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File: 196 KB, 640x420, FT_15.12.22_family_640px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22132302 No.22132302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope knowing that you'll never live the American Dream in the 1950s?

>> No.22132332
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Because I'm living the American Dream in 2020

>> No.22132407
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The same way you cope realizing your taxes go to human ghetto scum instead of space exploration: do everything in your power to deprive the system of your money.

>> No.22132424

Well done fren

>> No.22132472

Fuck the 50s and white racist shit bags. The real Americans by and large are minorities, LGBT, and non Christian.

>> No.22132497

Just keep thinking that way until one day you realize that you (in fact we all do) need the services provided by those taxes.

>> No.22132539

you have to go back

>> No.22132616

I’ll get to relish is the downfall of western society and watch feminists and s0ibois commit suicide as SHTF as a result of all their progressive shit that has resulted in this Weimar hellhole which will bring rise to a new Hitler, a Hitler full of wraith and revenge this time. Going to be ultra epic

>> No.22132633


>> No.22132646


>> No.22132656

5 star posy and interesting, relevant question OP.

I try to make some space in my life which is as much like that as possible. Rent a vacation home in a small town near the sea a few weeks in summer, listen to Dean Martin and stuff like that while there. My wife is kinda traditional so I'm good on that (no gender neutral bullshit) . Then just cope with and enjoy the little things in daily life

>> No.22132701

I literally already live the life the guy in this picture is living. Minus the whole being able to buy a car for $1200 aspect.

>> No.22132712

Video games
far right wing internet enclaves
the hope that i'm going to make it

>> No.22132787

Nah. If they cut tax revenue by 90% tomorrow nobody would notice a change in life except useless goverment leeches

>> No.22132874

Imagine being this retarded and unaware of all the black budget shit your taxes go to. What a faggot.

>> No.22132947

Which dream? They all got sticks in their arses back than. Me as a gayfag would have to walk around public parks to find a fuck. However fewer niggers was a good thing imo.

>> No.22132958

I play video games and try not to disappoint my parents

That second part hasn't been working for a while but thanks to covid at least now it's more understandable. I just need some way to make money. No jobs, no money. I don't want to be locked into one career since almost everything is so specialized now that you need two years of training to even take a job beyond pressing the "create burger" button at mickey dees. University is a scam. Tradeschool may not be as bad but given the rona response I can't imagine there's much of a boom in those departments. And now we're heading toward economic collapse and I'm just sitting here leeching off my parents unable to support myself. Pretty fucking gay.

>> No.22133006
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I realized this long ago.
Being a leaf, everyone is taken care of medically, no matter what.
Before covid, the system was beyond capacity and strained to the edges of its capability. All the while draining our federal coffers.
My tax rate was (it’s going up soon) 40%.
I’m 30yo. Always have been healthy, lift, eat right etc
The system is full of people who don’t give a fuck about themselves and don’t give a fuck about how much their dysfunction will cost the system.
Millions upon millions of people, sick people, either by choice or circumstance. All needing some form of medical attention and subsidy, at all times. What happens when this system breaks completely?
>it won’t.
Kek it will.
Then what? All these people who just ‘exist’ sucking off state healthcare and welfare will literally die.
Universal healthcare is a nice thought. It’s also impossible to maintain in times of hardship. Times like we are about to endure. Times similar to the 1930s.
Only there was no state funded healthcare then. There also was not hordes of sickly subhuman filth who filled up the system then, either.
We have had it way too easy, for way too long.
I am not paying taxes this year. I refuse to subsidize a government that is destroying this country through incompetence and a socialist agenda.
I will take the consequences, whatever they may be.

>> No.22133162

Anon, get a trade.
I know lots of guys in the industry who can’t find anyone to work. Everyone is just at home on their ass, getting paid for it.
Trades are screaming for people. There’s always options. It depends how far you are willing to go to get something.
Everything from clearing timber innawoods to working oil fields In the dakotas. You will find work. Good paying work. It will be hard. That disqualifies most people immediately.

>> No.22133313

If you can find me someone who will hire me without requiring a trade school cert, or two years training, or won't expect me to be an unpaid intern, that'd be cool. But so far I haven't found any applications in papers or online for these tradesmen who are "begging" for people, otherwise I'd already have on of these mythical trade jobs that pay greater than 50k

>> No.22133339

Another problem with extensively subsidized healthcare is some people will go in and waste resources every time they have a sniffle or stub a toe just because it's "free"

>> No.22133346

Dude, you are ignorant and short-sighted. Stop being an idiot and recognize that you don't know enough to judge something way bigger than you. There is nothing "socialist" about having universal healthcare, it's basic human right right there.

>> No.22133385

The entitlement... jesus christ

>> No.22133448

If I trained to be a doctor (requires at least 10-12 years in the US) and you came up to me asking me to treat you because it's your basic human right, I'd tell you to fuck off because basic human rights don't pay for my 400k training debt.

>> No.22133498

what? you’d get paid, dumbass.

>> No.22133512

no one is arguing that doctors shouldnt get paid, ron paul. the question is who pays the bill. wtf i didnt realize there were any more lolbertarians like you left in this day and age. most of you guys abandoned that meme a few years ago.

>> No.22133555

Just proving him wrong that tradesmen are "begging" for workers. I am entitled to be paid for my work, my time isn't free. And I'm not spending two years paying jews to teach me how to do something wrong and then have to unlearn that when I actually take a job. I say again, point me to where I can apply for one of these trades where I can apprentice.

>> No.22133662

Human rights don't exist

>> No.22133751


The government is not going to subsidized your 400lb fat ass in this country. Cope or move to the socialist paradise that is Canada or the EU and see how much you like their taxes.

>> No.22133788

I seem to be pulling it off. Have a stay at home wife, a house 2 cars, 2 kids and a dog. Both kids are in a private Christian school as to avoid degeneracy.

>> No.22133832

minorities are not a service anon

>> No.22133848
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>> No.22133894

i guarantee I’m more /fit/ than you. seethe harder, moron. your post shows you didn’t comprehend the previous reply to you already so don’t backtrack. there’s a reason you said “if” you were a doctor and not “as a doctor”: because you’re retarded. there’s also a reason you personally can’t find a job. i won’t spoonfeed it to you but maybe you’ll figure it out.

>> No.22134010
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Whatever you say, homorino.
It’s not a human right. Especially when we have opened up the country to essentially any pos who has the initiative to be here. And why wouldn’t they? Given the chance. It’s a no brainer.
You have no idea what it’s like here.
Universal healthcare is only one aspect of our creep towards communism.
Every person over the age of 18 gets $2000/month, if they want it. And millions do. It’s to the point people are just staying on that rather than working, as to be expected. At a cost of 22-27 billion $ a month. We don’t have that kind of money.
Tax revenue has been decimated from both income tax deficits and natural resource industry collapse. Yet we are spending more than ever before, with no end in sight.
There is no plan.
There is no solution.
But yes, it’s me who is short sighted.
Don’t forget your mask when you go out today.
Go back.
No. You have to find it. That’s part of the problem. You won’t find it by putting applications out. You find it by actually putting yourself into the industry. Drop a resume off. Talk with the foreman. Be confident, show initiative. That means a lot to these guys.
Also, get out of the city.
I’m sure you’ll find excuses why not to or how what I’m saying is flawed. I suspect that attitude has a lot to do with the situation you’re in right now, too.

>> No.22134117
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>just wageslave for 50 years and never see your wife and kids
>just live on a 1/4 acre plot of land you can't do anything with but cut grass and grill
why is this lifestyle so glorified? I would prefer the moral values of the time but fuck nearly everything else about it

>> No.22134353

You're not a doctor therefore you're retarded lmao

>> No.22134394
File: 2.91 MB, 4032x2330, D5DBE259-2F31-4B46-87C4-EA949AC2C4E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn’t like that, not as much as it is today, anyways.
The world was what you made it. The lack of regulation and amount of tax exemptions made damn near anything possible, with the proper amount of effort.
People could fail multiple times with ventures, pick themselves up and start another one.
That freedom is what I desire.
Pic related is my living room. My house is mid century. I have done it up to be all MCM inside, if I can’t live in the 50s, at least I can larp it a little..

>> No.22134396

>The entitlement... jesus christ
Entitlement to what, precisely?

Entitled to wanting to get paid?

>> No.22134401

Firm handshake etc etc and related boomerism on a crypto board


>> No.22134431

And with good reason, you faggots should all be gassed for the benefit of all mankind

>> No.22134457

>Just proving him wrong that tradesmen are "begging" for workers. I am entitled to be paid for my work, my time isn't free. And I'm not spending two years paying jews to teach me how to do something wrong and then have to unlearn that when I actually take a job. I say again, point me to where I can apply for one of these trades where I can apprentice.

I think you are making a great point here. Sounds like what they're really "begging" for is cheap labor to profit off of.

For example, I charge 50k just to show up and give a shit about your company.

>> No.22134523

Degeneracy is rampant in private christian schools, possibly more than public schools in a way. I speak from experience. You can't escape society. If your wife is stay at home, why isn't she homeschooling your children?

This smells fake

>> No.22134553

Yeah and Canadian health care isn’t even that good quality. Doctors will often do zero preventative measures if you have something because to diagnose things it costs the system a lot of money and every hospital has an incentive to keep their spending low, or the Canadian government gets mad if one hospital for example is costing more then other hospitals. So if you feel like shit and want a cat scan or m.r.i or something to diagnose a back problem for example your doctor will often just tell you to do some stretches and takes some pills and see how you feel in a few months time when you see him again and rinse and repeat until you are in debilitating condition then he’ll order in the tests and do what’s necessary to fix your condition and yes it takes months and months to see a specialists that can actually do something for you. Most family doctors just look stuff up on google and prescribe you drugs

>> No.22134585

Yea it’s the meme. It has some truth to it.
Being a whining snivelling faggot will keep you poor.
Idk what to tell you, man.
Don’t do anything different. Just stay in mums basement, jerking off and playing vidya. I’m sure it’ll get better.

>> No.22134665

there are plenty of young people living just as idealistic lives right now, youre just a pessimistic contrarian.

>> No.22134706

Yep. Have a friend with stage 4 lymphoma who is 29. Took quite awhile for them to figure that out..
Then the treatment he needs was only offered in Two provinces. They won’t take cases unless they are residents. So it’s off to the states for some private care. Hopefully he makes it.

>> No.22134709

>work hard
Holy shit do I wish that were true. I've applied to a lot of places they all require too much. You can't just walk up to them and ask to be trained like the good old days. You need a fucking degree or cert or some other shit before you even start training. That or you HAVE to know someone in the business already. Even if I offered to work for half the price with no experience they still wouldn't take me on.

>> No.22134759

Based. Fuck WASPs

>> No.22134762

By moving abroad and having a wife and concubines

>> No.22134781

>muh human rights
Why doesn't anybody understand what a fucking human right is? The ability to get a gun is a right. The ability to get a free gun paid for by taxpayers is not a right.

>> No.22135004

It won't get better because it's not designed to. If you want to suck dick and pay tens of thousands of dollars to the state (or related jewry) you can absolutely do that, and you will be rewarded either with a cushy business job where you will continue to be spoonfed degeneracy and treated like a drone, or you will be rewarded by the masses of literal third world monkeys stealing your potential jobs from you because they will do it for less, quality of their work be damned because the business doesn't care about quality. So when faced with the reality of the situation you can fall back on your boomerism in ignorance and kiss the feet of your overlords like the rest of your generation, or live a free man.

This anon charges 50k to even show up because free men are not slaves to the system. He may not get that 50k because few are willing to pay that for a good man's hard work, but that's the price you pay for not being a slave to the system.

Boomers and the children they imbued with their subservience are the real OG faggots, and the process is irreversible now.

>> No.22135018
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What kind of places are you applying at? What kind of work do you want?
I know it’s not like the old days. The work I’m talking about requires working outside in the blistering hot or freezing cold like a nigger. If you have brains, eventually you could move up the ladder.
Farm work
Forestry work
Oilfield work
Truck driving (tractor)
All shit work. But you’re paid well. Better than any other entry level job in a city, by far.
It’s something, then you save in the meanwhile. Get some crypto..
That’s why I’m here. I know the days of working hard for your money and keeping are over.
The boomers fucked us hard. We are never going back. So I’m trying to find ways to make it without the hard work I’m used to doing.
Things like crypto staking interest me a lot..the future is very uncertain. When it comes down to it we are sharing more similarities as a whole. Everyone is worried and stressed about their positions in life.
It’s what we do now that makes the difference.

>> No.22135099
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Even the 1950s were fake and gay.

If anything, I'd like to have lived within the Victorian and Edwardian eras, before the World Wars. Peak American aesthetics.

>> No.22135146


Socialist medicine can't do any preventative care for two reasons. The first is that it simply can't afford it. It's a bare bones as it gets. The second reason is that it's politically incorrect to liberals. You can't tell 400lb whales that they are refused care because it's their own fault. You already see it in California, where they are trying to make it so that smoking and hard drug use cannot be a screening criteria for job applications. What makes you think this won't inevitably be applied to healthcare too?

All the wealthy Canadians come to the US for surgery anyway. The wait times are ridiculous and it's something that liberals either deny or just refuse to acknowledge is a problem.

>> No.22135213

Problem is niggers will do nigger work cheaper than you are willing to do it. And all the trades that require brain cells are gatekept at this point. Same shit as dumbass office jobs, "requires 3 years experience in this specific subset of specialized work, requires certification or degree"

>> No.22135311
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I farm and have a AG related service business.
If you want to talk about realities of certain situations when it comes to boomers..you will be speaking to the choir.
Try being 30yo, work a physical job since you were 8 all the while taking copious amounts of physical and mental abuse for decades in the hopes that “all this will be yours someday.” Only to then find out that your father has more or less deemed you incompetent to carry things on. Even if he didn’t, I would have buy everything from him, while paying my siblings inheritance as well. Even our small farm at current market value is over 10 million.
My dad paid half of that from his dad. His dad paid around 200k etc etc
It makes me sick. To the point I can’t sleep at night.
Yes. I am well versed in boomeromics.

>> No.22135349
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By knowing no one ever actually lived it

>> No.22135509

Kys faggot

>> No.22135581

If you recognize the reality of the situation, maybe you are the one who should adjust his strategy accordingly.

>> No.22135592

The industries I listed are majority white. Except for trucking.
The “will do it for less” notion is a joke. Companies hire for a set rate. It’s not like you’re competing with some spic to paint a boomers fence for the least amount.
Honestly if you can’t offer more value than these people..I don’t know what to tell you.
If you truly do not have the skills or potential to excel past them in their menial shit jobs and mentalities..idk

>> No.22135594


>> No.22135839

This anon does not understand how wages are lowered. It's not suddenly "hey let's list this job at 50% pay rate and see if anyone bites"

It's always a slow march.

>> No.22135891
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I am.
My play for the future will be made in the next month.
Confronting my family about the ‘realities’
Written in a letter. I will have a lawyer involved as well.
In short, I am going to state my expectations. They in turn can state theirs for me.
I was barely maintaining things before covid struck as far as stress level, to have your family against you plus the weight of the world is too much.
I will walk away if a legal consensus cannot be reached.
That will mean walking away from my identity. Walking away from everything I’ve worked for, for over 20 years. Walking away from whatever future I have always hoped to have.
Then find another path. Doing what? I have no idea.
Maybe I’ll go fly supplies around in Alaska or something, making next to nothing. I don’t care at this point.
Life is too short for such agony.

>> No.22135941

I understand.
For any kind of a meaningful job, this doesn’t happen.
Maybe it does now. The fuck do I know.

>> No.22136112

>This anon charges 50k to even show up because free men are not slaves to the system. He may not get that 50k because few are willing to pay that for a good man's hard work, but that's the price you pay for not being a slave to the system.

Thanks for the shoutout. The good news is that I am getting that right now.

I make ~160k remote + crypto.

The full phrase I use is "50k to show up and even give a shit about what you're doing; any skills on top of that will cost more". Imagine if everyone simply adopted this and fucking STOPPED their current strategy?

>> No.22136187
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>> No.22136188

Unironically based.

>> No.22136190

no he meant dont be an incompentent dipshit and maybe your dad would trust your ability to manage the farm

>> No.22136319
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I cope by nurturing a boiling, violent rage towards the kikes and niggers that destroyed this country. That's healthy right?

>> No.22136524

But I already have everything that man has plus many modern conveniences.

>> No.22136556
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Based, fuck kikes

>> No.22136658
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Yea. You try managing one. Kek Under the control of a violent narcissist. Nothing and no one can please the man. I’m the only sibling left of 4 who has any involvement. My mom is starting to file divorce precedings.
We are all incompetent in his eyes. And we have all reached our breaking points. I could do everything to the letter, be a perfect robot and there would always be something else I was doing that was inherently wrong and disqualifying.
In the end it’s made me better..
If I can’t offer value to him (many things in which money could not buy) then I will offer it somewhere else.
It’s hard for people to understand the dynamics of something like this who have not experienced such things. Especially on a basket weaving forum.

>> No.22136831

By pointing out who is responsible.

>> No.22136852
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it wasn't all Black and White and warm and comfy Twilight Zone Epsiodes y'know. Why, Israel was barely even a country back then, and feminism but a speck in some cunts eye. Truly, we have come a long way, baby

>> No.22136897

>be an autistic permavirgin neet who gets to shitpost on welfare
>be an autistic permavirgin neet who is homeless

>> No.22137038

It's tough because better times produced incredibly shitty people. Harder times now are producing better men.

It's all perspective bruh.

>> No.22137203


>> No.22137232

Holy fuck retards do this in Canada all the time. Nothing pisses me off more.

>> No.22137236
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idc if not internet i would never meet you all

>> No.22137282

You need to pay for these services
Or else we shoot you for owning property or driving a car

>> No.22137337

Maybe you should repent and change your degenerate ways

>> No.22137430

Once immigrants are approved, they can also bring their whole family over as permanent residents. People don’t know this.
Some old pajeet grandparents will fly over, then proceed to start dying.
Are they thrown out of the country?
We are so fucked people can’t even comprehend it.

>> No.22137720

nigger slave, back to r*ddit before we lynch you
I am not a nigger, so I don't need any of the goy "services", go and slit your throat