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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22121132 No.22121132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can we monetise right-wing nationalism?

>> No.22121154

Back to >>pol

>> No.22121158

Back them like Soros is backing BLM/antifa
RWDS have better EV+

>> No.22121207

What is our ROI?

>> No.22121229

Big beautiful families and peaceful high trust society.

>> No.22121270

I don't care about that shit, I want money

>> No.22121334
File: 6 KB, 250x214, 1598761894915s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you mongoloid, that is how you make money. Poor niggers aren't gonna buy anything, you need stability.

>> No.22121490

The people behind the Federal Reserve need chaos right now.
They are bout to lose their power if they can't cause an overthrow soon.

>> No.22121798
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treasury bonds
lockheed martin
northrom gumman

>> No.22121827
File: 25 KB, 410x230, buildawall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There must be some way to make more profit out of it. I am looking for something like Steve Bannons build wall gig

>> No.22121931
File: 68 KB, 599x449, 4ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this goofy looking kid killed 2 grown ass men who were also criminals
Hope Trump pardons him, the SEETHE from it would be hilarious

>> No.22121973

Mix self-help advice with philosophy peddled towards loner virgins a la Judan Peterstein or Molyjew.

>> No.22122067

The only way is to sell racist soap or tshirts, right wing nationalists aren't hyper materialistic.

>> No.22122399
File: 74 KB, 1080x369, shes right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

larp as a black conservative on gofundme.
make up a story about antifa burning a cross in your yard or something.

>> No.22122507

Imagine thinking they haven't ALWAYS been given more power after every fuck up they caused.

>> No.22122538

Le ebic troll man strikes again!

>> No.22122608

This and Alex-Jones tier pandering.
Horseshit. they buy into protein powder, dick-fixing medication and snake oil like crazy. That and porn but porn is so freely available now it's a harder sell.

>> No.22122655

LARP as a trad thot and ma,e a patreon

>> No.22122690

How do you even LARP as a girl? It seems like the sweetest of scams because all victims are retarded simps.
But you'd need pics you can't reverse search etc.

>> No.22122735

Pay for them from 3rd world thot and make money on the arbitrage

>> No.22122762

> open web shop
> offer everything you can buy at a regular supermarket
> add $100 on the price and write "tactical" or "traditional" as often as you can (don't mix them!) in the product description
> profit
like selling bananas to monkey.

>> No.22122819

> le arbitrageuré
la nīçè

>> No.22122833

Don't post this racist murderer on here. He literally went black people hunting. Keep that shit on your nazi board /pol. Biz is about making money, we don't care about race

>> No.22122878

Wrong /biz/ is our board now. Welcome to /pol/ 2.0. Enjoy your stay nigger.

>> No.22122899

mfw he shot 3 jews no africans.

>> No.22122935

Make a youtube channel and echo right-wing e-celeb talking points ad nauseum. Bonus if you're a minority or hot girl.

You'll attract funding from the Koch brothers in no time

>> No.22122966

>Black people hunting
I too get my news from 4th hand word of mouth.

>> No.22122979

No biz is not racist. Plenty of black people on here making more money than you nazi

He was hunting for black people though, he just came up short and settled for the closest thing. This kid has hate in his eyes

>> No.22123037

>settled for the closest thing
How antisemitic

>> No.22123060

If that made money these pol fags wouldn’t be here.

>> No.22123064

>he just came up short
Also lmao the streets were filled by rioting murdering niggers

>> No.22123080

You can't. Right wing isn't represented by the current market movers in the economy.

>> No.22123103

As fucking if.

>> No.22123175

Give me some proof that this mother fucker wasn't racist

>> No.22123341

He's white, he can't be racist against a system that systemically discriminates against white people by favoring Blacks at every opportunity who still squander it.

>> No.22123419

Give me proof that he was, the burden of proof is on you here.
All I see is a good boy going across state lines to clean up graffiti and destruction made by BLM and ANTIFA riots, only to be hunted down by rioters who tried to shoot him and lynch him, forced to defend himself lethally as the law allows. Truly tragic. Except for the deaths of course, fuck those kikes.

>> No.22123445

right wing nationalism is funded by jews

>> No.22123483

>assuming that being ''racist is somewhat bad or wrong''

You have to go back to pleddit

>> No.22123524

as opposed to left-wing nationalism?

>> No.22123555

Black people are by far the most discriminated against in not only the US, but the world

It's not on me at all. The whole world is calling this little asshole a racist murderer not just me. You're in the minority chud

I can only think of a handful of things worse than racism. It's the reason this country is falling apart. Racist white people supporting a fascist president

>> No.22123560

I know you're shitposting but it's funny to think how posting this on a gayrobot thread would be 100 upvotes

>> No.22123594
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Oh you fucking retard lol

>> No.22123604

>prove a negative

>> No.22123610

>The whole world is calling this little asshole a racist murderer not just me
Sorry to tell you this, but angry leftoids on twitter are not the whole world

>> No.22123744

Only your bubble of leftist faggots call him racist and even if the entire world would think he's racist (hint: most people are just happy some antifas got rekt) the burden of proof would still be on them.
This is obvious self-defense against rioters who just executed an innocent trump supporter a day or two ago for wearing a red hat.
He's not going to jail LMAO, seethe

>> No.22123783

>I know you're shitposting
Excercise some suspension of disbelief we're all having fun here

>> No.22123827

>prove a negative
Gtfo back to plebbit kike. Better yet, get in the oven.

>> No.22123833

>Black people are by far the most discriminated against in not only the US, but the world
Man, must tell you something about blacks.

>> No.22123857

Please, pretty please kill yourself. PLEASE.

>> No.22123879

>I can only think of a handful of things worse than racism.
Yeah for example being nonwhite

>> No.22123884

fraudulent gofundmes

>> No.22123940

Uhhh he is in jail right now genius. Perfect example of a stereotypical low IQ alt right nazi. I'm guessing you meant prison, which he will be spending the rest of his life in. Let's see how tough he is without his human hunting weapon

>> No.22124038


>> No.22124098

Yeah lmao prison
There's video evidence that he defended against murderers who tried to lynch him, cope
0 chance of him being found guilty