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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22086716 No.22086716[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What in the literal fuck is this shit? It doesn't even tell me what "raid thread" I replied to? Fuck off

>> No.22086758

the jannies ban a lot lately

>> No.22086787

fuck off, never come back
off topic
get b&

>> No.22086810

sounds like you deserved it.

>> No.22086816
File: 1.37 MB, 240x240, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember a little while ago the board as spammed with gore pics. Like even syrian kids with brains showing little charred bodies ect
I replied to a thread I was in at the time with a pair of tits and got banned for a few days from it almost instantly...
I'm still fucking mad about that

>> No.22086817

hahahaha maybe it was this one?>>/biz/thread/S22008594

>> No.22086843

you deserved it and should have taken the wink. If you like to posts traps fuck back off to >>>/b/ this is a blue board

>> No.22086869


>> No.22086889

They were not even tiddys out and about they were in a bra so still sfw, more safe than half the pics on here at the moment.
Not a trap post you fucking degenerate.

>> No.22086911

You probably fudded a coin one of the jannies were holding.

>> No.22086944

traps are straighter then women you cannot prove me wrong.

>> No.22086952

no he was replying to the spam from yesterday, bumping it multiple times, for posting off topic meta faggotery mods should now consider isp banning OP, like the rest of the off topic, twitter spam crowd

>> No.22086991

ok women are pretty bad I'll give you that.

>> No.22087052

blue board
you deserved it for thot posting there are enough red boards faggot

>> No.22087094
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anon pls.....

>> No.22087103
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>> No.22087136

wtf can u post on this board other than shitcoin scamming? U cant even post about politic finance

>> No.22087137
File: 109 KB, 640x412, 1598936216535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we live in a dark age fren.
Soon the j*w will turn all our tomboys into angry lesbians

>> No.22087143

not please, nobody had an issue when thot posting and off topic posting was one in 50 posts, but as always, you left liberal turbo faggots think if you don't get shot right into the face from existing, it gives you the mandate to go all out, and then you cry foul when people had it and really start shooting you the moment you appear. Get lost and kys

>> No.22087153
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He's been on for hours spamming threads he doesn't like, fruitlessly. Ignore him anon, he will go back to redit soon.

>> No.22087166

Wtf is that picture. 3 men in blackface wearing suits dancing around anime jesus?

>> No.22087207

sure, business and finance, and political finance is okay to a certain degree, but as with the thot poster, frog faggots, shitcoin spammer (they also get banned in droves) and blatant retards flooding the board with "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOO" you tak it too far and as with every left leaning brain less mouth breeder you cry foul when people start to figuratively execute you.

>> No.22087229
File: 60 KB, 746x491, 1598373263886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gigachad!! thank fuck I thought all hope was lost.
Pajeet is out of his cage again.

>> No.22087242

tits or gtfo

>> No.22087263

5 days for indulging in offtopic discussions.

>> No.22087287

am i banned?

>> No.22087413
File: 333 KB, 1279x1013, 1597992195230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fuck jannies
fuck em up

>> No.22087515

its funny, I never get banned, all my reports are correct and I don't technically announce them, while you have resolved to run around and announce reports like the avatar fagging attention whore you are

>> No.22087550

That picture hits home. I had a tomboy gf and we broke up and I hit her up a few years later to see how she was doing. She got her tits cut off, has a faggoty mustache and changed her name. Totally brainwashed.

>> No.22087615
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Kek raids are so hot. Wish we could raid discords and telegrams and teach those trannies and jeets a fucking lesson for spamming /biz/

>> No.22087706
File: 1.56 MB, 231x239, 1583914986195.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image is cope. Tomboys are unequivocally based but good luck finding any, I legitimately find it easier to find a good looking trap than a good looking tomboy that is not a strict lesbian with a bad temper. Women are women, we all know their problems but with a trap not only is it manly to physically dominate a male you otherwise would think is a good looking woman, you will have someone that 1 for 1 knows what a man wants and is much more willing to do anything for you than some vaginaljew. The result is the most wild retarded sex you'll ever have. And at the end of the day, you don't have to deal with the needs of women like megashopping, period problems or boring shit that you don't find interesting. You could tell them to get lost and that's that. Though you may have eventual problems with mental illness down the line so my financial advice is to sex traps, but ultimately settle with a woman for stability.

>> No.22087765

>t. faggot

>> No.22087812
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