as possible.
It's the whale's world, we're just living in it.

>> No.22191721

chainlink will never recover from this pump and dump. sergey better hurry up and sell if hes going to make it off this scam

>> No.22191747


>> No.22191779
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>> No.22191788

thats their plan

they want your linkies

>> No.22191792

kek ill buy more too lets get him an extra happy meal

>> No.22191887
File: 26 KB, 656x513, 9322F147-F451-4B5B-8341-5CC2BFEACCCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These men are fucking Kings they earned it
Fudders...nolinkers....SWINGIES.....you get what you deserve

>> No.22191915

>entire market dumps

>> No.22191942

>ICO mania
>no adoption
>buy 6 million dollar property
>earned it
get fucked retard

>> No.22191950

>FUD! THE MONEY IS GOING FOR DEVELOPMENT! DIDNT YOU SEE THEM BUYING DECO? IT DOESNT MATTER THAT ARI JUELS (one of the most brilliant minds of the 21st century) IS THE ONE THAT CREATED THE PROJECT AND THAT IT WAS CREATED 1 YEAR AGO (because it's an extremely new solution that will solve any remaining reservations the enterprise customers have about blockchain technology), ITS A MULTI MILLION DOLLAR PROJECT FOR SURE (because research is not cheap or easy). SAME THING WITH TOWN CRIER. SURELY THEY ARENT LAUNDERING THEIR MONEY BY BUYING VAPORWARE PROJECTS, I TRUST SERGEY AND LINK WILL BE 1000 EOY (1000 eoy is a fud created to demoralize linkies by setting unattainable goals, though it will definitely reach and go beyond 1k)
There, reversed your brainlet tier fud.

>> No.22191974
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>> No.22192025

I miss you uncle, please come back to us with your trip code already. It has been ages.

>> No.22192040

one of the most brilliant minds of the 21st century


>> No.22192058

i'm pretty sure sergey is still in sf
let's be real though
those numbers aren't even that much for them
sergey was cloud mining bitcoin (that's assuming he's not literally satoshi)
he obviously bought ethereum early
and he's obviously experimenting with the defi projects chainlink is powering
i still believe in sergey and will be thankful for my return

>> No.22192134
File: 321 KB, 1800x1200, 1201E324-7844-4AB6-9FE1-952F725480A3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey has been building oracles for seven years. He was cloud mining btc before that. He made enough for a penthouse and bought his dad a Lamborghini before you even knew what cryptocurrency was. And Steve is fucking BASED.

>> No.22192150

That's easy anon. You're dealing with chinks and poos mostly. Chinks are naturally jealous because of their inherent lack of creativity while poos just love a good scam. They're parasites while chinks just seeth because although they dominant most of the space they just do the grind work: mining, forking code, copy paste etc. For something new to come along and to have Sergey say "hey let's do more than just make infinite copies of existing tech and generate tokens and move them around" is like a revolutionary act.
Chinks will never be at this level of adaptivity and poos just like shit.

>> No.22192171
File: 72 KB, 785x847, 1573432194700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they buy expensive condos while link buyers buy expensive lambos, seems fair to me

>> No.22192181

No one was rich before 2017. GTFO newfag

>> No.22192208

Dangerously comfy pic fren mind if I save it?

>> No.22192213

The irony of this post is mind boggling

>> No.22192225
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>> No.22192248


>> No.22192286

i personally knew people buying condos when btc went to $250 in 2013

>> No.22192305

It's paid advertising. For us it's on the accumulation and short side. For them it's the pump then not worth paying for after the cash out.

>> No.22192337

> Muh elite whales
Yawn whales yeah. Doesn't explain advancement in the space being the way that it is so that literally everything crap and good is in the red now. Tron was the last to fallinto the red on the daily kek
Chinks and poos wait for white people to invent and copy.

>> No.22192344

>I don't know shit about science and technology but I'm smug about it, because I'm a single digit IQ brainlet.
This is how you sound.

>> No.22192353

>3 million dollar condo

Is that...supposed to be a lot? Doesn't the average Jew Yorker get that for their barmitzvah?

>> No.22192486

You are 0% certain if you have no proof, and you've offered none. See below RE recent large wallet movements.

You're either a marine fudding or haven't taken the 5 minutes to peek in etherscan. All of the 500K movements are split up into <5K amounts and distributed to unique addresses, most of which are aggregators. They're node payments or some sort of OTC contractual subsidy, probably to get the network off the ground. None of that LINK ends at exchanges, go look.

>> No.22192516

I wonder if BAND is behind ZC...

>> No.22192577

Sergey and Steve are so rich from scamming linkies that they bought luxury apartments all the way on the other side of the country that they will never step foot in.

>> No.22192590

listen to andre talk at 45:14

>> No.22192594

The amount of winners was very small back then, there was no real lambo flexing before 2017 from what I can remember.

Except this guy ofc :)

>> No.22192626

Same. It's becoming obvious this is a total scam.

>> No.22192641


Jesus this is annoying, when did you buy in? seriously. You act like you haven't been around for any of the dozen x5 pumps that led to large retracements. The only people who are freaked out about this dump are those who bought in since march and have only seen the crypto market only go up and make modest dips. All the newfags think crypto is just turbo boomer stocks going up forever and they're panic selling like crazy right now because they think this is doomsday. Sweet summer child, this is just what follows stupid crypto pumps and it always goes back up

>> No.22192664

cool, thanks for the evidence. God this fud is lazy

>> No.22192680

Imagine not buying Polkadot

>> No.22192710

3 years since ico, and the best Sergey can present is some shady DeFi projects. He put PayPal and Visa logos on the website at ico to sucker us in, and years later there are zero enterprises adopting this shit

>> No.22192714

>He thinks this is a bad thing
Seriously, how much of a fucking retard can you really be.

>> No.22192715

>The amount of winners was very small back then
>there was no real lambo flexing before 2017
you said no one was rich before 2017, you dumb nigger

>> No.22192782

It's true. They bought property with Chainlink funding, not early BTC gains.

>> No.22192884

How does that contradict anything I say? I'm only talking about price manipulation. Whales do manipulate price very much so, anyone who's not a newfag in crypto knows this to be true. They want to accumulate real projects because they know those projects are the ones that will mean something real when they mature. Crypto as a whole shitting the bed from time to time is a different matter entirely, of course. Whales are not wizards that can wave a wand and prevent the market as a whole from going down, retard. And nowhere do I claim that.

>> No.22192914

Sergey and Steve diversified into property before the whole boomer financial system implodes? No fucking way nigger

>> No.22192967


They were spending money way before things turned bad. Jesus Christ you fags are delusional

>> No.22193064
File: 364 KB, 638x638, You_Just_Win120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't. My point is elites do not structure the system they just take advantage of it.
> Wizards
But they literally did wave a wand with coindesk using the Korea fud to signal whales to be alert and ready to dump.

Volatility like this is a great buying opportunity especially when several faggots are in threads like this saying it's over.
> Personal expenses are bad
Welcome to the real world kid literally everyone does this and the system continues to chug along just fine

>> No.22193142

I have no problems with people making a profit, but the way this gets promoted as decentralized while they own 3/4 of supply is insane. Even a brainlet like Vitalik can see the scam from a mile away

>> No.22193153

Top wallets have remained stable. They are not selling and neither am I.

>> No.22193265

> Chainlink hodl too many link
> Mentioning an individual as an authority figure
BTC was like this in the early days too anon in fact most genesis wallets still have large amounts. You don't get decentralization overnight.

>> No.22193286

>Volatility like this is a great buying opportunity especially when several faggots are in threads like this saying it's over.

I agree with that. I was done accumulating a long time ago, so I won't be buying, but it's a great opportunity for newfags. Also, I'd like to adress the KIKES that are after my linkies. I AM NEVER SELLING.

>> No.22193333

Kek Ari teaches at fucking cornel tech dude isn’t a prodigy.

>> No.22193365
File: 72 KB, 496x634, 1597096344214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Fuck kikes niggers trannies jannies and spics
I'm waiting until there is nothing green on the charts for my smaller exchange before buying. Plus smartcon videos should be released soon which will be cool because I missed a few keynotes.

>> No.22193432

>Already cashed out their money
Wut? They still have about 60% of the supply

>> No.22193555

well i guess whatever shit they're working on for chainlink will atleast be safe in their million dollar apartments...They won't have to pay for car insurance either since they're living in a well metropolated area.

>> No.22193686
File: 1.97 MB, 1918x1078, 1594765602294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK is made by kikes you fucking retard.

>> No.22194074

Stale fud.

>> No.22194126

cornell is ivy league
he also worked at rsa and formalized proof of work
he's a prodigy

>> No.22194141

you can tell she fucked everyone with any decision power at celsius

>> No.22194180

I bought in at $17 and I’m not even worried. Just fucking hold. If the past few years have told us anything it’s that the price WILL rise again.

>> No.22194187

Would you not hit it though?

>> No.22194254
File: 1.09 MB, 250x251, 1599113930161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be fine, go do something else for a few weeks, incoming 6x soon.

>> No.22194293
File: 3.90 MB, 517x776, 1599102854227[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just hold on bro. the power of kek compels you.
>also take this for your travels, you may need it

>> No.22194393

Cornel Tech, where he teaches, is not THE CORNELL.

>> No.22194417

yes but never let lust impact your wealth

>> No.22194420



>> No.22194423
File: 116 KB, 750x1334, 7D7F69D9-FFAA-49DE-9469-5B064E004C21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22194434

Imagine if LINK reaches $1000. She doesn't even know what she was a part of.

>> No.22194594

Bro dis fud or ru retarded? Sergey mined BTC on a laptop. Icoed into eth. Set up his own Dex pre 2017 how poor do think the guy was before link feak fud 2/10. Also if true looks like Ike he bought in the best neighborhood for value in Manhattan (at the time pre riots) ues is all rich white people and nice Jewish girls. Sergey deserves khazar milkers too

>> No.22194691

Think I'm going to print it and put it on the wall. Cheap decor so I can buy more linkies.

>> No.22194859

I was just gonna sell my Linkies, then I saw Zeus faggots with new FUD and I feel confident.
Just kidding. Never selling.

>> No.22195079

Sergey lives in SF kek. Fud debunked

>> No.22195362

sell pressure you retard

>> No.22195409

Could have multiple homes.

I’ve always wondered who are his parents

>> No.22195434


>> No.22195445

his parents are me and my wife

>> No.22195587

Jason Parser is Rory's daddy fact

>> No.22195701

fucking fat russian scammer

>> No.22195778

Cool I believe you daddy sergey

>> No.22195908

thank you

>> No.22196132

to be fair i would promote her

>> No.22196150

Imagine being this butthurt that Sergey fucked your boyfriend.

>> No.22196230
File: 254 KB, 750x694, 3351EC88-22E6-4685-83EA-253B9B7FD2DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll admit I don’t know the relationship details intimately but
a) you keep spelling them differently. They’re spelled the same
b) pic related

>> No.22196280

>pretending that Ari isn't one of the most accomplished academics in his field
Anon, the idea is that you have to try to make the fud not so fucking obvious.
This is some really low IQ shit.

>> No.22196393

what a bunch of drivel

>> No.22196806
File: 19 KB, 678x585, 1598859442464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn they got in on those apartments for dirt cheap now that everyone is leaving NYC and the real estate is dumping.
Just goes to show how high IQ these boys are, they deserved it!

>> No.22196933

no one will be returning to that dump