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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22122302 No.22122302 [Reply] [Original]

Congrats /biz/ on shilling me another scam that got me for 4 ETH. This shit is manipulated so blatantly it makes my head spin.

>> No.22122322

>literally paying $1.5M back to investors

>> No.22122328

This what being early looks like. If you can't stomach big swings then take your bags and fuck off crypto cause you're too much of a pussy to make it.

>> No.22122363
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Sell your bags if you cant handle the heat retard

>> No.22122365

I told you fucking retards and all you responded with was
>lmao fud
imagine buying a coin with nigerians and trannies on its team. that alone is a red flag

>> No.22122381

you probably called me a retarded fudder so you deserve getting scammed fuckface. There are coordinated pajeet discord and telegram shills promoting this on /biz/ and you fell for it

>> No.22122416

sounds a little shillish ngl

>> No.22122457

> this

go back to boomer stocks faggot

>> No.22122458

This. Remember LINK early days? I do unfortunately, because I sold it when it dumped price back to 20c. I really wish I didn't, not gonna make that same mistake now.

>> No.22122477

Not every shitcoin is Link , ETH or BTC retard. Those were actual good projects with potential. This is literally a worthless trannycoin with nigerian devs. Kys you disgusting pajeet for shilling this to naive newfags on this board.

>> No.22122493

You are buying into an AFRICAN PROJECT
Statera is a literal NIGGERCOIN

>> No.22122528
File: 239 KB, 480x614, muskular.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf did you just say about me faggot

>> No.22122545

Don't need this shitcoin till adoption. In the mean time just buy Link. A message from a non linker

>> No.22122546

Sorry, nothing personal kid lol

>> No.22122552

Elon Musk is a white and is of European descent.
Continent != race
Statera team are literal negroids

>> No.22122579

The project manager and devs are from nigeria

>> No.22122596


I know about the tranny (what were they thinking?)

>> No.22122622

The team is NIGERIAN not s. African. The CEO is from IRAQ.


>> No.22122627

>5 posts by this ID

>> No.22122659

You seem to care a lot for a token you don't like

>> No.22122704
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>> No.22122717
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Good to see we are back to the nigerian fud, and paying out the community members that donate their time for the good of the project.

>> No.22122722
File: 32 KB, 391x280, nigeria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22122747

Oh no. Why'd they hire a Nigerian, and a tranny? What the fuck is going on with the team?

>> No.22122751

trannie is kek and only TG mod

>> No.22122769

It pisses me off that you Statera shills are pushing your Nigerian shitcoin as the new bizcoin. I fucking hate niggers.

>> No.22122779

>6 posts all FUD
you had 4 months

>> No.22122792

>inb4 photoshop etc etc
if you dont believe me go on the official STA telegram and search nigeria

>> No.22122807

Holy shit the Nigeria FUD is still a thing after the refund

>> No.22122812

> Buys coin with whitepaper longer than the actual code
> Co-founder of coin is ABU BAKR, from fucking NIGERIA

>> No.22122822

its over

>> No.22122824

>posting literal facts from their telegram is fud
fuck off with your tranny niggercoin.

>> No.22122846

Abu HIMSELF said he is from Nigeria in their official telegram. What the fuck is wrong with you retards? How is this fud?

Why would anyone in their right mind touch any shitcoin with trannies and nigerians on its team, when there are other projects that are doing 100x this week?

>> No.22122892

>9 posts by this ID and counting
calm down dude haha why are you so invested in this coin if you think it's worthless.
Oh that's right, it's because you care about the financial well being of anonymous incels on the web :^)

>> No.22122938

I hate niggers and trannies and want their project to fail. Is that really that hard to understand?
I also dont want white newfags on this board getting scammed by nigerians.

>> No.22123026

Joke's on you. Satoshi Nakamoto is actually a Nigerian transvestite.
And so's your ma.

Statera $14 end of year. Join the NEW /biz/ coin and party, or shut your fucking mouth.

>> No.22123054

fuck off megan

>> No.22123062

You need to be retarded if you think that refunding something with their worthless shit token is a valid refund

>> No.22123107

t. le ebin unironically racist anon

>> No.22123131

You're right, Statera is the worlds best disguised rugpull scam.

>> No.22123161

Anons, recognize the shitty fud. This is the one.

>> No.22123201

Gonna be some salty bitches here in a month or 2 when WE'RE AT ATH
Don't you know that all negative posts just means we're legit?
Is this your first time on the Internet?!
Fucking n00bs

>> No.22123204


>> No.22123562

the charts are so fucking pathetic imagine defending this

>> No.22123582

How can it be FUD if it's true? It's literally going back to 0.

>> No.22123677
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>he doesnt know

>> No.22123871

everything is dumping retard.

>> No.22123904

Why do you care Rajj? Never going back to .10ö. You missed it

>> No.22123941

.10c *

>> No.22123988

STA will never get anywhere, thank God I sold when it was still up there and took my profits out of this scam coin

>> No.22124365
File: 449 KB, 1082x695, 228C0667-6850-4A15-9733-6090946E8EC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look here

>> No.22124564

Are you some type of crypto super hero that saves people from scams in a one fell swoop? A very generous being you must be. Please provide photo evidence of your super hero outfit or leave us in peace