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File: 34 KB, 300x241, 300px-Bézier_surface_example.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2210380 No.2210380 [Reply] [Original]

Pretty sure I have mental health issues, but I gotta try to manifest this A.I. I'm working on. It's inspired by the simplicity in John Conway's game of "Life". I can dump screenshots of abstraction tools I've made. I'm shamelessly begging. I can even do an "honorable" kick starter type deal in just this thread.
I'm almost done with the simulation. I've just got to grind out a few more things.
The version I'm working on now is a very simple version. (uses Classical Physics)
There is a 2.0 that I've been conjecturing for a while, but I need to get a lot better with math. Specifically calculous and topology. (uses pseudo quantum mechanics)
I want to make a solid A.I. coin. An A.I. that lives in a virtual environment that uses processing power from the block chain.
You know this is coming, be apart of it. I made a lot of mistakes, not asking would be foolish and prideful.
I've described this to others as a "Spirit Bomb" A.I. I am using what I believe to be a very "unique" approach. Just like the game of "life", my elements and rules are simplistic but they generate complexity.
The last question I need answered comes from completing the simulation. I am testing this "fractal" concept for the elements in the simulation. I can't simulate that in my head, I'll just have to run the sim.

My real job is trying to score javascript contracts. I'm working one right now. That life is getting irrelevant very fast though. I want to trade crypto long term and just do dev and research, that's it.

ETH Gibs: 0xA87f4545c295338a845cb0983f9cE7C2E2fD4AC0

Even if you don't donate now, you can donate for free later by running a node of the simulation from your browser.

Discord Username:

>> No.2210384
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>> No.2210405

Sounds neat, OP. What are the practical applications of this AI you are developing, and what do you, as the creator, want to eventually see it be used for?

>> No.2210415




>> No.2210421

Interested. Will it develop a personality using conway's method?

>> No.2210425

>AI sim using 'processing power from the blockchain'

C'mon dude

>> No.2210436

Sent you 20 ETH, good luck.

>> No.2210448

sent ;)

>> No.2210462

sent ;)

>> No.2210472

sell me on this some more

what makes it stand out? what is your development plan?

>> No.2210484
File: 201 KB, 806x772, Screen Shot 2017-05-20 at 10.38.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Applications, endless, but it will start off very slow.
The reality the A.I. evolves in will be physical, that's the first step to general A.I. for it to start tackling "smart jobs" all I'd need to ad are "Bridge" particles. Basically, a particle in the program that has the ability to make a file, or make sound, or make a picture file. and of course, you can go the other way around, you can upload a file into this particle, and it will convert that file into chunks of data.

Those chunks of data are actually physical particles in the simulation. And I'm going to do this thing I like to call "intelligence" smashing, where I take a lot of raw data with a lot of different "interpretations/conversions" (based on experience) and inject these chunks of data into dna and systems.

I am going to build every tool I can to help work with multiple blockchains at once.

I strongly believe so.
It's not just one brain.
Its a soup of particles. It could evolve into 1 brain, but it could also evolve into many simple organisms.

I've thought about saving up some money and doing a kickstarter. I'd print the organisms.

The first "launch" is in about 5 more weeks. I've got to lock the rest of the code down.

>> No.2210486

you made my heart stop. are you serious?

>> No.2210489

When people buy anything, they expect it to work. People won't pay for a prototype made by some guy with no reputation, and judging from your post you probably don't have enough charisma to convince the normies either. Someone's probably gonna steal your work, improve it, and get rich off of it.

tl;dr don't talk about it until you have a finished product.

>> No.2210501

yeah dude I also sent you 13 ETH ;)

>> No.2210518

this is a scam post

>> No.2210528

what is this first year uni work? Congrats you figured out how to model a surface and perhaps a few neural linkages (if thats what im even looking at)

Good scam though man hope it netted you some decent donations

>> No.2210537
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I definitely understand that.
What I've released about my work just sounds like "buzzword soup" I blur it up a little. I don't want to describe the exact nature of how everything works.

I was trying to post this video here.

No it's actually not i was trying to show you guys the video of my notes I've been keeping while programming.

>> No.2210542

I wasn't actually expecting to get much traction on 4chan. I posted to 8ch expecting more there.

I just used some filler image.
anyway, you can manually type in the link to the video >>2210537

>> No.2210550

this is some terry a davis shit

>> No.2210559

2 BTC on the way
polo is slow atm but u should get it in a few hours

>> No.2210570

>terry a davis
Im already in love, thanks.

>> No.2210605

Right, nice scam. You said jack shit, your "AI" mas no sense whatsoever. Gullible fucks think a javascript contract begger is smarter than whole reasearch community on AI u dumb fucks

>> No.2210622

They are all thinking in 1 direction. I've been coming up with creative solutions.
They think from a perspective of greed, I think from a perspective of a neet-contract

>> No.2210635

I don't really give a fuck about your pet project but A New Kind of Science owns and I like talking to motivated people, send me a mail at fcnproenva gmail and we can play Go

>> No.2210636

Will the organism speak English?

>> No.2210648

The bridge particle can receive sound files and convert them into particles that can be fed into the physical mechanics of an organism or its physical genetic data.

>> No.2210649

I do research in this area, can you at least give a reasonable explanation on how this shit would work instead of a bunch of buzz words that are irrelevant? Otherwise scam

>> No.2210657

Isn't this what golem is doing?

>> No.2210661

you mean the link that no one has replied to?

and congrats you made a vid of what is effectively a sketch book done in davinci-style to make sure no one steals.
Still looks like 1st year uni work to me

What language(s) are you going to use/are using?
Whats the mathematical base for your feedback loop?
Also what are your limit information tolerances for your feedbacks set at?
What iteration are you on in the learning/adapting algorithm?
How do you project the speed of "learning" to increase with this A.I.?
Do you understand why pseudo-quantum mechanics in what is effectively binary base will have certain failure states that require specific detailing unless you have a workaround?

>> No.2210665

What a fucking dumb idea to commercialize, look ML and CNN(s) are really interesting tech especially if you look at the potential to use open datasets to train it. But it's pretty clear that you are totally and utterly out of your depth. Like you're not even close to grasping even the basic building blocks of both.

It's like listening to someone who's been educated by Ted talks about ai or YouTube videos. You need to get your fundamentals in place before even attempting something like this.

>Stop scamming people

>> No.2210690

Don't disgrace Conway's and Wolframs work on cellular automata. You wouldn't have the processing power nor the knowledge who construct enough rule sets to simulate anything. Also your organism as u call it won't be able to evolve. It's retarded. I don't think you grasp CA. There are any other uses of CA you could research such as image compression crypto and more, but this just a pure scam.

>> No.2210700

Make a discord channel.

>> No.2210701

stop being greedy

>> No.2210717

Particles with a genome.

Their genome can cause them to create energy.

Particles can crystalize in a very basic simulation. Use that crystallization as the trigger for replication.
Make each particle a universe. Every universe is actually a "genome" (not necessarily linear)
The alignments in that universe create energy at the scope of the particle that is that universe.

That's as far as I'm going.
They are about processing power only. not an A.I. specifically.

Javascript for the browser
C++ & Java for a desktop app.
For mobile, I'm not sure yet. Likely java.

There's not mathematical base for conway's feedback loop. I'm not asking my A.I. to complete any test, except the test of time.

In my sim, if you want to implement a neural net, you'd literally arrange the particles for the program.

I intend to leverage new strides in chaos theories. For example things like barnsley's fern. I'm not going to explain how everything applies.

>> No.2210724

10k eth sent. Make us proud Anon.

>> No.2210771

>c++ & java
>not understanding what i mean by mathematical base or feedback loop in this case

okay buddy get back to me when that falls apart. I swear its worse than watching an airbus engineer trying to program a "thinking-evolving" drone

>> No.2210794

I have little idea what the brains are talking about but it's really interesting stuff.
I'd like to understand more.
Can anyone post a list of recommended reading on these subjects?
I'm particularly interested in high accuracy geoplacement of plant species and terrain modification dependent on weather, climate, topographic and soil analysis data for use in an AR environment with the AR objects being connected to a blockchain to show physical Proof of Work as opposed to digital mining for a concept I'm working on. Anybody want in on this? https://github.com/planetareum/Planetareum

I don't know how to code and I'm not a specialist in anything but I believe the blockchain and the breakthroughs we're seeing are capable of a much more beneficial outcome than profiteering.

>> No.2210803
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you have no idea what you are talking about.

>I intend to leverage new strides in chaos theories.


if you had any modern programming sense you would do the entire thing in typescript.

all this time you spent spanning this thread stringing together pseudo babble code you could have been learning to code.

>> No.2210813



>> No.2210817

Should I make my own post?
Perhaps you could start with a specific purpose in mind to train your AI to acknowledge and understand biological organisms and natural system functions.
Please join me so we can work together and change the world.

>> No.2210836

sorry, not everyone went to college and learned buzzwords out of the book.

I already said I'm not good at math.
You don't need to be good at math to understand conway's simulation. You don't need to be good at math to do basic algebra. You don't need to be good at math to make a particle simulation. (a distance function, that's about it)
I've been programming some unique things my entire life, I always run in to fucks like you who follow this huge ass ideological tech bubble.

>> No.2210841
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ill just leave this here ;)

>> No.2210915

>thinks I went to a shithole college for a piece of paper
>still doesnt understand what i mean by mathematical base and why it has nothing to really do with "math"
>Uses buzzwords then accuses me of buzzwords when they are definitions you should know if youve programmed anything beyond basic functions

what you think is unique may not actually be as ive discovered several hundred times in my life.
You did say you may have mental health issues? no joke, sometimes our minds convince us of something thats not real but we believe is deep down in our hearts. Get help, you talk exactly like some people I know who needed the same.

If you arent a pajeet shillprincess then after stabilising or getting checked out try again to see if anything you "believe" in is actually real

>> No.2210980
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you wanna try to real human beings for significant money or respect in the academic field , at least learn the core concepts and terminologies isn't gonna kill you.
hell , you may even learn something.

there's nothing wrong with being interested in programing, maths and simulation.

>> No.2211026

So you want to see me live stream dev this or what?

ok, you're my best friend now.

>> No.2211086

stop role playing.
no one would dev anything so complex as this project would be , on live stream .

>> No.2211099

the rules are simple. it's not really that complex.
I could be wrong I'm prepared for that. But I'm very interested in seeing what the results will be. I'm sure they will at least be "trippy".

I will not finish, but I will work.

>> No.2211143

You seem to know what you're talking about. Do you think my concept is feasible?

>> No.2211159


this sounds like it would be amazing for things like Pokemon Go

>> No.2211188
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stop talking like your in a movie.
just be real.

if you dont know how to write a "mathematical proof"
or thesis of your algorithm and present it to us, you don't know what the hell your talking about .

the fact is , you sound very imaginative and creative, and if you could connect your ideas with some real math science and code you could probably put together a genuine idea.
Start off coding something you understand.
go from there, theres no shame in starting from the bottom as long as you are learning and growing.

i know its boring and hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but just educate yourself,

watch videos.


learn a coding language.

code out your math problems, program a calculator etc. work your way up.

you are investing in your own mind and no one can take that away from you , it is worth more than any paper currency or material item and you will be a better person for it.

but don't get on the internet and deliberately lie .
its gross and indicative of bad character.

ppl with bad character dont have the focus and discipline to undertake the complex mathematical and computation endeavors you have aspired to .

>> No.2211236

I'm programming it right now.
I know what I sound like. I hold a job. I've been doing this for 8 years.
Yes. it's a very creative idea. That doesn't mean I don't know how to program. It doesn't mean that I haven't create 100s of simulations before.
You guys got on some train and just went with it.

If you want to see me live stream just ask.

>> No.2211294

show your code.
paste the whole thing idgaf
whats your github?

as a humble self taught hardworking mathematician, AI coder and computer scientist i find this whole charade very insulting and i wish you discontinue it at once, or present something vaguely resembling real science , math or code and not just pseudo intellectual pot talk

>> No.2211335

you take yourself way too seriously for you to be offended by someone else who works in the profession.


I know the complaints you're going to make and i'm not even going to laugh them all off.

>> No.2211372


this is meaningless without the html file....

>> No.2211445
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>> No.2211490

Probably got blocked from posting
But since i am paying for a pass they arent gonna tell me.

I thought you wanted proof i could code. If you want anything else i dont care.

The two files i showed you are isolated tests. I need to combine them soon.

>> No.2211507
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>> No.2211514
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thats not proof you can code,
thats proof you can copy paste someone else's
game of life simulation's javascript without its accompanying html.

at least post complete working code next time u wanna role play, what a waste of everyones time.

>> No.2211543



>> No.2211551

OP if you are for real, I am moderately well connected on wall street and work for one of the largest banks in the world. Im mid 20s and have been here since 10th grade, so this is my home. If youre serious, i will help you get funding.

>> No.2211565

Tell me how to get in touch with you and ill give up my name fag as proof youre talking to the right person

>> No.2211573

I don't want funding in the traditional sense.
I want to buy time. That's it.
posting here is a semi-serious attempt at "wowing" someone with a few ETH to throw out that I can start multiplying.

Really I want a circle of people around me to feed me information.
I do have a lot to learn, but I feel my own years of experiments have been useful.

the hangout link is right there. I can give you more on it later.

>> No.2211582

>When people buy anything, they expect it to work. People won't pay for a prototype made by some guy with no reputation, and judging from your post you probably don't have enough charisma to convince the normies either. Someone's probably gonna steal your work, improve it, and get rich off of it.
>tl;dr don't talk about it until you have a finished product.
Also this. You need a good confidant. Do not give up anything. I will help you lawyer/ protect intellectual propertt and pay if you are for real. Do not give up anything.

>> No.2211599

No shit, the whole point of crypto tokens backed by a project is crowdfundimg without truly giving up your intellectual property to a bunch of venture capitalist jews and without any real predefined equity ownership. You cant build a techbology if you're trading crypto. I will help you if youre not intent on being double minded and trading crypto to fund your idea. Idea or trading, otherwise youre a bullshitter.

>> No.2211606


I'm only interested in providing funding if I get a return on investment. Provide that and I would lower my expected returns because you are on /biz/. If you start a kickstarter or some vehicle to provide me gains you should post it here later.

>> No.2211619

sounds incredibly poorly thought out and overall kind of stupid to be frank with you. anyone that actually donates is a stupid fuck and deserves to be parted with their money by a trash-tier scampost

>> No.2211621
File: 101 KB, 1252x1252, 1476729292849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Javascript pajeet which isn't even good at math trying to sell his autismo scam to /biz/
/g/ here, having a laugh at this entire thread

>> No.2211694

>isn't good at math or coding

Why should I give you any money

>> No.2211714

trying to load hangout buy my internet is shit

was there in chat a second ago saying "howdy"

>> No.2211834

OP thanks for the idea, I now understand all of this better than you do and will start my implementation right now

This is why you don't post ideas online kiddo, screenshot this

This is bigger than you realize OP

Just kidding, but this seriously is why you DON'T post ideas online.

>> No.2211887

Were you in hangoug?
>posting from phone

>> No.2211900
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op just showed some code and a loading gif.
couldn't even step thru and explain the code when asked to ...

and tries to pretend by vaugely beating around they bush that they are inventing a quantum blockchain , or at least blockchain without a quantum computer.

thats fine, but why wouldn't ppl just use the existing hash solving method ?

there is no difference between a computer hashing out a sufficiently complex random string, and computing mathematical sims.

at best this is a hobby, at worst a braindead scam, or even as i suspect, an elaborate troll to undermine the divine right of my galactic monarchy .

>> No.2211918

Everyone knows you are just trying to trigger me

I stepped through enough

>> No.2211974

i wish i was joking. i wouldn't feel so jerked off.

im gonna go back to working on my companies practical distributed AI crypto technology and service in typescript and angular 2 but thanks for trying.

its fun to have hobbies,

but this seemed more nefarious , this whole thing felt like a scam/troll from front to back, i suggest you let it go , before you get that metaphorical "knock at your door"

>> No.2212007


it could be Terry's alter ego

>> No.2212052

>thats fine, but why wouldn't ppl just use the existing hash solving method ?

If quantum computing breaks it there is necessarily the need for a quantum cryptography.

Hash solving is archaic, wasteful and will be as obsolete as the steam engine one day. Actually it already is, we're just throwing massive amounts of energy at it to solve something QC could do in a half second with solar energy.

>> No.2212063

>Hash solving is archaic, wasteful and will be as obsolete as the steam engine one day. Actually it already is, we're just throwing massive amounts of energy at it to solve something QC could do in a half second with solar energy.
Can we please end this meme?

>> No.2212065

Getting back on stream soon

>> No.2212092
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this, u simply use a sufficiently longer hash.

also , why the fuck on earth would i believe some single solitary human was stupid enough to think they could code quantum hash simulation with javascript LOL quicker than the IBM or RAYTHEON team ?

stop jerking me around now i told you to drop it, you and your confederates will pay for this treasonous insurrection of folly, mark my words, heads will roll.

>> No.2212098


>> No.2212131
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>A.I. inspired by the simplicity in John Conway's game of "Life"


>> No.2212292

theres AI in pac man.
the point is to provide contextual significance

>> No.2212348


Gypsy scam. Just threw together a bunch of cs/physics concepts (makes completely no sense) and tried to pass it off as something profound, ETH begging address included.

Whole thing looks like it went through google translate.

Saged and reported for begging

>> No.2212461

post the prototype dude i cant hear or see anything in that stream

>> No.2212493

I guess it's the same underlying principle but the geoplacement of objects needs to be precise <10cm for what it needs to do. Visit the github link and add your thoughts if you feel like working on a project. Could be lucrative or it might never get off the ground but I have to at least try or it's gonna give me a brain tumor.

>> No.2212503

I showed you what i madr years ago.
I have already said this isnt complete and that is has 5 more weeks to go until completion. I already showed isolated physics and the replication rule system.

I am not giving you anymore.

>> No.2212519
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>> No.2212534

Dude the screen was black like I said, I seriously coulnt see anything

>> No.2212541

I'd like funding please, but mostly I need connections and a lead developer to attract more talent in the different fields
I hope you're not LARPing but I would really like to see this project come to fruition some day and I don't have the time nor skillset and it's too big a project. I'm hoping with the huge spike in interest in these fields lately that some good people will want to work on a meaningful project.