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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22104786 No.22104786 [Reply] [Original]

Just got out like 3H ago. Don't know what it's worth but I'll try! https://harvest.finance..

Be very careful with these news things, you never know where it can go...

>> No.22105583

Will $FARM be added to coingecko? Need to know what my farmies are worth.

>> No.22105822

Based, already in, code looks gucci.

>> No.22105872

Here for the price: https://uniswap.info/token/0xa0246c9032bC3A600820415aE600c6388619A14D

>> No.22105961

what are digital vegetables? i keep hearing about them, but i don't know what they do, or how i use them.

>> No.22106044

do the math on the market cap already is... like 200 million
if you farm it don't do it through the liquidity pool
suckers buying it to do it that way are going to get rekt
sell your harvest now if you can afford the gas

>> No.22106187


150mm by my count. You're actually stupid if you don't get in this. It's going to be listed on Binance and go up to several hundred MM at least.

t. founder of top 100 coin with a listing on binance

>> No.22106761

bought in the morning im 3x just holding fuk my life do i sell??? this shit is like 2 days olds i think

>> No.22107121
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>> No.22107265

about to break 300 holders never been this early

>> No.22107693

this one gonna be huge. Code is clean.
yfi vibes, time will tell.

>> No.22107722
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my transaction time just went from 13 minutes estimate to 10 hours

>> No.22107906

T. Larp

>> No.22107935

7 away from breaking 300 wait till this hits cmc

easy 3x

>> No.22107955

The supply started at zero and it will take 4 years to mint all the tokens. FWIW.

>> No.22108059

Shitcoin farming is a psyop and bad for defi. It's primary purpose is about subverting Uniswap. Consider how quickly and why CZ had Sushi listed on Binance. Who benefits from Uniswap being subverted more than Binance?

>> No.22108072

nobody cares

verify code and research, farming project get in early

get crazy return farming and dump

rinse and repeat

>> No.22108106

key thing once everything is verified is to get in early

pajeets and poor fags priced out right now with gas fees, let the big boys make money

>> No.22108123

You should care about what you're doing and why.

>> No.22108162
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yes i worry about myself, you should too

let me guess you care so much for my financial security

>> No.22108248

I didn't tell you to stop doing it, you dumb nigger.

>> No.22108318

so what do you do with your farmies?
i feel like it's not worth it with these gas prices

>> No.22108371

like i said poorfags priced out, if you want gain gotta farm, poor fags can only hold,

only people investing are big money

>> No.22108428

Was gonna buy but didn't feel like spending $50 to throw a few ETH at it.

Also, I think the price is too high to moon. I understand market cap but with these thousands of vaporware pump and dumps people will buy Kimchi over this I think.

>> No.22108491

Unless Binance is backing Sushi to take down Uniswap, in that case Sushi will go significantly higher.

>> No.22108950


>> No.22109721

full circulating supply will be released in 4 years