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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2213339 No.2213339 [Reply] [Original]

Aragon is gonna be the next big rocket. Their market cap is only $74 million and it just came off the ICO.

Do you know what Boost.VC is? They incubated Aragon, they also gave Coinbase their first funding. It's run by Adam Draper who's father is Tim Draper (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Draper).). Brayton Williams (http://www.boost.vc/brayton-williams)) sits on the board of Aragon.

Let me spell this out for you. Boost.VC is an incubator in Silicon Valley. Aragon is a token company management system. Any token company that Boost.VC incubates will use Aragon. Are you getting it yet fuckheads!?!

>This shit is about to rocket!

Remember how I mentioned that Boost.VC gave Coinbase it's first funding? Well guess what? Aragon was recently listed in their blog about Ethereum tokens. Below you will find a walk through of how Coinbase adds tokens. Look at how they added Litecoin...Aragon (ANT) is one of the next ones to be added to their exchange.

>Coinbase comes out with a blog post about Litecoin. April 11th (https://blog.coinbase.com/a-beginners-guide-to-litecoin-d9b455d44cd3))
>Lite coin is added to the exchange. May 3 (https://blog.coinbase.com/coinbase-adds-support-for-litecoin-720ab0aa3281))
>Coinbase recently came out with a blog post about these 3 coins. May 22 (https://blog.coinbase.com/a-beginners-guide-to-ethereum-tokens-fbd5611fe30b))
>What happens next?

>> No.2214493

why are u shilling this bullshit

>> No.2214532
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I'm trying to make you fucking retards money. I've been in ETH since .50, was in on the Golem ICO. I see A LOT of bullshit on this sub, seriously disgusting. I believe in the ethos of Crypto, specifically Ether, and having people lose tons of money on shit coins like BitBean or Mooncoin really pisses me off. I want everyone to use this stuff. I'm telling you why I think this is gonna be the next big one. It's solid research. I want all you faggots to be rich and the believe in this stuff.

>> No.2214538

Redpill me on Ethereum tokens and why I should invest in any of them when there's so many and not just ETC

>> No.2214552

says a guy that could have a ton, click sell and take my btc away. no thanks. the whole btc market is going to die and you're going to lose thousands. haha

>> No.2214568

Would you recommend going all in on Aragon or do you see potential for GNT or REP to be added to coinbase as well?

>> No.2214577

Going in for 10k. Thanks op.

>> No.2214626

>shills Aragon and hates BitBean when both have the same function and features
oh boy

don't worry, I bought 110k ANT back when it was still in 71k sats.

>> No.2214634


Except BitBean is a /biz/ meme and Aragon is a legit cryptocurrency

>> No.2214648
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I see potential in both, but Aragon is the newest so the market cap is lower which gives you greater upside. You will make more money with it.

>> No.2214658
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I'm actually a millionaire not from Crypto. I manage money in the stock market. I know my shit.

ETC is not an Ethereum token first off. The Ethereum token market reminds me of the early days of the New York Stock Exchange.

>> No.2214661

The tokens are what will make or break ETH, if the tokens are all fucken shit then ETH fails, take ETH for the broad coverage, and throw a bit on the 'killer apps'

>> No.2214663

Is ANT on bittrex?

>> No.2214666

do you have a blockfolio? interested to see what you are holding.
any other coins that you would recommend? i hold ETH, Stratis, and Waves

>> No.2214671

>BitBean is a /biz/ meme
not really, it was the bean mascot that was turned into a /biz/ meme. The coin is still legit and there will be a broader use of it in the future. Remember when ETH was shilled here in /biz/? It's following the same path.

>> No.2214717
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>> No.2214747


Thanks, where do I buy this? I'm going to take your guys advice.

>> No.2214758

Where do I get this?

>> No.2214782


I have a good bit of faith in this coin too.
It has the possible to automate lawyers & accountants jobs away. It has a nice demo and the developer knows what hes talking about. Watch a video or two and decide. It got mentioned on a Forbes article two days ago too.

>> No.2214791

> millionaire

Lol. I'm a billionaire so jokes on you poorfag.

>> No.2214798

Bitrex noobs. I'm bout to go all in on this one and only hold eth btc and ant

>> No.2214800

>they were both shilled here
>they will have the same profit r-right?

People shill garbage here constantly, shitbean included. ETH just happened to be a success. Shitbean literally has no purpose.

>> No.2214810

I really don't understand how people think BitBean is anything but complete garbage.

Same with mooncoin.

>> No.2214826
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lol jokes on both of you. I'm a trillionaire.

>> No.2214833

Agreed. I think it's a mix of mostly pump shills, bag holders trying to make themselves feel better, and noobs parroting what they've heard already

>> No.2214844

Question: Where do you think the market cap of this coin will be in 6 months to a years time?

>> No.2214945

Looks like the new posw
Bought $6k

>> No.2214986

related to ops post.. very interesting...

>> No.2215038
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I'm all in on ETH tokens. I'm in high up in a certain organization. I can't tell you which one, but lets just say I knew about the EEA in late 2016 before that fucking leak happened in January.

>> No.2215054

I'm OP just on a new node. I travel a lot.

>> No.2215128

think i'll drive an hour to my nearest bitcoin atm tomorrow so i can buy a few of those. this week looks very promising

>> No.2215139

Should I even bother investing into ETH right now or just the tokens? i only have a couple hundo.

>> No.2215157

actually this. even tho OP shilled me ANT and now I bought some.

>> No.2215273

>automate lawyers and accountants jobs away
I can kind of see accountants but how would it automate lawyers? You need a persuasive speaker to sway juries, we're nowhere near an AI capable of that.

>> No.2215281
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>> No.2215292


The product manager at coinbase owns GNT and REP. Not ANT.

>> No.2215294

part of the solution is to make the audience dumber.

and trust me, that's happening.

>> No.2215328

>Coinbase had a Monero blog post months ago in march https://medium.com/@linda.xie/a-beginners-guide-to-monero-7a5df2c50ed9?source=user_profile---------5-----------

>monero never added to coinbase

>> No.2215331

>Linda doesn't own Monero

>> No.2215351

>Linda also doesn't own LTC but it was added to coinbase
>No correlation between what coins Linda owns and future coins added to coinbase

>> No.2215372

so uh, what do?

>> No.2215378

Linda got all her LTC in exchange for sucking charlie in the back office. She doesn't want that reminder on the article.

>> No.2216092

Another useless shitcoin to pump and dump for more BTC.

>> No.2216098

I have to wait until Thursday to dump money into it. Stop making threads until then pls. Don't need the price higher. Thanks