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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2212965 No.2212965 [Reply] [Original]

>ywn be rich enough to marry a 10/10 like Pic related

why even live?

>> No.2212972

>body like a black&decker

fucking kys

>> No.2212993


>> No.2213006
File: 133 KB, 703x703, 654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flat pancake ass

even trump has a nicer booty

>> No.2213009

>marrying a titlet

>> No.2213028

Would rather have this qt 3.14 who lives in a van. (or at least pretends to)


>> No.2213047
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you need a woman who knows her place then you two can improve together over time and she'll always love you while you climb up from nothing
>pic related my fiance

>> No.2213052
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>> No.2213053
File: 36 KB, 322x499, howtowinfriends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have to be rich, younger girls love older guys , all you need is confidence desu senpai . its easy. you dont have to be fit. you should be presentable. you just to have social skills.

read how to win friends and influence ppl .

other than that its a numbers game with 10/10's

some just wont feel your vibe. but you will find some.

most guys get spooked after getting rejected by a few hot girls , and settle. but imo it takes the same energy to find and keep a 10 or 2 that is does a 4 or 5. ppl are ppl, personality difference isn't enough to change the fundamentals of human nature .

this coupled with the fact that most guys are clueless and will just try to buy their way into women, the pickins are ripe and ez for a professional

>> No.2213150

you dont have to be rich you just have to be good looking and tall

>> No.2213160

She poos

>> No.2213169


This is my fetish. I want her to shit on my dick while I fuck her in the ass

....also buy mooncoin.

>> No.2213186

> tfw retruded orbits and negative canthal tilt
> tfw no gf

Why live desu

>> No.2213195

>implying I wouldn't fill my harem with sweet Thai ladyboy pussy instead of this white garbage

>> No.2213199
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>> No.2213203
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>> No.2213220
File: 4 KB, 165x115, IMG_1577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 5'10
>mfw narrow palate
>mfw nw2

>> No.2213221

this. had a girlfriend who was rich a med student and 10/10. she would drive me everywhere, take me out. she just wanted to "fix" me, loved my tats and attitude. I could have gotten here pregnant but she had so much potential. I broke everything off, shes a neurosurgeon now.

>> No.2213224

>have social skills
That's something that none of us on this board will ever have.

>> No.2213234

She's a 7. Terrible body.

>> No.2213260

do girls fix loser autists. or just dudes with tattoos.
can i get stick on tats

>> No.2213267
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>> No.2213282


wow i believe u this is a ttrue story of love

send her pic , dear

>> No.2213295
File: 32 KB, 480x328, 1495618471038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do realize this is a essentially a social networking site , correct ?

>> No.2213323


She's nothing special, she just has that perfectly composed facial expression and poised posture that makes you think she's a 10. Melania Trump does the same thing.

>> No.2213324

Shitposting skills aren't the same as social skills boyo.

>> No.2213338

>meanwhile Chad fucked her on her prime for freebefore being an used and abused slut

If you aren't Chad kys.

>> No.2213361

says the dumb tramp crying to her diary about how many you's she didn't get waaaaa. flush yourself down the toilet.

>> No.2213402
File: 259 KB, 1440x754, Screenshot_20170527-192059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flat, un-muscular ass
>square jaw
>dead eyes
>dyed hair

Get your priorities in order, OP. No wonder life has cucked you, you have poor taste!
Pic related: a real woman has curves

>> No.2213490

just b yrself

>> No.2213681
File: 125 KB, 742x1024, 1495615844957m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. You should have knocked her up. Also, are you the last guy in this comic?

>> No.2213729

Literally nigger tier tastes. Kill yourself.

>> No.2213740

>getting rich to marry a specific "type" of woman.
Might as well neck yourself. You'll never be happy this way. True happiness comes from self actualization.

>> No.2213774

Does this book actually help with relationships though? I always assumed it was only about business relationships and making connections

>> No.2213815

It worked for me dude. Since reading it my friend count has Mooned three times already since last year.

>> No.2213818
File: 130 KB, 412x911, 1481240644494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure this is a 10/10 anon

>> No.2213823

it's about social interactions for people unfamiliar with american customs, so immigrants and autists find it helpful

just read the summary for it's contents and try to remember them

>> No.2213846

Rollercoasters are fun but you don't want to take one to work everyday.

>> No.2213849

it has the power of a book from like hogwarts or something, if you heed and implement the advice .
treat it with respect and awe, the stuff may sound weird to you at first or "too simple, why isn't everyone doing this", but just try it for like a month or better yet a year , it truly has the power to change the course of your life for the better.

>> No.2213966

obviously it hasn't worked very well, you can't even convince this hillbilly to read it.

>> No.2214047
File: 54 KB, 560x420, wisdomgold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to want it for yourself.

>> No.2214107

she is from the gold coast australia
she was a massive slut in high school
there are hotter girls here and all you had to do to fuck her and other girls here is be over 6 foot and have a body like you go for a surf everyday which is easy to do because all you need to do is actually go for a surf everyday

>> No.2214130

You can rent a 10/10 like this for about $500 AUD an hour.

>> No.2214153

just lol @ finding PSL posters in a /biz/ thread about shitcoins

>> No.2214174

shes a fucking roastie why would u want to marry that?

get a 16 y/o qt

>> No.2214182

I like em thicc, but this goddess is borderline chuncc

>> No.2214215

>mfw you think someone marrying you for being rich will be a fulfilling relationship

>> No.2214217

Fuck me.
Bullshit. Sign me up for dat there yearly pass.

>> No.2214272

buying shitcoins is THE incel hobby desu.

>> No.2214307

Shitcoin moneymaxing is legit boyo. Its cope for having retruded orbits but at least its better than shitposting about cranio-facial development.

>> No.2215368
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I am Indian so I can arrange marriage atleast 8/10 virgin QT if I am even a average rich by US standards. I hope she is dumb as dirt so I don't have to deal with all the bullshit.

>> No.2215402 [DELETED] 
File: 2.82 MB, 854x478, 9c122563937c0fbab665ef406c3df922e1a1b7588f54ec6b61ab112f78b0c713.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I'd marry. Anything bellow this isn't worth the cost.

>> No.2215414

Easy, you weak faggot. We live, trade and gamble our coins and stocks in order to afford a 10/10

>> No.2215417

This bitch was so fucking annoying in Wall St.

>> No.2215418

>no dick

>> No.2215439

>/gif/ in a nutshell

>> No.2215460

good taste.petite girls are patrician tier

>> No.2215551

>tfw can't even get a boner anymore cause all I ever think about are crypto

>> No.2215580

Broshep. Zhis kind of woman are high maintenance. It is good for pump and dump. Value goes down over time. Unless you want her for good genetics so you can spawn nice children.

>> No.2215623


>Margot Robbie

>Generic Goldie Sluzzer


Wew lad, just move to Australia and earn over 60k a year and have a nice sleeve tat.

>> No.2215630

>a gook
congrats on your second place

>> No.2215720
File: 305 KB, 1080x1027, IMG_0387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling that a 10/10

Feels good to have a great taste in women, pic related.

>> No.2215732

Chick looks exactly like my old oneitis, but Indian instead of being half Japanese and French with pale skin.

>> No.2215912

ill never marry a woman like that and shell just take all your money. now i dont mind fucking her of course but marry nevery her

>> No.2215927


>> No.2215935


I've read this book 2 weeks ago.
The book is mostly aimed at business managers but there is a lot of good information for anyone.
It can be an eye opener if you've struggled with interpersonal relationships while being genuinely interested in other people and wanting more friends. There are some good points about avoiding criticism, false flattery and the fact that everyone is primarily interested in themselves.
It won't help you much if you're truly antisocial as this is not an attempt at pretending to be something you're not (like so much of the PUA shit out there is).

>> No.2216288

I see a 2by4 with make up

>> No.2216608

If you are rich the last thing you should ever do is get married, worst ROI ever.

>> No.2216799

>be rich

>> No.2216857

Indian girls are underrated. They're top tier for me right next to Latinas.

>> No.2218118

Error 404: Ass not found

>> No.2218152

If you are <6'7 you should lay down and rot you subhuman manlet.

>> No.2218218

I just looked this up and what is this?

Seriously, is this just angry ugly people? Can't you date other ugly people? I'm confused. Will dig further, but a tl;dr would be nice (are these PUA/fa/ wannabes or blackpill r9kfags?)

>> No.2218237
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>> No.2218260

My GF looks like her but has a bit bigger tits. I am not rich but can have a good talk,make her laugh and doing a lot. That's what girls want these days. They don't care about what car you have or how much money as long as you are social and have an income.

>> No.2218276


>> No.2218322

Post more of this titcow pls

>> No.2218369
File: 966 KB, 2860x4499, 004284427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lowly millionaire reporting in.
10/10s are highly overrated since they put most of their time and resources on locking pretty and improving that is almost all they care about. By design, this leaves little room for genuine intellectual and philosophical development.

My gf is probably only 6/10 on the outside, but she has nice tits and ass a really great personality, and she is very low maintenance without me having to worry left and right who might be approaching her and with whom she is calculating her options.