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22133441 No.22133441 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop having negative thoughts?
Most things I encounter at home make me go into an angry mental tangent. Like for instance someone pissing over the toilet seat and not clean it up or loud chewing.
>inb4 kys

>> No.22133539

Same bro, I used to be really bad. This morning I almost flipped the fuck out bc someone poured out my pot of coffee.
Read Ekhart Tolle's book The Power of Now and try to relax a bit more

>> No.22133561

Your mostly stressed out about something and reacts to things to cope.

My advice would be to relax a little. Take some days of. Quit biz, hide crypto and enjoy some walks.

>> No.22133607

For me it comes from a feeling of powerlessness, so I think to help you have to find a way to feel powerful/in control. No idea how, though...

>> No.22133656

go work out

>> No.22133681


>> No.22133689
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>The way their bone eviscerates wheat like an unending crunch that will never stop
>The yellow urea they leave caked on the seat festering at the only thing that can relieve the house of it

>> No.22133704

i'm not memeing.
but your problem is because the jews cucked you with their gay christcuck teaching.
all jew religions are utopian: they teach you that this world sucks because there is a perfect heaven out there. no other major world religion except jew religions believe this nonesense.
the result is jewwed westerners have a hard time dealing with reality as it actually is....for instance you think that some world should (could) exist where there isn't loud chewing, piss on toilet seats, etc

>> No.22133714

I thjnk its pretty normal to get pissed off about both those things dude. Who the fuck are you around that pisses everywhere and chews like a fucking donkey anyway? Try meditating or change your environment ffs.

>> No.22133731

I found out that I get fired up a lot for some nonsense. The actually important shit that should matter to me - pure indifference.
this is surely crypto's fault with all those -30%, +50% swings

>> No.22133760

that idea actually goes back to Plato

>> No.22133795

u stop them by not trying to stop them

>> No.22133838

i have the same problem I get infuriated over people doing dumb shit, standing in my way, being rude, throwing trash around
it pisses me off but I realize these fuckwads will never stop acting the way they are. so how can I chill out more? I tried all the memes like weight lifting, meditation, weed nothing really seems to make a difference I just hate this world and most people in it

>> No.22133970

get more sleep. for real. you'll be amazed.

>> No.22133975

Start lifting. I literally turn into a fucking psychopath when I haven't lifted for a few days, I start fantasizing about killing people and committing a mass shooting. I just woke up from a dream where I vividly cut somebody's throat out with a bayonet. The way I get my rage out is by lifting every other day. Watch The Last Natural on YouTube and do everything he says. Lift every other day with his schedule, AND DON'T SKIP DAYS FUCKER! Start off with babby weight that you can move easily, and start start getting serious until around two months in once it is second nature. You need lifting to be a habit before you can start pushing past your limits. Exercise is literally the cure for depression and most psychological "illnesses" imo. Meditation is also extremely useful. I thought it was a meme for awhile but that shit changed my life also. I'd recommend the Headspace app and the "letting go of stress" pack. It is like $70 a year or something and I'm not trying to be a shill but it's worth it. Ask any questions if you want, I'll answer them. Good luck bro.

>> No.22133987 [DELETED] 

your not wrong, but even his contemporaries argued against him. it was a conjecture he put forward about ideal societies, but you cannot say that platonic ideals have had anywhere near the impact that the jewish religion on utopian thinking

there is after all a reason why communism is a jewish idea - another utopian vision.

take the jupiter pill. return to western civ roots and become a pantheist.

>> No.22134029

the only correct answer

>> No.22134037

when I work out I feel good but an hour later I feel shitty and full of rage again
so what now?

>> No.22134041

your not wrong, but even his contemporaries argued against him. it was a conjecture he put forward about ideal societies, but you cannot say that platonic ideals have had anywhere near the impact that the jewish religion on utopian thinking

there is after all a reason why communism is a jewish idea - another utopian vision.

take the jupiter pill. return to western civ roots and become a pantheist.

>> No.22134069

honestly it even pisses me off that anons throw around weight lifting and meditation as some cure all. it doesnt really do shit for me

>> No.22134082


>> No.22134088

Regarding the chewing you must have misophonia. A guy I used to sit behind at work would to snack on nuts loudly and if i could I would have punched him repeatedly for it.

Other than that he was a really cool guy and I liked him though.

>> No.22134100

>for instance you think that some world should (could) exist where there isn't loud chewing, piss on toilet seats, etc
i have my own toilet and eat alone, so i'm literaly livin' the dream

>> No.22134105

How long have you been lifting and what does your routine look like? What are your rests between sets, what exercises do you do, time it take you to complete your workout, etc.

>> No.22134112

My testosterone dropped like a rock in my mid twenties. When that happened I stopped having these issues, and possibly just giving a shit in general. It might be just a phase. If it is, you will probably miss your former drive.

>> No.22134184

>t. Somebody that has never lifted or meditated consistently
If you did either more more than a few weeks you will notice a huge difference. Take your faggy self defeatist shit to r9k where you belong you fucking cunt. If you are so miserable and hopeless you should just do us all a favor and put a shotgun shell in your head.

>> No.22134195

Damn maybe I should start lifting. I just had a dream that ended with me stomping the skulls of people that were slightly mean to me over a decade ago into mush. Was weird.

>> No.22134239
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>> No.22134272

>Most things I encounter at home
Kill your entire family. Then you will have no reason to be upset. Hope that helps.

>> No.22134310

Tbh when Im on drugs I can tolerate much more incompetence from people

>> No.22134331

You're unironically possessed, find God.

Sounds like intermediate possession

>> No.22134334

I think I’ll get the audio version of that.
I’m gonna try lion’s mane mushroom pills and see if that changes anything. I can’t do anything that will actually have an effect. I don’t have the space away from my family to do it.
I want to get into meditating and all that but the space issue. Setting is a better word for it because I’m sure I can move shit around but my parents (mostly my dad) freak out over anything that’s not christcuck-related. My brother once started to do yoga and my dad told him that it was satanic, his proof was literally googling yoga and showing a picture of a woman in a typical pose which according to him looks like a snake.
My hope is that my linkies will grow enough for me to get a car so I can have some space.

>> No.22134381

Yeah dude. I wanted to kill myself for several years until I started long distance running. Exercise is seriously vital to the lives of human beings. Lift every other day (or 3 days a week) for a few months and you will notice a massive difference. Don't give up a week or two in like a faggot or you will become >>22134069 . It takes balls to keep doing it until it becomes second nature, that is why almost nobody is successful. Just do what I said with slowly building up the weight so that it feels almost easy until it becomes second nature. DON'T FUCKING SKIP DAYS CUNT or you will fall out of habit and you will stop lifting for several weeks if not months. This is a serious lifestyle change that you need to commit to, but it is well worth it bro.

>> No.22134417

I’m not American, sorry.

>> No.22134421

lions mane not supposed to change anything visible. it just enhances ngf. brain is usually best left alnoe desu. also don't take drugs. fix your life and find out what you're missing to feel fulfilled. then you won't be so angry about everything. big changes might be necessary, but accepting yourself is most important.

>> No.22134449

You are angry because your father is a fucking moron. Mine us too fren. You have to achieve an inner dissociation from these people, on a metaphysical level. Realize that you are not them, and you can go your own way or ultimately be dragged down by them. Sorry for your loss, I truly am.

>> No.22134454

Dude your family is fucking insane and you need to gtfo out of that environmental as soon as possible. Just meditate in your chair for ten minutes before bed. I always used to do it with the lights totally off and my family thinking I was sleeping. Or lock the door to the bathroom and do it there. You must jerk off somewhere, just meditate once a day in there.

>> No.22134587

ive been lifting for years SS, upper/lower splits. now Im doing calisthenics. Ive logged over 500 hours meditation, went to psychotherapy, tried acid/ayahuasca and meme psychedelics. yoga, breathing exercises. I have a good job, friends, had plenty of gfs. none of this shit has done anything for me, the older I get the more I hate this planet. and I especially hate judgemental faggots like this guy >>22134184 who think they have all the answers when they really dont know shit

>> No.22134691

You've been lifting for years? Post body. Btw superficial shit like drugs and normalfag friends/girlfriends are a meme. They won't bring you happiness, you need to do what you actually enjoy, not what people say you should do. Maybe you feel like shit because you don't do what you want to do, you've got to ignore the opinions of others and live life however the fuck you want.

>> No.22134908

yeah sure let me prove myself to some random guy on the internet who obviously has life figured out kek. you have no idea who I am, what I have done and what Ive been through. and yet here you are being a judgemental dick and handing out your meme advice.

>> No.22134989

Lol fucking faggot, I knew you were bullshitting. Lifting my dick for years, dyel.

>> No.22135072

yeah lifting cures all your problems thats why /fit/ is full with poster boys for mental health
eat a dick faggot

>> No.22135145


im sorry you have to live like that.
I can’t offer you any advice because I can’t relate, but just look forward to when you move out.

>> No.22135244

You are a skinnyfat fuck with absolutely no muscles and it's obvious as hell. Next time be honest, and don't throw around shit like "I've been lifting for years" when you sure as fuck haven't. Don't forget that all of your problems in life are a result of your weakness and self pity. If you stopped whining like a little bitch on the internet and did something about your life, it would improve drastically. Instead you choose to lay down and do nothing, pathetic. I was not joking about how you should kill yourself earlier. Do it. Everybody would be much better off if you were gone, trust me, I can tell.

>> No.22135274

My IP might have changed again. He’s an okay dude. He just doesn’t think he’s causing any damage with the way he is. I don’t think he has any self-reflective skills. His never sees his fault in his autistic actions. It’s confusing because he does try hard to be good to his family in his own very limited way but his betaness mixed with his christcuck sense of authority is an awful mix. My guess is he was bullied and excluded as a kid and he read a pamphlet from the church he goes to now, found a community he could escape in, but never resolved the stuff from being fucked with as a kid.
The rest of my family is okay. My mom’s chirstcuckage only goes as far as asking us to pray with her all the time and spontaneously singing hymns or repeating Bible verses. None of my siblings are on the same path as them but we’re all mildly fucked up at different levels.

>> No.22135277

stop having negative thoughts m8

there's so much happening with DEFI right now

read up

money is literally waiting on the side to be unleashed

>> No.22135434
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>> No.22135461


>> No.22135502

Thanks for the kisses bro, UwU no homo tho I ain't gay.

>> No.22135506
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Are those bicep implants? Looks uncanny.

>> No.22135556


>> No.22135560


>> No.22135641

that's because there's a 105% chance you lift like a beta cuck and don't know what you're doing

>> No.22135743

No bro he's been lifting for years bro. He is gigachad probably, definitely not skinnyfat dyel larping at all. That's why he refuses to post body.

>> No.22135899

I agree with >>22134989

Your refusal to post a pic heavily belies that you are not /fit/

>t. former /fit/izen

>> No.22136120

i never claimed Im fit or gigachad you morons
I did lift for years in my 20s and it didnt do shit for my well-being, thats why I quit. now I got back into calisthenics and yes Im dyel because I didnt do shit for years in between. its obvious none you guys has a clue what real depression is or you wouldnt throw around meme advice like "just lift bro, just do something with your life bro". not even to mention all the other shit I tried which all of you discarded to hone in on the lifting. you could just take one look at all the sad fucks over at /fit/ to realize lifting doesnt cure your problems, but instead youre going for your little "gotcha". its really tiresome desu

>> No.22136124

Use insight timer

Also for OP, hero dose 5g of shrooms, you will never be angry ever again.

>> No.22136177

>and yes Im dyel
knew it. there's your problem, anon.

>> No.22136310

then pls explain the shredded sad cunts on /fit/
pls expain why even fit, rich and high status people end up offing themselves
its almost as if a condition called depression exists and curing it is not as simple as lifting some weights

>> No.22136437

>pls expain why even fit, rich and high status people end up offing themselves
clearly they're not lifting enough. have you tried GOMAD + SS?

>> No.22137329

Magnesium and vitamin D. A little B12 wouldn’t hurt either.

>> No.22137330
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>> No.22137487

Lmao, fucking knew it.
>You don't know what real depression is
I wanted to kill myself more than anything for years. The only reason I didn't is because I didn't want to destroy my family. I have experienced the void and I have come back. You will never come back because the void has consumed you.

What other drugs are there that make people experience "ego death" and all that shit? I'm not looking to become a druggie, addiction runs into he family, but I want to try a few of these things at least once.

Money and status don't mean shit. Materialism does not bring happiness like people think it does. They thought that all of their life's problems would be solved once they had these things. When that didn't happen, they lost all hope and offed themselves because they had the same defeatist mentality you do now. The people that bitch and moan on /fit/ are all refugees from /r9k/ that are new to lifting. Most fitizens are total bros and are zen as fuck. You seriously need to overcome your victim mentality, you sound like a woman.

>> No.22137772

thats it you fucking cunt Im screencapping this post and Im getting shredded just to prove you wrong. come back in three years and Ill still be miserable and you will have some apologizing to do

>> No.22138023

Do it faggot.

>> No.22138039

Send me an email at playroblox3@outlook.com to prove me wrong when you get your shit together.

>> No.22138051

God this. I'm stuck with an absolute slob for a father, nobody stands up to him because he brings in the most money. Worse is that everytime I try, my fucking stutter and stammer undermines me. Fuck I hate my disabilities.

>> No.22138085



>> No.22138086

>Here comes that one fucking pepe fag making 10 bait threads with the same stupid face that people STILL reply to without saging
>>>>>1 post by this id

>> No.22138230

>Here comes that one fucking pepe fag making 10 bait threads with the same stupid face that people STILL reply to without saging
>>>>>1 post by this id

>> No.22138830

My IP changes, my friend.

>> No.22139186

You have to train yourself out of those thought patterns. I had the same problem up until like a year or two ago. You feed off of the anger and it’s easier to spaz out and pout than address your problems. You need to only worry about things you can control and work to improve yourself in any way you can (eat well, exercise, sleep, hygiene, etc...)
No one can give you a magic solution but combining the rational answers in this thread will help. Also, see >>22137330

>> No.22139232

Kys shillfag. Your thread is a disaster

>> No.22139467

i think sex would solve the negative thought issue. being an incel is a fuel for anger.

>> No.22139671

did you even read Plato's Republic? It's like a full-blown mix between fascism and communism
Also the retarded idea of equality through mutual poverty goes back to Lycurgus and the Spartans.
You are not on pol here, you can't just spout jews did it and expect everyone to agree with you. Actually the Phoenician traders (their ancestors in that time) were pretty based. Although they did give rise to the degenerate Carthaginians (wjo sacrificed babies)

But the point is, you give the jews too much credit. They did not come up with every evil in the world. Sometimes I think pol is stupid enough to believe the jew's concept of being the chosen race. They're just one of many.

>> No.22139850

I'm the same way anon. Lifting and using Headspace are the only ways I can stay sane or I'm unbearable to be around for everyone, including myself

>> No.22140017

Lifting, cardio, and eating healthy are the only things that helped with my depression.
>no true scotsman
If you cant trust me, who can you trust? Philosophy also helps.

>> No.22140770

Stuttering and stammering isn’t a disability brah you’re just scared. Admit you’re scared of your dad and king hit the dog to rise above, your stutter will go away.