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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.22092247

The fud is bullish. Can't wait for the faggots here to finish accumulating so they can shut the fuck up with their weak fud. 7 reply thread full of retards and this general gets none. What a fucking shame. Well, I'm here with you op, and I'm comfy as fuck.

>> No.22092357

will mainnet make more money?

>> No.22092431

with all those partnerships listed above, yes. and they're getting more and more. with more customers of lition.de lition blockchain will have more tx and thus more tx fees distributed to all stakers.

>> No.22092585

its really bullish and it seems its the last (weak) attempt right before mainnet launch to get lits price down and accumulate more.

>> No.22092675

How much longer do I have to accumulate?

>> No.22093303

just a few days left imo.

>> No.22093720

To be safe I'd recommend doing it within a few days. You might be able to get in within a few weeks, though. Mainnet should be fully out by the end of September, at which point they'll probably do their AMA (potentially even before then) and I'm imagining they're going to come out and announce a whole fuckton more usecases with all of these new partnerships. You'd want to get in before mainnet is fully released and the AMA.

>> No.22093902

Sorry, instead of usecases we're looking at customers of the energy business. Regardless, energy customers strengthen the lition energy usecase.

>> No.22094247
File: 217 KB, 854x1086, D133934D-FD4A-4215-89AE-C50D4B295F8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking state of biz/ lition energy will be a household name in 4/5 years and lition blockchain valued above 5 billion market cap easily by 2025

>> No.22094365
File: 875 KB, 1787x1000, 1598978831999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi frens did we moon yet?

>> No.22094527

A 5bil mcap is a conservative estimate.

>> No.22094963

Well ponzis are working pretty well atm

>> No.22095014

/Litgen/ more like /scamgen/

>> No.22095496

yeah it sucks seeing such shit pump left and right.

>> No.22095555

so when the fuck are we going on a proper x20 moon, not that x3 shit from 5c

>> No.22095643


>> No.22095645
File: 470 KB, 500x257, Lition_American_psycho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22095720

irony of having greta in litmemes is hilarious. absolutely ironic. only people that actually follow political shit get it. at this point i'm starting to think it is on purpose as a nod to the people that know shit. never take your meds.

>> No.22095831
File: 2.22 MB, 1064x1035, OqPJZwC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luisa number 1 fren

>> No.22095888

>weak fud
>nobody can debunk it

>> No.22096637


sir I'd like to ask you to leave, this is a positive thread!
also reluctantly checked

>> No.22097267

The washtrading has stopped. LIT volume dropped from steady 300 ish to 35. What comes next..?

>> No.22097341

>Doesn't mention any specific fud
Like I said, low effort.

>> No.22097464

I just need it to be 5€ by Next year juli.. will it get there? getting a kid in jan and want to retire and take care of the Little one by then

>> No.22097686

calm before the storm
I wouldnt count on it, but who knows.

>> No.22097738

>What comes next..?
another big DUMP down to zero
Fucking shit scam

>> No.22097894

Does that mean that Richard only deals with his company Lition.de and no longer with the Lition blockchain?

>> No.22097964

what’s your estimate in 1 year?

if they have like 10mil tx i’m happy too

>> No.22098621


>> No.22098661

I think a safe estimate would be 1.50, but it will depend on the amount of tx and how involved they get with SAP

>> No.22098700

We've already done a 10x this year.

>> No.22098861

>32eth volume
>can't washtrade when the gas fee is higher than your stakes
lmao ok i will stop fuding for the time being, this shit is already dead

>> No.22099631

You dont need gas to wash trade on idex retard lmao the absolute state of you