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22131661 No.22131661 [Reply] [Original]

Especially as advances in quantum computing lead to a perception among large silicon valley investor types that there will be vast increases in the amount of available computing power, AI-related tokens like OpenCog's AGI and the Vietnamese Ivy League dream team Kambria will moon. There's a lot of speculative value, but there will also be extreme fundamental, real value in a matter of a year or two. You really can't go wrong investing in AI as a sector in crypto. It has an exponentially larger possibility of real, substantive growth than the """defi""" scamcoins you guys still seem to obsess over. AI is the next big thing in crypto. If you don't start dyor on AI-related/AI-adjacent tokens, you're probably retarded.

>> No.22131976

Biz is to retarded to understand this.. nice of you to try and help the brainlets though!

>> No.22131988

Fucking based, need to buy Kambria on this pullback

>> No.22132026


fuckin' brainlet

>> No.22132038

Kambria is definitely very undervalued at present mcap, but AGI has more long run potential imo. I'm in both.

>> No.22132084

I have been watching AGI and their AI technologies for a long time. I am heavily loaded with this project.
Similarly, I think that artificial intelligence will be a new trend on the crypto market - it's a great opportunity to make a quick 10-20x with Kambria

>> No.22132099

How does blockchain help AI research?

>> No.22132123

Is the chad AI maximalist portfolio OCEAN-AGI-KAT?

>> No.22132137

what about vectorspaceAI, is that even still alive

>> No.22132150

As a programmer I know we are still many decades away from realizing the AI dream.
The best you can get out of this is some machine learning basic shit.
None of it is good enough.

So no, this is not worth investing in anytime soon.

>> No.22132153

Just take a look at Kambria and the team behind it. Out of the radar gem

>> No.22132211
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110 iq brainlet post.

>> No.22132552

Look at that team and partners.

3.5M mcap, in the robotics sectors, JP Morgan Head of AI Research is in their leadership team.

20x by EOY, mark it poor fags

>> No.22132919

Any 1-5million AI project you guys want to shill?

>> No.22132961


>> No.22133003

Thata right bois and boipuccis - VXV VECTORSPACE

>> No.22133118

t-t-thanks u sexy beast

>> No.22133155

Do I have to hold your hands children?


>> No.22133208

It creates an ecosystem that is scalably and openly accessible for actors of all sizes.
probably. It's been way too long since I researched Ocean, so idk.
I have no idea.
This is horseshit. Unless you specifically work with AI/machine learning, you don't know much more than the average layman. Massive companies are contracting with Oracle to improve their customer service call centers by matching more agitated customers with more experienced representatives. Companies like Tradelegs are using AI to come up with optimized margin spreads for massive hedge funds on wall street. AI is the future. The biggest hangup now is computing power. You vastly underestimate the speed at which quantum computing is progressing. In 5 years, AI is gonna be a hell of a lot more accessible.
I didn't even know there were that many Ivy League grads in Vietnam. I thought all the ivy league asians came from China and its ethnically Chinese satellites like Singapore, Taiwan, Macau, etc.
I'm a midwit, not a brainlet. At least get it right.

>> No.22133283

Asians are good at maths. Us whites are mostly retarded.

>> No.22133294
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Vectorspace seems conceptually very useful, but the website looks kinda scammy. They're listing freely available API integrations in a way that makes it look like they're partnerships. The team does look pretty solid though.

>> No.22133370

I think the API listings like that would be to have the appearance of use and popularity, rather than deceit. They are pushing hard to get trial customers on board constantly and they have been. This isn’t your traditional crypto project it’s a business focussing on following business practices

>> No.22133376

Friendly reminder that real AI doesn’t exist yet and these projects are glorified machine learning algorithms which may or may not be useful in the future. DeFi really is the hype right now because it’s literally about making money by doing nothing.

This. It’ll be at least 10 years.

>> No.22133436

So this post pretty much signals the end if the defi bullrun
Had a bad feeling and cashed out all my defi coins. Looking like a really good choice this morning.

>> No.22133459

Jesus the value in this is spectacular

>> No.22133584

Kambria i mean.

>> No.22133625

it doesn’t. i literally specialized my degree in machine learning and AI is a scam meme.

>> No.22133664

Yet the top tech companies are pouring so much on AI.

>> No.22133692

You're vastly underestimating the rate of development in the sector. As I said before, the main hangup right now is computing power. Distributed computing will help to alleviate this and quantum computing will destroy the problem entirely.
Kinda sorta. It's just general advice though. All I'm saying is that the field of AI-related cryptos bears looking into.

>> No.22133819
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if AI were a scam meme, this wouldn't be in use by some of the larger firms on wallstreet.
There is significant growth and innovation happening right now in the field. I'm sorry if at whatever firm you're working for this isn't the case.

>> No.22134049

Very organic thread, just bought 100k

>> No.22134263
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I linked the thread in a KAT telegram and now there's a bunch of semi-retarded shills. Sorry. Literally everything I've said about KAT I genuinely believe though.

>> No.22134341

It never ends. You basically dialled up india

>> No.22134389


>> No.22134795
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Ironically I'm pretty sure most of them are Eastern European, Southern European, and/or Israeli.

>> No.22134874
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>AI Buzzword

>> No.22135026
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s o y nibbas know literally nothing of AI. AI is for communist transhumanist transsexuals and neoreactionary chads ONLY.

>> No.22135162


The models are fantastic until they aren't. They are extremely brittle and subject to perturbations in the data sets that are fed to them.

>> No.22135187
File: 133 KB, 740x555, 7469E429-D5E7-4644-8C82-0C8E6CF5FE0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I am a robot. Crypto. Ethereum. Bitcoin. Bleep bloop.

>> No.22135310

We're unironically getting to the point where we can use AI to optimize datasets and thus improve AI. It's rapidly becoming more and more of a non-issue.

>> No.22135535

Adversarial examples are still very much an active research area and a bottleneck to DNN. I do agree that computing power is a significant constraint but I don't see anyone solving qubit decoherence this decade at the minimum.

>> No.22135868
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My only sources are anecdotal accounts from frens that work for oracle and other companies. I'm pretty confident about AI being the future of crypto though. As for Quantum computing, my cousin went to MIT for undergrad and is currently doing his PHD in material sciences at one of the better programs in the southeastern US. We've had several dinners with a chinese exchange grad student working on quantum computing. He seemed extremely optimistic with respect to the course of QC over the next few years and spouted off several milestones he expected the academic community to accomplish within the next year or two. It was cause enough to affirm my interest in AI-related crypto.

>> No.22135927

AI is the god technology, its the inevitable advancement from an analog to digital species.

>> No.22136122

I would like a digital penis

>> No.22136171
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Well it is one of the most used buzzword in tech industry though

>> No.22136343
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the coopting of AI by normies isn't really working. The image is still that of Ben Goertzel, Eliezer Yudkowsky, and other weirdass freakazoids.

>> No.22136365

I try to keep up with Computer Vision papers in my spare time. There has just been multiple times in the past where AI has been hyped as the holy grail only for it to fall flat. See: >>22135927
You are right to invest in AI related crypto as these ML models are extremely data hungry. Beyond that only time will tell, tech advancement has slowed and no one seems to want to admit that the music has stopped.

>> No.22136741
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Thuc Vu is a great figurehead and KAT will be at least $100mil by the end of the month imo. Based asf AI future

>> No.22136922


>> No.22137146

lmao kek

>> No.22137485
File: 541 KB, 880x847, tvkrising.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the vietnamese AI future, lads.