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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22185899 No.22185899 [Reply] [Original]

mfw literally every single penny of my net worth is in Link and I watch it all come tumbling down and laugh while it happens.

what is wrong with me?

>> No.22185935

If you’ve held through 2018-2019 then you shouldn’t feel shit anymore

>> No.22185951

This dump is a blip. How will you handle losing 2 million overnight?

>> No.22185967

Because you are in shock and dont know how to cope with reality. It hasnt really dawned on you yet that you are losing money. Give if a few days though!

>> No.22186005

checked. same here lmao i love it

>> No.22186019

Based and delusionalpilled

>> No.22186042

don't think so, had the same reaction when it dumped from $4+ to $1.30 during last corona dip.

>> No.22186062

just a case of autism fren

>> No.22186077

Moved mine to kambria this morning.
Id hurry if i were you.

>> No.22186101
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wow, you are pretty twisted friendo. You are one sick guy

>> No.22186116

you will make millions one day

>> No.22186144
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We are shaking out the weak handed nulinkers, redditfags and twitterfags who FOMO'd this year without doing any research on the project.
The quality of /biz/ will finally increase again as a lot of the low quality people who came will leave.

>> No.22186150

I really don't care anymore when is this shitcoin going to $100 so I can escape waging? It should have been at $20 a year ago

>> No.22186195


>> No.22186238

Couldn't help but laugh when it kept dropping through 12 into 11. That was crazy.

>> No.22186248

Cuz ur a hard fucking lad that's gonna make it is why

>> No.22186333

you are just like me, nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.22186344


>> No.22186400

I wish I was you. I get suicidal when it dumps but I feel almost nothing when it pumps

>> No.22186422

I’m the same way. I would unironically be happier if it went to zero then 1,000. Who gives a fuck anyway? We are headed straight to communism new world order

>> No.22186437


>> No.22186441

You’ll never enjoy your gains even when you make it

>> No.22186467

It was all because I bought. I bought back in and then it dumps over a dollar in the following 5 minutes.

>> No.22186495

checked. same here. i also laughed out loud because this time, i was able to predict it, and sleep like a baby before christmas knowing one day i would wake up and be able to buy link even cheaper.

>> No.22186571

This does help me stay somewhat sane. The world is so fucked up that I know money wouldn't make me happy anyway. We're probably better off staying poor so we can LARP as exploited proletariat. If things keep trending in the same direction, upper-middle class and wealthy people are going to be purged by lowlife commies and their mega-billionaire handlers.

>> No.22186589
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I just wish they'd get on with it already. The waiting is driving me insane.

>> No.22186624

The real pill

>> No.22186660
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Anyone remembering the thrilling anticipation we all had towards September?

>> No.22186698

Can’t lose money if you don’t sell

>> No.22186711

You Nufags need to feel the pain of all the OG's who've held through the craziness since it's inception. I feel NOTHING and I'm never selling.

>> No.22186715
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>trips of truth
lmfao. about to buy another 10k USD.

>> No.22186775

It’s funny because even when I was still excited about link. I didn’t give two shits when it went from 5$ back to $1.80 last year. I don’t even remember it. I don’t even remember thinking to my self oh no. Other shitcoins if they drop 5% I panic sell

>> No.22186788


This... I am so glad this moment has finally arrived.

>> No.22186807

You pretty much described me, though when I finally broke 6 figures I started caring a little bit. It was nice having that feeling of knowing i'm secure. I hate I've fallen back outside of it.

>> No.22186846

checked and based

>> No.22186849

Same and check’em. Fuck weak hands, shake these mother fuckers out.

>> No.22186853

such a normie response. The true answer is all of us see this as a game. At least for me, I don't really care because it's numbers on a screen. Until I actually cash out it's all just fake. And I wouldn't have used that money for anything else anyway.

>> No.22186884

I'm actually kinda happy, finally added to my stack again for first time since beginning of August. Still holding out slim hope I can hit 10k (at 6400 now), but the way I see it every little bit counts.

>> No.22186927

If you put money that you NEED TO SURVIVE into crypto then you're just a dumbass. I'm not selling and recouping. I'll watch it fall and buy more during the dip. Only the strong willed will make it.

>> No.22186945


>> No.22186954

What if this all really was a scam to get white nationalists to buy thinking they could change the world and stop the globohomo and then BAND was the real oracle solution.

I mean didn’t Sergey hire that chink adelyn? Who was would suck Hilary’s tits? So clearly chainlink is woke. And what about Ari? He’s a looks jewier than Barbara Streisand

>> No.22186969

Trips and dubs chain, praise kek.

>> No.22186993

You want to stay poor

>> No.22187000

Hello, Based depratment?

Yes, I think I have found our guy

>> No.22187002

I don’t have any feelings anymore. I didn’t when I turned 30k into over a million and I won’t if that all returns to 0. None of this matters anyways it’s just a way to pass the time

>> No.22187014

Double dubs 69. Praise kek

>> No.22187043

Very redpilled

>> No.22187101

I'm posting pink wojaks ironically. I watched Jan 2018 live, I watched March live. Unless we go back to 6k, It's just not the same kick.

>> No.22187134

If you, like most of us, aren't selling until it hits $1000 then why do you care what it does before then in these speculative pump and dump cycles?

>> No.22187169

Unless you quit your job you're only a level 2 chad

>> No.22187349

My entire net worth is in link and I’m never selling. I’ll either make it or rope. Fuck living a normal life.

>> No.22187535

can you imagine NOT seeing this as a game? if you werent around for the inception of chainlink you can never possibly understand. it was literally people like me, wearing just boxers probably, searching for the exact thread-pattern of sergeys shirt for literally 18 hours straight. we eventually found the manufacturer. took an entire team of us.

>> No.22187572

the white nationalist thing didnt work when you tried it a month ago, its not going to work now. this has not once had anything to do with that..like not even once.

>> No.22187622
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You're a faggot

>> No.22187702
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>Jan 2018
when people had literally just bought their family members crypto gifts. the entire world fucking collapsed underneath our feet. it feels surreal now thinking about it. you are right, the pic related feel just isnt here this time. (((they))) need to unironically try harder to crash our coin.

>> No.22187747

reported for racism outside of b/, sage faggot

>> No.22187855
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>mfw just showed this to two friends who got roped into link by me; one panic sold while the other hodls

Meanwhile I'm still in profit all the way down to forty cents.

>> No.22187862

There's nothing wrong with you. You're just unbelievably based.

>> No.22187931
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>mfw down 325k usd.

56k anon here, didn't even flinch

>> No.22187985

hahahaha i told you fools to sell the peak at 19$ now your stinkylinkies will be tumbling tumbling down.

It will fall more tomorrow as tech dumps and corrects more. Crypto trades in line with stonks because it is speculative.

More pain tomorrow for stinky linkies :)

>> No.22188016

Its a shame newfags like you are going to make money off link.

>> No.22188049


>> No.22188067

I’m going to hire a twink to tattoo your face on his (female) ass so I can fuck your mouth (anus).

>> No.22188101
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its really amazing how fast the percent numbr grows. I'm fuciing pissed

>> No.22188150


>> No.22188192

I remember january 2018 i had a fucking headache for like 3 days, this past march was like lol lets make a shitpost

>> No.22188256

same here

>> No.22188295

Exactly. After going through the google pump and the subsequent dump without feeling demoralized, I feel like nothing can faze me. This hands are made of fucking ADAMANTIUM. I'M NEVER SELLING, KIKES.

>> No.22188560

you are a masochist. you probably have a prolapsed anus from the massive dumps

>> No.22188744

Buy the dip newfag. After a pump there is a correction down, after a dump there is a correction in which direction? Buy. The. Dip.

>> No.22188865

lmfao can you imagine being this much of newfag at the jidf that you dont know about everything im talking about.come on liam, they gotta be giving you better background then that.

>> No.22189377

Whatever helps you cope buddy.

>> No.22189501

Based and redpilled. I’m the same. Probably down around $700k by now and I couldn’t care less. Not selling. We all know whales and faggots like CZ are playing games. They’re all freaking out that they can’t pull off the usual tricks they do with LINK.

>> No.22189552
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not selling at $100
not selling at $1000
so who gives a fuck

fiat is obsolete anyway

>> No.22189555

I'm the same way. Watching it burn is kind of relief because now I don't have to deal with tax issues. Why yes, I AM on anti-psycotics! However did you know?

>> No.22189587
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>> No.22189891
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Kek are you me? I was more anxious when it crabs. Some how I knew that it's going to go to become a Rank 1 coin now. I just feel elated.

>> No.22190179

Pajeet named rankesh same flagging. Tired of links pajeet bot? Buy OXT

>> No.22190255

Hurry up and sell so I can buy your bags

>> No.22190309

Explain to me why LINK should be ranked higher the BTC. Go ahead. I'm waiting.
Why are LINK holders such morons?

>> No.22190336
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Nothing fren. Every day our powerlevel grows, every day is one closer to the day we make it. A comfy feeling no matter what.