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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22130177 No.22130177 [Reply] [Original]

Surely is...

>> No.22130236

Meh. What does FUD stand for? Anyone who watched the fizzer that was Smart Con would have FUD at this point

>> No.22130241

People just took an objective look at what was actually said at SmartCon. Which is: not much, the project is in its very early stages but has tremendous potential. Something we already know. But I want the Chainlink team to be results-oriented and deliver, which doesn't seem to be happening.

>> No.22130287

I woke to a nice cup of BOG this morning, but at least I'm all in on LINK. It seems to have been BOGGED the least so far besides shitty penny stable coins like XRP.

>> No.22130295

Link is unfuddable at this point you fucking trannies go cut off your penis or something

>> No.22130334

t. a blind faith desperate literal retard who did not attend Smart Con

>> No.22130363

Fear Uncertainty Doubt. It's mostly price Fear because there isn't much uncertainty left after everyone bent the knee. Not much doubt either after Town Crier and DECO and Ari Jules moving in house.

>> No.22130387

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.22130394

>doesn't even refute he's a tranny

>> No.22130426

Wow you're great at answering questions. Here's another question for you: what's a rhetorical question, you stupid fucking idiot?

>> No.22130609

Lol , what FUD? It's simply not a very good oracle project. It is not decentralized at all, it's expensive as fuck, the token is not needed in the slightest... I could keep going, but suffice to say Chainlink is simply a cult that's been built around the price of the LINK token, and cults like this tend to run out of new members (read: greater fools) at some point. When that happens, you can refer to the XRP chart for the outcome.

>> No.22131122

Too much anon. Like, it was looking good there until about halfway through but you don't know how to do it subtly.

>> No.22131200

quite possibly the worst attempt at fud in /biz/

>> No.22131675
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