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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22075075 No.22075075 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else watching this? Could be it's top 10 moment...

>> No.22075127

Yup. I’m watching. It’s being confirmed by ATH in volume, ATH in TLV, ATH in price... this is a literal steam train barrel rolling upward. Not surprised because of the project itself, but it’s still just wild to see it happening

>> No.22075320

It deserves a top 10 spot, even top 5 in my opinion but I am a super SNX bull

>> No.22075808

Isn't shit supposed to crash tomorrow?

>> No.22075834

i never bought, knew about it at 20 cents.

>> No.22075863

SNX doesn’t really “crash” persay... too many reasons for people to continue using it and minting more sUSD and locking up more SNX... its just a vicious cycle of increasing liquidity and I fucking love it

>> No.22075893

I've been told that it should hit 600+ within a year. I actually just found out about it yesterday.

>> No.22075920

It’s also just one of the most honestly valued coins there is, in that the amount of money it’s worth in its mcap is almost exactly correlated to the amount of money is locked up in it... there’s no hot air inflating it at all. Maybe one of the truest stores of value in crypto right now

>> No.22075971

600 would be insane... but, anything is possible I suppose. ADA went to $30billion on nothing but a whitepaper last bull run. YAM went to an insane mcap on an untested flawed protocol just a few weeks ago.

When the dust settles from all this, the true winners are going to be platforms like SNX. People see it right now and say “oh it’s at the top” but, I feel like it’s the same as all of us who thought $800 was the top for BTC

>> No.22076048

I'm wondering if I should buy now or wait...

Wish I knew about it when it was .02

>> No.22076146

I got it at $2.50 ... you’ll always wish you got something sooner I guess. Wish I got BTC before $800... wish I got ETH before $40, the list goes on man lol

>> No.22076220

Haven will charge into its windbreaker soon.

xUsd will make it so.

>> No.22076221

I recently got lucky with YFI, bought a pretty solid stack at ~$1k, and am extremely torn about selling half of it for SNX, just to diversify and then hold this money as 50/50, split between YFI and SNX, mid-long term. But then YFI supposedly has tons of bullish news come up, with FTX building on it, yETH and BTC vaults, etc...

Would you split it up or stay in YFI for a bit longer? Not necessarily asking for advice, but just looking for more input.

>> No.22076382

Wondering how soon...

>> No.22076488
File: 27 KB, 216x398, 1592791332209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. yam fixed the governance bug, rebased, did an audit, and has currently been streamrolling up in market cap the last 72 hours.
2. SNX has scaling issues involving liquidity being drained from its pool among other things, which is why its competitor UMA nearly quadrupled in marketcap over the last week

>> No.22076542

I was in the Havven airdrop. I dumped every penny of mine into LINK and sat and watched SNX grow from literally $0 to what it is now and never pulled any money from LINK to put into it. Can’t stomach buying in now but I guess it’s better late than never.

>> No.22077462

60% APR on aave right now too. i sold my first bit of link today for more snx and aave

>> No.22077698

Is there any word when xsnx will be rereleased?

>> No.22077865

I'm holding my yfi til 350K. Snx has its problems ie inefficient distribution of risk hence the 750% collateral. Snx may pump bc meme lines but yfi's fundamentals are significantly stronger imo

t. 35 yfi holder

>> No.22078109

Fuckfuckfuckfuck guys does binance support native segwit for btc?

>> No.22078137

idk why /biz/ wasnt going crazy about this one from day 1

>> No.22078164


>> No.22078705

You mean the doomsday threads right?

>> No.22078738

biz fiinally shills something good

>> No.22079543

>2. SNX has scaling issues involving liquidity being drained from its pool among other things, which is why its competitor UMA nearly quadrupled in marketcap over the last week
can anyone else confirm this is true?