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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22072549 No.22072549 [Reply] [Original]

I was reading the thread briefly before about the Rothschild and etc. I refreshed and jannies raped the thread. You were talking about no fap, raw veganism, alcohol being poison and more. The only thing I copied was your discord tag (sunofthemoon#9215) though you said this may be incorrect. I don't use discord so can't be fucked trying my luck right now.

Anon, if you are still here, please can you post the reading list you had posted in the other thread? I foolishly did not screen cap it.

Thanks in advance. Also fuck jannies.

>> No.22072748


>> No.22073016


>> No.22073070

anon i did open one of the links-

>> No.22073244

>alcohol being poison

You need to be told this?

>> No.22073527

Bump this

>> No.22073550

Still have the thread in cache dumping good posts

These are some of the best resources to get you started OP. This may take you a couple weeks to read it all.

>David Icke.

Research the 13 elite bloodlines in the world. The Rothschild's are a divergent bloodline from one of the main bloodlines. They are in league with negative density beings from the astral plane which feed off of negativity. They contract, breed and serve those negative density beings. The Rothschilds are figure heads that go into the public to be used as a scapegoat for the deeper society and league of elites and elite families. They are a gatekeeper so to speak. But they also make a lot of the moves happening. They helped invent money and facilitate it's purpose and value in the world. They have funded all sides of all wars since the revolutionary war. They invent religions. They even do stuff like let Hitler rise to power in order to use him as a pawn, scape goat and chess piece.

They have controlled history and control the narrative. They brainwash you, they program you, they distort you, they condition you. They feed off of the negative energy that they have created on earth. They sacrifice. They watch EVERY MOVE you make. They also do this all for you. They do this so that the human race and being on earth as a whole can evolve. They are the negative catalyst for the growth of human evolution. Without them we would not be able to grow nearly as far and fast. Instead humans would be at a nearly stagnant or slow rate of evolution. With them, even though they make the world the place it is, it is only through our actions that it happens. They set up the board and the chess pieces. But it is WE who make the actions and choices on that chess board that allows them to thrive, function and exist.

>> No.22073607
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Read any book by Fritz Springmeier he was decades before his time on this topic

>> No.22073636
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*ahead of his time

>> No.22073671
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>> No.22073740
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To think it is only a Jewish conspiracy is cliche and naive . It is the same people being played by the actor that have plagued humanity since it's inception. Preying upon it's weaknesses to fulfill agendas toward it's own demise.

the devil.

>> No.22073745

Here's some links. Use google translate for the one's in Russian.







Anti-Qur'an Strategy of the Bible Project Wheeler-Dealers
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0zlRT9zeGs

Full Occupation of Time
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGPdiXgqIwI

The Law of Time
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6_7Zvg28hc

The Crowd-''Elitist'' Society
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eQcFhGfKKQ

The Six Principles of Global Manipulation
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jdv8S5xKVU


Andre Fursov: Capitalism is a Historic Conspiracy
- https://www.fort-russ.com/2016/09/andre-fursov-capitalism-is-historic/



real life CIA conspiracies in Archer | MK ULTRA, Operation Paperclip, Operation Gladio
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYuYNLtlqOc

Onward to a non-human civilization?
- https://cratology.org/onward-to-a-non-human-civilization/

>> No.22073763
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>> No.22073840
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Jannies nuking threads about the financial elite and its implications is suspect

>> No.22073873

fuck it
LOKI shill
some of you need to know..

>> No.22073932
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>> No.22073935 [DELETED] 
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Some of my own essential resources to learn from besides Fritz.

Heads Up Series: Chip Tatum; EX CIA, Black Ops---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHCFfi3SsYM

Illuminati Wife Tells All (1/4)---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t4VwuXoiHQ

John Todd (ex illuminati insider) Tape 1 - Occult Q&A--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA23geH5OpU

Check out resources related to these videos as well (ie. Ted Gunderson, among others) and you'll be well on your way to seeing a fuller picture of the situation. God bless!

>> No.22074008
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Some of my own essential resources to learn from besides Fritz.

Heads Up Series: Chip Tatum; EX CIA, Black Ops--- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHCFfi3SsYM

Illuminati Wife Tells All (1/4)--- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t4VwuXoiHQ

John Todd (ex illuminati insider) Tape 1 - Occult Q&A--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WA23geH5OpU [Embed]

Check out resources related to these videos as well (ie. Ted Gunderson, among others) and you'll be well on your way to seeing a fuller picture of the situation. God bless!

>> No.22074079

Omg this board is truly filled with new fags. Just google all that stuff bro. Hint: Jesus is the only Way to escape the Matrix.

>> No.22074422
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True cattle mentality is thinking evil is evil "for your own good"