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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22167502 No.22167502 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit bros what is happening today?

>> No.22167549


>> No.22167562

Are there any news sites that properly show why the market is tumbling down?
Fuck it can't be that hard to datamine most major news sites and get a clear outlook why these trends are taking place. Everyone else has been doing it for decades now.

>> No.22167566
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>> No.22167600

You got bogged

>> No.22167809
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Retarded Robinzoomers all shit the bed when green line not go up.

>> No.22167850

I don't invest in stocks, I just enjoy watching everyone lose their shit.

>> No.22167852


>> No.22167867

What is occurring here is simple.

Very simple.

I bought.

>> No.22167870
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>> No.22167922

the great september dump we were warned about but ignored (bcause biz was wrong so much)

>> No.22167932

people exiting the FED pump to trade their soon to be worthless USD for commodities and other currencies

>> No.22168066

my friend is heavily involved in the financial world. you autists told me that something was going to happen to the stock market on monday. I immediately notified him, he blew it off. You guys were a couple of days off, but you certainly saw this coming.

>> No.22168102

if I buy more than $250 LINK at one time the entire market crashes. i truly am sorry for causing this.

>> No.22168152

>tfw /pol/ always predicts the September dump
I can't believe I chose now of all times to cool it with the racism

>> No.22168155

lol these idiot fucks didnt see shit. They have been predicting a dump since the literal start of the bullrun. Every fucking week they were dead wrong. They are absolute & complete idiots.

>> No.22168166

they did lol. i just wrote the exact thing below before seeing your post. my friend actually isnt responding to me right now. he probably knows he could have made his company an enormous amount of money with this knowledge.

>> No.22168176
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>> No.22168215

>down $3k for day
>up $5k for month
I just zoom out to see green to make my day better.

>> No.22168217

well...maybe thats the case. but i'm on biz pretty much every day, and on sunday night into monday someone was shilling a market crash pretty hard. monday i told my buddy. now, here we are, faggot.

>> No.22168321

>Are there any news sites that properly show why the market is tumbling down?
it's random anon, don't bother

>> No.22168338

Please, make it stop.

>> No.22168372
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>falling for the meme bullrun
yikes, only bobos are gonna make it

>> No.22168439

Stop cheating me kike

>> No.22168443


>> No.22168474
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blocks your path.
25% up

>> No.22168502

The joos are rug pulling the entire stock market and the crypto market with it.

Crypto is crashing because of one 12 million euro whale shorting everything and causing a chain reaction.

>> No.22168552

>The joos are rug pulling the entire stock market
nah, we are at least 1 year too early for that

according to my memelines nasdaq composite will pump to 20k before the next real recession

>> No.22168575


is this tweet real? if yes holy crap the US president truly is the king of retards.

>> No.22168631

The worst chink scam to ever existed.

>> No.22168637


>> No.22168648

bitcoin needs to fill a CME futures gap at around 9300 usd, which it will hit and then go back up again and retake its lost ground, until it makes another gap it needs to artificially manipulate itself down to hit.

>> No.22168703

this, the only question was when will it start dumping. welp, now we have the answer, see you at 9500 in a week or so

>> No.22168753
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>> No.22168937

i dont have the image on my phone but i repeatly posted that the average return in september is -6% over the last 11 years

>> No.22169115
File: 259 KB, 1242x431, 03198FD6-8F29-43D8-86D7-28608BF47458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea it’s real. Just like this one.

>> No.22169802

ATH algo triggers hitting before a holiday weekend. It’ll be a hard rally into the close tomorrow with fresh highs to follow next week.

>> No.22169834

The markets,
He slew
Don't know how you're a virgin with this massive fucking you've just given everyone, man you must be sore right now

>> No.22169866

smart money sold. You know that 1% of americans own like 40% of all american stock, right? If they decide to sell, the market will crash, so you gotta sell before they do

>> No.22169869
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>> No.22169903

Banks selling off Bitcoin holdings to cover silvrr deliveries in COMEX prove me wrong

>> No.22169917

god this board is retarded. The market will crash a lot more, anyone should see this. This is just the first sell off of many.

>> No.22169920

Yep that’s who is running the US. If I was American I’d get the fuck out of there

>> No.22169961

Reminder that the 1% own 40% of ALL stocks. Yes, all stocks in existence. You are playing their game, small fish

>> No.22170004
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>> No.22170029

We are entering a 200 year long bear market. Islam will take over europe, usa will fall apart, global IQ decreasing, Global warming
>It´s only downhill from here

>> No.22170073
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>> No.22170078
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it looks like it's starting to recover now. phew

>> No.22170186


>> No.22170399

stocks are crashing because smart money AKA Big money is selling, because the market is overvalued as fuck. Why cant you retards understand this simple fact, god you´re dumb

>> No.22170612

he's really attacking fox? what the fuck

>> No.22170675


>> No.22170840

Just like the 3500 gap, right?

>> No.22170903

Just big companies who manipulate the price. Have considered exiting the market and waiting for a massive dump where buy and hold strategy won't get btfo'd

>> No.22170929

Finally got a win yesterday and felt good about myself, then lost double what I made yesterday in a retarded TSLA call.

What's the slowest, most painful way to kill myself?

>> No.22170962

when not overvalued?

>> No.22171180

What I dont understand is why PMs the stock market AND crypto are getting rekt. Usually I can hedge losses but literally everything I own took a fat shit.

>> No.22171225

Cut into your stomach and pull out your intestine slice a 4 inch slit and stuff it back into the hole and let it fester for 48hr.