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22065924 No.22065924 [Reply] [Original]

If you had 5k, where would it go, 100% in one or split among the 3

>> No.22066008

all in link uwu

>> No.22066028

I'd put it in a low-cap rather than those bloated pieces of garbage so I could actually make gains.

>> No.22066033

50/25/25% LINK/BTC/ETH
The Crypto Trinity

>> No.22066151

BTC is primed for lift off.

>> No.22066180

70% link
20% btc
10% eth

>> No.22066187

Thank you, it looks like this is a good price to get LINK at, what about BTC and ETH should I expect those to drop more before buying? Would $1000 or $2500 of Bitcoin be worth it?

>> No.22066221

$500 in BTC would not be too small of an amount?

>> No.22066265

Too small

>> No.22066340

What would be the smallest amount recommended for BTC?

>> No.22066819
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pls respond

>> No.22067328

It looks like this could be a good time to grab BTC, would $2k-$2.5k be a solid amount for BTC?

>> No.22067349
File: 278 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20200901-080357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50/50 ETH/LINK
Btc is dead, ignore the btc maximalists, it's a store of value and nothing more
Do the math - you have $500USD of BTC...btc moons to ath - how much you got now?
Do the same with Eth and link and you have your answer
Anything sub 1btc is pointless
50/50 LINK/ETH
Then DCA your wagiebux to get to 1btc in however long that takes you

>> No.22067367

XRP you fucking idiot

>> No.22067392

Thank you, what about ETH/what is a good price to buy in at given current price? I would have bought at $380 recently if I could have, unfortunately that is gone and I think $410 may be the new low/good buy in; does that seem about right?

>> No.22067435
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>> No.22067500
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Yep been holding that 10k bag after I cashed out the other 990,000 for tasty gains
What's your point?
Or are you too new to remember that xrp made us a lot of money back when it mooned

>> No.22067543

100% Linked

>> No.22067599

Seriously, spread it out among several low caps.
Pic related are my picks.

>> No.22067715

I may already had a few low caps and am interested in ~more stable~ options if that makes sense? Thank you

>> No.22068377

100% LINK easy

But like other anons said a low cap gem might be better, then put the profits in LINK. of course this likely won't work out for you though. Safest bet is LINK. Disregard the salty no-linkers telling you it's too late, it's merely cope.

>> No.22068474
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tricky question.
there is no _right_ time -
you fomo if it moons
you neck if it dips
desu i don't see ETH going higher than 5-600 this run, murmors of scalability (geex.io or whatever the fuck they are) trying to make ETH scale better etc
then you have ETH 3.0 which has been "around the corner" for the last 5000 fucking years.
There comes a point with crypto where you need to capitulate, say to yourself you've looked into it as much as you feel comfortable with - then throw your cash in.
it's the name of the game and if you're not going to go turbo autist watching the dailys then you stand to lose money.
I'll make it easy for you -

If i were you, with $5k (USD im assuming)
2k - ETH
2.5k - LINK
$500 split amongst some shit low mcap coins

look, you're obviously new here and you're lucky an oldfag drinking his morning coffee felt generous.
you need to learn board culture before you're going to develop a filter for what has potential and what doesnt.
a lot of low mcap shitcoins are pajeet pumpndumps
some are actually good projects that you luck in on early.
it comes down to this;
>see a thread on biz about coin that claims to make you a millionaire
>read the thread
>burn your computer
im not gonna lie, i made a little money off of low mcap coins but ill be damned if i didnt also lose a lot of money too.
Crypto is a dirty game and you WILL lose money before you make anything (and even if you do - you probably haven't figured out how you'd cash it out (or why you would anyway).
i CANNOT stress this enough


>> No.22068640

Appreciated friends, thank you

>> No.22068740

these are both me btw
send me ur link address ill get u started

>> No.22068777
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i meant these

>> No.22068869

Thank you greatly, I only have a few STA in there currently and will grab $2k ETH $2.5k LINK, I really appreciate you taking this time to help me

>> No.22069016
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live long and prosper
cya at the yacht party
>also keep DCA'ing your wagiebux into link/eth
>start to live frugally (no eating out, no fucking fast food, cook your own meals etc)
>after your rent/bills etc - whatever money left in your account at the end of the week, purchase that amount in LINK/ETH

>> No.22069025

100% eth lol

>> No.22069276
File: 236 KB, 2000x1248, Enjoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is easily the best advice you'll get from someone on this board.
I'd personally keep some more in BTC than this anon. But, the point is - be wary of the quick gain. They are few and far between. And it isn't enough to be in - you also have to know when to get out.
Also, buy Link. Good luck

>> No.22069472
File: 82 KB, 1400x900, 1586511194299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren
I still hold onto what's left of my boomer coins

>> No.22069835
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Bless you friend, I will not forget this and promise I will be there with you!

Thank you, I have saved this page/not bookmarked just in case I forget anything here, thank you again for the honesty in such a time where it's all but absent!

>> No.22070015

All in nyzo faggit its the linux of crypto

>> No.22070159

Thank you, I am feeling pretty confident in the above recommendations and will pursue those; I've got a lot more lurking to do

It may sound dumb but is there any sort of virtual crypto market tool you can use to simulate buying low market cap coins at a price and watch how they do over time, I imagine that could show me where my quality barometer is without taking any financial risk. I haven't used Blockfolio before but am thinking that may be able to do this while I dca into ETH/LINK until I feel more versed.

>> No.22070375

If you know python coin gecko has a free api i havebt used it because i just gamble but now that you said that probaby a good idea lol

>> No.22070594

crypto compare lets you paper trade

>> No.22070638

Interesting thank you; I do not know python but I imagine it cannot be too hard to find guides for this
Alternatively I am sure I could simply write down amount purchased/purchase price/purchase date and compare that to when I check the low market cap coins I am interested in, but if this is already a tool that exists that could be more convenient

>> No.22070695

Thank you, I think this is what I was looking for verbatim

>> No.22070704

Link what the fuck do you think.

>> No.22071107

Will be doing LINK and ETH, watching the candles to determine buy time

>> No.22071258

split, of course

33% BTC 33% ETH 33% SXP

no scamcoins like link thank you though

>> No.22071927
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BTC is trash and worthless.
You had 3 years for LINK.
ETH is a straight gamble with new coins trying to dethrone it every day, it won't be long until at least one of them succeeds.

DYOR on alts if you want any serious gain and don't let the "market cap too high" dissuade you from a project if it looks promising (this was common FUD for LINK).
Lurk portfolio threads and take note of what whales are investing in, just remember how important it is to still DYOR since people can easily enter whatever numbers they want on Blockfolio to make it look like they have tens of thousands in one shitcoin.

At the end of the day this is a holding game - as web 3.0 starts rolling out and crypto's overall market cap increases, every single coin that isn't a straight scam or has competition that's too strong will skyrocket. Remember this and never fucking sell until cashing out means you never have to work again.

>> No.22072046
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Its been 3 years anon, I just got into crypto I had 3 years what do i do ?
T. 5.5 ETH since this march

>> No.22072058

>which one 2 stable coins or link?

100% link

>> No.22072137

Bought my LINK in this dip, thank you friends. Will get my ETH in a few days/hopefully there will be a nice drop between then and now.

>> No.22072448
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DO i just keep buying 50/50 LINK/ETH ?
Please guys seriously im a fren

>> No.22072703

100% link. No reason to think btc or eth will outpace link this bull cycle. You can sell near the end of the cycle and then diversify if you want

>> No.22072765

When do we anticipate the end of the bull cycle to be, December/January/or February? Or rather how can we know that is coming up, I imagine if it were so easy to tell then this would have no risk, but what indicators can tell you the end of the run is near?

>> No.22072775

70% eth, 30% btc

>> No.22072782

i am unironically all in on link

>> No.22072844
File: 132 KB, 1100x690, LamboLand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok fellas, this thread has got my attention.. I sat around with my dick in my hand last summer when all the stinky linkies were at $3 and missed out. What are we looking at here, $2000, $5000..? What potential does link have any time soon or within the next year? Would $100 to start through Coinbase be alright?

>> No.22072897

How about 10 to start at $157.80?