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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 1638x473, sushi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22082276 No.22082276 [Reply] [Original]

how the shit fuck did it pump so hard and so quickly?
i didn't have a single fucking chance

>> No.22082287

How’s $100k sound?

>> No.22082377

This is going to $20+, zero fucking doubts in my mind. Someone pegged it at $22 on maths alone and we just hit our heavy stride in the DEFI bubble, the creator is ridiculously based and it is being added to new exchanges immediately. This is a top 10 token taking its spot, 100%.

>> No.22082415

Today alone I watched a P&D try to take it down by dumping millions after shorting on FTX, a whale swallowed over 3M USD in sushi in 5 minutes without a blink. This is the golden ticket for any token focused group to get a voting share plus tx fees from the uniswap killer. I am so pumped.

>> No.22082454

that whale was FTX itself

>> No.22082495

Makes sense. They can use their stake to vote for all their newly added coins plus dip their fingers into the defi tx world.

>> No.22082524

on sushi LP release FTX instantly provided 30mil into the LP's.

>> No.22082577

Yep, I know about that. He made bank off that decision.

>> No.22082619

There's going to be a sell wall at $10. So buy accordingly.

>> No.22082641

heard its literally the guys from FTX who are running sushiswap not sure if thats true but either way whales are supporting them cuz eitherway the liquidity migration is going to be successful or uniswap devs will be forced to offer a governance tokens that pays dividends

>> No.22082684
File: 199 KB, 325x298, 1593679224539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put 10 eth in this stupid shit at $3

>> No.22082729

I've heard that too but I'm not sure I buy it. I think FTX simply saw a great idea and went big after a bit of due diligence. Maybe I am wrong.

>> No.22083297

How do you buy it exactly? I’ve just been Buying and holding link and All this new uniswap DEFI shit is over my head. Been on the board since pre ‘17 BR so don’t call me a nufag plz

>> No.22083370

Buy it on Uniswap or go to uniswap and form a LP token in the liquidity pool tab for link/eth and stake it for sushi gains.

>> No.22083379

they're gonna dump this shit on Binance

>> No.22083525

Buying on binance is bad idea?

>> No.22083835

They just tried dumping it on Uniswap; down to 7 and it was eaten up almost immediately. This broke $10 across the board and is climbing to $15.

>> No.22083922

In b4 it crashes just as fast

>> No.22083977

I can almost guarantee it will crash very hard if it makes it to 10, doubly so if 15
how do i short this crap?

>> No.22083984

Thanks anon

>> No.22084039

I was about to buy some more but I refuse to pay 60$ for the gas, Still strapped in with a suicide stack though, this shit is going to $100

>> No.22084046

when exactly will rewards go down? i'm guessing it will dump hard then

>> No.22084089

>but I refuse to pay 60$ for the gas
This would have seemed crazy to me had I not already experienced eth gas fees

>> No.22084104


>> No.22084229

It made it to 30 on a low liquidity exchange; use FTX to short; it hits Binance in 36 minutes; dumps tried to drop it below seven like three times and failed.

>> No.22084275

what is the all time high and low? coingecko shows weird numbers

>> No.22084310

buying sushi lads, only 10 tho

>> No.22084506

stay poor biz fags

>> No.22084587

What price could SUSHI potentially hit?

>> No.22084616

>What price could SUSHI potentially hit?

>> No.22084636

I went to Stake 100 measly Sushi today and it tried to charge me 5 Eth ($2.4k) anyone know a way around this shit

>> No.22084696

stake something else?
yesterday, for 1 COMP, i payed 17$ for pooling on uni, 6 $ for approving on Sushi and 17$ for depositing.
still a lot but not that much

>> No.22084717

Binance listing in 10 minutes. Last chance

>> No.22084732

How do i stake this shit.

>> No.22084768

imagine missing out on life changing gains due to muh gas fees
stay poor

>> No.22084776



>> No.22084787

its gonna get bought up by Binance traders as soon as trading starts

>> No.22084802

I still cannot ducking figure it out. Can’t find it on uniswap. I’m a retard apparently

>> No.22084814

It is now at 12 dollars. If you had bought you would literally be almost 2x

>> No.22084878

how do you know that it lists on binance b4 they even send out the announcement?!

>> No.22084904


>> No.22084906

>how do you know that it lists on binance b4 they even send out the announcement?!
it was obvious.

>> No.22084922

How come everyone is making money? What's the catch?

>> No.22084926

you had fucking 4 days

>> No.22084944

pretty sure the big brain play is buying srm right now. it's dumping.

>> No.22084946

So i have to buy Sushi on uniswap, then deposit the sushi in sushiswap.org?

>> No.22085003

You can farm with any listed pair and eth on sushiswap. They are upping sushi/eth farming pair to 4x soon.

>> No.22085019

How will that not crash sushi?

>> No.22085177


I am on the add liquidity page and now I have a supply button do I just hit that and get the correct tokens to start farming or....

>> No.22085185

Time limited like ethereum and constant demand to maintain voting stake plus tx fees. Self correcting.

>> No.22085233

I will help you. You have sushi in your wallet right? Just add on discord nanoshinonomee#3729

>> No.22085360

anyone else nab this at a dollar? god damn why didnt i go in harder.

>> No.22085377

Fuck off pajeet.

>> No.22085505

what time is this sushi hitting binance
also wtf is it lmao

>> No.22085522

>2x is "pump so hard"
kek, state of pajeet P&Ds

>> No.22085524

already did

>> No.22086267

Dumped it for VRA.

>> No.22086575

Fuck, its already at $10. Incoming dump in the next 24 hours, just watch.

>> No.22086598
File: 679 KB, 1318x1333, 1595869444696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

search for it on etherscan and copy+paste the contract into uniswap dickhead

>> No.22086602
File: 67 KB, 640x634, e25f0757a327528a521f2a7a4279f89a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping rn. Volume just dropped from 500m to 200m. Im about to be financially ruined probably

>> No.22086616

how do i cash out if i don't have the gas? is there a way for uniswap/1inch to take a part of my profits to pay for the gas??????? this is fucking ridiculous I need to wait 2 days to get eth from fiat now to cash out unless i can find a solution

>> No.22086888

Major sell signal

But also, you can use a debit card on Coinbase

>> No.22086983

checked. but yes of course sell signal. i've got money money in metamask now than 3 years worth of fucking salary and i can't fucking convert it. why the fuck is there not an option to use profits to pay for gas or some shit. this is shit.

>> No.22087010

don't buy it anon, you're buing top of Mt.Everest right now

>> No.22087013


>> No.22087092

2 days? You're screwed

>> No.22087131

inflationary token at 250 million $ mcap

well let’s see how that plays out

>> No.22087167
File: 3 KB, 134x158, bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek rug pull imminent
This is absolutely hilarious
BBBBBZZZZZZZZ group was shilling this at Smartcon right?

>> No.22087181

>250 million
touching 300 mil now bruh
i agree, this fucker is going to get rug pulled like nothing ever before

>> No.22087251

shitcoins leveraging shitcoins.....thats it. that's defi in a nutshell

>> No.22087283

banking 101

>> No.22087326

I'm gonna laugh if this actually makes it to $400 mil mkt cap today. Are people seriously this stupid? I guess its been a while since we had a good epic p&d on this scale.

>> No.22087380

Also funny, all the shilling started like 3 days ago so it's all still in the archive

>> No.22087385

This but these people are short term greedy. Trad Jewish banks are long term desu they don't rug pull for years

>> No.22087425

When's the liquidity migration exactly?
10 days?

>> No.22087505

fuck you lmao. come on man help me out.

this is shit i want my money ahhhhh.

>> No.22087507

PnD sushi scam no way it’s going any higher.

>> No.22087613


>> No.22087620

kek you're about to get raped
how does it feel

>> No.22087652

my fucking arse am i posting my address here. nope.

>> No.22087749

Do people think this is gonna dead cat bounce or nah? All this shilling making it look like a PnD scam but how do they get the price that high?

>> No.22087750

nobody has adequately answered this on biz or discord

>> No.22087786
File: 74 KB, 742x745, brainlet-blender-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this shilling making it look like a PnD scam but how do they get the price that high?
man I'm really seeing how retarded /biz/ actually is these days

>> No.22087824

I'm sorry anon. I'm drunk and need to go to sleep. I'll just open a short on this for some spending money

>> No.22088307

send some to binance
convert to eth
send eth back to metamask

>> No.22088336


Somebody tell me what the fuck this nigger is saying in english.

>> No.22088458

A raise of hands who fomo'd in and bought the top? Cmon anons, i know you're there

>> No.22088488

i don't get it, it's just more... yield farming?
the fuck is it trying to accomplish

>> No.22088589

Rug pull in progress, mkt cap dropped to 287m kek
fuck these shills who kept spamming this crap the last few days

>> No.22088643

i have to stop caring about all these moons and just be long term bitch tits.

gonna lose all my money

>> No.22089395

kek its going back down