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22072494 No.22072494 [Reply] [Original]

how do you feel about this phenomenon

>> No.22072532

Really proved once and for indisputably all how fucking easy women have it

>> No.22072601

it’s kinda like crypto for girls
not saying only girls are in onlyfans and only guys are in crypto, but i think the ratios are likely inverse

>> No.22072615

most men are fucking faggots

>> No.22072637

literal fags or just general fags

>> No.22072638


>> No.22072694
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That the possibility of a girl having an only fans is inversely correlated with the % of time the father had shared with her in the childhood.

>> No.22072696

It takes money away from idiots. Anyone who wants to pay money for some ethot to message them and see Instagram pics deserves to get cleaned of every cent they have.

>> No.22072699

Yeah it was a huge eye opener for me how easy females have it especially with how the simps rush to defend m'lady prostitutes.
Also had the side effect of causing me to go from giving a shit about females to going meh fuck you overprivilaged twats.
I should probably be enraged but instead I just feel more motivated to focus on my investments and making it and ignoring these overprivilaged brats. the ladies can have their simps and cucks ok with their girl being a prostitute.

>> No.22072701

a bundle of sticks bound together as fuel

>> No.22072725

Progressive in a world of freedom and women’s rights and equality

>> No.22072753

A sign of the times. Opulence and cheap money. Strong men lead to good times, good times lead to weak men, weak men lead to bad times, blah blah blah etc.

>> No.22072796

shit analogy but sure i get you

>> No.22072831
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It makes me glad I wasn’t born a woman. I’d unironically rather die trying to get rich slinging $20k on a meme coin I heard about on a racist japanese spear fishing forum than live a roasties life and suffer conversations with simps.

>> No.22072854
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We kept telling you, all women are whores.

>> No.22072892

i underestimated how many simps there are. turns out literally every normie guy is a huge fucking cuck pussy

>> No.22072914

Good, there's going to be so much regreat in the air once we move to Internet 2.0 and the se server get hacked.
Easy money its never easy and most of the se hoes will get justed

>> No.22072999

i wish it was a stock so i can invest on it and profit of thots

>> No.22073010

they should partner with VRA

>> No.22073059

Just proves woman can only make a lot money by using their bodies, while men make a lot of money by actually have the ingenuity to do it regardless of their sex.

>> No.22073142

This, I'm actually ok with onlyfans. It's a good filter

>> No.22073161

Completely indifferent.

>> No.22073200

I used to get worked up about thots who got high and mighty off simp attention, but I'm at peace with it now. Shit will come crashing down, these women will never have fulfilling lives and as they get older their seething at the men who won't date/marry them will get less attention as newer, younger and hotter women pick up the baton.

>> No.22073233

I just wish I could find if people I know have onlyfans.
That and I hope they're declaring their income on their tax forms.

>> No.22073277

Remember lads:
Prostition is illegal
Porn is not
To further emasculate as many white males as possible.
>white males?
Niggers, wetbacks, and kikes dont pay for shit. EVER. Which by default means the only people paying for OFs is the white man.
>who did this?
You know.

>> No.22073309


wow white men sound like pussies

>> No.22073319

deep sorrow
a feeling of foreboding
expectation of a collapse
i wish I had that anon's pic of a fren with the caption "guys literally only want one thing and its fucking disgusting" and its pepe sad for a house & family he wants but cant have

>> No.22073326

Whats the issue? Average girl doesn't make shit from OnlyCucks. I google big boobs and get 6 trillion results.

>> No.22073344
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This and also the only value a hole has is her hole. Foids always resort to sexuality and constantly look for an excuse to suck cock and get filled with cum. Its truly disgusting.

>> No.22073423

I really enjoy OF. But paying 200 bucks a month is adding up.

>> No.22073426

They do because the heeb has slowly festered into the minds of the youth lowering beauty standards. A 4 believes she is a 10 and wont settle for less cause a wave of simps to compete. Since they cant land a 4 irl they pay for her to talk to them on a website. I know some girls from college who at best are 5s making more money than me as an accountant.

>> No.22073489
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Women are a bubble

>> No.22073635

A sure sign of civilizational decay

>> No.22073668

It's ingenious. A way for women to sell sexuality in an environment that is slightly less public and can feel slightly more "on their terms." Men are willing to pay for it, win win. It's a website that caters to men but that really caters to women. Does the website look like it was designed by a dude, for a dude? It's a website that is maximally comfy for a woman to engage with - and that's the key to being successful in this space.

Simps are synonymous to men that for various reasons are unwilling or unable to interact with women. While the vast abyss of porn exists, the growth of slightly more interactive venues like these are an organic product of the rise of loneliness vis-à-vis the digital world and the continual evolution of sexuality.

>> No.22073696

>have it
we'll see how much they "have it" after they've been tormented with permanent pictures of themselves using a dildo

>> No.22073739


>> No.22073766

eXcLuSiVe CoNtEnT

>> No.22073817

the good stuff gets leaked. coomer approved

>> No.22073821

Welcome to the fold. Why do you think Jews hate the goyim? Once the fun of running up the score on such a worthless populace, so to speak, wears off the only thing left is pure hate and doubling down on the destruction of said populace. Jews know just how empty the NPC goy is.

>> No.22073933


people really be out here with no morals whatsoever

>> No.22074071

It's not really a privilege when you're jobless if the whole onlyfans thing doesn't work out. Not every girl with an onlyfans is exactly making bank

>> No.22074144

That's just my take on it. The moral question is a different topic but really comes down to the individual. However I will say that there is a humorous amount of hypocrisy when it comes to this. What you are implying is that all of porn is immoral.

Why? Because I think a lot of the people that condemn this behavior watch porn. Have you ever watched porn? Men have created the market. So you're shaming the women that you're jacking off to? Fuck off with that.

>> No.22074179

So what you're saying is white men are superior because they're...inferior?
Are you retarded anon? In case you're actually retarded: you don't have to answer that question, retard.

>> No.22074218

A lot of female content creators are emotional prostitutes, creating parasocial relationships with lonely people for financial gain.
Whores sell sexual gratification for financial gain.

Onlyfans and the like are the intersection of the above. People say it is win win, but I think it is actually lose lose. The guys in this 'relationship' waste their time and effort/ money on something completely fake and manufactured, like a drug induced dopamine hit that allows them to avoid their loneliness from driving them to seek actual intimate relations, and the women objectify and degrade themselves and end up spending their time around socially damaged individuals who shower them with money and positive affirmations like a spoiled child, which has hidden costs.

Clearly if it was actually a good thing, then why wouldn't society encourage women to become prostitutes? There would literally be no other way to have that earning potential without specialized education, fresh out of high school.

>> No.22074241


Then you have these two whore enabling faggots who are no better than radlib feminist cunts who always find a way to blame men for women's shortfalls.


>> No.22074299

like there aren't NPC Jews?

Jews have no morals when it comes to the goy. They will always win in this dimension. But the virtuous goys will ascend out of this hell.

>> No.22074309

i actually found out my drug addict step sister does onlyfans and shes getting kicked out of my fathers house. i was fucking laughing the entire time too, shes an absolute whale and genuinely used to look good, had a boyfriend at 17, and was skinny until she started drug abusing and doing heroin and weed all the time. if anons want me to prove it i can but all i got is room pics for comparison

>> No.22074340

i hate the fact that they make it damn near impossible to find anyone you know

>> No.22074402

holy shit... what if THAT's the next great billion dollar idea? buying/finding nudes of people you know??

>> No.22074412
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>What you are implying is that all of porn is immoral.

We've got a scholar here

>> No.22074428

n-no anon... I don't think we need to see that.. thanks for the offer

>> No.22074436


>> No.22074468

based thats what i thought LMAO

>> No.22074528

Haha you're either very young, very naive or a much "better" man than most.

>> No.22074534

Both the website and the people using the site would get fucked so fast by law enforcement. If the girl does have nudes she wouldn't want them out.

>> No.22074611

how can this website still be this religious its 2020
after all this kek shit id imagine many of you stopped believing
how can you believe in jesus and god when a meme frog has manifested himself so vividly
keep in mind that the first 100 years of jesus history is non existent (his story is a copy/pasta)

>> No.22074650

supply and demand. and you can pretty much guess the demand. whoever can mine that will be a baller

>> No.22074708

what the? i just mean like onlyfans with a better search function lmao not like posting without permission

>> No.22074809

there is no foreseable way it could affect my peace unless! i imagine some the anons in this thread might be effected by having a wife in the future and falling for the copulate effects of her online dignity

>> No.22074810

This is the awkward point at which you realize that "haha virginity and lack of degeneracy is religious" people are actually mentally deficient. I know this is 4chan, which makes this statement ironic, but still... And this includes pretty much every stream of feminism today. Which, shockingly, lets you infer that a big portion of women are mentally deficient.

>> No.22074824


not a single post has mentioned god or religion

>> No.22074828

It didn't change what I already knew. Only a loser would white knight to a girl regardless who she is

>> No.22074850

Jews continuing to destroy western civilization by promoting sexual immorality

>> No.22074893


none of the above

>> No.22074916

This guy gets it.

>> No.22074936

decent reply gets a decent ID
gay reply gets a g3y ID

>> No.22075051

this, well said

>> No.22075263

feel like they need a 2021 ipo

>> No.22075395
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>> No.22075404


>> No.22075414

Jews aren't women

>> No.22075438
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>> No.22075457

If Simps are sad enough to want to subscribe to an e-thot then that's on them

>> No.22075680

I feel absolutely, terribly, irrevocably sad that I missed out on the opportunity for MAD, HUGE profits
I mean, we just need to create a good character, convince a girl to pretend and take our share of the profits...

for fuck's sake, Myonlyfans is literally happening right now, the epitome of neoliberalism

>> No.22075690

y'know if these bitched are able to score some dough off a bunch of beta faggots, good for them. It does not effect me at all. Women are shitty and I don't associate with them. Even my mother is a fucking whore.

>> No.22075981

Yea prove it LOL