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File: 14 KB, 308x97, 2020-09-01 23_45_21-triple Ds - White Women With Huge Tits _ FetLife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22115019 No.22115019 [Reply] [Original]

How do you use money to get women?

>> No.22115154

Better question:
How do you use women to get money?
Surely pimping is not the only option.

>> No.22115174

>get gf
>sell her undies

>> No.22115345

That's like the dropshipping of exploiting women
I need a high tech solution

>> No.22115936

First you go to /fit/
Then you lose weight for real (not gay shit like the snake diet)
Then you put on a little muscle

Then you learn how to have a conversation and ask a girl out without coming off like a sperg. NOTE: this is easier if you're at least 1 deviation more attractive than the girl- like if you've got 6/10 facemaxx then you go for the 5/10 average girl instead of trying to pick up the chick who has an onlyfans and spends 10 hours a day preening.

Also having savings/a regular job helps tell girls you're not a sperg. Not living with your mom at 30 helps too.

>> No.22116056

I have a gf already also chasing pussy is pathetic and is for absolute betas, children and virgins. All I needed to do when I was single is go out to the pub and I come back with a girl, it's easy.
Making money off simps/girls is a much more pressing issue than how to get your dick wet.

>> No.22116094

And btw it's bullshit, I'm a broke lanklet social retard who was addicted to hard drugs at the time and I got plenty of girls.

>> No.22116148

I've been rangebanned by fucking janniggers and indian mods because i invented the fatoshi betrayoto meme

>> No.22116181
File: 123 KB, 1024x768, 1595310181611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what works for 90% of people is bullshit because things were different for me
>personal anecdotes are valid versus statistical truths

Is it possible to be this low IQ? I guess it is.

>> No.22116246

You start a site like seeking arrangement, tinder, onlyFans.

Ultimately there's a dude taking a cut of every one of these transactions.

>> No.22116335

Works for 90% of the people is just your delusion. Normal people don't need to try so hard, and anyone who needs to try so hard will never be normal. And nothing you posted is "statistical truth", lmao, it's the typical cope of manlets and spergs everywhere.
Ofc it's all very positive and you should do it regardless for the sake of self-improvement, as should I.
>is bullshit because things were different for me
My point was it's far from necessary. There are many ways to get girls and anons should play to their strengths. The get /fit/ bit is tiresome.

>> No.22116457

I dont.

Always the same:
- i need money to get gf
- i need to get fit to get gf
- i need 500 meter long dong to get gf
- i need influence to get gf

The key is self-confidence and you will get them for free.

>> No.22116540

Onlyfans always makes me think about how comfy VRA is

>> No.22116727

Money can't buy women. If shes after money, there's no real commitment and you will be neglected. I've seen it with my own eyes on long term couples. You will end up having to masturbate and you will feel this empty void after a couple of years. This is the reality we're living now, woman's stopped giving a f...

Fit 10/10 woman's are looking for chubby guys, becouse they're easy to control. Commitment doesn't exist, she gets too many offers and she knows it, reason why shes not getting attached.

>tinder, onlyFans.

Careful with this, I've seen it all. You won't find commitment either and chances are that you will get harassed, robbed or manipulated. Especially on Tinder.

>> No.22116790

Lets say you are;


Cool. Now are women going to show up at your doorstep? Nope. Not unless you have status (ie famous youtuber, singer, dancer etc)

So where the fuck do you meet women? Hardmode during covid

>> No.22116856

>Not unless you have status (ie famous youtuber, singer, dancer etc)
She will stay with you only if you can keep your status. If you hit rock bottom, I'm 99% sure that she will pack-up and leave.

>> No.22116883

>He was never loved

>> No.22116943 [DELETED] 

Yes! Only manipulated, robbed and abandoned. Love and commitment are not existent.

>> No.22116974

Yes! Only manipulated, robbed and abandoned. Love and commitment are not existent.

>> No.22117103

They are. Exploitation is extremely common and commitment is extremely rare. But you can find a girl who just loves you, won't abandon you if you hit rock bottom, won't cheat or deprive you of sex, isn't looking to control you but is looking up to you.
Even more so if you stay in your league and don't fantasize that you'll get a supermodel. A young 6/10 girl can 100% belong to you in body and soul and be fucking ecstatic about it, you can find legit wife material in 2020, as long as you can love her back.

>> No.22117178
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1596523371296s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I found this anon but then she broke up with me without any good reason.

>> No.22117325
File: 99 KB, 1024x957, 1598907609998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens and it's shit but losing hope is even worse. Giving up on ever having lifelong companionship is a worse defeat than a break-up.
And I am far from putting females on a pedestal, as a general rule I think they are worthless, should have no political franchise, and that a man can be complete in celibacy as well, and that a man's worth is not defined by any women.
But such is life, a good wife and a family will bring you immeasurable happiness, and loneliness is extremely painful.

>> No.22117384

>females on a pedestal
That's all I ever did fren. Always put them on a pedestal and always failed.

>> No.22117664

You shouldn't anon, first of all it's a bad female-male dynamic but also remember that you have worth regardless of them. In fact, probably a male NEET has more intrinsic value than top female CEOs. The actual god particle is testosterone. Etc.
Just don't let yourself be blinded by the 90% of dumb bitches when you meet one of the 10% normal girls.

>> No.22117897

five six 2.881 four nine six.8

>> No.22118716

I'm doing in the hope that one day I will find someone like me. Someone who puts the other person welling first before his. Someone willing to sacrifice.

>> No.22118909

I'm just saying that groveling at her feet will probably make her disrespect you and lead to a heartbreak eventually. You can take care of a girl without humiliating yourself.
And yeah when you find a good girl you'll be put on a pedestal yourself in her eyes as the men she wants to marry. Girls idolize their bfs when in love. It's totally achievable and two people caring for each other more than they care for themselves is what good relationships should look like.
Don't let dumb bitches abuse you, but also don't be so jaded that you miss out on a good girl anon.

>> No.22118919

by having it