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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22129452 No.22129452 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22129514
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>> No.22129548

BAND with better gains than LINK these days too. Makes you think...

>> No.22129586
File: 45 KB, 1072x452, 9207E639-7ACE-4B43-9CA4-AFCF271B2C3F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then trade your links for band and stop making these threads you chinks

>> No.22129657

Ohhhh Linkies

>> No.22129687
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A chink exchange choosing a chink scam. Color me surprised.

>> No.22129702
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>integrating BAND is now an undeniable red flag for scam projects

KEK, all the cockroaches are exposing themselves!

>> No.22129718

>chinks chinking chinks
no one cares chinkoid

>> No.22129739

Welp, pack it in Coca Cola lads, RC is here.

>> No.22129840

If I understand this correctly this is only being used to display the price on the UI? It doesn’t seem to be used in the exchange engine itself. Curious to see how this plays out.

>> No.22129879

If i send to the wrong address, it would still show on https://www.blockchain.com/ that something was at least sent from my wallet address, right?

>> No.22130006

So what happened to the chainlink collaboration?

Band's medium article (from today) says loopring selects band:

Loopring's medium article (from eight months ago) says loopring is collaborating with chainlink:

Are these two things contradictory? Did they just change from one oracle to the other?
Maybe Loopring will clarify with their own medium article soon, shed some light on what Band is saying.

I own some LRC and have used the loopring dex - I hope it gains more traction it's real slick and NO FEES DEX

>> No.22130122


>> No.22130176


>> No.22130191

BAND went from 20 cents to 15 dollars and its still 300M market cap LMAO linkies are so fucking dumb

>> No.22130222


Loopring found out Chainink directly invests with a protocol that makes them irrelevant (Abitrum).

essential they dont want to use Link anymore because its pretty much making them irrelevant to exist if they do

>> No.22130227

It's a simple UI integration. It's not being used to trigger smart contracts.

>> No.22130234

Literally who. Meanwhile, chainlink partners and is working with the fucking government of china's state blockchain. Yeah faggots, buy band.

>> No.22130317
File: 266 KB, 750x758, 7878539F-5DBA-441D-A3C7-D2550B21FAF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what they replied. To me it feels like they made a marketing deal with BAND.

>> No.22130372
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Of course not because you’d have to be suicidal to trust BAND’s “Oracles” in an actual contract.

Fuck you Loopring I don’t care what you say, chink pumping piece of shit, I’ll never use your platform out of spite for helping to pump this scam and slow down LINK.

Eat shit.

>> No.22130451

>Fuck you Loopring I don’t care what you say, chink pumping piece of shit, I’ll never use your platform out of spite for helping to pump this scam and slow down LINK.
Pretty much.
Backing a literal copycat is just bad optics.

>> No.22130528

cope cope cope cope cope

Link is middleware faggots

>> No.22130666
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>> No.22131044

okay what the fuck now this is becoming serious, loopring guys were at smartcon and then they stab sirgay in the back the next day like this... let me guess, binance has a stake in them

>> No.22131302
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sirgay trusted a team of chinks

>> No.22131433

>In short: The battle for price oracle market share is heating up, as data providers race to integrate with some of the fastest-growing projects in crypto.

>The DeFi space has grown by leaps and bounds this year, pushing the price of Ether and creating demand for oracalized data providers like Chainlink and Band. Yet, as Ethereum gas prices rise, the competition between oracle providers is heating up as well.

two articles with the same bullshit narrative pushed coming out in the same day

>it's totally "heating up" guys, it's totally not a paid PR campaign

>> No.22131607

>Band Protocol is also currently working with Loopring to enhance their current oracle design querying the LRC/ETH rate which only updates once every 168 hours or per 2% price deviation. This feed will be critical in ensuring that DEX owners on Loopring have an appropriate LRC amount at stake that is truly accurate and not susceptible to delayed data across a 168 hour time horizon.
that's the chainlink feed, every 168 hours what kind of bullshit lie is that

>> No.22131809

Arbitrum making loopring irrelevant? Is this because they are basically taking the computation off chain?