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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 153 KB, 901x1200, dan the man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2207495 No.2207495 [Reply] [Original]

>hypes BTC
>dumps on normies when they buy in
>accumulates dropped bags

he truly is the king of kings.

>> No.2207508

He bought at the top.

Which proves life is a scam unless you are born into daddy's unlimited money to gamble with until you get it right then people think you are a genius.

>> No.2207521

>Bought near the top
>Weak as fuck jaw
>Relies entirely on parent's money
>The biggest tryhard ever in trying to act cool
>king of kings

>> No.2207534

His teeth are really good.

Why do I have English teeth?

>> No.2207542

You think he didn't buy them like everything else?

>> No.2207545

hes fucking hot models and having fun while you rot

thats all that matters

>> No.2207549

I always knew he was smart

>> No.2207550

They're very clearly porcelain veneers

>> No.2207561

Most guys can fuck hookers whenever they want.

Most guys have enough discretion not to take photos of themselves with hookers and plaster them all over the internet.

>> No.2207569

>Most guys can fuck hookers whenever they want.
Sure, most guys can spend $1000 a day on high end hookers


>> No.2207572

Dan BilJUSTian

>> No.2207575

>implying he's smart enough to dump

>> No.2207587

Implying fucking bunch of whores is only thing that proves you made it in life. Kys, both of you.

>> No.2207596 [DELETED] 

Like other's mentioned his parents are loaded. Why are you even sucking his dick, are you an underage? You should gtfo then, this site is for 18+ only.

>> No.2207616

I'm sure most guys CAN drain their savings into hookers, but most guys would consider it a shitty ROI.

I guess for Dan the hookers allow him to gain a large internet following which he can leverage to make money so the ROI is better.

>> No.2207626
File: 43 KB, 490x487, 1494784957895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thats all that matters

Let me tell you what matters. Waking up without a care in the world, and freedom to go like that until old age, and knowing you can pickup your grandkids if anything goes wrong and they stumble on their path.

A warm hole is nowhere close to giving a man that great feeling.

>> No.2207644

his gimmick is that he is a retard bro, in actuality he is very smart and bought into bitcoin when it was low and shilled it when it was high so he could sell it off to a bunch of normies at a high level

>> No.2207647

blows my mind that someone could actually be impressed with a fag who documents his ultra cliche, hedonistic life on instagram like a 14 year old girl.

To think, you have enough money to do anything you could ever want to do in this world, and you spend your time riding around on jetskis and taking pictures for instagram.

Is this a low IQ thing? A white trash thing? Some kind of insecurity?

>> No.2207651

>Waking up without a care in the world, and freedom to go like that until old age,

i really want that feel

>> No.2207653

>Is this a low IQ thing? A white trash thing? Some kind of insecurity?


>> No.2207660

haha, we've truly become a society of self-indulgent wastes.

>> No.2207672

agreed, any time someone tells me they like this manchild, I immediately lose respect for them.

>> No.2207711

What would you personally be doing? Trying to make more money like that's somehow better?

>> No.2207738

Jet skis are fun but instagram is pretty lame.

>> No.2207750

If I had a shitload of money I would be doing what I want, when I want, for my own satisfaction.

Not doing what I think other people want and documenting every minute of it on instagram.

>> No.2207766

>Trying to impress others with what you think they want to see rather than just doing what you want

>> No.2207801

I would be travelling to remote parts of the world, sailing to unnamed islands, investing money in new technology and science in order to further the cosmic pursuits of mankind.
I would not be
>demonstrating my coolness on instagram
>try to be internet famous
>need people's constant approval
>act like a hedonistic fuccboi who's sole purpose for life is MUH DICK

>> No.2207842

You've gotta ask yourself: If this was 1970, long before social media, would Dan Bilzerian be having undocumented dinner parties with 20 prostitues?

Hell no, there are probably a million things he'd rather be doing.

>> No.2207861
File: 586 KB, 774x809, FuckedByMemeops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duh. Shhh, don't tell the plebeians lest the gravy train for us ends!

>> No.2207869

Where were you when you realized you were financially smarter than Daynnn Blizerraean?

And before youre all like "durrr he got so much money he dont care he can make stupid bets!!"

he definitely cares that he just looked like a retarded buying at ATH and getting dumped on

>> No.2207927
File: 2.72 MB, 240x234, 1466917614508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a satirical thread and it caused so much butthurt lmao

anyone here actually consider maybe this guy IS smart enough to accumulate early and dump on fools?

maybe, maybe not. why would anyone here care enough to get rustled

>> No.2207943

>he just looked like a retarded buying at ATH and getting dumped on

Correction: He did the dumping and you are the retard.

>> No.2207967

I would be starting a business and hiring engineers to make robowaifus.

>> No.2207969

I feel like this guy has a very poor facial bone structure and is using his beard do try to look like someone with a strong jaw and chin

>> No.2208084


>he doesn't work his maxila

>> No.2208136

>life is a scam
You forgot the pic of the guy in the minidress leaning against his Ferrari.

>> No.2208174
File: 13 KB, 400x301, CL_86-YUEAAOdC3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2208253
File: 189 KB, 1462x1462, 1445716929351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T. delusional brainwashed poorfags

>> No.2208254

yah keep thinking that faggot

He didn't need to shit on his own reputation to dump a few million worth of BTC when the market was doing tens of millions a day and if he was trying to reduce an enormous position he would have been doing it over several days anyway

but keep thinking that faggot

>> No.2208284

why do people like him again?

isn't he just the chad's chad?

>> No.2208305
File: 265 KB, 1092x919, riches-and-wisdom-of-solomon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>king of kings

2/10 ;)
i replied

>> No.2208388

watched him on joe rogan's podcast.
he is a very uninspiring and boring person

>> No.2208408

>I know Dan better than Dan knows himself

Oh fuck off. You're just butthurt he won the lottery of life and you didn't.

>> No.2208522

Probably trying to emulate Musk because he's the real Alpha and Bliz wishes he had 1/10th his fortune or brains

Musk can take a shit and it'd be front page news on every single outlet without him even wanting it to be, where as Dan needs to post 100 pics a day with 10 3/4th naked models in the background to cause a stir.

>> No.2208631

Idk didn't grow up in his shoes. Would probably buy several adjacent homes, tear them all down, and build a walled compound, then move my family into the mansion.

>> No.2208665


So he can't feel his own teeth? That's scary

>> No.2208719

i also want this feel so goddamn bad

30 acres, small house, garden, and chainsaw to make firewood for the comfy winters

>> No.2209255

>hides chin behind beard
>survives on daddy's money
>failed everything serious he tried
Real Chads can seem unaccomplished at a first glance, but it's because they don't need to strain themselves to fulfill their destiny: bee themselves and spread their genes inside hot chicks. They succeed effortlessly. Chad is the embodiment of aloof.
Dan tries hard and fails hard, then tries to pretend he doesn't care. He pays women to be around him, the most un-Chad thing you can do. He's some kind of unholy fusion between a Brad and a NEET, which explains why 4chan loves him.

>> No.2210108
File: 1.02 MB, 400x268, 1495886569601.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody is jelly

>> No.2210133

How does someone become as fat and disgusting as this subhuman?

>> No.2210146

I don't know who he is, but he looks so fake. Like someone drew him.

>> No.2210149

just buy a defunct shopping mall, and replace all the glass with bulletproof one way mirrors

>> No.2210154

i feel bad for this guy
he's obviously addicted to food
andthey just keep bringing more out

t. fatass

>> No.2210163

No problem admitting it... I'm jealous of Vitalik Buterin.

>> No.2210189
File: 95 KB, 620x551, 1566161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm into guys with beards, but holy shit is this faggot ugly. Those fake chompers aren't doing him any favors either.

It's a low IQ thing, signaling status is more important to stupid people because their brain is clearly subpar.

>> No.2210206

>It's a low IQ thing, signaling status is more important to stupid people because their brain is clearly subpar.

So like Trump?

>> No.2210209

This is one hell of a cope thread. Jealousy won't make you rich.

>> No.2210237

He sucks kike dick, the nigger knows exactly what he's doing.

>implying you need to be poor to mock someone who is giving OC ripe for the mocking

>> No.2210240
File: 19 KB, 300x300, nigger hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having fun
that dude is selling that and you are a dickhead that buys into the lie.
I find it funny that the retard bought on ATH. It's sad that a lot of people like you can't into math and think he is smart with his money.

>> No.2210247

>call instagram lame
>y-you're just BUTTHURT!!!

There is nothing cool about instagram. I said nothing else in this thread. Kill yourself.

>> No.2210251

amen to that

this is exactly what I'm working for

>> No.2210276
File: 472 KB, 2013x2048, dantheman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt follow dan the man blizerians way of life by fucking hot girls, spending large amounts of money and shitting on poor betas who are in the lowest tax bracket
>implying it even matters if a 1k is like 10 cents to you
>he doesnt dream of having a private jet and going to destinations normans cant possibly afford

>> No.2210328

Veneer's the same thing it is in woodworking, a thin layer over something else. I have a bunch of crowns and some of them have had root canals, which is the thing that makes you not able to feel your teeth. The molars you don't notice but incisors feel weird. Rich beard man can probably feel his teeth just fine though, veneers don't affect the nerve in the tooth.

>> No.2210358

>eatting a fucking thanksgiving dinner

>in a hottub

and this nigger cant even afford a proper table

>> No.2210386

>implying the girls and the food isnt just leftovers
anon dont fall for the jealousy meme, its supposed to be motivational

>> No.2210387


>Needs large amounts of money to get girls
>Implying that's alpha

>> No.2210391

>le trump is unintelligent meme
I don't like Trump, but holy shit this is such a lazy way to try to discredit him. How fucking delusional do you have to be to think someone who won the US presidency going against the entirety of the US political and media establishment is stupid? He won because he realized how out of touch these people were and knew exactly what to say to turn people against them because his kike nose smelled the opportunity. That's honestly fucking impressive and reminds me of that guy who shorted the housing market in 2007

>> No.2210396

What I don't understand is why he hires the hookers to sit around.

It's like hiring a cleaner to sit on your sofa instead of clean your house.

>> No.2210411


When you do something bad and two members of the WH are willing to lie for you to say it never happened (bragging about your secret information to the visiting Russians), going out on Twitter and saying 'yeah I did it, it was great' doesn't seem extremely intelligent. The man's exceedingly emotionally driven, not intellectually

>> No.2210463

its to make poor folk upset because they would never in a million years thinking of spending 50k amongst a group of 8 women
but as long as you are getting that 50k back in investment returns it doesnt even matter because in a sense its almost free
when he goes bankrupt then you can pull out the smug anime girls and memes because he should of known better

>> No.2210726

its ok anon I hate grapes too :^)

>> No.2210728

Jealous but not really. Tbh I don't have the energy for all that. Until they break out the beam me up Scotty I'm not spending my life on a plane. Any kind of plane.

>> No.2210751


Shut the fuck up and get out of /biz/, Dan.

>> No.2210766


>nah uh he's dumb

Off yourself

>> No.2211839

Pretty airtight argument.
Giant red flag that other people's opinions play a big part.

>> No.2211858

its a 5 foot 7 thing

>> No.2211861
File: 339 KB, 604x545, dan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2211912


Yea. The thing is most of us envy aspects of the lifestyle, but why the fuck would you document it like this?

The only reason i can see is insecurity and a "fuck you" to everybody that ever hurt him. It turns the entire thing into a parody of itself. I'm happy he's living it up though, i'd love "fuck you" money.

>> No.2211933

he didnt buy mooncoin.. wow

>> No.2211950
File: 49 KB, 500x387, Bogdanoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like an unfucked version of pic related

>> No.2212025

seems like this alpha manlets epic slut boat rides would get boring after the seven millionth one

>> No.2212030

the faggo looks better like this

>> No.2212045
File: 273 KB, 457x347, Rundown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2212455

Who the fuck can spend $1000 a day on hookers IDIOT.

kys coping faggot.

>> No.2212481

so much waggiecope ITT

>> No.2212490

Dan is the male version of Kim Kardashian

>> No.2212496

>he fell for the trump meme
goes hand in hand with waggiecoping

>> No.2212570

the funny thing is that women LOVE it... the fame has gotten him 100x more women.

I guess that says a lot about women.

>> No.2212601

whores, drugs , gambling , extravagant spending

how long till this bird brain is bankrupt ?

>> No.2212638

post said pic?

>> No.2212678

Google for what he looks like without the beard.

>> No.2212689


Sorry, did I trigger you anon?

>> No.2212719

we only think he bought at the top because thats when he said

hes probably had bitcoins since 800-1k who knows

if i had 22m followers on instagram and wanted to squeeze one last drop out of this bullrun, i would announce to buy bitcoin right at the top.

then again this is dan bilzerian the biggest tryhard of the last 20 years

>> No.2212789
File: 283 KB, 1450x814, 1469582508114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2213817

I wouldn't say Dan is low IQ but the people who follow is instagram surely are

>> No.2213851
File: 89 KB, 580x870, kim_kardashian_bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dan is literally the exact male equivalent of Kim Kardashian

>> No.2213861

if i close my eyes will i think its her

>> No.2214534

I agree. Look into his father. Dan has done nothing to earn what he has.

>> No.2214547

It's not a race thing, I've know many Chinese kids in college who were born into wealth who acted in much the same way. I believe for a person to want to accumulate and hoard wealth they must personally experience a time when wealth is scarce and hard to come buy.

>> No.2214570

I'm jealous of the money he has, but not what he's spending it on. I wouldn't be doing that even if it was free.

>> No.2214578

I really hope this fag not only bought at ATH but also sold during the dip

>> No.2214584
File: 73 KB, 638x479, sol1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is not a scam.

hard work towards enlightenment through righteousness and wisdom is far more rewarding than pleasure through materialism and instant sensual gratification , weather your reptilian brain wants to believe it or not .

>> No.2214674

he's worth 150 million so quite a while lol
there wont be much left for his future grandchildren if he decides to reproduce

>> No.2214679


>> No.2214699


>A few hundred dollars worth of prostitutes

What an impoverished life you must have. I weep for you.

>> No.2214714

>believes fucking expensive hookers is the top lifetime experience
>calls those who don't share his life philosophy brainwashed

>> No.2214721

>Is this a low IQ thing? A white trash thing? Some kind of insecurity?

New money low-brow faggotry with daddies embezzlement cash.

>> No.2214788


>they're both of armenian descent


>> No.2214857

vox day

>> No.2214860

Youre implying that he actually knows when to sell.

>> No.2214884
File: 43 KB, 367x360, 1493317394961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i didn't spell check my dan bilzerian thread post . lol

>> No.2214893
File: 78 KB, 600x486, richpoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ez cum ez go .

he could lose it all tomorrow gambling on futures. maybe he decides he needs to be a billionaire.

regardless. there is nothing fulfilling about living your life to impress and gain adulation from others.

>> No.2215257

No coincidence.
They're both born out of daddy's money.
Anyone who did business in the 70s and 80s knows the second best thing right after to a Jew (when it comes to ripping you off) is an Armenian.
But they don't have strong binds to a community, which makes the next generation acts as hedonistic and vulgar as possible. The fate of any new money with no values to instill to their kids.

>> No.2215263

Why haven't they hooked up?

>> No.2215726

>t.retarded poorfag in denial trying to rationalize being poor
Fuck off, you stupid shit.
There's a difference between raw fucking a high tier model that you've checked for STD beforehand on your yacht and fucking a shitty street hooker or escort with an extra safe condom hoping that you don't get an STD and feeling like you got ripped off cause you're paying way too much for sex relative to your salary. Kill yourself.

>> No.2216172

no mate the rich can afford cryo now and nanobot themselves to life and perfect health in about 100~1000 years

>> No.2216579


>> No.2216595


Isn't cryo still a load of bs?

>> No.2216602

This is how you get into trouble. Guess the top once, and you think you are a prophet. Then you end up being the one selling low.

>> No.2216760

I'd like to thank this ingenious, underrated man for single-handedly allowing bitcoin to become cheaper for all humanity to afford.

>> No.2217255

>There's a difference
Yeah, nah.

>> No.2217279

>actually paying for sex
Holy shit, it must suck to be ugly. If I post on a dating app, I could have free sex that night if I wanted. Otherwise, well I enjoy sex as the most intimate you can be in a relationship... I'm not giving away my fucking precious intimacy to some hooker hahaha holy fuck enjoy chlamydia I'm sure it must be awful romantic to examine your hookup for STDs.

>> No.2217288
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 5d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2217310

Yeah exactly like me man. Like, if I wanted to I could have sex with multiple girls from dating apps every single day.

But I don't give it up that easily so I don't even bother.

But if I wanted to I really could.

I'm sure I could.