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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22070686 No.22070686 [Reply] [Original]

No... No.....They told me this was a scam...

>> No.22070756

Comfy buy after drop form 4.

>> No.22070779

What happens to my ampl I have staked in sushi pools when rebase occurs?

>> No.22070816
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>> No.22070884

What do you mean? There will be another chance to buy? And when will this be? Why would people sell and crash the price and stop getting rebases?

>> No.22071456

Perhaps there may be another chance to buy tomorrow; Next week; In 2 months who knows... Nobody can tell when the Ampl train ends but let me tell ya if this thing sets out to do what it is suppose to i believe it will be top 3 crypto most likely and perhaps even bigger..

>> No.22071521


>> No.22071773

Yes sir :) Understand a little about economics, read the red book and Ampleforth a better bitcoin sir... but hey who cares, there where doubters in the days of bitcoin, in the days of eth.. Everybody said we where dead and its a scam it's the same old thing... but here we are friend..

>> No.22071807

You could buy right now. With AMPL Its market cap you go off, not price. And this is gonna shoot way past 1 billion.

>> No.22071814

We all thought it was, and I still think it is.

>> No.22071882

it happened before you, it comes and go, some people are doing massive profits because its almost predictable

>> No.22072189

Already know the economics of AMPL, this is a MEME coin
market cap WILL go up coming days/weeks wth nice rebases but it will violently crash again

>> No.22072255

Even if it does, does that mean AMPL wouldn't work as intended though?? Do you have any solid arguments against a revolutionary elastic supply currency?

>> No.22072341

I've had this on repeat for hours boys. This is a sad time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXcdYBh3hgg This was supposed to be a scam

>> No.22072439

it will pump, hit the 750M MC resistance, slow down a bit, then blow past up to 1B mark, and probably big sell wall there. Another month or two of crabbing, but the MC will go down to about 300-500M rather than 100-300M. This will happen over and over again, and each time AMPL will capture more and more permanent MC. Meanwhile, the upsurge in demand won't be so drastic with the price swings. Don't expect to see any $10 or even $5 very often. I'd be surprised to see $3 by EOY.

>> No.22072525


>> No.22072609

dear god you have piss poor pleb roastie taste, no wonder you believed it was a scam - you'd probably eat a handful of shit if someone told you to.

>> No.22072684

Let me redeem myself with a classic everyone loves. This is also my sad song of the day


>> No.22072783

Let's say that a soda pop costs $3 from a vending machine.

If we are using a traditional volatile crypto. One day the soda might cost 3 coins, the next 2 coins, the next 8 coins.

AMPL pretends to solve this problem by saying the soda will always cost 3 coins. But the reality is that while the price of the soda is staying the same, the number of coins in my wallet is not. I may have 3 coins one day, 4 the next day, and only 1 coin the next. Imagine going to check in your wallet and theres 10 less coins than there was before. you dont even know how much is in your bank and these fluctuations will be just as volatile as the price fluctuations of the traditional coin.

am i wrong?

>> No.22072822

You can buy in but take profits because when this dumps, it really dumps

>> No.22073519

Yes this is somewhat true but you must take into account stabilty once we are widely adopted that 4 coins will become 3.5 and then maybe down to 2.5 but eventually the window will get smaller amd smaller, this will build an economy that reduces cascading failures and everyone gets supplied and reducuted at the same rate.. If for example i pay for a soda with .01 bitcoin tomorrow that might be worth 2 sodas so i am less inclined to spend it. Though if everyone uses a fairly stable elastic currency sure if the demand goes up everyone can buy slightly more sodas because they now have slightly more coins but it will make the soda price more stable, kind of like a better fiat. Like QE except its balanced across all wallets, and it is less prone to economic shocks..

Sorry if thats hard to understand long story short its like hard money and fiat mixed together so you can keep it and not have to worry about getting diluted but you can also use it every day as a stable coin..

>> No.22073721

go to /mu/ now
fix yourself

>> No.22074024

"If for example i pay for a soda with .01 bitcoin tomorrow that might be worth 2 sodas so i am less inclined to spend it."

The same applies to AMPL - If i pay for a soda with 1 AMPL that might be rebased to 2 AMPL tomorrow then I will be less inclined to spend it.

IMO there's no shortcut to price stability besides massive adoption and volume. Or by tying to other assets which already have these properties.

>> No.22074069

Shhh dont tell anyone else but this whole thread is a sham and Im a ample holder and I actually have patrician taste in music

>> No.22074089

It is a scam, so get into RMPL instead. Random rebases so you don't get dumped on by whales and it under 10m MC.

>> No.22074146

If this gets listed on Coinbase it'll skyrocket. You can still get in it's just more risky now. Because if it slows around 600m again a lot of people will take profits and run.

>> No.22074156


>> No.22074249
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>> No.22074307

kek always do the opposite of biz, I got my Ample stacks three days ago

>> No.22074660

It still gets rebased. It does not matter where your AMPL is. The only way you can miss out on being rebased, is if you are storing your AMPL on an exchange, that does NOT distribute your actual rebase to you.

However, all AMPL is redistributed, no matter what contract it is sitting in.

>> No.22075516

Yes but i am talking about in a higher market cap scenario, the thing that makes it stable and unique is the opportunity for arbitrage.. If for example we have AMPL's at a stable market cap of 50 billion, then the lower it goes the more buy pressure, and the higher it goes the more sell pressure which keeps it pegged to the $1.09 The point is it is neither like gold or fiat, this not only offers more liquidity than any other stable coin, it keeps it somewhat pegged where 1 ampl will always = 1 ampl and things can be easily denominated.. 1 ampl currently might be worth more tomorrow but once it stabalized the opportunity to swing window will become less and less until it stabilizes as a stable coin, which is better than fiat because it solves deflation and there is no porblem holding because if demand goes up than everyone purchasing power is equally going up.

>> No.22075541

solves inflation*

>> No.22076365 [DELETED] 

missed AMPL?
new token with a better rebase protocol will be released this week:

starting MC will be around 200k. Will be at least 2MM MC this time next week

>> No.22076446

"SCAM" is the single biggest buy signal on this board next to, of course, the pink wojak.

>> No.22076586

Shhh dont tell them that

>> No.22076720

VC token unlocks. dev wallet unlocks. they'd rather sell at $2 than .60. this could trigger a cascade of sells. because those tokens have been rebasing this whole time as well.

>> No.22077716

Come on dish thee goods. No is in an ample thread. How else do you know?

>> No.22077805


You're fine bro!

>> No.22077992

you're assuming the entire market is irrational and can't think in marketcap (or better yet expansion/contraction cycles and market value capture). bad assumption.

>> No.22078073

FUCK I capitulated and sold at 0.65 two weeks ago, I didn't expect the positive rebases. Why?

Can someone explain? I thought the game theory had become "sell above $1"-"buy below $1"

>> No.22078133

And why didn't you Stick to the Game Rules and Sold below 1?

>> No.22078147

If the game theory is buy below a dollar why did you fucking sell under a dollar. You should have been buying more.

>> No.22078236

I said it in a ton of threads and I was only wrong about the market cap (was 150m when the bounce started vs 100m)
Ample is the most manipulated coin on the market right now. The coinbase listing is going to come now that it's in positive territory, probably a week or two from now. The normie pump will mean we get another month and a half of positive rebases before the second rug pull.
If AMPL goes above 1billion mcap you 100% need to be prepared to take profits the second the token goes below $2. That's your sell signal.

>> No.22078345

do you think this will retrace now that we are at the $2 resistance? seriously thinking about putting another 100 eth into it..

>> No.22078395

I think it might but tomorrow we're looking at 8.5% rebase barring a massive dump. AMPL is hot now so a price point below $2 will bring more money in rather than frighten people away. Watch the market cap and look for flatlining. I could be wrong about it making to to 1Billion but I think it's possible with a major exchange release.

>> No.22078560

waow, RANDOM, you say? effectively making it so bots are by far the first to know about a rebase before your common cryptosped finds out? bots run mostly by whales? what a totally genius idea that has no faults

>> No.22079292

When is the next scheduled wallet unlock?

>> No.22079396

End of the month

>> No.22079846

Nananananana it has happened in the past hours and they might dump it soon when price action is more stable

>> No.22079877

but how does it work? if you get more ample in the sushi liquidity pool, don't you need to put in more eth as collateral? but it doesn't ask for more collateral so how do you know for sure your ample is still getting rebase in the pool?

>> No.22079914

I dare to say: you are wrong fucking fudding cunt.

>> No.22080140
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>Be me
>Got into crypto 1st Aug
>Went all in Ampl as I was drawn to it
>DCA'ing the course of Aug
>One month of negative rebases chipping away at my bag
>2 days of positive rebases and I have already doubled original investment,

I will be diversifying once this bull run is over, feels like a good start on the road to making it.

>> No.22080141

For vc to dump on you. Get coil is same but not run by vcs and will be the first miver into private defi. Book it

>> No.22080200

I am NOT entering this shitcoin again. These nigger devs will dump on you at the worst time.

>> No.22080261
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Also bros what should I diversify into? Thinking definitely BZRX for starters as Ampleforth and BZRX have something planned for the future with regard to their elastic lending venture together.