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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 935 KB, 1080x1080, Bitcoin Crash 2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2217414 No.2217414 [Reply] [Original]

After lurking and seeing since Friday, a lot of people here
felt like they went to Lambo land, but then the whole feeling of excitement
led to a disastrous conclusion. Do you'll guys have hope???

>> No.2217471

I cashed about 15k out to cover my initial investment and some profit for myself to enjoy, and bought some stuff on JewEgg with some extra BTC. Letting the rest ride in the market. Don't give two shits since its all "free money" anyways.

>> No.2217480

there is no hope. my only regret is not fucking stumbling upon this shit a few weeks sooner. then i could've defrauded idiots too.

>> No.2217498
File: 561 KB, 600x600, pepebit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy getting raped by the taxman for capital gains while I hold long term.

See you at $5000.

>> No.2217531

You niggers are so obsessed with taxes. Get over it. It's a part of life. Sold some ETH at $190 and it dipped all the way down to $120 and is now at $170.

I'm bearish on the market too. I expect shit to crash further

>> No.2217536

Some of us are making money in this environment.

We're not all buy-and-hold mooncucks.

>> No.2217677
File: 3.01 MB, 350x193, 1494937842537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cashed out $15k
>thinks it's "free money"

>> No.2217839 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 265x400, welcome_to_internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, income = profit - loss, and income is what's taxed. Actually, you losers who are in the hole tens of thousands relative to your entries aren't totally up shit creek. Those loss represents write-offs this year, but write-offs in all future years (up to the value of losses). Basically losing $25K in cryptos the last few days == paying future taxes.

>> No.2217851
File: 412 KB, 800x852, ayyylmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, income = profit - loss, and income is what's taxed. Actually, you losers who are in the hole tens of thousands relative to your entries aren't totally up shit creek. Those losses not only represent write-offs this year, but write-offs in all future years (up to the value of losses). Basically losing $25K in cryptos the last few days == paying future taxes.

>> No.2217864
File: 44 KB, 500x599, tearfeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW the drive-by media used this to tarnish the God Emperor during the election.

>> No.2219011

You are a cuck that panicsells and pays high taxes. Good job.

>> No.2219028

You only pay taxes ONCE when you cash out if you are holding for 1+ year

If taxfags annoy me too much i'll cash out in another country anyway

>> No.2220482

Wow, it's like you guys don't know how to calculate the amount of tax paid and didn't sell in the dip?

After seeing all the blockfolio threads, 99% of you fags don't even have 5k in your port and only work part time jobs. Once your port breaks 50k like mine did can you even begin to attempt to give advice. 99% of /biz/ is high schoolers and undergrads.

In short, I don't know what to tell you guys. Bought BTC and ETH back in January when shit was low. Pushed my port past 50k, cashed out 15k the other day which is my initial investment plus twice that in profit. The rest I'm letting ride because I'm long term anyways.

Jesus, /biz/ is retarded. I don't know why I even had to explain this to you fags. Honestly, it's kind of sad.

>> No.2220494

And, because I know you fag never have cashed out, Coinbase has a feature which automatically calculates the amount of tax to get paid. If you think I'm paying tax on the whole 15k you're retarded. It's only on about 8k of it and, once again, it's marginal income which, in reality, it is because I did a few day trades.

You fags think you're clever, but the IRS will bend you over hard. But, then again, they don't fuck with fags like you who make less than $10k a year anyways.

>> No.2221159

I'm still over 50% gainz, could cash out even at the lowest of the current last two weeks and make nice profit
But no shitcoin action gets pretty fucking boring

>> No.2221169

This has been one of the most profitable weekends for me in crypto. I fucking sold at the top, went all in on ETH at $120, and cashed out yet again at about $174.

How anyone is unable to simply buy the fucking dip is beyond me.

I think you people are fucking retards.

>> No.2221174
File: 22 KB, 540x404, 1494822106132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Held through the entire storm, down about 500+ but still holding with an iron fist

>> No.2221178

And you're fucking retarded too.

Sell your BTC for cash on Localbitcoins and then simply use the cash as spending money for however long that takes and use the full income from your job as savings. It's that simple.

>> No.2221185

Huh. I'm up about $500 today because I sold near the top and bought the dip.

Thanks for literally handing me your money.

>> No.2221190

I bought BTC at 400 and eth at 14. This drop is NOTHING. If I went back in time and told myself what the prices are right now I'd be over the moon.

>> No.2221198

>handing others money
anon, i....

>> No.2221308

I said virtually the same thing in another thread and I got a bunch of morons whining:

>you just got lucky
>of course it's easy to predict a dip in hindsight
>implying people can predict the future
>you could have missed the train
>I'll laugh at you from the moon
etc etc
It's like they can't admit they fucked up and have to cope

>> No.2222089

Was up 15x, now lost about 15-20% Boo-fucking-hoo. Get a coin that will retain value, I have Waves and am not worried.

>> No.2222119

>cashed out 15k the other day which is my initial investment plus twice that in profit. The rest I'm letting ride because I'm long term anyways.

nice anon, sounds like a good plan

dont listen to these losers, just pay the taxes and youll be completely clean. The crytpo game is already pretty much free money, no reason to get greedy or in trouble with the IRS over it.

>> No.2222310
File: 420 B, 126x126, facepalm#.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disasterous Weekend Has it Been For Ya'll
What the fuck is up with you faggots?
There was no disaster over the weekend.
Do you think you are guaranteed unlimited gains by the allmighty kek?
>be me
>do stupid greentext
>go on a climbing trip for the long weekend
>check something on the internet
>my browser is set to open the last page visited
>Crashing!!!!111!!! threads all over the place
>Oh, well, no reason to let this kill my good mood, the weather is percfect and I'm pulling strong as never before
>Get back home
>check my accounts this morning
>UP 3% over the long weekend
Can't you faggots even tell the difference between a plus and a minus? 0 is the divider between those two, not +50%!
>weak hands get out

>> No.2222317
File: 1.81 MB, 2400x3380, 1948_1410282594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are still holding bitcoin, sell most of it now.

>> No.2222332

I'm actually happy about the correction

t.long term hodler

>> No.2222446

Unless your country takes between 30-50% of crypto profits for reasons.

>> No.2223731

My portfolio is 6 figures and im not cashing out until it's 7 and I can keep 50% of my BTC forever noobfag.

>> No.2223750

never bought my bitcoins mined them so the irs cant do shit faggot

>> No.2223764

If you seriously report capital gains on forex/BTC then you're a retard. Legally not obligated to so I won't faggot... Just host a server from overseas and then you won't need to pay taxes you dipshit

>> No.2223831

so then it's all profit, you're a really big faggot