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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22129856 No.22129856 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22129899

We know
We’re filtering the weak right now

>> No.22130068

I know you know. I'm just feeling extra nice today to spoonfeed newfags since we're getting flooded with them right now

>> No.22130201

Sergey and Ari both said at smart con that staking has been much harder than they anticipated. This statement has to have been made before that realization. They literally just created Chainlink Labs, hired Ari, and have dumped a ton of money into this TO get us to staking because ethereum has failed.

I can't imagine we will have staking in less than a year with this in mind.

>> No.22130511

link is unfuddable at this point. Just stop

>> No.22130604


If pointing out a realistic timeline is fud to you then you are beyond saving. Please point out one thing I was wrong about.

>> No.22130608

>what are you working on this year
just because they're working on it this year doesn't mean it's coming this year you dumb fag

>> No.22130711

More realistic timeline would be you joining the 40% within the year.
that logic tho

>> No.22130731

>Sergey and Ari both said at smart con that staking has been much harder than they anticipated
This is where you lied

>> No.22130760
File: 177 KB, 623x702, 1597193319108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAND is going to win. Eat shit linkies.

>> No.22130815
File: 45 KB, 1072x452, 68CF5885-8563-477E-AE7D-2A75FCBE8169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. Did they finally figure out how vrf works?

>> No.22130888

You clearly didn't watch their duo chat. That's the entire reason Chainlink Labs has been created.

>> No.22130955

>staking is coming very soon
what did they mean by this statement then?

>> No.22131002

Every time you think band works as a fud against link, think of this >>22130815 image. Then, just step away from your keyboard and cry for the wrong choices that led you to choose the poor man's link over the real thing. I'm not angry at you, I'm just sad for you.

>> No.22131029

Fuck you.
This shit is going to take years still, and you know it.

>> No.22131035

I’m skeptical
I doubt it will come before this second white paper they’re releasing.

>> No.22131078

Staking this year thank you Jesus

>> No.22131082

>That's the entire reason Chainlink Labs has been created.
Source: your ass. I've watched almost everything. Nowhere did they say Chainlink Labs was created to implement staking. Keep dilating.

>> No.22131101

lmao absolutely assraped
no I don't know it
no one cares what you think fag

>> No.22131149

Did they not say Arbiterum is for staking

>> No.22131165

>imagine betting against Ari Juels
Especially when he is being fueled by the quest of making his ChainLink stack worth billions. Just imagine it.

>> No.22131197


That 5 months ago when this article was published they had a naive opinion about it. Not sure why this is hard to understand.

>> No.22131216

pls delete

>> No.22131248

Chainlink Labs is built to pick up the slack for what ethereum and intel have failed to do. The two things that failed, that oddly enough, are essential for staking.

It's bonkers I have to explain this for you in the year of our lord 2020.


God damn you moon boys are retards. My biggest hold is LINK. Staking will not be done by EOY. Maybe EONY. This statement alone makes you freak the fuck out because you are a clown.

>> No.22131251

Thanks for outing yourself as a fudding newfag nigger. This statement was from smartcon

>> No.22131325

Shutup nigger woman

>> No.22131459

I did watch it. Not sure why you feel the need to keep lying

>> No.22131468

>My biggest hold is LINK

I didn't say staking would be out this year. I also didn't say it wouldn't. I don't know, and you don't either. I just called you out on your bullshit fud attempt. So, I'm saying it again, keep seething and dilating.

>> No.22131529

Rofl imagine being in a shitcoin without staking in 2020

Meanwhile BAND has 17% APR and just recently flipped Link in price.

Linkies married to their bag sucking sergey cock getting ripped off behind their back

>> No.22131536
File: 456 KB, 623x1050, 538B8C79-797F-4554-9E93-34FB49C277B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did I really say that? Wow, we really need to start thinking about this.

>> No.22131612


This >>22131002 goes for you too.

>> No.22131678

hey chink
maybe read up the thread before start spewing shit? Your friend got buttfucked earlier. Try to coordinate better next time

>> No.22131747

because he needs the rupees to feed his village

>> No.22131900

You guys are hilariously fun when you cope with nonfud pictures

"Poor mans link" is now more valueable than the actual link HAHAHAHAHA

Or do you refer to how a single Chainlink data request costs $450 with current gas fees? HAHAHAH

Got news for you faggots - there's value in copies that do the job better

>> No.22132021

Even if they do release it there is no one using the network where link would need to be staked

>> No.22132047

daily reminder you didn't sell the top

>> No.22132063

This isn’t reddit you retards.

>> No.22132333

Which needs eachother first to come out?

Arbitrum first or staking first?

If staking is needed 1st and supposedly Arbitrum is slated to be out by end of this year, we should be getting staking before that.

If vice versa, staking should come some time after that

>> No.22132392 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 1236x820, Clinton1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any speculations on what this company is?

>> No.22132416

arbitrum mainnet is in q4 so I'm guessing staking is coming out around that time.

>> No.22132679


>> No.22133451


>> No.22133497

>my biggest hold is LINK
And youre trying to get more right now

>> No.22133713

Its to fix eths spaghetti with home made sauce like mama used to make

>> No.22133768


>> No.22134022

this is a problem with eth. arbitrum solves/will solve. imagine being so badass youre fixing other cryptos fuckups.
>Band is more valuble than link
Thats cool. So is bitcoin. But I dont want to own btc or band, because i believe they are useless. Also see the band/vrf image.

Link has the partnerships. Link has the network. First mover advantage.

Im tired of you dumbasses with your baseless fud being too dumb to read and use your fucking brain to reason/logic. So im just going to stop replying. Nulinkers dyor because the spoonfeeding is over.
Soon its just going to be nolinkers circljerking to their fud and using tears for lube.


>> No.22134480

you're arguing with a linker

>> No.22134638


dont respond. you are actually arguing with a linklet with a 1 inch dick size stack who sold the recent pump to accumulate.

Its so obvious when they keep saying "band is worth more than Link already" when they are referencing token price, and know all to well that Links marketcap is 5 billion while Bands is 300 million.
Link is rank 5 while Band is rank 60.

nobody is that dumb, they are just using it as some of the worst FUD i have ever seen

>> No.22134847

Staking isn't coming out this year. It's not a fucking FUD. The way you get so furious over people pointing that out makes me think you're a bagholder who bought at 19.

>> No.22134885

You're the only one that seems buttblasted itt nigger

>> No.22135014

What a child. I hope you sell at loss when staking isn't released this year.

>> No.22135078
File: 416 KB, 1387x1020, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given a thread like this several posts in wont attract shills: does anyone legitimately use defi to store and collect interest on their link?

I avoided it because i felt like it was all an immediate scam not worth the risk but seeing it all at smartcon made it clear it is somewhat legitimate. I know the farming stuff is in for an imminent collapse but what about the aave/crypto.com interest programs?

Any experiences?

>> No.22135116

>posts hopium when price is crashing
liek clockwork

>> No.22135137

I want them to release it on Christmas day

>> No.22135280

.. and checked again sir

>> No.22135324
File: 1.30 MB, 1024x898, 83b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 hopium thread vs 10 million fud threads

>> No.22135380

I used cdc and WAS getting 4% on link. It was low but decent. After cro/mco swap im getting 2% and probably going to put my link in a wallet off the exchange.. i dont like it being in china and no keys...

No experience with Aave but want to move mine somewhere that i keep keys and earn passive income.

i just dunno where

>> No.22135608


>> No.22135630

Yeah my disposition is towards somewhere with maximal guarantee i don't lose all my link even if the interest is minimal. I've heard as aave gives collateral free loans it's unsafe to keep your link there.

>> No.22135670

*though when i say that it hardly sounds like it makes much sense at all.

>> No.22135736

I'm assuming with 6k link its pointless for me to even look into any of this for now, right? I'm still trying to accumulate and reach 10k but its probably not gonna happen before triple digits.

>> No.22136157

i agree with you
at the con it seem like they want to really get staking right
they can't just copy paste some byzantine protocol

>> No.22136199

Irrevocably, unequivocally, IRRESISTIBLY btfo

>> No.22136250

Now this would be forever based

>> No.22136260

any idea how much is needed to stake yet?

>> No.22136562

Depends, they released an algorithm to see:

Amount(stake) = (((Current token value 'Y' +10) x Wallet holdings) - 10xLP or equivalent service shares)/Y

Use that to work out your staking requirement.