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File: 3.36 MB, 4096x3446, Link charts v5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22155768 No.22155768 [Reply] [Original]

Hey anons. I know this dump is stressing people out more than any that have come before. That's because we're dealing with real, life-changing amounts of money now. Most OGs are sitting on a quarter million in link profits.

I think the main thing to remember right now is, we are not even at *half* the previous all-time market cap for crypto as a whole. Not even half. If you think 2018 was the all time peak, then okay, sell. If you think crypto will eventually surpass that, it seems pretty stupid to sell now. If link maintained it's current rank, it would be worth 30$ then. That's a pretty conservative price target and I think it's pretty likely we'll hit it in the next year or so. But, by all means, take profits if you really need to for your own wellbeing. Try to think as clearly as possible and make the right plays. I hope we all make it, good luck frens.

Usual bullshit:

As always, the point of this chart is just a simple thought experiment: "What would the price of LINK be if the crypto marketcap was X and link was at rank Y?" This isn't meant to be predictive, I'm not saying we are gonna hit a particular rank/mcap, just putting some perspective on what it would take to get there.

In addition to the price of link at the % dominance of current coin ranks, the rows with the price of link if it hit the historical % dominance that different altcoins (BCH, XRP, ETH) hit at their respective peak % dominances. Note: not peak price, peak dominance.

>> No.22155896

Ya it’s crazy how small the mcap of all crypto is right now. Apple literally makes it in 1 day so no reason to stress.

>> No.22156010

Bizbros need your help. Got married in Jan pretty great girl. No significant fights but arguments here and there. Yesterday we’re arguing about something dumb and pulled the ‘this is my place’ card. She flipped out and hasn’t talked to me since slept on couch for two days, just like a fucking switch. Thing is we have a kid on the way 4 months preg. I’m a 50k link holder she knows nothing about that and I have 400k in the bank and a 1M house that’s only 100k paid down. I’m pretty pissed and was thinking of pulling out the separation or divorce card on her. What do I need to think of If I go down this road, should I get legal now?

>> No.22156065

Your post is exactly what I needed to see as LINK dipped below $14.

>> No.22156104

Yes get legal advice, don’t tell het or your lawyer about the crypto

>> No.22156121

For someone with less than $2k in their bank account, how much of that should I realistically put into $LINK?

>> No.22156139

I can't help you on the legal side, depends on too many factors. You are the only one here who knows that girl, I would suggest you try to talk about whats bothering you or her and discuss it openly. If you want to disclose your holdings or not is up to you. But you are about to have family anon,the "this is my place" is your ego talking, its a place for your family, if you want your family to work.

>> No.22156165

...Apple makes $372 billion a day?

This is truly the brain of the average LINK holder, I'm fucking selling

>> No.22156170

I can even figure out the exact sequence of events based on your retarded description, but regardless it hardly seems like something worth divorcing over. You retarded fuck.

>> No.22156183

two things:
don't back down on the shit test. she's just making sure you aren't going to bitch on her and the kid.
and nbody is to know about your stack including your lawyer. when asked, your hard drive with all the keys failed end of story.

>> No.22156188

you probably dont even hold anything

>> No.22156220

Not after realising just how fucking retarded my former fellow LINK holders are.

>> No.22156267

At least 2k.

>> No.22156278

what, your 300 link?

>> No.22156283

And nothing hurts anymore, I feel kinda free

>> No.22156304
File: 32 KB, 680x540, 1594277370601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wants to leave a girl he impregnated.
Not only are you a nigger, you will most likely burn in hell too.
Just go sex her and show your dominance instead of bailing and everything will be fine.

>> No.22156314

Ya I get that I mean I’ve never acted that way just said in the heat of the moment but her reaction to it is a way over the top power grab. She’s loose with finances so I was annoyed she’s not terrible though

>> No.22156371

Take your money and leave the country

>> No.22156383

Right that was always my play in the past and it worked well. Fu king corona has just fucked things up

>> No.22156448

Her reaction is valid. Marriage is a union and you're telling your pregnant wife that it's your place? Dick move. Now maybe if you had said something like you're the head of the household and you have final say but treating her like a dog won't get you anywhere.

>> No.22156550

Ya I get that heat of the moment but I’ve never never acted like that is the case. Feels like the reaction is pretty over the top no clue what her plan is or even where to go can’t really take it back

>> No.22156561

What the hell? What kind of a committment to her is that? Did you mean the words you said to her on your wedding day you autist?

>> No.22156595

Just tell her sorry, its our place. You freaking idiot, marriage is about communication. Dont listen to the bitter MRA jesters here.

>> No.22156596

Yes I hear that. I think my point is whether it is a harbinger of being fucked to come. Like if she can just flip on a fucking dime it gets much much harder later

>> No.22156616

Sure sure. Glad you see you were at fault though. Shes just salty and showing it in a woman way until you apologize.

>> No.22156617

Think of it as being a link holder right now. Do you hold despite evidence that you’re going to be fucked in the future or do you swing

>> No.22156639


>> No.22156652

Sounds like some petty shit desu anon but don't panic sell your chick. You have the power and she knows it so don't give in to her dumb hysteria. If she doesn't wanna talk then don't talk, don't act phased and definitely don't be the first to give in like a cuck. Just hodl.

>> No.22156659

You made a committment to each other and this little nothing-fight has you thinking of divorce? Men of this generation are weak. Also for Link think about Sergey. Dont you trust him? Hodling link is a lot less serious than marriage but its the same. Marriage takes iron hands, no wonder so many here got shaken out.

>> No.22156676

Right this is good advice and this is where I’m at with it. I don’t even know how to be the groveling cuck that’s why she’s so mad right now

>> No.22156684

>Yesterday we’re arguing about something dumb and pulled the ‘this is my place’ card.
wait, so you said 'this is my place?' why don't you just apologize you fucking dipshit

>> No.22156693
File: 19 KB, 262x274, 1572650662032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anon buys even 10 link and we assume that link continues to expand in the market it would easily become 3000 dollars with tiem according to OPs chart.

>> No.22156718

>Got married
NGMI, didn't read the rest.

>> No.22156720

Those of us here in 2017 know the shot holding can get you in too. I just held from 1 million down to 675k, hard to argue that’s some good hold

>> No.22156724

>dont panic sell your chick
Top kek best advice in thread. Everything really is like investing.

>> No.22156739

I did dipshit. Not accepting it stil sleeping on the couch. In my place.

>> No.22156759

then clearly there's some other issue your myopic ass isn't saying or has been missing.

besides, you're married so it's both of your places legally

>> No.22156809

This guys based

>> No.22156821

Ok that’s a good point, there may be and I’m just not sure. Thanks fren

Btw why the fuck is link doing the same bill ship every day. Crashes to the dollar value below then storms bach then spends the next 24 hours going back to that crash level then does it again

>> No.22156842

Is it really both of our place it’s just in my name bought before getting married

>> No.22156902

It may be your house but it's her home

>> No.22156926


She's pregnant, you spineless faggot. Her fucking hormones are going wild. This shit will happen again once you get pregnant a second/third/fourth/.../n-th time, or once her menopause kicks, if your marriage manages to last that long.

> t. lived in a house full of women

>> No.22156934

Why not say "this is our home"? Did you not realize that when you guys joined each other in matrimony?

>> No.22156985

Ok that’s a good way to put it thanks fren. It was heat of the moment never actually acted like it’s just mine

>> No.22157009

Fucking terrifying. I’m super busy work wise Have good hours tho having time for shit like this fucking blows

>> No.22157090

How did this thread get hijacked by someone droning on about his stupid gf? It was about link price. Fuck off with your stupid larpy crap about some woman, anon.

>> No.22157123

Ya I’m done now but got some good nuggets, from an OG linker thanks linkbros

>> No.22157209

Try to bring it up when tyrone is preparing in the bathroom

>> No.22157222

>At least 2k.
i will sell my mother's plate collection for link

>> No.22157296


>> No.22157430

You have to work for it sometimes when you fuck up anon. Apologize for mistakes and try to avoid repeating the same ones. Don't just say sorry, accept your mistakes and try to show her support and love. Women are more emotional, you have to bare that in mind. Also she is pregnant numbnuts, especially emotional and you pull the "my house" card. Simple sorry won't do.

>> No.22157538

OK, looking at that chart, we are well poised for $1000 eoy.

>> No.22157578

You betcha man, and yeah I get it. Wishing you all the best in your marriage. Its important to get that right. God speed.

>> No.22157626

That meanz Link $2000 eoy.

>> No.22157730

This chart show that newfags should sell now. Crypto will never surpass 3T

>> No.22157756

How does this account for links locked in nodes? With a lower supply, the price should increase

>> No.22157807

He wants your bags, newfags. Hes probably a nulinker himself

>> No.22157849

>I know this dump is stressing people out more than any that have come before

Ogs don't care about the price, we only care about staking, I don't care what the price is until staking and the 99% are priced out.

>> No.22158398

Instead of engaging in stupid women talk next time ignore it

>> No.22158523

This guy is right, I'm red pilled on women but this sounds like your insecurity. If you expect to have a family the house is going to be seen as a shared asset, no matter who paid, something I am going to learn in a few years. Keep your crypto to yourself and remember if you desire the trad wife, homekeeper lifestlye you are going to have to pay for the house.

>> No.22158714

>I'm red pilled on women
No you're not. The insecure guy isn't either. "This is mine" is dumb, but engaging over it is more dumb unless you are winning. You are both obviously insecure faggots. Either ignore the comment or flip it in your favor. Share and amplify it into something stupid. "Oh yes of course your majesty, shall I prepare the carriage". Having said that.. just ignore it for preggers. Not worth it.

>> No.22158748
File: 624 KB, 500x700, B81AE879-2DCD-4156-A391-01FAD93CA367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is this thread about some pathetic cuckold’s wife I want link hopium and I want it NOW

>> No.22158938

>Why the fuck is this thread about some pathetic cuckold’s wife I want link hopium and I want it NOW
Why. You're a cuck. Smartcon was huge. Nothing has changed in link land.

>> No.22159104

try apologizing you absolute niglet

>> No.22159201

Don't do this.

>> No.22159541

>get married
>still thinks it's HIS house
Good luck with that you stupid fucking cunt, you clearly know nothing about marriage. Literal nigger

>> No.22159662

Youre retarded. Youre married and shes pregnant. its her place too now.

>> No.22159683

Please tell me you at least got a prenup, you dumb shit

>> No.22159742

>Smartcon was huge.
No it wasn't. Nothing new was announced. We already knew about DECO and derivatives etc.

>> No.22159750


>> No.22159910

"No significant fights"
"this is my house"
" thought about divorcing my wife and leaving her in poverty as a single mother and completely ruining my unborn childs life"

you sound like a fucking 12 year old makes a lot of sense as to why you're here

>> No.22160029

How do you hold link if that is all you took away from it