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File: 4 KB, 230x230, bitcoin-sv-price-230x230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22176874 No.22176874 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone watching Peter McCorecuck's twitter for signs of defeat tomorrow. Now that discovery officially starts, the CSW = Satoj lawsuit could advance quickly. Probably won't, but there's a >0% sum shit goin' down.

>> No.22177050

No one is paying attention to this boomer coin anymore, this is the new Nano.

>> No.22177062

>the CSW = Satoj lawsuit
CSW = a petulant polyp on cryptos arsehole.
anyone expecting him to prove anything in this trial (or any other) obviously hasn't been paying attention

>> No.22177206

Why is bsv crashing worse than a shitcoin?

>> No.22177268

Stay patient friends, 18 months

>> No.22177325


>> No.22177542

stiffpilled reporting in.

1200 eod

>> No.22177814

Nobody gives a shit what a britcuck court has to say.

>> No.22177903

unless he presents a valid public digital public key signature, from either satoshi's PGP or the genesis key, you can skip your thread tomorrow and just not come here
just post something on twetch, we need to clear space for sushi and pizza threads, no room for bsvishnu

>> No.22177981

except its abhorred by reddit. what does that tell you?
surprisingly someone is decrying the unscrupulous pump and dumps and declaring networks are not outside the physical realm of law. let's defame them

>> No.22178203
File: 44 KB, 660x371, _114194649_deppepa (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so sue me
oh no wait
you'd have to actually PROVE SOMETHING FIRST then, wouldn't you. And he's not very good at proving things, is creg

>> No.22178285

Hmm disagree. UK court and US court have similar levels of legitimacy. Both have their flaws, but both first world quality.

>> No.22178390

friendly reminder, Murican courts found Musk not guilty of defaming some guy he (repeatedly) called pedo. And OJ. But hey, at least even they know, cregs a lying sack of shit

>> No.22178600
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because its worse than any other shitcoin.

>imagine claiming you are worth billions of dollars and will change all of finance and literally no one, not a single person uses your piece of shit coin

>> No.22178848

I think if the defamation lawsuits fail CSW will just take his documents that prove he's Satoj to a notary and have them verified that way. There's no real way out of this for the rest of the crypto market, only delaying the inevitable unless Creggles chokes on his spaghetti in the next 24 months.

>> No.22179718

>CSW will just take his documents that prove he's Satoj to a notary and have them verified that way
and yet, Calvins already personally verified the veracity of the Rusty Staples covfefe stained version of The White Paper in cregs posession. The personal word of a former FBI Top10 most wanted and this fucking abbo fraudster who couldn't sign his fucking name without forging it. That should be enough for Any Man. But if theres a Nigerian Notary handy - never does any harm likes. What date did you say you wanted?

>> No.22180098

It's enough for me, yes. Coupled with all the other evidence I've seen, of course. But I am very much aware that I am not the market.
Regardless of any online posturing, it's either happening or it's not. I'm pretty sure it is. I do however think CSW is underestimating the influence he has. If he's ever Blue Checkmark Verified as Satoj and he keeps talking shit about other coins, he's going to have a bad time. Maybe he's using these next months to get some of the rage out of his system, now that basically no one's listening. People will maybe never give him the proper level of respect, but it'll definitely be more.

>> No.22180255
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>> No.22180291
File: 435 KB, 599x615, 20200525_173212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are Pregs posting ITT RIGHT NOW

>> No.22180306
File: 255 KB, 1153x985, documents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take his documents that prove he's Satoj
if only there was any

>> No.22180325


People who hold BSV are a fucking joke.

>> No.22180591

yeah they think they be the joker but they are the butt end of a bad joke.

>> No.22180977

Wrong. The judiciary are the best in the world. Every common law country takes its lead from the UK and every other jurisdiction pays close attention. You can obtain a worldwide freezing injunction from the UK which will be enforced anywhere for example.