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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22098260 No.22098260 [Reply] [Original]

They already have widespread enterprise adoption, and zero competition. Cloud computing is a 200 billion a year market and they have the best solution. How is it not top 10?

>> No.22098317
File: 390 KB, 385x508, roccckkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep it natty

>> No.22098363

>How is it not top 10?

Because tax law in almost every relevant jurisdiction makes this impossible as an enterprise solution

>> No.22098503

The same applies to chainlink then

>> No.22098515


Ok, so?

>> No.22098563
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what's the stack to call myself an oil man

>> No.22098662
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then the same applies to everyt crypto
its over gilles

>> No.22098934


No, it doesn't, you delusional retard. It applies to every crypto that wants you to buy a volatile token in exchange for a service, especially ones that offer services that others are offering in exchange for money, which is the stupidest fucking idea that anybody ever came up with.

Let's say you're Johnny CTO of ShartCorp in the USA, or Canada, or most major economies that handle crypto-to-crypto as a taxable event.

You need some cloud computing. Do you requisition some cash to buy ETH so you can exchange the ETH on Uniswap for RLC, creating a capital gains/loss event that must be recorded, and then every time you need to execute some code you burn RLC, causing a capital gains/loss event every single time, and then after months you hand the records of those thousands of TXs to the accounting department, so they can spend god knows how many man-hours adding up all those transactions to find out how much capital gain or loss they have to add to the tax filing

Or do you go to the Azure website and click "Pay Now".

See why this will never ever happen?

>> No.22099268

I see it. Sold everything now. Thanks brother.

>> No.22099448

>a volatile token
so literally every one
got it

>> No.22099684


Yes, retard, the volatility that makes most cryptos attractive AS AN INVESTMENT actually makes them completely useless AS A PAYMENT FOR A SERVICE. Especially when the same service is offered by others for cash in a single convenient transaction.

>> No.22099810

Just give it up. You're not smart enough to be posting that much text. You sound like a boomer that doesn't understand what Bitcoin is

>> No.22100013

You are such a fucking narcissist. Every fucking time you post this bullshit I tell you to read about MPP as VeChain has implemented it, and you never do. Multi-party payment protocol solves the whole issue you are describing, quit being a willfully ignorant piece of shit just so you can feel good about yourself

>> No.22100091

Except RLC is literally going to be the currency of the future

What is BTC or ETH backed up by? Nothing. It’s just a store of value.

RLC is backed up by computing power. Which will be the most value asset in the world after the singularity.

100 Trillion market cap by 2025

>> No.22100228

> They already have widespread enterprise adoption
nope, actually they have ZERO

> zero competition
Nope. there's massive competition

> they have the best solution
Nope, 0 users in 3 years cleary shows they don't

> How is it not top 10?
Better question is how is this digital dogshit still in the top 100 ?

>> No.22100323

>muh prehistoric tax law
Sad dimwit take, let's talk about it again when chink server farms provide the same computanial power as Azure for 1/10 of the bill or when Azure can trustlessly run Dapps.

>> No.22100324

>> They already have widespread enterprise adoption
>nope, actually they have ZERO
Actually already working with hospitals and movie studios nice try
>> zero competition
>Nope. there's massive competition
Like what? Golem? LMFAO
>> they have the best solution
>Nope, 0 users in 3 years cleary shows they don't
The worker pools aren’t open to the public yet only enterprise which is being kept secret
>> How is it not top 10?
>Better question is how is this digital dogshit still in the top 100 ?

>> No.22100339


lmao dat explosion of asspain

>w-what do you mean, billion dollar corporations won't go through a convoluted nightmare of cash and exchanges and crypto and create an accounting nightmare for themselves in order to purchase a service they can get with literally one click

Holy fuck you guys are stupid

>> No.22100411

>muh secret adoption that is super huge but can't be talked about
> here are some hypthoteticals how we (could) be used

kys, pajeet

>> No.22100482


oh god RLC is this cycle's XRP

>there's a problem
>here is a convoluted and unworkable "solution" to this problem that is worse than every other existing alternative, which we delusional retards will pretend is the ONLY possible solution
>$2000 EOY!

>> No.22100483

Companies that don’t use it will be left behind

It’s part of the fourth industrial revolution

It’s literally in the news, I’m not spoon feeding you

>> No.22100740


lmao I love your transformation from

>How is it not top 10?
>I'm just asking questions sirs


>Companies that don’t use it will be left behind

Lordy, you are bad at shilling

>> No.22101054

easy on the spacing there faggost

>> No.22101088
