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22093454 No.22093454 [Reply] [Original]

Im 20 and live at home with a controlling mother. Ive been running my own small business for the past 2 years and Im now starting to generate enough income to where I could live on my own. The problem is her, it would kill her if I moved out. All I want is my independence. She would never get it and unironically thinks I will be living with her when Im 30. How do I break the news to her /biz/? Im planning to just put the downpayment on a duplex with my link gains and move out secretly and explaining over the phone.

>> No.22093555

Im sure she loves you and all cause shes your mom, but theres a point where every one of us developmental retards have to leave the shitty nest we grew up in. Just rip it off like a band aid and remind yourself you arent here to please your mother. grats on the biz brother

>> No.22093558

Why would it kill her?

>> No.22093581

Be your mother's slave for the rest of your life. You don't deserve to have your own life, because mommy has to come first. Don't be a man and do what YOU want with YOUR money and YOUR life. And please, CASTRATE YOURSELF while you're at it.

>> No.22093590

Sign a contract (rent/purchase idc) and then tell your mother immediately what you have done and what day you are moving. Tell her you love her and thank her for all the help she has given you over the years. If she's incapable of acting maturely at this point then ignore her like you'd ignore a child having a tantrum, you are a man so act like it.

>> No.22093605

Eh. Just be honest with her.
Also you get a lot more money to invest if you keep living there for a little longer

>> No.22093622

Set everything up so that you're ready to move. Then tell her face to face like a man. Be kind, stay calm. As she freaks out, come up with a single phrase that you can repeat to her (something like "I know this is a big change Mom, but I need to do it. I'll still be your son and I love you.")

>> No.22093671

What kind of business? I’ve been wanting to start my own lately.

>> No.22093714

have to agree with this one. I've been spending the last few years trying to get out of the same situation and finally have. been happy as fuck on my own. toxic relationships only seem good while they are there. even if you think you aren't being controlled and are just worried it would 'kill her', this means you're her bitch yo... get your own god damn life and realize you have your own journey to take. whether that means you start now, or at 30, thats up to you.

>> No.22093717

Pic related to you fag?

>> No.22093746

Lots of advice to sign contracts and set it all up behind her back.

That sounds uncomfy bro I think you should actually go through with moving plans but be transparent.

Don't travel too far away and remind her you'll visit/have meals together often.

Peace and love and I hope to not live with my controlling parents soon too

>> No.22093779

Sort of. There has been several times where living there had a negative effect on my income. E.g. since I work a lot from home on my computer and she doesnt understand that businesses can be managed remotely, she thinks Im available to clean the house and help with landscaping. Before quarantine I pretended to have a job just so I had an excuse to go to the library to work in peace and quiet.

>> No.22093863

I would staying in state for now as its the best move for my business but I have long term goals of moving down south when I have enough to live off passive income.

>> No.22093922

find a place close to her.

>> No.22093938

Without being specific Ive been doing private contracting where I set up deals between clients and local contracting company's. I essentially bid for local construction companies that have great potential but lack on the business communication.

>> No.22094014

how do you determine if their quality of work is good?

>> No.22094029

just rape her anon it will solve all your problems

>> No.22094083
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This is reassuring. I will probably set things up ahead of time and sit her down in person. I know she wont take the news well but I will remind her that I love her and plan to visit. It will be tough but it will free up a lot of time for me and my business.

>> No.22094151
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>> No.22094242

You make connections and look for opportunity. Thats how I was able to get my foot in the door actually. I knew a family friend who was really good at roofing so I helped him set up an llc and began learning that small businesses can bid on any jobs that get posted. At that point I began bidding myself and subcontracting out for profit. As long as you produce consistent work, small businesses will continue to work with you as they dont care as long as theyre making money. Most of these guys dont have time for securing a good bid and calculating costs. They just want to work. It took a while for income to be consistent as I only recently started making enough to support myself. The whole lockdown didnt help at all but business is picking back up again.

>> No.22094302

Cut the fucking apron strings NOW. Otherwise you will be making this same post at 25 and at 30 you will rope. Nobody wants to fuck a dude who is living with his mother, even if he is the one paying the bills. Although I'm sure you've discovered that already.

>> No.22094334

I dont want to be too close as I know she will be constantly visiting and demanding I visit. I dont have time for this. I want to stay in touch with her but I dont want her to maintain control over my life. It seems harsh but if you lived with her you would understand.

>> No.22094359

You need to sit her down and talk to her about your plans, don't let her change your mind, and don't make it seem like you're trying to get away from her specifically. You want to be your own man, and she should respect that.

>> No.22094375

It is your freedom and she can't dictate your life choices, much like some random on a subway.
It's your life, your money, get out.

>> No.22094409


this, 27 and suffering in this fate. I think it’s more of an American thing tho

>> No.22094427

I fully agree. I dont have time to date because Im always busy with trying to find the next big deal, but when never I could convince a girl to talk to me, living at home was a huge turnoff. I suppose if youre in college its a little easier to get away with it but I have to move on and get a place. I have bigger plans that dont involve living at home.

>> No.22094701

Parents need to understand if they want their children to live with them they need to be nice

>> No.22094775

Not really. Most of my friends headed to college at 18 and I know its pretty common for people to leave at 18. Its mostly in family orientated countries like Mexico and other south american places where family lives together past 20.

>> No.22095047


from what I’ve heard euros and Asians have more multigenerational houses as well. if you ‘go away’ for college you’re still not independent at all, since you’re living off of debt or your parent’s money most of the time

>> No.22095109

Just tell her you will be moving out, be nice about it. If she gives you lip say how can you make her grandkids while living here. Moms are a sucker for that

>> No.22095196
