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22085742 No.22085742 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for PNK bros take a seat and get comfy.

>> No.22085800
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god very thread confirm

>> No.22085818

What's the use. I fudded this shitcoin constantly whilst secretly holding the whole time, but now I've lost so much money I have no choice but to kill myself and use my life insurance money to pay off my debt. It's over...we got fooled by transvestites from discord...

>> No.22085821

ugly kike

the pnkjeet can't meme

>> No.22085902
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How much did you hold and when did you buy? More importantly, do you understand the potential in what you hold? Don't be retarded, anon.

>> No.22085933
File: 42 KB, 483x357, PNK Coom Chamber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that spacing
You don't belong here any everyone knows it. You will be the first sent to the Coom Chambers.

>> No.22085948

i'm going to keep an iron grip I got memed on by link and I got memed on by ETH I'm not getting memed on again I'm holding on until we reach the moon

>> No.22086071

Read as much as you can, listen to the podcasts, and embrace the mountains of unsubstantiated FUD coming from discord groups - you're holding something that is on its way to becoming very valuable fren. Arm yourself with knowledge and the hold will be infinitely more comfy. You'll make it.

>> No.22086156

i wont let go anon i promise i won't let go it will be harsh we will get insulted memed on dragged trough the mud but I won't let go so whenever you feel your grip get loose anon remember that I am still here holding onto PNK and not letting go. i lost most of my money on shitcoins and I only had enough to accumulate a 470 pnk stack so I'm not letting go off it until we reach the fucking moon. remember that whenever you feel like you made the wrong decision. let's get comfy for the next few years

>> No.22086186


>> No.22086206

>dumping hard while so much moons
I am ANYTHING but comfy right now, fren

>> No.22086309

keep that iron grip friend we are all in this together strong hands will make it don't let go now. being early has its perk but you won't be one of those "I wish I bought at 0.20" people who ended up buying at 20 and you won't be one of those "how did people know PNK would moon ? " and you will def not be part of the crowd that will screaming "what is the next pnk going to be guys ????" you will make it anon we all will make it stay comfy and don't sell keep holding

>> No.22086400

137.89673551 pnk at 0.1511453 cents...
My life is over...

>> No.22086408

i'm holding a small stack of 470 );

>> No.22086637
File: 383 KB, 1600x1200, 548f841b6e4fb1003646a4c438cbd489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a lawyer I can tell you guys that Kleros is an incredible idea with a massive amount of potential in corporate applications. Inefficiency of course in handling minor disputes creates the need for inexpensive and fair dispute resolution which is the whole reason the arbitration industry exists.

Of course, the idea is way ahead of its time right now. Which on the one hand makes it feel really early. But on the other hand, this is going to be a long-term hold. Even so, it's interesting how the team is already creating working products like Kleros Curate and Linguo. It goes to show how many potential uses Kleros has. Important to keep in mind they are just testing them out to see whether they actually work or not. Projects involving the DeFi space (like the token curated registry) make sense because they are embraced by groups that already value DeFi. Will that ever broaden into a more mainstream consciousness? Perhaps. Perhaps not. I wonder if it even needs to.

>> No.22086656

>Inefficiency of course
I meant inefficiency of courts

>> No.22086695

please mister lawyer bless my bags so they might moon my grip is strong I just fear for the fuel for our PNK spaceship

>> No.22086865

I'm pretty small-time and I'm not the only lawyer who is interested in Kleros. A few others have posted on /biz/ about it too. If you listen to the Kleros podcast, they had a talk with an arbitration lawyer in the last episode. Wasn't as good as the Colin Rule one but still interesting.

>> No.22086932

honestly i am 100% behind this tech since it sounds like a system amazon/ebay/google/any website ever could use and cut cost massively and the more PNK starts to go up the more people will try to mine it trough working for websites and the more pnk will go up so I have no problem waiting I just wish I had more money to invest but gaz prices are a bitch right now

>> No.22087027

People are sure of the fundamentals when the price pumps and doubtful when the price contracts. This happens in a slightly different order depending on which altcoin you hold. Just realise the market is highly correlated. Look at LINK and PNK on a one year scale. They move together. Just be sure of the fundamentals, be patient and hold. It’s really simple.

>> No.22087035

>I just wish I had more money to invest
haha, same. I think it's less urgent than you might realize though. I'm very optimistic for the future of Kleros but I think we're gonna be waiting for a while before we see $1. Eth 2.0 is going to be a make-or-break thing.

>> No.22087034

we're all gonna make it

>> No.22087079

i wanted to have a 1k stack and hold it since that would be a make it but I could only effort 470 :(((

>> No.22087099
File: 65 KB, 605x605, capybara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dispute resolution on the blockchain is pretty revolutionary. I think you're spot on with regards to the length of the hold, considering this is intended to service a DeFi/Smart contract ecosystem that doesn't exist yet.

People underestimate the logistics that go into creating dispute resolution systems in the real world. Pushing cases through the pipeline (which itself can involve various stages of evidence gathering and review) takes a huge amount of admin, time and manpower. What Kleros looks set to achieve is unmatched scalability with the staking system and the fact that the majority of disputes will be simple. I think they will have to develop more robust mechanisms for more specialised contractual disputes, however, as they will inevitably come.

>> No.22087100

how's $4700 sound?

>> No.22087148

>I think they will have to develop more robust mechanisms for more specialised contractual disputes, however, as they will inevitably come.
Thankfully they're already researching things like non-binary decisions.

>> No.22087169

if we moon up to 10$ I think ill wait for it to go up a lil more to 17 or 20. i honestly believe this one might moon all the way up to 50 or 100 in 2 years ish but for that to happen we need to keep an eye on website integrating the system. if this system gets put into amazon (which is the one place I'm 80% sure will integrate it first) we might be looking at 47k PER coin. but that is pretty hopefull

>> No.22087201

>i honestly believe this one might moon all the way up to 50 or 100 in 2 years ish
That's very optimistic. Keep in mind they're planning to mint 1 billion tokens.

>> No.22087211

We will have to see where the chips fall with that. I can tell you from my own experience that most ADR outcomes sit on a spectrum, rather than winner takes all. That may be surprising for some anons with less exposure to the real world context.

>> No.22087247

Very true. We'll have to see.

>> No.22087256

this one is an idea that might be integrated into normie society pretty well its the same as those gaming website that offer you coins everytime you buy a game and those work out really really well. even with 1 billion coins if the system works out and people get interested in it you will have like 30 people battling over 1 coin every court making the price go up more and more since crypto's value is usually known based on the amount of people who think its worth that much

>> No.22087265

Based and gonna-make-it-pilled

>> No.22087316

i'm really happy for this thread every thread on /biz/ that were about pnk got shat on by a bunch of anon who kept claiming fucking random shitcoins where the true next links. this thread is just comfy talk between holder with iron grip

>> No.22087318

I think a lot of it is just people exaggerating their reactions and playing up the whole tribalistic culture of /biz/. It's fun rooting for your favourite DeFi projects like they were sports teams or something. I'm sure you understand that too.

>> No.22087374

yeah its all fun and games at the end of the day we are all small timer trying to make it in this shit world. we all bought bags we are going to sit on for a few years nothing else to do but to be funny and scream at each other

>> No.22087525
File: 41 KB, 480x640, doggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Provided everything clicks in the next few years (ie Kleros continues to diversify and integrates with several other projects, we get listed on more key exchanges, we hit top 20, there's a mega bull run, natural inflation of marketcaps, we don't end up with more that 1B coins etc. etc.) we will hit double figures. I think, unless Kleros proves disruptive in ways we can't really conceive of yet, triple figures is completely out of the question. I myself would be completely over the moon with $15-20 some years from now, with the opportunity to stake/earn along the way. Christ though, when the bull madness sets in who the fuck knows, it all goes out the window.

>> No.22087594

have fate anon. if it goes up to 1$ you are already a winner so if it goes up to 20 you are a fucking champion. don't let go tho keep hanging on to that spaceship to the moon

>> No.22087602

This POS said we all bought bags to sit on a FEW years. WTF kinda cope is that have u not see whats going on . Couns are pumping 50-100% in a day and you're happily going to be waiting a few years for pink to do that!!!

Just admit it fags we got SCAMMED!!! ..



>> No.22087617
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>> No.22087642

>have a shitcoin
>FUD said shitcoin
>be sad when price goes down
oh you poor soul you

>> No.22087707

Value investing in the crypto space is the opposite of retarded. If it makes you feel better, I also try my luck throwing money at random PnDs with no use cases for the sheer thrill of it.

>> No.22087742

I'm happy with how link turned out for long term holding.
No one ever said you can't make the same amount of money playing shitcoin roulette, it's just the fact that eventually you will get burned and lose everything playing around with scam pnds