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22144841 No.22144841 [Reply] [Original]

would like to get 1 or 2 pills for the party nights

>> No.22144919

honest question, why do ppl take those pills? if i cant get a boner i also dont want to fuck, even though i always get a boner if i want

>> No.22144958

search research chem sites like science.bio or maximpeptide

It's cheaper, no prescription needed, and lab verified.

You should pick up some nootropics too; boost that brain of yours and trade some crypto.

>> No.22144973


coke + liquor + weed + long night partying...

>> No.22144989

Get blue chew. Only in the U.S though, I’m a 24 yo boomer that loves sex and I got approved lol

>> No.22144995

Look for some thai "herbal supplements". It's just sildenafil with banana leaves or whatever the fuck they put in there.

>> No.22145007

sounds like the perfect recipe for a heart attack

>> No.22145010

i think when you have actual ED you're horny but your shit doesn't work

>> No.22145021

promotes bloodflow so it def gets you more sensitive
just go to a doctor and say you're having some trouble

>> No.22145055


stop listening to the rest of these muppets and just follow this.

>> No.22145056

its so you can have weird crazy sex. You'd be suprised how many women you know have gone to a hotel for the weekend to get drug fugged for 26 hours straight, and then came back to their job at the library with no one the wiser.

>> No.22145125

Yeah kinda, but there's a feedback loop. I got depressed last year and just never felt horny. When my wife wanted to bang I wasn't really interested. It sucked. I went to talk to my doctor about depression and he gave me 8 viagra and said "Go fuck your wife more". Our 1st daughter is due Friday.

>> No.22145149

Also I should add that the pills are unironically fun. They make your pee po crazy hard and actually less sensitive. Makes for big nuts.

>> No.22145203

Being a brainlet and not knowing chemicals, which of these will give me a boner?

>> No.22145213

i wonder if thats better for your prostate. I've been having too many midnight pees lately

>> No.22145273

t. Dan Bilzerian

>> No.22145348

Blue chew
I keep a few just in case

>> No.22145349


>> No.22145471

low dose daily 5mg cialis or tadalafil usage actually helps your member if you use it for long term even if you dont have ed since it provides blood flow

>> No.22145702



>> No.22146289

so no one has links to legit sites?

>> No.22146340

Is there a reason you don't want to talk to your doctor about it? They'll prescribe it to you.

I guess the Chinese ones are maybe cheaper but I dunno, I wouldn't buy anything from China.

>> No.22146383

One time I took adderall and viagra together. I was fucking this girl for hours dude. My vision was blue the whole time and felt like I was going to pass out at any moment

>> No.22146449

kek burgers living in a land of freedom
in my country you get it at the drug store or gas station, no perscription needed

>> No.22146473

Go ask on /fit/. You get viagra and ED meds from the same sites as steroids.

>> No.22146475

what should I pop if want to last longer like 1-2 hours without nutting.

>> No.22146555

Was she drugged too

>> No.22146601
File: 133 KB, 500x522, 1575863104657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this Angie Verona? The chick that cried on national TV because spergs were jerking off to her photos? Well, yeah, when you're a thot that posts pictures like these on the internet, a lot of seed is going to be spilled.

>> No.22146602

Nah and she didn’t know I was kek

>> No.22146655

oxycodone my guy. Not easy to get prescribed if you're a burger

>> No.22146679

I want her to ride me

>> No.22146682

Ok bro. Here's what's up. Buy it from alldaychemist. I have bought it from there a bunch of times. The prices are good. The site says could be months due to covid but I just ordered some and it came about 3 weeks later.
The site says you need a prescription. You just don't give them a script bc you don't have one. They send it anyway. You're welcome nigga.
I just bought a case of them that I don't even want just for the days I feel like having a giant throbbing drug boner.
And to the bros who wonder why do this if you don't have ED? You have no clue. These boners are like fucked up strong monster boners. I have a big dick and when I take these, I get literally light headed from blood going to my dick. Your woman WILL notice that it's no ordinary hard on

>> No.22146685

You can get pharma v on eBay listed as "blue pills" and the like. Very easy to find. Cheap as chips and worth using with any new girl or when drunk. I have fucked a LOT of women (hundreds) and used it a shit tonne. Viagra boners are bigger than normal ones as well.

Why not?

>> No.22146700

SSRIs let me fuck for a long time.

>> No.22146732

bluechew use promo code cumtown

>> No.22146755

I've had luck buying from alldaychemist with bitcoin. Last time I bought was a year ago. Get a po box at least so you don't have to give sketchy sites your real address

>> No.22146844

No bro. Sildenafil citrate (viagra) plus dapoxatine. The dapoxatine makes you last forever. The viagra keeps you hard as fuck the whole time. If you pop a full dose and chew the fuckers you'll be able to cum two or three times and stay hard the entire time. Or just stay in and jack off all night by yourself. That too

>> No.22146847

You absolute fucking morons. There are at least three websites that have doctors remote prescribing this. Just don’t be a dipshit when you answer their questions. Roman is one (getroman). Forhims. It’s expensive but it’s from a pharmacy and it’s legal. Are you really going to buy fake ass Chinese viagra on eBay?

>> No.22146870

You can order them in about 10 minutes from India, your national postal service might block the delivery though

>> No.22146887

The vision thing happened to me every time I ever took viagra it's a common side effect

>> No.22146928

This is a redpill most incels can’t swallow

>> No.22147350

This guy gets it. The V should always be in your party stash

>> No.22147373

This guy also gets it. Listen to him.

>> No.22147443

just checked, nothing on ebay. post link or stop bsing

>> No.22147466

There's a certain gas station near me where the Indian guys are selling legit sildenafil mixed into some herbs in pills as a generic gas station sex enhancer. You just have to ask them for 'the good ones', it's dope.

>> No.22147486

ya just use Roman or one of the other similar services. all you do is fill out a form and say you can’t get a boner and you’ll have a prescription minutes later and they mail you your shit.
it’s hard to get a boner when you’re wasted and high on cocaine which is like half the time for me

>> No.22147606

Viagra + X would be more fun heh

>> No.22147647

Meh I'm only 34 I shouldn't have ED. I'm just gonna try exercise, dieting, and no porn.

>> No.22148049

Ever since I took anti-depressants my dicks been fucked. Even after I stopped taking it.


>> No.22148094


i did this combo with two hookers and i end the night throwing up. I dont recommend it.

>> No.22148136

rip Chris Farley

>> No.22148138

rupharma/mospharma for EU anons

>> No.22148197

Yah coke and viagra is stupid dangerous. Coke dick sucks but no way in fuck would I mix those

>> No.22148211

nah fuck that use my boys promocod DUNCAN

>> No.22148303

SARIS were weird for me because it completely obliterated my social anxiety and I would flirt with girls at the grocery store and actually get numbers, which NEVER happened before, but I also didn't give a fuck about actually pursuing them or trying to get laid so nothing ever came of it..
Glad I quit them, it made me way too disinhibited.

>> No.22148310

Honest question if I move to south Florida / Miami can I find a gf like OP's pic? And how much money will she cost me?

>> No.22148309

Uh, you can buy those at your local pharmacy.

>> No.22148316

You’re just getting older. Don’t drink liquids after 8pm

>> No.22148955

mckesson account + DEA plugin?

>> No.22149010

same. my dick gets hard but has much less sensitivity. you get exhausted having to pound so much before you nut lol

>> No.22149037

I don't think girls like Angie Varona grow on trees in Florida. Generally the hotter they are, the more expensive.

>> No.22149089

Ive done viagra + meth + I was on tren bro I was a fucking pussy monster going all day with multiple girls

>> No.22149105

>you just know

>> No.22149107

maaan ohh mannnn that is one sexy man

>> No.22149160
File: 1.14 MB, 480x852, d33e074b-24f4-4df8-a381-a89acf7fa649.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't afford her. She makes 6 figures every 3-5 months, but hot girls down in FL are a dime a dozen so you can scoop up some fledgling Insta thots easily if you have money.

>> No.22149173

Nope. That shit will fuck you up. You will be dumb the whole night. Bitch is gonna think you are a retard.

>> No.22149243

>6 figures every 3-5 months
So Asian whales who are staked in SUTER can afford her?
It's not fucking fair bros

>> No.22149342

She is an onlyfans whore now?

What is the point. I tried onlyfans and its trash, have to pay to subscribe then have to pay to message the whores or they won't even respond to you. Then you have to pay more for their videos /pictures sometimes.
But where in Florida would you suggest? Miami area seems ridiculously overpriced. But I am assuming that's where all the hot sluts are.

t. person who has never been to florida

>> No.22149395

Look up Bluechew

>> No.22149444

not really that surprised anymore desu

>> No.22149447

your dick must be very small and literally have no sensory sensation by now lmao.

>> No.22149541

Bodybuilding sites have it. Lurk /fraud/ a bit and someone might accidentally drop a source. Buy it by the kg so it lasts a while. I am running low and might have to order again. Cabergoline is also worth looking into if you like trying to kill women with your dick. Cuts refractory period by more than half.
Unrelated but my favorite color is purple and favorite animal is panda. I also like labs but that's a breed, not just animal.

>> No.22149696

Why would China fake fucking viagra? It's dirt cheap and people come back for more despite the ridiculous prices of like a cent per pill or more they charge.

>> No.22149855

Tell me more about this power?

>> No.22149888
File: 697 KB, 1300x867, image--002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want theses IG tier thots, Miami is where its at. Its the epicenter of flexing and flaunting status and wealth. Look the part if you want to have any chance at all.
>Rent a convertible Lambo Huracan or Aventador
Lambo are the status cars. Convertible so you can been seen on the strip day and nice
>Dress the part
You need some designer and fashion sense. Buy a basic Gucci, Prada, Louis, etc tee with large branding if you're going streetwear.
>Have some type of success story and drip confidence
Can't be a autist or they'll chew you up and spit you out. Don't say retarded shit like you're a crypto millionaire either. That shit is pussy repellent.

>> No.22149975

I can practically smell your shitty cologne from here you ugly mongrel

>> No.22150087

La Nuit De L'Homme by Yves Saint Laurent. Thank me later, you’ll get compliments from thotties all day.

>> No.22150140

I don't take advice from nouveau riche try hard faggots, faggot

>> No.22150213

she's 28, way over the hill

>> No.22150265

You can seethe all you want ponyboy, but that’s the Miami hustle. If you don’t have an image, you don’t have shit and you won’t be fucking anything that’s not pure trash or your hand.

>> No.22150293

bro are you married to my sister? her fucking baby is due friday

>> No.22150484

Quit watching porn and being a fat bastard and your dick will work.

>> No.22150518

hey where do i buy steroid online?

>> No.22150540

They also make your muscles bigger when you get a PUMP so body builders use it too!

>> No.22150550

Because she's not rubbing it in your face, she actually has some restraint
It's like a private little secret

>> No.22150607


Good scent

>> No.22150714

cope. my dick reaches 7” when I take viagra and gets so hard bitches get really turned on. not sure what you’re on about with the sensation of anything it increases sensation.

>> No.22150784

it can always work better. incels
shouldn’t be giving sex advice.
dark web markets. or just fly to mexico and mail it back.

>> No.22151700

Try https://www.getroman.com/drugs/viagra/

Super simple over the phone prescription. You fill out a quick form, then a doctor calls and you tell him you don't last very long and he'll give it to you.. Buy once, they'll give you 30 pills and then you can just indefinitely delay further shipments til you want more. Its like $60 or so for 30.

>> No.22151808
File: 2.42 MB, 2448x3264, EXWtSY3UwAAVEVt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can dress however the fuck I want, I can say whatever the fuck I want, and you will still suck my dick you fucking onions boy.

>> No.22151841

its unbelievable. really. i would recommend it to every young male, have sex on X.

>> No.22151899

its true, I had the same experience. the dysfunction lasts pretty long, for me it lasted a few years, and I still dont have the same confidence in my dick than I had prior antidepressants.

>> No.22151983

But where do you get good x? It's usally cut with shit and cheap fillers.

>> No.22152097

I'm looking into that. Do you have to lie like said you are unhealthy or something to get approved or what?