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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 801x479, Coinmetro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22162561 No.22162561 [Reply] [Original]


CoinMetro's bond sale just got approved by the SEC. If you didn't get your 25k suicide stack of XCM yet, you really need to hurry up.

>> No.22162601

what the fuck

>> No.22162699

Does this mean a US person can purchase the bonds?

>> No.22162730

Of course dude. You are (((accreddited))) right?

>> No.22162830
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>> No.22162852

nice. we're gonna make it

>> No.22162902

Slavscam. Stay away.

>> No.22162950

Who'd have thought the first SEC approved crypto would be Coinmetro. THANK YOU MONEY FOREHEAD.

>> No.22162961

If you knew, you knew. Holding with PRQ is super comfy.

>> No.22162972

Go buy hotdog for 7k$.

>> No.22163060
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>Americans calling Estonians Slav scammers
Smarter than you mutts.
Estonia is closer to being a Scandinavian country than a slav country you retard.

>> No.22163092
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This morning I told you anons to get yourselves a bag. Myself personally, I won't make it if 25k a sui stack. But If I can make some profit I'll be more happy.

>> No.22163139

Their customer service is impressive, I think they have the potential to go places.

>> No.22163175
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I unironically love all of you guys here

>> No.22163178

its better than both honestly, fuck scans as well

>> No.22163251

It is necessary to be accredited?

>> No.22163294

So when the FUCK are they going to be certified to operate in NY is my question.

>> No.22163523

Your state don't like money.

>> No.22163528

It's for your protection goys.

>> No.22163594

Kike City doesn't want to you to break free from your slave chains

>> No.22164052
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They may apply for a Bit licence (or whatever it is called in NY) when they're further along their roadmap.
The first mayor steps towards self sustainability and even profitability have already been made by now. I'm feeling comfy.

>> No.22164991
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Binance is getting more and more afraid

>> No.22165419

Lads don't forget. USD deposits are coming this month......

>> No.22165432
File: 373 KB, 960x540, comfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>get in xcm and prq early
>later in that same week
>its 1am
>sit in front of my pc
>price on one screen
>xcm biz thread on the other
>listen to comfy music
>it's raining outside
>smell the scent of wet leaves
>price just keeps going up
is this what it feels like to make it?

>> No.22165585

Very comfy

>> No.22165993

You experienced the feeling of unaltered and pure comfiness.
That's the feeling of ComfyMetro.

Nice gif btw, I saved that one.

>> No.22166059

I only have 1k, what is the minimum make it stack?

>> No.22166180


>> No.22166291

16k stack here. CEO is based and he was the decisive reason for my investment. Will hold for a few years and excited what this platforms has for the future of trading

>> No.22166599

Agreed. Not the reason I got in, but is the reason I’m holding. Anyone can check out one of his Friday AMAs on YouTube.

>> No.22166698

hes doing one tomorrow right?
we should come up with questions to ask him

(maybe we can trick him into giving us opinions on other coins with a small cap that could pop)

>> No.22166870

I don't understand, I have a 100k bag of this,but I just don't understand why the traffic is so low on the exchange. How will Kevin turn this around?

>> No.22167027
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I would advise you to try to get to 10k. That way, you can lock your XCM on CoinMetro and get fee rebates and other useful perks on the exchange.

>> No.22167059

anon, literally no one knows about this exchange yet

>> No.22167069

>Locking XCM
>Not being ICO tier
lmaoing at your life.

>> No.22167093

I want to ask him if he thinks nano will be big someday
and of if he's gonna list it

>> No.22167163

Can we get consensus about suicide and make it stacks?
Suicide is 100k imo

>> No.22167191

>Suicide is 100k
agree, and make it is 500k

>> No.22167201

Top 5% holder is 500k top 1% is 1MM.

>> No.22167279

I am ICO tier, how does it benefit me?

>> No.22167367


>> No.22167523

Thanks, that's pretty neat.

>> No.22167980

youre a bunch of newfags. and you only feel this way about bagsize because you have accumulated for years. suicide stack is 10k, make it stack is 100k.

>> No.22168069

>bunch of newfags
>accumulated for years.
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

>> No.22168093

not true, i just got in at the beginning of this month and only have 60k
If I had more money i'd go all in

>> No.22168119

I am ICO tier. Just giving advice to someone who is not.

>> No.22168245
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I seriously doubt that 500k would only put you in the top 5% with a relatively low total supply of only 330m XCM.

>> No.22168266

With Investor money and cm bonds, they will have around 5 Million dollars ready for Marketing. With their current rate, they pay only 5$ per New User. This would mean 1 Million User. If every user trades 100€ of volume per month, cm is already profitable and price will be around 1€,so 20x soon. User growth will be exponential.

>> No.22168695

Literally everything you said is made up out of thin air. There is no incoming investor money, there is no 5 million dollars for marketing, there is no $5 per user.

>this would mean 1 Million User
Where is this user-generating machine where you put in $5 and a user pops out, scaling up to infinity?

>> No.22168763

not gonna spoonfeed you man. Buy or don't, I don't care if you make it. Stuff has been communicated all the time

>> No.22168823

Literally everything you said is made up out of thin air

>> No.22168826

newfags on 4chan retard, coinmetro bagholder for years

>> No.22169615
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CoinMetro will be the next millionaire make on /biz/ after LINK

>> No.22169749

this shit already pumped and dumped


just listed

liquidity locked

quick pump and dump, ez 10x

>> No.22169785

Get the fuck out of my thread.

>> No.22169847

reported for dangerously low iq, take your meds anon

>> No.22169977


I'm a fellow bagholder but it makes me feel less confident seeing how delusional some of you are. When has Kevin or anyone else said there is 5 million for marketing? Last I heard from him they were spending 50K on marketing.

On a good day in August we saw 500K in trading volume on the exchange. With 0.1% fees (up to half of of which are vaulted but let's be generous here) that is $500/day of revenue. Let's again quite generously assume they make another $500/day from other sources (margin trading, etc.). That is $1000/day in revenue that they have to use to run all their services, pay employees, pay whoever is providing their liquidity, etc. etc. The company is hemorrhaging investor cash with very little increase in user base to show for it. It's taken them years to get STOs/bonds online which is still a pretty unproven concept with no evidence that it will attract an appreciable amount of users to the exchange. The desktop UX is mediocre at best and the mobile app is atrocious. It takes them 10x longer than it should to get anything done which suggests poor management/infrastructure. Considering all this and the fact that there are 100 other exchanges out there doing almost the same thing but more profitably, why would anyone come in and give CoinMetro more money to burn?


>> No.22170200 [DELETED] 

>This is unsubstainable

>> No.22170232
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>This is unsustainable

>> No.22170286

exaggerating a bit. pissed of by this FUD

On a good day, we saw 1 million (August 24th). The volumes have been steadily increasing the last few months. Coinmetro is slowly scaling up, this is intended by Kevin.
Oliver confirmed that they are reworking their KYC for higher allowed deposits for the institutional investors coming with USD support. We saw the first influx (marketbuys 2-3 cents, 3-4 cents) of those.

Coinmetro bond is around 3 mill hardcap I think. Investormoney will be between 1.5-2 mill, they were talking about it in the past.

Sure, some of this will be used for daily ops, but i can imagine that a lot will be used for marketing.
Kevin mentioned that they aim for 5$ acquisition cost per user during their test scenarios. Sure, this doesn't scale, but it's a nice base for calculations.

Even if they just use 1 million and with scaling reach 10$ per user, this will result in 100k new users

This should increase volume on the platform exponentially. With more traders, more of the current TRAM Tradere are able to trade on the platform which will further increase volume and therefore increase XCM price.

To be honest, the only reason not to go all in was the missing SEC announcement regarding the STOs.

Now that this is done, this is a secure 10x in the next months. 100x also possible within 1-2 years.

>> No.22170433

fuck off with those pajeet scam tokens.

>> No.22170439
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Thanks for typing all of that out; I can't be arsed anymore to answer all that misinformed FUD in every CoinMetro thread I post.

>> No.22170469

You are right, he said 50k on his latest AMA.

>> No.22170547

forgot to add:

when coinmetro volume hits more than 1 million daily, it will be unsustainable, i can count the userbase on four hands, kevin is a scam artist who stole my idea of a casino to steal money from newfags


>> No.22170587

This. Fuck kikes.

>> No.22170601

lmao; you forgot that CM also apparently is a
>slavshit scam

>> No.22170921
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My little anons can't actually be this retarded to call this a scam.

>> No.22171361
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LINK still to this day is called a scam on this borad. That should tell you all there is to know.
Nonetheless I'm stilll lurking /biz/ because you can find a diamond in the rough on here sometimes.

>> No.22171412
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>centralized exchanges
Go to bed gramps

>> No.22171440


>> No.22171850
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>Up nearly 10% on a blood red day
Looks like some money is finally floating towards a quality project.

>> No.22172576

imagine buying this absolute trash

>> No.22172750
File: 233 KB, 630x441, 098654476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saying this since months. Here is my CoinMetro Bond and Ignium CSD review.


>> No.22172878

how do you buy xcm? make a coinmetro account, send btc to your coinmetro, then trade for it?

>> No.22173355

Yeah, if you're not Euro or Britbong that is probably your best option. I think its on Uniswap too now but with current gas fees you'll be cheaper off doing it the Coinmetro way

>> No.22173486


>The Tangible bond token will be available mid July

>> No.22173495


>> No.22174504
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They may take their time, but they always deliver quality at CM

>> No.22174637

why does biz love this coin? it's a bag of shit

>> No.22174970

You said it sir please buy uniswap scam

>> No.22175205
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>> No.22175230
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>> No.22175238

This coin is shit. What kind of shitty eastern european exchange takes 5 years to launch? And still no userbase? The chinks got binance to launch in like 2 months.

Besides, nobody cares about shitty centralized Kyc exchanges now that there is shit like uniswap available.

>> No.22175814

read this mein neger >>22164052

>> No.22175853 [DELETED] 

Pathetic tripfag. Filtered.

>> No.22175854

Ok bleed on fees.

>> No.22175901
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Pathetic namefag. Filtered.

>> No.22176199

Counter my point? That's right you cant so fuck off and take your russian shitcoin scam with you.

>> No.22176260

Im holding a bag and looking to growing into a proper suicide stack. BUT, why is it taking it so long for them to get their product out? I see a lot of other exchanges out with lots of traffic, so why has it been so slow?
I do feel like once crypto trading/investing is mainstream and the general public needs a platform to invest, Coinmetro will be the number one choice. So I do have high hopes for this. Price projections 2-3 years from now?

>> No.22176527

XCM price in 2 years when they reach sustainability until February 2020 as predicted and keep growing afterwards...

>> No.22176712

So a 150x?
My math: 10 / .068 = 147

>> No.22177032

I'd be fine with €1, €10 definitely seems feasible in 3-5y
one anon one time said €30 is more realistic since binance is 20 and cm are trying to be way better than binance

>> No.22177042


I can give you a detailed calculation if you want.

If Coinmetro can bring traditional finance markets+ huge volume on the platform in the long run, it goes even higher

>> No.22177194

Nice. So I might be looking to sell at 5,10, 20 dollar milestone and keep a stacklet bag in the case of mass adoption in the next 10 years

>> No.22177303

>I can give you a detailed calculation if you want.
I want one please anon

this coin is /our turn/
it has only two ways it could do, either we get a rich or we make it

I'm hoping for another year of accumulation, I know that probably won't be the case but I don't have a lot of funds right now

>> No.22177928
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Why should XCM increase in price?
XCM is used for every transaction on Coinmetro.com
Details: https://coinmetro.com/blog/xcm-ecosystem-full-token-utility/

For a trade of 1000€, 0.1%, therefore 1€ is marketbought in XCM and given to the exchange.
50% of those 1€ worth of XCM are burnt, 50% are kept as a fee for Coinmetro.

Coinmetro team predicts that sustainable volume will be reached in February 2021
Example: With a daily trading volume of 5 million € daily
5 million daily means 5000€ of buys Daily
So per year, 1.825.000€ (5000*365) of xcm are bought and burnt.

With a price of 0,10€, this would mean 18,250,000 XCM (nearly 10% of max supply)
In comparison, BNB has burnt 10% of max supply since it’s start in 2017

Therefore, the price has go up hand in hand with volume, because no one would sell when such a price pressure consists.

When Coinmetros volume reached 100 million € daily, it’s 100k€ per day, 36,500,000€per year.
With a price of 10€, this would result in a burn of 1,6% per year, which is a reasonable amount.

Then add tokenomics of people holding off XCM for cheaper fees- 10k xcm for lowest fee rebates, 50k XCM for highest rebates. With 1000 people holding 50k XCM for cheaper fees (and long term hodl), 25% of max supply is gone, resulting in even more shortage.

Then add all the people holding XCM for profit. With these numbers, everyone will jump on the XCM bandwagon and hold as long as possible, this will further drive the price.

Furthermore, XCM is planned to be used as collateral for Copy trading and collateral for Margin lending+ posting soon. This will increase the use case further.

If CM delivers and reach a lot of volume, 10+€ is easily possible. 1€ until End of 2021 is inevitable

>> No.22177929
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We are all gonna make it.

>> No.22178071

sorry, it is not made clear in the comment

sustainable volume is 5 million per day, mentioned in the first example there.

>> No.22178450

There is a flaw in your logic there
For every trade there is a market maker and a market taker.
Market takers pay 0.1% - without taking into account tiers
Market makers pay 0% or even receive part of the market taker's fee

So the net fees are far below 0.1%, thus requiring a far higher volume to validate your calculations.

>> No.22178469

Russian? You clearly haven't looked at it at all.

>> No.22178958

that's correct, rebates are not included in this scenario. So numbers might differ by 5-20%, depending on the tier level. Most of the ico holders don't create a lot of volume anyways.

still, i believe 10€ in 2 years is absolutely possible, considering the impact of the secondary market of the STOs when there's a lot offered.

>> No.22178982
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Honestly, this is great. Goes to show that despite the current DeFi yield farming rush/bubble, there still remains a place for traditional finance items to be tokenized and propelled into the future as crypto gains more and more adoption. It helps that Coinmetro advertises itself as a tax-compliant and newbie/boomer friendly platform even if it's within European communities and markets at first. Still, betting on Coinmetro now is hoping that they manage to establish an online presence to rival Binance's or Coinbase's, which are losing steam against DEXes, especially Uniswap.

I seriously hope that this approbation by the blindfully unaware SEC followed by USD integration in the following weeks combined with a strong marketing effort will finally solve the major issue with Coinmetro and the XCM token by association : the whole thing isn't sustainable to begin with. I can count the entire user base of coinmetro with 4 hands worth of fingers. Daily volume is astonishingly low, revealing the flaw: it's just a smokescreen to hide that it's actually a ponzi/money laundering scheme, which has now been proved by crowdfundinsider in this article :
XCM cannot be valued above 10 cents. XCM holders are now tasked to try their best to recruit as many people as possible into the exchange to keep the money and the rewards flowing in, otherwise the house of cards inevitably falls upon itself without warning as soon as the tokens bought by Kevin Murcko/the exchange ALL GET SOLD AT ONCE to break even. Let me repeat myself here : the XCM token CANNOT be valued more than 10 cents per token, if not less.

>> No.22179172


>50% of those 1€ worth of XCM are burnt, 50% are kept as a fee for Coinmetro.
This is not true. It's "up to 50% are vaulted". Meaning CoinMetro takes anywhere from 50% to 99.99% of the fees. The formula to determine their cut is not public.

The most recent vaulting was only 3k XCM which at 0.06 each is only 180 EUR. At .05% that translates to a weekly volume of 360,000. Nobody knows whats in their formula or what % of their volume comes from things they aren't taking fees on but I think it's safe to say vaulting is not going to drive the price up as much as some of you are hoping it will.

>> No.22179360
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>> No.22179472
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see you tomorrow

>> No.22179495
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>> No.22179652

Go and look XCM trading history - fresh money pouring in constantly.
Its choochoo time, motherfokkars.

>> No.22179698

only a matter of time until it goes 20x

>> No.22180391

Im guessing XCM usage has gone up since everybody wants to buy the dip now with fiat.

>> No.22180795

Please kevin, make me some money
I'm so tired
I've got 80k xcm. Is that enough?

>> No.22180810

Yep, lot's of new users. Can't wait for it to explode

>> No.22180823

how does $800k sound?

>> No.22180942


>> No.22181226

Fucking lmao, I absolutely love this FUD. I fall for it every time. You are the most based fudposter I have ever seen.

So not only does Coinmetro have the best support, tokenomics, CEO... it even has the best FUD. Never been this comfy.

>> No.22181364
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>> No.22181887

True dat

>> No.22182436

>I see a lot of other exchanges out with lots of traffic

Spoiler: that traffic is artificially inflated and will collapse (along with the shitty exhanges that wash trade) as soon as regulation hits. Seeing real, steady trade volumes of 500k daily for a (yet) small exchange like CM is actually very impressive and a great sign.

>> No.22182515

Anyone else having problems verifying on CoinMetro? The verification text is not reaching me.

>> No.22182781

talk to support they will solve ur issue in literally 2 minutes

>> No.22183338

I have a question. So Coinmetro is supposed to be an exchange centered in Europe. Does that mean they will have their services in all the silly languages they speak over there, including the UI and Customer services?

>> No.22183354

I think the SMS verification Provider in the US currently has issues. Ask the Support on the site

>> No.22183487

I'm literally dealing with them right now and they're typing back to me in 100% perfect English. Looked them up on LinkedIn and it's a bit suspect, but their CEO looks promising.


>> No.22183580

Thanks broskis

>> No.22184191

I need usd support so I can buy prq without paying insane gas fees on uniswap

>> No.22184367

>Smarter than you mutts.
thats not very hard, sir

>> No.22184628


>> No.22184665
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only white nation able to fight with the gooks in student level maths and sciences. pretty based I'd say.

>> No.22185242

Based estonian making their Kids work hard for our ico gains

>> No.22185629

lmao I'm falling for this every single time.
Based 4 hands poster at it again!